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n the middle of the second century AD, 1 Lucius Apuleius, standing trial before the proconsul of Africa Claudius Maximus on the charge of sorcery, began his defense speech by an address to «Claudius Maximus and members of the council». 2... more
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      Roman LawRoman provincial administrationRoman law and Civil Procedure
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      Early ChristianityEcclesiastical HistoryMontanismRoman and Byzantine Asia Minor
The nature of the arbitration agreement in most legal systems (at least legal systems other than common law) is somewhat unclear. Presently, it is not possible to make any decisive statements as to which theory is the only correct one. On... more
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      Contract LawInternational ArbitrationArbitrationArbitration Law
Enforcement Proceedings in Russia
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      Comparative Civil ProcedureCivil ProcedureDireito Processual CivilDiritto Processuale Civile
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      Roman LawMedieval Canon & Roman LawRoman law, ancient legal history, ancient history, documentary papyri, Latin legal documentsRoman Private Law
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      Legal HistoryRoman LawMedieval Canon & Roman LawRoman law, ancient legal history, ancient history, documentary papyri, Latin legal documents
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    • Roman law and Civil Procedure
È opinione comune, presso gli studiosi moderni, che i giudici privati del processo civile romano (giudici monocratici o recuperatores) appartenessero alle classi sociali più elevate e più colte e che mantenessero, nel ricoprire il loro... more
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      HistoryAncient HistorySociologyNear Eastern Archaeology
Translation to Spanish of the Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure of 2015 Translator: Renzo Cavani; Editor: Prof. Fredie Didier Jr. and Teresa Arruda Alvim Traducción para el español del Código de Proceso Civil Brasileño (2015)... more
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      Comparative Civil ProcedureCivil ProcedureCivil Procedure at 18th and 19th CenturyProcedural Law
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      Comparative Civil ProcedureCivil ProcedureDireito Processual CivilProcedural Law
The Oxford Handbook of Roman Law and Society surveys the landscape of contemporary research and charts principal directions of future inquiry. More than a history of doctrine or an account of jurisprudence, the Handbook brings to bear... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman LawRoman social historyRoman Private Law
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      Roman LawMedieval Canon & Roman LawHistory of LawRoman law, ancient legal history, ancient history, documentary papyri, Latin legal documents
The seat of arbitration seems to be one of the most important issues to be agreed within an arbitration agreement. It directly influences a number of issues: arbitrability, determination of the governing law, whether substantive or... more
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      Civil LawInternational RelationsInternational LawInternational Arbitration
International treaties therefore have priority over provisions of domestic origin (domestic lex arbitri). This mainly concerns two conventions, namely the New York Convention (1958) and the European Convention on International Commercial... more
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      International RelationsInternational BusinessInternational LawInternational Arbitration
Roman Law: An Introduction offers a clear and accessible introduction to Roman law for students of any legal tradition. In the thousand years between the Law of the Twelve Tables and Justinian’s massive Codification, the Romans developed... more
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      ChristianityHistoryAncient HistoryCultural History
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      Roman LawRoman Private LawLingua LatinaRoman law and Civil Procedure
Journal: Bullettino dell'Istituto di Diritto Romano "Vittorio Scialoja", 8 Pages and Illustrations: 328 Publication Year: 2019 ISBN: 978-88-913-1751-3 P. Grossi, Riccardo Orestano: la storia del diritto nellunit della conoscenza... more
