Conference Papers & Presentations by Arzu Yorkan
Presentation held at 3rd International GTGC Conference on "Emerging Trends in Global Governance" ... more Presentation held at 3rd International GTGC Conference on "Emerging Trends in Global Governance" at Leiden University, the Hague, the Netherlands, 5-7 June 2024
Paper presented at 2nd International Marine and Maritime Security Forum 2020, organized by Turkis... more Paper presented at 2nd International Marine and Maritime Security Forum 2020, organized by Turkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies/TASAM, Istanbul, 5-6 November 2020 (online participation).
Paper presented at "Governing Climate Change: Polycentricity in Action?" Second International Spr... more Paper presented at "Governing Climate Change: Polycentricity in Action?" Second International Spring School organized by INOGOV (Innovations in Climate Governance) in Open University, Heerlen, the Netherlands, 5-8 March.
Poster presented at "European Energy System Transformation and Climate Policy – Heterogeneous Per... more Poster presented at "European Energy System Transformation and Climate Policy – Heterogeneous Perspectives Ranging from Global via European to Local”, an International Spring School co-organized by Technical University of Bergakademie Freiberg and Julich Research Center, Freiberg, Germany, 19-22 March.
Presentation held at "Energy Politics in the South Caucasus: Experiences, Visions and Challenges"... more Presentation held at "Energy Politics in the South Caucasus: Experiences, Visions and Challenges", a Regional Energy Conference organized by Heinrich Böll Stiftung South Caucasus, Tbilisi/Georgia, 15 November.
Paper presented at “Energy Transitions around the World“, an International Workshop co-organized ... more Paper presented at “Energy Transitions around the World“, an International Workshop co-organized by Helmholtz Alliance Energy –Trans and Environmental Policy Research Center (FFU) of Free University of Berlin, Berlin, 4-5 March 2015
Presentation held at “On the Way to COP21 in Paris: Climate Protection Policy, Carbon Markets and... more Presentation held at “On the Way to COP21 in Paris: Climate Protection Policy, Carbon Markets and Sustainability Agenda”, 20th REFORM Group Meeting, an International Conference co-organized by Berlin Center for Caspian Region Studies and Environmental Policy Research Center (FFU) of Free University of Berlin; Berlin Energy Consultants, and ENTRIA with support of German Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety. August 31–September 4, 2015, Salzburg/Austria.
Paper presented at “Managing the Transition to Renewable Energy – towards a New Energy Paradigm”,... more Paper presented at “Managing the Transition to Renewable Energy – towards a New Energy Paradigm”, an International Workshop co-organized by the Oikos Young Scholars Energy Academy 2015, Tel Aviv University, University of St.Gallen and Free University of Berlin, Tel Aviv, Israel, 7-11 June 2015
Paper presented at “Sustainable Environmental Politics and Economy” an International PhD Conferen... more Paper presented at “Sustainable Environmental Politics and Economy” an International PhD Conference co-organized by the Environmental Policy Research Center (FFU)/Free University of Berlin and the Hochschultage Ökosoziale Marktwirtschaft und Nachhaltigkeit, Berlin, Germany, 3-4 July 2015.
Paper presented at “Kurdistan’s Oil and Gas: Curse or Blessing?” 1st International Oil & Gas Symp... more Paper presented at “Kurdistan’s Oil and Gas: Curse or Blessing?” 1st International Oil & Gas Symposium organized by Soran University, Soran/Erbil, Northern Iraq, 21-22 April 2014
Articles/Chapters/Books by Arzu Yorkan
Ege Jeopolitiği - Cilt II, 2020
This chapter seeks to explain to what extent the politics, pursued by Turkey and Cyprus throughou... more This chapter seeks to explain to what extent the politics, pursued by Turkey and Cyprus throughout the EU-Turkey accession negotiations on energy, have an impact on the energy collaboration between Turkey and Greece in the Aegean region. And it concludes that the politics pursued by Turkey and the Greek Cypriot Authority have not affected the Turkish-Greek energy cooperation and neither will affect it in the future. Two things are important: the national interests of Turkey and Greece in energy security, wealth and geopolitics; and in particular the effective supervision of the EU in initiating and governing this collaboration who has significant interests in market integration and energy security.
