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Most remarkable in Roman brickwork – opus testaceum – are the shapes of the bricks as they were laid triangularly or polygonally with their longest edge to the face. These shapes were used to achieve the best bonding between the brick... more
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      Ancient construction (Archaeology)Roman brick and tileStoria delle tecniche costruttiveRoman Architecture
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird aufgrund von intensivem Quellenstudium des lokalhistorisch relevanten Archivmaterials und Geländebeobachtungen, die Existenz der - nunmehr bereits durch erste Untersuchungen durch das BDA bestätigte -... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman ArmyRoman Provincial ArchaeologyRoman brick and tile
Nachfolgend sollen die Funde aus der schon aufgefundenen Ziegelei im Bereich der Parzellen 441, 442 und 443 zusammengefasst werden. Eine umfangreichere Arbeit bezüglich des Ziegeleigewerbes im Umland des Kastells Locus Felicis ist in... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman brick and tileRömische KaiserzeitArqueología romana / Roman archeology
In this work the author would like to describe the latest findings in the enviroment of the roman castell "Locus Felicis" near Wallsee-Sindelburg (Lower-Austria). The findings suggest that there had been at least one (maybe more) unknown... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman ArmyBrick and tile (Archaeology)Roman Provincial Archaeology
In der nachfolgenden Arbeit soll die neu aufgefundene römische Baukeramik, welche um St. Pantaleon-Erla und Wallsee-Sindelburg zu Tage trat bearbeitet und der Forschung zugänglich gemacht werden.Weiters wird am Ende der Abhandlung... more
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      Brick and tile (Archaeology)Roman Provincial ArchaeologyRoman brick and tileBrick and Tile
Nearly one hundred testimonies make it possible to draw up the distribution map of the tile makers, owners and manufacturers, who provided Avenches with terracotta building materials. Only the flanged tiles, the tegulae, have been marked.... more
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      Roman familyRoman brick and tilesRoman ArchaeologyAventicum
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    • Roman brick and tiles
The excavations of a Roman villa at the origin of the church and of the village of Meikirch in the canton of Berne have revealed the remains of a cryptoportico, a central hall, rooms and small side buildings. Excavations and discovered... more
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      Roman VillaeChurchRoman Wall PaintingRoman brick and tiles
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      Roman DaciaRoman ceramic building materialRoman brick and tiles
Atti del I workshop "Laterizio" (Roma, 27-28 novembre 2014)
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      Roman ItalyRoman brick and tileRoman Brick Industry - BrickstampsRoman brick and tiles
This books takes a comprehensive look at the Roman army as a factor which prompted substantial changes and economic transformations in the province of Lower Moesia, discussing its impact on the development of particular branches of the... more
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      Roman ArmyRoman EconomyMoesia inferiorAncient Urbanism
Strukturen, stratifizierte Ziegel mit Stempel und Datierungsmöglichkeiten der römischen Legionsziegelei von Vindobona (Wien) im 17. Wiener Gemeindebezirk (Hernals)
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      Roman Brick Industry - brick stampsZiegelofenRoman brick and tilesRoman Limes, Brick and Tile-production, Military Archeology
Brigetio (Komárom-Szony, Hungary), the garrison of the legio I adiutrix, was one of the major towns of Roman Pannonia. Research excavations in the civil town beginning in 1992, uncovered large quantities of ceramic building material,... more
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      IchnologyArchaeozoologyArchaeology of Roman PannoniaRoman brick and tile
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      Roman PotteryRoman Trade NetworksRoman Small FindsArcheologia della produzione e del commercio
This paper deals with the technical aspects of ceramic building material production in the brickyard located near the legionary fortress of Vindobona (nowdays Vienna, Austria). First, the general procedures of brick manufacture are... more
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      Brick and tile (Archaeology)Archaeology of Roman PannoniaRoman LimesProduction Technology
Dozens of Roman tile kilns have come to light in Pannonia during the last one hundred years. This paper summarizes the published tile manufacturing workshops of Pannonia in present-day Hungary, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, and Serbia. In... more
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      Roman VillaeArchaeology of Roman PannoniaRoman brick and tileAquincum
In April and May 2008, the Archaeological Museum Zadar carried out revisory archaeological excavations of the remains of the Church of St. Victor at Telašćica on Dugi Otok Island. The plan of the church was fully supplemented and defined... more
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyEarly ChristianityEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval Archaeology
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      Brick and tile (Archaeology)Roman EconomyRoman trade, commerce and the economyRoman brick and tile
Si considerano in questa sede alcuni bolli su laterizio, rinvenuti a Montegrotto Terme negli scavi della Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia dell'Università di Padova durante le campagne 2001 e 20021, i quali costituiscono un quadro... more
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      Brick and tile (Archaeology)Roman EconomyRoman trade, commerce and the economyRoman brick and tile
A talk given for the opening night of the temporary exhibition 'Animals in Ancient Cultures' (25 May 2018 - 24 August 2018) at the Macquarie University Museum of Ancient Cultures.
