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Lähteet Liitteet: Liite 1. Kartat (2 s.) Liite 2. Valokuvat (4 s.) Liite 3. Kaavakuvat ja kaivauskartat (3 s.) Liite 4. Taulukot 3. ja 4. (6 s.) Kannen kuva: Gamajohka P 3, purnu 7 ja kaivauksenjohtaja Taarna Valtonen. (Kuva: Mikael A.... more
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      Anthropology of SaamiSámi ArchaeologySámi HistorySaami prehistory
When investigating the Elwha and Alta Dams, I have found the similarities to be a bit overwhelming. Not only are there environmental issues that have, and are being faced; there is also the respect factor of the indigenous people that... more
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      Indigenous StudiesAnthropology of SaamiIndigenous Peoples RightsIndigenous Peoples
The offering places of the Sámi people have a long tradition of use. Written sources and archaeological finds give a picture of offerings from the late Iron Age to the beginning of the 20th century. But even today these places are... more
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      Archaeology of ReligionContemporary ArchaeologyAnthropology of SaamiArchaeology of Ritual and Magic
Tutkimukseni käsittelee porosaamelaisten Guhtur Maggan ja Gáddjá Nikodemuksen muuttoa Enontekiöltä Pohjois-Sodankylän kautta Inariin 1800-luvun jälkipuoliskolla. Yleisen taustan tapahtumille muodostaa lähes 200 vuotta kestänyt... more
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      Anthropology of SaamiFinnish HistorySaami HistorySaami
Popular scientific paper presenting a tale about the Saami sacrificial site of Unna Sájvva (Lillsaivis) in Jiellevárre (Gällivare) municipality, Sweden, noted down in the Lule Saami Forest dialect in 1912. Two shorter texts, noted down at... more
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      PhilologyMythology And FolkloreAnthropologyFolklore
This paper was written as documentation for the SCA (Society For Creative Anachronism), Kingdom of An Tir Bardic Championships 2015.
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      Anthropology of SaamiSaami LiteratureSaami HistorySaami religion
This study contends through a formal analysis of extant rules and material gaming pieces that the medieval board game hnefa-tafl served as an important example of cultural and historical record for the Icelandic Commonwealth. Due to the... more
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesMaterial Culture StudiesOld Norse LiteratureWelsh History
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      Indigenous StudiesOral historyHistory of the USSRAnthropology of Saami
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    • Anthropology of Saami
An anthropological study on the Norwegian Saami by Halfdan Bryn. Interesting for its historical significance in the fields of physical anthropology and ethnography. Numerous photographic plates depict Saami people with certain cultural,... more
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      Physical AnthropologyAnthropology of SaamiSaami History
The Sámi are an indigenous Northern European people whose homeland, Sápmi, extends across the territories of four states: Finland, Norway, Russia and Sweden. For the Sámi of the Nordic countries, a long period of cultural repression gave... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesEthnographyIndigenous Languages
This paper describes the loss of a relative age distinction in the terms for maternal aunts and paternal uncles in several varieties of North Saami, Lule Saami and South Saami (Saamic, Uralic) spoken in Sweden and Norway. I conclude that... more
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      Anthropological LinguisticsDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsLinguistic Anthropology
Popular scientific text presenting four short stories about contagious diseases, noted down in Swedish in the Lule Saami forest area by clergyman Otto Lindgren (1884–1952) in the early 1900s. Full reference: Kejonen, Olle. 2021. ”Tauta... more
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      PhilologyMythology And FolkloreAnthropologyFolklore
Durante o ano de 1671 foi solicitado a Johannes Schefferus, professor da Universidade de Uppsala, que elaborasse um tratado acerca dos povos sámi, indígenas que habitavam o território pertencente à Coroa Sueca. Baseando-se sobretudo em... more
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      ShamanismAnthropology of SaamiSámi StudiesMitologia
Д.А. Золотарёв (1885–1935) – российский этнограф, антрополог, один из лидеров отечественной науки. Активный член Русского географического общества, профессор и популяризатор науки, член академических комиссий, руководитель... more
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      Museum StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyAnthropometryPhysical Anthropology
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      EthnographySocial and Cultural AnthropologyAnthropology of SaamiCultural Anthropology
Tullâčalmaaš kirdâččij ‟The One Who Flew with the Fire-eyes‟ – Aanaar Sámi Music Culture as Interaction of the Local Tradition and Neighboring Cultures in the Beginning of the 20th Century The district of Aanaar (Finnish: Inari)... more
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      Music HistoryMusicologyAnthropology of SaamiSaami languages
In Northern Finland, by the rock painting of Värikallio (ca. 3000–500 BC), several echoes can be heard. The most remarkable of these appear to be originating from the painted rock itself. The article presents the first results of the... more
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)Anthropology of SaamiRock ArtArchaeoacoustics
In this paper, animal offerings at Sámi sacrificial sites, sieidi (SaaN), will be discussed from an archaeological and a zooarchaeological point of view. Offerings are seen as a part of daily subsistence activities where the border... more
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      Archaeology of ReligionAnthropology of Saami
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      Indigenous StudiesGenomicsPastoralism (Social Anthropology)Anthropology of Saami
Geyer, E. (1932). Die anthropologischen Ergebnisse der mit Unterstützung der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien veranstalteten Lappland-Expedition 1913 bis 1914. Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien, Vienna. LXII Band.... more
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      Physical AnthropologyAnthropology of SaamiSaami HistorySwedish Lapland
When new discourses appear, they can cause a certain pressure to search for new meaning of past actions and therefore even change recollection. During a period of discursive transition, these processes of memory evolution can cause... more
