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Książka ta ma na celu przybliżyć współczesne stosunki rosyjsko-chińskie od roku 1991 do listopada 2014 roku. Pokazać, w jaki sposób rosyjski „niedźwiedź” znalazł się w cieniu chińskiego „smoka”. W ciągu dwudziestu trzech lat Pekin był w... more
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      Russian StudiesPolitical ScienceRussian PoliticsRussian Foreign Policy
On April 2, Russia adopted the “Energy Strategy 2035” (ES-2035) planning document.
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      Energy SecurityRussian Energy PolicyArctic and Antarctic politics, science policy, geopolitics of the polar regions, international relationsRussian Foreign Energy Policy
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      Energy historySoviet Union (History)EU-Russia relationsRussian Energy Policy
Political and economic changes are have a crucial role for the East Black Sea riparian countries and the Caucasus states. Although it continues with bumpy voltages; social change and cultural interaction have been going on in this... more
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      Russian StudiesEnergy EconomicsForeign Policy AnalysisInternational Studies
O presente trabalho tem como objeto de estudo as políticas e mecanismos adotados no mandato do presidente russo Vladimir Putin (2000 – 2008), e sua “diarquia” com Dmitry Medvedev (2008 – 2012) com a finalidade de realocação das receitas... more
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      Russian StudiesGeopoliticsGeopolitical EconomyRussian Politics
DESPITE BORDERS, 2009, roč. 6, číslo 1
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      Russian StudiesRussian Foreign PolicyPolitics of UkraineForeign Policy of Ukraine
Russland zeigt nach Syrien nun auch in Libyen Präsenz. Das Vorgehen ist jedoch sehr verschieden. Die militärische Unterstützung für den ostlibyschen Machthaber Chalifa Haftar fällt deutlich schwächer aus als die für Assad in Syrien. Auch... more
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      Middle East & North AfricaRussian PoliticsRussian Foreign PolicyMiddle Eastern Studies
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      Energy PolicyEnergy SecurityEnergy PoliticsGazprom
Apres des decennies d’indifference substantielle, la Russie et le monde entier sont en train de redecouvrir l’importance de la Russie orientale et, en particulier, de ses territoires les plus eloignes des centres du pouvoir classiques de... more
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      GeopoliticsPolitical ScienceRegional developmentRussian-Japanese Relations
Questo articolo presenta un case study sulle politiche del governo russo nell’utilizzo dei Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWF). La prima parte del paper descrive come i SWF si siano evoluti nel tempo da assetti di un’economia di rendita a... more
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      FinanceGeopoliticsRussian PoliticsRussian Foreign Policy
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      Energy SecurityGeopolitics of EnergyGeopolitics of natural gasRussian Foreign Energy Policy
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      Russian Foreign PolicyRussian HistoryForms of addressRussian diplomacy
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      Climate ChangeClimatologyEnvironmental SustainabilityRussia
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      Energy PolicyRussian Foreign PolicyEnergy SecurityMiddle Eastern Studies
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      Natural ResourcesInternational LawBaltic StudiesBaltic Sea Region Studies
Climate changes have transformed the Arctic region, rich in natural resources and minerals, into a magnet for different actors, and as a result, into an arena for their struggles. The most prominent state in this context is Russia, which... more
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      Cultural StudiesRussian StudiesMilitary ScienceStrategy (Military Science)
This study carried out a comprehensive analysis of the development of gas hubs in the world and analyzed prospects for creating gas hubs in the regions of Russia. The authors provide a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the... more
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      LNGNatural GasRussian Energy PolicyGas Exchange
This study carried out a comprehensive analysis of the development of gas hubs in the world and analyzed prospects for creating gas hubs in the regions of Russia. The authors provide a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the... more
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      LNGNatural GasRussian Energy PolicyGas Exchange
The article comparatively investigates the foreign energy policy of Russia in terms of its strengthening diplomatic position on mutual energy dependence with the EU between years of 2000-2010. The research, hereby, emphasizes the key... more
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      EU-Russia relationsRussian Energy PolicyEU-Russia energy relationsRussian Energy Politics
After his accession to the throne in 1645, Tsar Aleksei Mikhailovich adopted a new title. He started self-styling not in the manner of his immediate predecessors on the throne, but rather in that of Ivan IV, the first crowned Russian... more
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      Political ScienceRussian Foreign PolicyDiplomacyRussian History
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      EnergyRussian Foreign PolicyEU-Russia relationsUS-Russian relations
This article is part of the State Country Report 2017. During 2016–2017, the energy sector underwent a number of attempts to increase transparency in electricity procure- ment, to negotiate energy supply contracts, and to appoint the key... more
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      EnergyEuropean Energy PolicyEnergy SecurityEnergy efficiency
Après des décennies d'indifférence substantielle, la Russie et le monde entier sont en train de redécouvrir l'importance de la Russie orientale et, en particulier, de ses territoires les plus éloignés des centres du pouvoir classiques de... more
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      GeopoliticsRegional developmentRussian-Japanese RelationsRussian Far East