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When exploring the history of Sri Lanka, according to scholars, Gampola has been the administration centre of the country for about seven decades. After the era of Polonnaruwa kingdom (1070 -1232 AD), various invasionsresulted in... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryHistory of SculptureSculpture
Sacred groves are typical conservational method followed by traditional people in their spiritual rituals, and it has a role in conservation of biodiversity. I believe that it is a relevant topic, so I conducted a study on sacred grove of... more
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    • Plant Ecology
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Em décadas recentes, um novo tema vem adquirindo visibilidade crescente nas discussões internacionais sobre estratégias de proteção da natureza – os sítios naturais sagrados. Entretanto, o conhecimento sobre esse tema, na maior parte dos... more
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      Political ScienceEnvironmental EthicsNational ParksProtected areas
Sítios Naturais Sagrados, conhecimentos xamânicos Kahuna, mitologias ancestrais, um parque nacional e uma maldição da Deusa do vulcão. Uma crônica sobre as aventuras, venturas e desventuras do trabalho de pesquisa e os aprendizados que... more
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      Cultural ValuesSacred Natural SitesNature and Culture
Conflict and violence in narratives about sacred natural sites This article discusses the role and function of violent motifs and folktales found in the place-lore of Estonian sacred natural sites, such as holy groves, and sacred stones... more
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      FolkloreViolenceEcosemioticsSacred Natural Sites
This article explores the concept of River Rights as a legal framework for protecting and preserving rivers globally. It examines the historical development of River Rights, international conventions, treaties, and domestic laws related... more
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      Environmental EducationEnvironmental LawRiversRiver Ecology
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      Sacred Natural SitesCarreterasDiario de CampoHuichol (wixaritari)
is a scientist and facilitator with EarthCollective, project coordinator with Comparing and Supporting Endogenous Development (COMPAS) and serves as Co-chair with the International Union for Conservation of Nature's (IUCN) Specialist... more
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      ReligionGeographyIndigenous StudiesSocial Policy
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    • Patrimonio Cultural
Sacred natural sites retained their relevance in Estonian culture during and after the shift from mainly oral to mainly literary culture. However, the framework for conceptualising sacred natural sites has changed. Premodern sites have... more
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      NationalismCollective MemoryEstoniaSacred Natural Sites
Communities have dependencies on natural resources since ages in the form of various ecosystem services like food, fodder, fuelwood, fresh air, water, medicinal plants and herbs etc. It has been seen that most of the forest areas were... more
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      Natural ResourcesCommunity Based Natural Resources ManagementEnvironment and natural resources conservationNatural Resource Management
Communities have dependencies on natural resources since ages in the form of various ecosystem services like food, fodder, fuelwood, fresh air, water, medicinal plants and herbs etc. It has been seen that most of the forest areas were... more
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This article discusses the potential implications of granting rivers legal personhood, highlighting its feasibility within Sri Lanka's legal system. By drawing comparisons with international practices, it aims to illustrate how such... more
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    • Enviromental Law
Če prafaraziram Brechta:  kaj je vandaliziranje arheološkega najdišča s par kilogrami škroba v primerjavi s business as usual, ki v ozračje spusti 35 gigaton CO2 na leto?
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      ArchaeologyClimate ChangeCultural HeritageCultural Heritage Management
Sacred groves are typical conservational method followed by traditional people in their spiritual rituals, and it has a role in conservation of biodiversity. I believe that it is a relevant topic, so I conducted a study on sacred grove of... more
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      MicrobiologyBiotechnologyEcologyPharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
This paper reports the results of an archaeological survey and test excavation conducted in one of the ancient megalithic stele sites in south Ethiopia, Sakaro Sodo. The Sakaro Sodo stele site is situated in Gedeo zone, which is known to... more
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      ArchaeologyCalligraphyAfrican ArchaeologyChronology
In spite of its importance in nationwide conservation planning, comprehensive information on geographic distribution of threatened plants in India is lacking. Even the threat status of these plants is ambiguous and the country's effort to... more
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      GeographyMultidisciplinaryCurrent ScienceThreatened Species
This paper, written in Estonian, discusses the need and perspectives for integrating natural and human history within a new constellation of academic knowledge.