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      Discourse AnalysisRussian StudiesAnthropologyIndigenous Studies
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      EthnographyLegal AnthropologyLanguage and PowerAnthropology of Saami
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      JurisprudenceNordic StudiesLegal PluralismAnthropology of Saami
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      PhilologyAnthropological LinguisticsHumanitiesLanguages and Linguistics
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      ArchaeologyArchaeology of ReligionAnthropology of SaamiNorwegian
The paper focuses on indigenous peoples, their rights and customary laws in the North in context of the Sami people situation in the Nordic countries and Russia. It is to analyse and conceptualise some important issues concerning Sami... more
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      Russian StudiesJurisprudenceIndigenous StudiesNordic Studies
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreAnthropology of SaamiSaami Mythology
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      Anthropology of SaamiSámi StudiesSaami Indigenous Culture
This and another seminar-workshop provided the basis for a book, which has now appeared: Fibula, Fabula, Fact – The Viking Age in Finland, ed. Joonas Ahola & Frog with Clive Tolley (Studia Fennica Historica 18), Helsinki: Finnish... more
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      ReligionArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyHistorical Anthropology
In autumn 2012, samples were taken from three sieidi stones in order to test blood residue analysis as a method for identifying marks of Sámi sacrifi cial practices. Prior to the fi eldwork, test samples were taken from stones that the... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyMass SpectrometryArchaeology of Religion
In our globalised world, human experience seems to be getting more homogeneous every day. The globalising forces are pushing towards convergence in language, culture, values,
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      Discourse AnalysisCultural StudiesAnthropologyTourism Studies
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      Anthropology of SaamiHuman-Dog RelationsDogsCompanion Animals
Tämän artikkelin ensimmäinen kirjoittaja on taannoin puhunut Kirstin kanssa väitöskirjaansa liittyen kivistä, jotka paikalliset asukkaat yhdistävät seitaperinteeseen. Seidat ovat osa saamelaisten etnisen uskon 1 uhrausperinnettä, mutta... more
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      Archaeology of ReligionAnthropology of Saami
Определяется характер межкультурного взаимодействия двух основных этнических групп населения с. Ловозеро – саамов и коми. Выявляются основные факторы, влияющие на производство и воспроизводство этничности на локальном уровне. Показано,... more
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      Anthropology of SaamiEthnicity and National Identity
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      Anthropology of SaamiSámi Studies
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      Indigenous StudiesIdentity (Culture)Anthropology of SaamiSámi Studies
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      Constitutional LawIndigenous StudiesIndigenous PoliticsPolitics
This article concentrates on the performative nature of rituals at Sámi sacred sites called sieidi in northern Finland. These sites are usually natural objects, such as stones, unshaped by humans. Offerings, such as reindeer antlers,... more
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      ArchaeologyPerformance StudiesAnthropology of SaamiArchaeological Theory
"In Northern Finland, by the rock painting of Värikallio (ca. 3000–500 BC), several echoes can be heard. The most remarkable of these appear to be originating from the painted rock itself. The article presents the first results of... more
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      ArchaeologyArtRock Art (Archaeology)Anthropology of Saami
This chapter deals with digital visual methods in field research on indigenous Arctic societies. It discusses specifically how digital humanities can contribute to the work done by linguists and social scientists in ways to make their... more
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      Humanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Visual AnthropologyArctic Social ScienceSocial and Cultural Anthropology
Debate article published in Dagens Nyheter on 11 June 2015 Translated from Swedish. Link to article is here: Link to Umeå university and some about the... more
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      Indigenous StudiesAnthropology of SaamiIndigenous Peoples RightsIndigenous Peoples
Published in: Laulu inhimillisen kommunikaation muotona. Song as a Form of Human Communication. Proceedings from the Runosong Academy Seminar, 23-25 March 2012. 17, 39-67.
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      EthnomusicologyAnthropology of SaamiSaami HistorySaami languages
A brief overwiev to different Saami Musical Cultures.
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      Anthropology of SaamiSaamiSaami languagesSaami Culture and Literature
This paper presents an interpretation of the two-player take over game, in the English-speaking world often referred to as "Cat's Cradle". The game was recorded around 1970 by French ethnologist Yves Delaporte among the Saami of the... more
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      Anthropology of SaamiString FiguresIndigenous String FiguresSaami Culture and Literature
Statens hantering av forskningsresultat i rättsprocessen med Girjas sameby utgör ett hot mot Sverige som rättsstat och kunskapsnation. Åratal av svensk och internationell forskning underkänns och man använder ett språkbruk som skulle... more
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      Anthropology of SaamiIndigenous Peoples RightsSaami Land RightsSámi Studies
In autumn 2012, samples were taken from three sieidi stones in order to test blood residue analysis as a method for identifying marks of Sámi sacrifi cial practices. Prior to the fi eldwork, test samples were taken from stones that the... more
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      Archaeology of ReligionAnthropology of SaamiTheories and Methods in Archaeology
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      Physical AnthropologyAnthropology of SaamiUralic LinguisticsFinland
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      Population GeneticsAnthropology of SaamiCraniometryCranial Nonmetric Traits
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      Archaeology of ReligionAnthropology of Saami