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MOTS CLÉS : athlète, harmonie, kalos kagathos, kalokagathia, corps, esprit, Grèce
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      PhilologyAncient Sports/AthleticsHistoriography Greek Classical periodAncient Greek History
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval HistoriographyAncient HistoriographyHistoriography Greek Classical period
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureAncient HistoriographyClassical philology
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      Ancient NovelAchaemenid PersiaGenre TheoryHistoriography Greek Classical period
This book is a study of the Hellenica Oxyrhynchia. This historiographical work was written in Greece in the IV century B.C. and it is preserved in three different fragments of papyri. The subject of the work is Greek history in the late V... more
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      Greek HistoryHistoriography Greek Classical periodAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek Historiography
Ao longo do tempo, a Grécia/Hélade 2 nos foi apresentada como um local mágico e fantástico, devido as suas histórias sobre deuses, monstros e heróis. Parece que este territóriotão vasto, diga-se de passagemfoi apenas o palco de embates... more
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      Ancient HistoryColonialismSpartaHistoriography Greek Classical period
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      Greek LiteratureHistoriography Greek Classical periodGreek HistoriographyThucydides
The siege of the Boeotian city-state of Plataiai during the Peloponnesian War at the end of the 5th Century BC precipitated the evacuation of an entire population to exile. The Plataeans found refuge in Athens, and it was the latter... more
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      History and MemoryEthnic IdentityRefugee ResettlementNarrative and Identity
Nonostante Tucidide sia ancora oggi uno degli autori antichi più popolari, l'analisi delle sue opere dal punto di vista critico-testuale non appartiene ai campi di ricerca in voga. 1 Non si discute sul fatto che, a meno che non vengano... more
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      Textual CriticismHistoriography Greek Classical periodThucydides
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      EgyptologyAlexander the GreatPtolemaic Egyptian HistoryHistoriography Greek Classical period
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      Greek HistoryHistoriography Greek Classical periodAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek Historiography
Recensione a Eduardo Federico (ed.), Ione di Chio: Testimonianze e frammenti. Testo critico di Francesco Valerio (I Frammenti degli storici greci, 8), Tivoli, Edizioni Tored, 2015; in «Bryn Mawr Classical Review» 2017.02.20. La... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryClassicsGreek Literature
In the fourth century BC the balance of power between Greek cities and the Persian empire is in favour of the empire, since it succeeds in securing dominance over the cities of Asia, while making the cities of Europe harmless and... more
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      Achaemenid PersiaAlexander the GreatHistoriography Greek Classical periodDiodorus Siculus
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      Historiography Greek Classical periodeusebius of Caesarea
En razón de la importancia actual de la obra filosófica y erudita de Theokharis Kharlampievich Kessidi, autor de un importante estudio sobre Heráclito (a) que en breve va a ser editado en esta Biblioteca Heraclítea, y que todavía es... more
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      Russian StudiesPresocratic PhilosophyAristotleSocrates
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      Hellenistic HistoriographyHistoriography Greek Classical periodDiodorus SiculusHerodotus
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      Historiography Greek Classical periodAncient Greek HistoryPre-Islamic Persian HistoryAncient Greece (History)
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      PhilologyHistoryAncient HistoryIntellectual History