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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyGreat Migration periodArchaeology Of The Migration Period And The Early Middle Ages
Een vondstverhaal van het Meldpunt Archeologie Utrecht / PAN-regio centraal (Utrecht) waarin verschillende Romeinse gemstenen uit de collectie van het Provinciaal Utrechts Genootschap (PUG) worden besproken. Deze vondsten zijn in het... more
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      ArchaeologyRoman Provincial ArchaeologyCameosArchaeology of Northwest Europe
Fortress of St. Michael. There are a total of 18 items, of which 5 are combs and 13 are hairpins, which also includes cosmetic pins which were used to form hairstyles. They were generally found as grave goods and they are analyzed... more
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      HumanitiesCroatianBoneKey words
U članku se obrađuju ukosnice, toaletne igle i češljevi iz zbirke Muzeja grada Šibenika, pronađeni na lokalitetima Danilo Gornje, Danilo - Šematorij, Danilo - Katun, Skradin - Đardin, Skradin - Maraguša, Velika Mrdakovica, Srima - Prižba... more
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      Ancient jewelleryRoman GlassPisidiaJewellery
Rezumat: Subiectul acestui articol priveşte un inel de fier care are montată o bijuterie de sardonix cu reprezentarea zeiţei Ceres, descoperit întâmplător în primăvara anului 2019, pe teritoriul satului Tibru, comuna Cricău, judeţul Alba.... more
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      Roman ReligionRoman ArtRoman Glyptics and JewelryRoman Cameos and Gemstones
Rings of the 20th and 21 centuries: The Alice and Louis Koch collection, Jewellery History Today, Winter 2020, p. 9
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      Collecting and CollectionsJewelleryJewellery DesignFinger Ring
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      GlypticsMedici collectionsGemsRoman Finger rings
This paper analyzes 140 Roman cosmetic or pharmaceutical glass vessels from the Roman Period Collection of the Archaeological Museum of Istria. Most of the selected objects belong to the Museum’s permanent display, but some other ones are... more
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      Roman EconomyRoman GlassInstrumentum domesticumRoman Archaeology
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      Roman PeriodRoman ArchaeologyRoman Finger rings
The paper studies six small relief glass bottles in the shape of date fruit, unearthed in grave contexts in the broader Zadar area. They are part of a larger group of anthropomorphic, zoomorphic and phytomorphic glass artefacts produced... more
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      GeographyPopularityAntiqueMediterranean Climate
En este breve trabajo se presentan un sigillum/signum cerámico utilizado para producir obleas con el fin de usarlas en el ritual cristiano litúrgico visigodo y el significado eclesiástico de la leyenda que se conserva parcialmente, que... more
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This paper presents two unusual and curious types of glass objects, finely crafted juglet-shaped pendants from the southern necropolis of Pećine, found in skeletal children’s graves, dated into the second half of the 4th century. Pendants... more
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      Ancient GlassRoman GlassRoman Provincial ArchaeologyLate Roman Glass
Contribution à un article de M. Meyr et Chr. Flügel, avec la collaboration de G. Thüry, portant sur le motif iconographique de la dextrarum iunctio (union cérémonielle des mains).
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      Roman IconographyRoman gemsRoman Finger ringsRoman Marriage
Das Motiv des Handschlags findet sich sowohl im öffentlichen als auch im privaten Kontext in zwei Varianten: Darstellung von Personen, die sich die Hände reichen, sowie die auf die beiden rechten Hände verkürzte Darstellung. Durch die... more
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      ArchaeologyRoman HistoryRoman EmperorsRoman Jewellery
In November 1991, during archaeological research carried out over several years (1986-2004) in the Roman cemetery under the courtyards of the Milan campus of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, a gold pendant set with a gold coin of... more
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      Roman numismatics and archaeologyAncient jewelleryGallienusRoman Imperial Coins
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      Material culture of religionMedieval ArchaeologyMerovingian periodElite women in the Early Middle Ages
УДК 94(902 + 904)»652»(063) ББК 63.48(2Рос-6Крм) А 72 Издается по решению Ученого совета Государственного историко-археологического музея-заповедника «Херсонес Таврический»
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      Classical ArchaeologyBlack Sea Region ArchaeologyCrimeaTauric Chersonesos
This article discusses the rings with open link and serpentiform body, discovered on the territory of the Roman province Dacia at Apulum, Ulpia Traiana Sarmisegetusa, Micăsasa, on the northern border at Ilișua and Poguior, but also in the... more
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      Roman HistoryFunerary ArchaeologyRoman EmpireRoman Dacia
Se estudia toda la religiosidad romana en la Meseta Sur de la Península Ibérica por varios autores especialistas.