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      Roman HistoryAelianAncient Egyptian HistoryBears
A. Di Vita, per la cortesia e la disponibilità con le quali accoglie sempre le ricerche e gli studi degli ex-allievi e collaboratori della Scuola. Tengo inoltre a far presente che questo mio breve contributo deve molto al lavoro svolto... more
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      Roman Baths (Archaeology)CreteRoman ArchitectureGortina
In 2010 and 2012 archeao-geophysical prospection on parts of the Roman Fort Ad Militare were conducted. Those were the first surveys in what is today Croatia in which precise Roman Limes military architecture layouts were defined. The... more
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      ArchaeologyArchaeological geophysics (Archaeology)Roman military archaeologyRoman Army
Responsabilitatea pentru conţinutul ştiinţific al articolelor, pentru formulări şi calitatea rezumatelor în limbă străină revine în întregime autorilor.
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      Roman ArmyRoman brick and tiles
Stadt Frankfurt a. M.: großflächige Untersuchung einer militärischen Produktionsstätte der Römischen Kaiserzeit
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      Roman military archaeologyBrick and tile (Archaeology)Roman numismatics and archaeologyRoman provinces
Tutti i diritti sono riservati. È vietata in tutto o in parte la riproduzione dei testi e delle illustrazioni.
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      Brick and tile (Archaeology)Roman EconomyRoman trade, commerce and the economyRoman brick and tile
The area of Contrada Amone, already known for the presence of a bath and for the discovery of polychrome mosaics, is now enriched with the reporting of a craft area. The discovery of some discarded tiles has been an opportunity to reflect... more
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      ArchaeologyRoman Baths (Archaeology)Ancient MosaicsArcheologia
Over the past decades a great progress has been made in the research of the Roman building terracotta. Numerous inscriptions provide us not only with information about the amount of material, which one worker could make over a day, but... more
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      Brick and tile (Archaeology)Roman Brick Industry - BrickstampsRoman brick and tiles
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      Archaeology of the Iberian PeninsulaRoman North Africa (Archaeology)Late Roman ArchaeologyEarly Christian Archaeology
L’area del Golfo di Castellammare (Sicilia occidentale) e nota per le numerose fornaci di eta romana. In questo articolo, si cerchera di ricostruire l’attivita di un’officina destinata principalmente alla produzione di laterizi con bollo... more
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      Ancient Topography (Archaeology)Roman SicilyAncient Greek EpigraphyArchaeological survey
Report of archaeological excavations on a Roman Tile Kiln in Hegeney (67, Alsace, France). 2013
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      Roman Rural SettlementRoman Rural ProductionRoman brick and tilesRoman Archaeology
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      Brick and tile (Archaeology)Roman EconomyRoman trade, commerce and the economyRoman brick and tile
In : Deru X.& Villaescusa R.G. (dir.), Consommer dans les campagnes de la Gaule romaine. Actes du Xe Congrès de l'association AGER, Villeneuve d'Ascq (Revue du Nord, Hors série-Collection Art et Archéologie 21) : 227-248.
