Roman Heritage
Recent papers in Roman Heritage
Let me start with the term Enlightenment, which plays a crucial role in both Western and Eastern history.
Wim Boerefijn, New towns of the twelfth to fourteenth centuries and the grid plan. The collapse of the western Roman empire led to a long period of urban decline in western Europe. From about the 10th century onwards, however, urban... more
Breve análisis sobre la utilización de la 'romanitá' y la ciudad de Roma por parte del régimen facista de Mussolini.
The Roman archaeological heritage on the Bulgarian lands is represented by numerous sites, which have been excavated and evaluated to a different extent and part of them are preserved and socialized as tourist attractions.The Roman... more
Speech for the Jocasta International Conference: Classical Reception and the Human, University of Patras, 2016
The symbol of the eagle as a symbol of Rome and it's heritage throughout Europe.
The symbol of the eagle as a symbol of Rome and it's heritage throughout Europe.
The management of archaeological sites is a field of increasing interest, as evidenced by a growing number of professional conferences, publications and international projects focused on heritage management and site presentation. The past... more
This contribution analyses the history of a series of Roman inscriptions located in Barcelona that mention Lucius Licinius Secundus, accensus (person in charge under magistrates) of Lucius Licinius Sura, the important consul under the... more
Impaginazione e stampa: LuoghInteriori Proprietà letteraria riservata Copyright 2019: LuoghInteriori srl / Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani onlus ISBN 978-88-6864-125-2 -Città di Castello -Italia Coordinamento... more
In questa breve appendice, che riporta le testimonianze di docenti, curatori museali e operatori culturali attivi in ambito modenese, si riflette sul valore formativo delle iscrizioni lapidarie romane per il pubblico scolastico e per il... more
The article traces the main directions along which the ideological self-identification of the Byzantine emperor as a full heir to the Roman universalist idea embodied in the image of Constantine the Great took place in the era of Manuel I... more