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      Natural HistoryTheory of HistoryHistorical TheoryAnthropocentrism
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BioOne Complete ( is a full-text database of 200 subscribed and open-access titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences published by nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and... more
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      ReligionGeographyIndigenous StudiesSocial Policy
BioOne Complete ( is a full-text database of 200 subscribed and open-access titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences published by nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and... more
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      ReligionGeographyIndigenous StudiesSocial Policy
Kas 19. sajandi lõpu kohalike rahvaluulekorrespondentide kirjapanekud kuuluvad suulisse või kirjalikku maailma? Ühelt poolt kätkevad nad endas suulise kultuuri teadmisi ja tõekspidamisi, ideaalis ka lauserütmi ja keelekõla. Teisalt jälle... more
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Kas 19. sajandi lõpu kohalike rahvaluulekorrespondentide kirjapanekud kuuluvad suulisse või kirjalikku maailma? Ühelt poolt kätkevad nad endas suulise kultuuri teadmisi ja tõekspidamisi, ideaalis ka lauserütmi ja keelekõla. Teisalt jälle... more
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The modernization of economic activities in mountain areas is conditioned by the physical characteristics of the territory, the weight of activities related to the primary sector, infrastructure deficits, low population density, as well... more
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Dağlık sahalar topoğrafya, iklim özellikleri, bitki örtüsü ve hidroğrafya gibi birçok açıdan farklı ve karmaşık olan dağ ekosistemini oluşturur. Amanos Dağları'nın bir uzantısı olan Başkonuş Dağı hem doğal koşulları hem de barındırdığı... more
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      GeographyEndemismİstanbul University
En este trabajo se abordan los resultados obtenidos a partir del inventario del patrimonio etnográfico y biológico asociado a la Ruta Huichol por los Sitios Sagrados a Huiricuta, México (Tatehuarí Huajuyé), los cuales sirvieron de... more
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      GeographyHumanitiesHeritage ConservationPilgrimage Routes
Recebido para publicação em dezembro de 2010. Aprovado para publicação em junho de 2011. Resumo Este trabalho trata da implementação das políticas de registro e salvaguarda para patrimônio imaterial no Iphan a partir de dois bens... more
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      CartographyHumanitiesArtHistória Da Educação
O presente artigo tem como objetivo demonstrar o etnoconhecimento ecológico da etnia Ingarikó sobre o geoambiente. Os Ingarikó estão localizados na porção nordeste de Roraima, no município de Uiramutã. Vivem na região circunvizinha ao... more
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      GeographyChinaIUCN Red List
The relationships between nature and culture, and between biodiversity and heritage, have been the subject of research and debates over recent decades (e.g. Agnoletti, 2006). Going beyond pure research there have been extensive... more
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      Cultural HeritagePolitical ScienceEnvironmental EthicsBiodiversity
Sacred groves, also known as sacred forests, are revered natural areas that hold deep spiritual and cultural significance for indigenous communities around the world. These enclaves of biodiversity have played a crucial role in conserving... more
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      Cultural HeritageIndigenous KnowledgeTraditional Healing Practices (anthropology)Biodiversity Conservation
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Sacred groves of Rajasthan 'Oran' refers to the Sacred Groves in western Rajasthan. For indigenous and agropastoral communities in Rajasthan, what can be described as "community conserved areas" are called "orans"... more
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      Conservation BiologyEnvironmental StudiesEcology
India has a rich tradition in conserving non-forest patches known as sacred groves, through cultural and religious beliefs. Sacred groves not only preserve the indigenous biodiversity, it also mitigates the effects of climate change. This... more
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Many have asserted that Sacred Natural Sites (SNS) play an important role in nature protection but few have assessed their conservation effectiveness for different taxa. We studied sacred groves in Epirus, NW Greece, where a large number... more
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      GeographyEcologyBiodiversityBiological Sciences
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Falcão et al. / Aptidão e uso agrícola na área Ingarikó-Terra Indígena Raposa Serra do Sol-Roraima quadro atual do uso da terra. A área de estudo se localiza no munícipio do Uiramutã, na etnorregião denominada "serras". A metodologia... more
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    • Geography
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Many have asserted that Sacred Natural Sites (SNS) play an important role in nature protection but few have assessed their conservation effectiveness for different taxa. We studied sacred groves in Epirus, NW Greece, where a large number... more
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      GeographyEcologyBiodiversityBiological Sciences
The Sherpa people maintain and respect numerous sacred natural sites within the boundaries of Sagarmatha National Park in the Khumbu region of Nepal. Traditional religious beliefs and practices maintain the quality of water springs and... more
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      Spiritual EcologyReligion and EcologyCommunity Based Natural Resources ManagementAnthropology of Tibet and the Himalayas
Уже второй год продолжается трудный и сложный процесс перестройки общественно-политического строя и экономической системы. То, что экономика является узловой точкой успеха преоб разований в Польше, а ее проблемы самыми важными компо... more
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In this study we present an account of alien species in the Gadag District in India with additional information on habit, origin, longevity, habitat and uses. During this study, a total of 141 alien species belonging to 112 genera in 40... more
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O texto apresenta reflexão sobre patrimônio imaterial, no âmbito do trabalho desenvolvido para o Iphan, relativo ao Inventário Nacional de Referências Culturais. Busca analisar os limites da metodologia adotada por essa instituição para... more
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      SociologySpiritualityPublic Administration and PolicySustainability
V alentinas B altrū n as (sudarytojas) dr. Rasa A n d riu lytė-Ž a k ien ė, dr. B ronislavas K a rm a za , L in as K vizikevičiu s, dr. T om as Ostrauskas, dr. R im a n ta s Petrošius, V ioleta Pukelytė, dr. M ig lė S tan cikaitė, doc.... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreSacred Landscape (Archaeology)Sacred Natural SitesPre-Christian Baltic Religion
m. buvo užėmę Žemaitiją) ir besibaigiąs karas su Rusija. Tad lobio paslėpimas neturėtų būti tiesiogiai siejamas su karo veiksmais. Greičiau tai bus po kario laikotarpiu sustiprėjusio plėšikavimo pasekmė, pavyzdžiui, gal buvo užpultas... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreSacred Landscape (Archaeology)Sacred Natural SitesPre-Christian Baltic Religion
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      Mythology And FolkloreSacred Landscape (Archaeology)Sacred Natural Sites
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      Mythology And FolkloreBelarusian StudiesSacred Landscape (Archaeology)Sacred Natural Sites
Leidinyje panaudotos iliustracijos iš Kaišiadorių muziejaus, Kultūros paveldo centro, Lietuvos centrinio valstybės archyvo, Lietuvos mokslų akademijos bibliotekos, Lietuvos istorijos instituto, Lietuvos nacionalinio muziejaus, Lietuvos... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreSacred Landscape (Archaeology)Sacred Natural SitesPre-Christian Baltic Religion
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      Mythology And FolkloreSacred Landscape (Archaeology)Sacred Natural SitesPre-Christian Baltic Religion