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      Roman LawMedieval Canon & Roman LawReception of Roman lawRoman law, ancient legal history, ancient history, documentary papyri, Latin legal documents
This chapter considers the role of the Roman house in providing a space where the second stage of a judicial activity (the apud iudicum portion), could be held in the Early Empire. Placing this activity within specific rooms of the house... more
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      PompeiiPompeii, Roman Domestic SpaceRoman law, legal history and archaeologyRoman law and Civil Procedure
This article investigates images of Rabbi Abbahu as a mediator of Roman law in the Jerusalem Talmud and Genesis Rabbah. Familiar with Roman law and using it regarding a contract of betrothal ("symphon"), Abbahu negotiates both with his... more
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      Gender HistoryRoman LawLate AntiquityEpistolary literature
The nature of consensual contracts, emptio-venditio and the ius commune. Although considered to be a mixture of canon and Roman law, the ius commune stands out as a product of the middle Ages. Having powerful resonance of Roman law... more
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      HistoryRoman HistoryMedieval HistoryContract Law
Il volume è dedicato a Callistrato, giurista attivo nel pieno dell' età severiana. Come sull' origine, così sulla carriera e i tempi di composizione delle opere rimangono dubbi non indifferenti. Emerge invece, dall' analisi dei suoi... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryClassicsRoman History
The article deals with the covenant not to sue, the promise not to file a lawsuit. From the evolution of the topic since its origins, the paper discusses the nature (if from substantive or procedural law), the object and effects of such a... more
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      Civil LawEuropean Procedural LawCivil ProcedureDireito Processual Civil
RESUMEN: En el caso de una cognitio imperial, reportado por el jurista Marcelo, el testador había anulado los herederos de su testamento. Había anulado también la disposición de libertad de un esclavo (manumisión testamentaria). Surgió... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman LawSlaveryHistory of Slavery
Lo studio traccia le linee dello sviluppo della superficie in diritto romano. L’istituto sorse tra secondo e primo secolo a.C., in conseguenza di rilevanti mutamenti demografici e urbanistici e fu probabilmente modellato sulle concessioni... more
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      Real EstateHistoryAncient HistoryEconomic History
Bullettino dell'Istituto di Diritto Romano "Vittorio Scialoja", 10
ISBN: 9788891321442
Rilegatura: Brossura
Pagine: 398
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      Roman LawMedieval Canon & Roman LawRoman law, ancient legal history, ancient history, documentary papyri, Latin legal documentsRoman Private Law
En el presente libro se recogen los trabajos elaborados por un importante grupo de compañeros, amigos y discípulos, profesores de Historia del Derecho, de Filosofía del Derecho y especialistas en Derecho Romano de todo el mundo: España,... more
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      Reception StudiesRoman LawReception of AntiquityReception of Roman law
Il saggio intende dimostrare, fonti alla mano: a) che la litis contestatio, con limitato riguardo ai processi in cui si deduce in giudizio una pretesa erga omnes riferibile a uno dei nostri diritti reali, non sia di per sé sola produttiva... more
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      Roman LawRoman Private LawCivil Procedural LawRoman law and Civil Procedure
Journal of Late Antiquity, 15/1, 2022, p. 314-317.
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      Roman LawLate AntiquityLate Roman EmpireReception of Roman law
A perspective on the nature of the Roman legal order in the provinces and the status of local laws and practices under Roman rule. These questions are explored through a series of case studies from Roman Egypt, including the well-known... more
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      Roman HistoryPapyrologyLegal HistoryRoman Law
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      Roman LawReception of Roman lawRoman law, ancient legal history, ancient history, documentary papyri, Latin legal documentsRoman Private Law
Si esaminano le origini e le competenze dei collegi giudicanti nei processi civili a Roma.