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      Roman brick and tileRoman Brick Industry - brick stampsRoman brick and tilesGallo Roman Roofs and Tiles
Der folgende Beitrag soll eine Diskussion anregen, mit der die Geschichte der Cohors I Aelia Brittonum kritisch beleuchtet und Probleme hinsichtlich der Kontinuitätsfrage der Truppe in deren Lagern angesprochen werden sollen. Auch die... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman military archaeologyRoman military historyBrick and tile (Archaeology)
si presentano alcune novità da Urbs Salvia (Urbisaglia, MC) costituite da frammenti di Fasti consulares degli anni 314-312 e 173-162 a.C.; lastra con menzione di opere pubbliche finanziate da Gaio Salvio Liberale Nonio Basso insieme al... more
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      FastiLatin EpigraphyCitiesRoman brick and tiles
The initiation of any ancient industry depended largely on the availability of resources necessary for production. In the case of the production of pottery or other ceramic products, not only the availability of clay and temper are... more
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      Roman PotteryRoman pottery workshopsRoman GlassRoman brick and tile
Osservazioni su un laterizio romano con impronte di fanciullo da Savignano sul Panaro (MO).
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyAnthropology
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)Early Medieval ArchaeologyLate AntiquityLatin Epigraphy
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      Roman pottery workshopsLate Roman PotteryRoman brick and tiles
This article deals with the excavation of a Roman production plant which was accidentally discovered in the territory of Monsampolo del Tronto. As its structure suggests, the building was probably used to produce and store oil or wine.... more
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      ProsopographyRoman brick and tileBolli Laterizi RomaniRoman Prosopography
G. Bucci, Laterizi dal Lago Tramonto, Gambulaga (FE) in Il fiume nel lago - Dieci anni di ricerche archeologiche subacquee nel Lago Tramonto a Gambulaga (FE) (a c. di G. Bucci), Supplemento al volume 97 degli Atti dell’Accademia delle... more
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      Underwater ArchaeologyRoman building techniqueRoman brick and tileUnderwater Cultural Heritage Management
Numerous are the board games in the Roman Empire through is history. They can by carved in pavement of public spaces, on re-used architectural marble slabs and even in wood in wich they probably made in quantity. However, a peculiar type... more
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      Ancient board gamesRoman brick and tiles
Rad predstavlja preliminarne rezultate mineraloško-petrološka analize opeka sa žigom VII Klaudijeve legije. Ispitano je 10 opeka različitog formata (lydion, bessalis, pedalis, imbrex, tegula…) pronađenih tokom novih istraživanja legijskog... more
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      Scanning Electron MicroscopyArchaeometryCeramicsRoman brick and tile
This is the study of the clay building materials ("tegulae", "imbrices" and bricks) found in the Roman villa of Puente Grande, located in place called "Los Altos del Ringo Rango" (Los Barrios, Cádiz, Spain). This villa dates back to the... more
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      Building Materials (Archaeology)Roman ArchitectureRoman ceramic building materialRoman brick and tiles
This is the text *as submitted* for publication in the Archaeological Journal, 157, 2000, p119-121. It may have been edited subsequently, but the recording details will be the same. There is not as much Roman tile as could be expected... more
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      Roman brick and tileRoman ceramic building materialRoman brick and tilesRoman Archaeology
ENG: The paper deals with two epigraphic monuments: a small fragment of a Roman roof tile (tegula) with a stamp and a Roman tombstone recorded on a land-registry map from the 18th century (State Archives in Zadar, Maps Grimani).The... more
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      Latin EpigraphyInstrumentum domesticumArchaeology of Roman DalmatiaBolli Laterizi Romani
Aktualno površino polja (US1) tvori s travo poraščena plast rjave gline s fragmenti opečnih izdelkov.
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      Archaeological ExcavationRoman brick and tileBolli Laterizi RomaniBolli Laterizi
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      Brick and tile (Archaeology)Roman EconomyRoman trade, commerce and the economyRoman brick and tile
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    • Roman brick and tiles
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      Roman brick and tilesRoman TechnologyProvinzialrömische Archäologie
Programme de la 3e journée d'actualité du réseau TCA.
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      Roman brick and tilesPost-medieval TilesMedieval Brick and TileTerres Cuites Architecturales