Sürdürülebilir Yaşam ve Enerji Söyleşileri , 2013
As a major consumer in the global energy market, the European Union has serious supply security c... more As a major consumer in the global energy market, the European Union has serious supply security challenges such as high dependence on oil and natural gas; incomplete integrated electricity and gas sectors of Member States, and disintegration with neighbor countries (achieving trans-European energy networks); insecurity and instability in most of its suppliers; and lack of energy dialogue with its producers. As a potential 'energy hub' in its region, how Turkey can contribute to the European Union to overcome those challenges and thus secure its energy supplies. The aim of this study is an attempt to answer this question. Özet: Dünya enerji tüketiminde önemli bir paya sahip olan Avrupa Birliği günümüzde oldukça ciddi enerji arz güvenliği sorunlarıyla karşı karşıyadır. Petrol ve doğalgaza olan yüksek bağımlılığı; trans-Avrupa enerji şebekeleriyle (TEN-E Projesi) iç enerji pazarında tam entegre edilmiş bir piyasa kurmaya çalışması (finansman sıkıntısı, üye devletler arasındaki anlaşmazlıklar gibi sorunlar enerji altyapı projelerini geciktirmektedir); mevcut ve potansiyel tedarikçilerin çoğunun güvenli ve istikrarlı olmayışları; ve Birliğin üretici bölge ve ülkelerle güçlü bir diyalog kuramaması yani enerji dış politikasını yeterince geliştirememiş olması Avrupa Birliği'nin enerji arz güvenliğindeki temel problemleridir. Bu bağlamda, bölgesinde potansiyel bir 'enerji hub'ı (merkezi) olma yolunda ilerleyen Türkiye Avrupa Birliği'nin enerji sorunlarıyla başa çıkmasında diğer bir ifadeyle enerji arzını güvence altına alabilmesinde nasıl bir rol oynamaktadır? Bu çalışmada bu soruya bir cevap bulma amacı taşımaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Avrupa Birliği, enerji arz güvenliği, Türkiye'nin potansiyel rolü.
Yazar bu çalışmasında ilk olarak Avrupa Birliği'nin geçmişten günümüze enerji politikasının tarih... more Yazar bu çalışmasında ilk olarak Avrupa Birliği'nin geçmişten günümüze enerji politikasının tarihsel sürecinden bahsetmiş ve sonrasında ise Birliğin birincil enerji tüketiminde kullandığı kaynakları tek tek ele alarak mevcut üretim, tüketim ve ithalat durumlarını incelemiştir. Üçüncü bölümde Birliğin enerji politikasının temel prensiplerinin neler olduğuna derinlemesine değinen yazar makalesinin son bölümünde de bu hedeflerin reform süreci içinde olan Türk enerji sektörünü nasıl etkilediğini ele almıştır.
Tel: 0 212 217 65 91 Faks: 0 212 217 65 93 e-mail: [email protected] 2 BİLGE... more Tel: 0 212 217 65 91 Faks: 0 212 217 65 93 e-mail: [email protected] 2 BİLGE SÖYLEŞİ -2; NABUCCO PROJESİ Uluslararası ilişkiler, dış politika, iç ve dış güvenlik gibi alanlarda ülkemizin önde gelen uzmanları ile farklı konularda söyleşiler yapmak ve bunları kamuoyunun dikkatine sunmak BİLGESAM'ın amaçlarından birisidir. Bu amaca uygun olarak söyleşiler serisine başlamış bulunuyoruz. "Bilge Söyleşi" adı altında yayınlanacak olan bu söyleşilerin ikincisini yayınlıyoruz. BİLGESAM Enerji Uzmanı Arzu YORKAN ile yapılan bu söyleşi stajyerlerimizden Elif KUTSAL ve Eren OKUR tarafından gerçekleştirildi ve yayına hazırlandı. Yararlı olması dileğiyle dikkatinize sunuyoruz. BİLGE ADAMLAR STRATEJİK ARAŞTIRMALAR MERKEZİ Abide -i Hürriyet Caddesi No: 10 Celil Ağa İş Merkezi Kat: 9 Daire: 36 Mecidiyeköy / İstanbul Tel: 0 212 217 65 91 Faks: 0 212 217 65 93
Conference Papers & Presentations by Arzu Yorkan
Articles/Chapters/Books by Arzu Yorkan
Russia and North Africa as main producers, and the Caspian basin as a transit region are studied by promoting energy dialogue with these countries/regions. The second is economic dimension of energy security that indicates creation of an efficient internal energy market in electricity and gas
sectors at the European Community level by liberalization of these sectors, diversification of energy supply routes and establishment of an effective energy crisis management system. Finally, the last part studies on environmental aspect of energy security by explaining the obligations of the Union under the Kyoto Convention, which entail the Union to increase use of its renewable energies, improve energy efficiencies and savings and develop high energy technologies, and thus import dependecy of the Union on external supplies is reduced.
As a result, the author argues that promoting energy cooperation between the Union and its producers, establishing a truly integrated energy market at the Community level, and diversifying energy supplies and improving energy efficiencies are essential elements to secure energy supplies of the European Union. Thus, she indicates that its security of energy supplies requries civilian measures rather than military ones.
Key words: EU, ESDP, Energy supply security, Energy import dependency, Energy dialogue, Internal energy market, Energy efficiency.