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      HistoryAncient HistorySociologyLaw
Final version of a look at the evidence for Irnerius' writings and teaching
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      Medieval Canon & Roman LawMedieval Canon LawRoman law and Civil ProcedureIus commune
H παρούσα μελέτη φιλοδοξεί να καλύψει τα νομικά ζητήματα που ανακύπτουν στο δίκαιο αναγκαστικής εκτέλεσης για παράλειψη (ή ανοχή) πράξεως εκκινώντας από την διερεύνηση των ουσιαστικών βάσεων του άρθρου 947 ΚΠολΔ (Μέρος Πρώτο) προκειμένου... more
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      Comparative Civil ProcedureCivil ProcedureRoman law and Civil Procedure
The aim of this paper is to offer a new approach to the study of Dionysius’ regulations for his private association or cult in Lydian Philadelphia (TAM V 3, 1539). Instead of seeing these regulations as a strict sectarian moral code or as... more
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      Greek EpigraphyAncient Greek ReligionAsia MinorLydia
The article discusses the covenant not to sue in Brazilian Law. Examining its origins in the pactum de non petendo in Roman Law and in the classic and comparative jurisprudence, the author approaches to the debate on the object, nature... more
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      Direito Processual CivilDireito Processual PenalDiritto Processuale CivileProcedura Civile
L’indagine svolta ha permesso di fare apparire come meglio condivisibile, tra le varie prospettive in tema di origine della compravendita consensuale romana, quella secondo cui essa sorse come istituto sganciato dalle radici del ius... more
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      Real EstateHistoryAncient HistoryLaw
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      ClassicsWomen's StudiesWomen in the ancient worldAncient jewellery
Law is a key factor of understanding ancient societies. Though studies on law have often, and for a long time, been undertaken by legal historians, mainly in Law Departments, they did not substantially affect historical studies. This is... more
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      Legal HistoryRoman LawEuropean Legal HistoryGreek Law
RESUMEN: En este trabajo se examinan los fundamentos romanistas de las obras del Maestro Jacobo de las Leyes-Flores del Derecho, Doctrinal de los Pleitos y Partidas-en materia de ejecución de sentencias en el procedimiento civil, tanto la... more
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      Roman LawRoman Private LawDerecho RomanoDireito Romano
""Book abstract: Despite the crucial role played by both law and architecture in Roman culture, the Romans never developed a type of building that was specifically and exclusively reserved for the administration of justice: courthouses... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassical ArchaeologyRoman HistoryUrban Politics
En este artículo se describen diversas metodologías aplicadas en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del Derecho romano: 1) la búsqueda de jurisprudencia que contiene fuentes del Derecho romano en las bases de datos especializadas, 2) la... more
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      Roman LawGamificationInnovación y TIC en la enseñanzaMoot Courts and Mock Trials
Volume realizzato con l'intervento della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell'Università di Camerino e del «Consorzio interuniversitario Gérard Boulvert per lo studio della civiltà giuridica europea e per la storia dei suoi ordinamenti»... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesRoman LawRoman law and Civil Procedure
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      Roman LawLaw of ObligationsAthenian LawDroit Romain
En este trabajo se examinan los fundamentos romanistas de las obras del Maestro Jacobo de las Leyes-Flores del Derecho, Doctrinal de los Pleitos y Partidas-en materia de ejecución de sentencias en el procedimiento civil, tanto la... more
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      Roman LawDireito Processual CivilHistoria del DerechoDerecho Procesal Civil
This article examines the aims and impact of Augustan social legislation from the perspective of documentary evidence from Roman Egypt. The extensive presence of the laws in an epitome of an Augustan rulebook for a fiscal procurator in... more
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      Roman HistoryPapyrologyRoman LawGraeco-Roman Egypt
It is a common belief that the iudicia bonae fidei - and ius gentium in general - were at first protected as ius honorarium, and that only with the passing of time they became part of the ius civile. In my opinion, the scholars were led... more
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      Cultural HistoryLawRoman LawNatural Law
Bullettino dell'Istituto di Diritto Romano "Vittorio Scialoja", 11
2021, 376 pp.
Brossura, 17 x 24 cm
ISBN: 9788891324979
ISSN: 0391-1810
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      Roman LawMedieval Canon & Roman LawHistory of LawRoman Private Law
This volume is the first in the SIR series dedicated to the work of Domitius Ulpianus, the most widely used jurist in the Digesta Iustiniani, which contains about 3000 fragments taken from his works. In addition to his studies, Ulpianus... more
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      ClassicsRoman LawLatin Language and LiteratureMedieval Canon & Roman Law
The lex Irnitana (AD 91) is one of our principal sources for Roman civil procedure during the classical period. In character it is a municipal charter for a municipium in Baetica. It contains extensive provisions on the conduct of civil... more
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      Roman LawRoman law and Civil Procedure
The contract by Labeo in its linguistic, juridical and commercial context Now we know how Labeo had treated the technical term of contract /contractus/, as used under the Pretorian Edict, known during the late Republic, though we possess... more
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      Roman LawRoman law and Civil Procedure