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      Brick and tile (Archaeology)Preventive ArchaeologyGallo Roman Roofs and TilesTerres Cuites Architecturales
In : Deru X.& Villaescusa R.G. (dir.), Consommer dans les campagnes de la Gaule romaine. Actes du Xe Congrès de l'association AGER, Villeneuve d'Ascq (Revue du Nord, Hors série-Collection Art et Archéologie 21) : 227-248.
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      Roman brick and tileRoman Brick Industry - brick stampsRoman brick and tilesGallo Roman Roofs and Tiles
The initiation of any ancient industry depended largely on the availability of resources necessary for production. In the case of the production of pottery or other ceramic products, not only the availability of clay and temper are... more
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      Roman PotteryRoman pottery workshopsRoman GlassRoman brick and tile
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      Roman EpigraphyCéramique Gallo-RomaineGallo- roman ceramologyGallo Roman Roofs and Tiles
Three stamps of the TRPOT retrograde type were found during prospections on foot carried out at Baronville on the site of «Fontaine». Thanks to this discovery it is possible to complete the distribution map of a stamp that is still little... more
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      Gallo-roman archaeologyGallo-RomainGallo Roman Roofs and TilesVilla gallo-romaine
La fouille de la ZAC d’Hégeney (Bas-Rhin, 67) a permis la découverte d’un four de tuilier gallo-romain en 2013 (Responsable d’opération : Brahim M’Barek). Les fondations du four sont conservées : la structure de chauffe se présente selon... more
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      Roman brick and tilesGallo Roman Roofs and TilesFour De TuilierFours De Tuilier Romains