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      ReligionAntigüedad y Cristianismo
Objet du musée Une bague en bronze de l'Antiquité tardive à Brumath Avec le soutien du Couverture : Intérieur de l'église St Nazaire de Brumath avant sa démolition en 1837-Aquarelle J.C. Goepp
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      Early ChristianityEarly JudaismRoman Finger rings
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      ArtLate Antique ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyThe end of Roman Britain
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      Roman HistoryCultural HeritageRoman Archaeology
Este artículo aborda la experiencia doliente de Libanio de Antioquía a través de su Autobiografía. Empleando los métodos de la Historia de las Emociones y los Estudios del Dolor, analizamos esta obra como una narrativa de dolor en primera... more
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      History Of EmotionsLibaniusLate Antiquity
A collection of Roman Period metal objects was acquired with the help of a metal detector survey in the vicinity of Přelouč. The artefacts were handed over to the City Museum in Přelouč. Of special importance among this collection is... more
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      Roman PeriodArchaeology of Germanic tribes (Roman period)Roman Bronze VesselsRömische Kaiserzeit
Nr. cat. 1-2. 230 | Vasile Marinoiu, Ana Cristina Hamat urma cercetărilor sistematice întreprinse în termele castrului roman de la Bumbești Jiu, punctul Vârtop, în anul 1997. Ele au fost datate, în funcţie de monedele și artefactele... more
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      Roman DaciaMedieval jewelleryMedieval JewelryRoman Jewellery
Incerum appears in the Antonine Itinerary on the Roman road from Siscia to Sirmium, in various variants of the name (Incero, Inicero). Otherwise there are almost no other historical or archeological confirmations of this locality. The... more
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      Roman roadsArchaeology of Roman PannoniaMutationMansiones
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      SocratesDerecho RomanoCultura Clásica
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      Materials EngineeringMaterials ScienceManufacturing EngineeringAquincum
Probes belonging to the group of “Cosmetic/Medical Instruments”, which were excavated in the necropolis of Philadelphia (Ermenek/Gökçeseki) in the Isaurian Region and were evaluated in my doctoral thesis, will be discussed here in this... more
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      History of Medical InstrumentsMetal Finds (Archaeology)Roman Small FindsRoman medical equipment
УДК 94(902 + 904)»652»(063) ББК 63.48(2Рос-6Крм) А 72 Издание осуществлено при финансовой помощи Фонда поддержки гуманитарных наук «Моя история» Издается по решению Ученого совета Государственного историко-археологического... more
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      Alexander the GreatHellenismRoman PeriodAugustus
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Vysokoškolská učebnica zameraná na rímsky šperk. V jednotlivých kapitolách približuje študentom základné techniky jeho výroby, použité materiály ale aj spôsob nosenia alebo významné historické udalosti, ktoré mohli ovplyvniť zmenu dizajnu... more
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      Roman JewelleryRoman Finger rings
The majority of rings recovered in Aquincum (Budapest), the capital of the Roman province Pannonia Inferior, in today's Hungary, are made of bronze. Finger rings can be classified in eleven groups by their shapes. In addition, their... more
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      Materials EngineeringManufacturing EngineeringAquincumRoman Jewellery
O figurină ceramică din așezarea culturii Wietenberg de la Uroi-Sigheti (județul Hunedoara)-Piesă de joc sau obiect ritual? ……… A Ceramic Figurine from the Wietenberg Culture Settlement of Uroi-Sigheti (Hunedoara County)-Piece of Game or... more
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Publikácia sumarizuje informácie o význame rímskych prsteňov v rímskej spoločnosti, ich vzhľade a predstavuje vybrané exempláre z územia dnešného Slovenska. Významnou časťou je pohľad antických autorov na možné funkcie prsteňa alebo gemy,... more
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      Roman JewelleryRoman Finger rings
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      Roman GermanyRoman military equipmentKalkrieseRoman Finger rings
Dopo lunghe ricerche, è stato rinvenuto presso il British Museum un antico anello d’oro (non esposto al pubblico) della Gens Artoria, ritrovato probabilmente nei pressi di Great Chesterford, o comunque in Inghilterra, testimonianza della... more
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      Arthurian StudiesRomani StudiesArthurianaSarmatians
During the protective excavations of the northwestern part of the legionary fort at Viminacium, a silver ring with a cameo was discovered. It was an engagement ring, with an inserted cameo with a specific representation of the so-called... more
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      GlypticsRoman Provincial ArchaeologyLegionary fortressesMoesia Superior
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      MedusaArqueología romana / Roman archeologyRoman gemsRoman Jewellery
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    • Steinway & Sons
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      Black Sea Region ArchaeologyHistory of GenoaCrimean Archaeology
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The article presents new finds of Roman metal figurines which come from collections at Germanic settlements in southwestern Slovakia. Two bronze figurines - a small statuette of Mercury and a naked male figure (probably Apollo?) - were... more
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      Archaeology of Germanic tribes (Roman period)Roman Bronze Figurines
The Hermitage collection of ancient jewellery is extensive and diverse. The greater part of it consists of exhibits found in the course of archaeological excavations that are now customarily published as whole sets together with other... more
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      MineralsGlypticsEngraved gemsAncient Seals and Sealings
The article brings into discussion a number of six rings from the type of key ring with fretwork and cruciform symbol. The artefacts were made of bronze, in mould and have a massive circle that has a plate on the top, on which is pierced... more
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      Roman DaciaRoman LimesArmament, Roman JeweleryRoman Jewellery
Aus der römischen Kaiserzeit und Spätantike ist eine große Anzahl von Fingerringen mit einer erstaunlichen Vielfalt an Formen, Materialien, Bildmotiven und Inschriften überliefert. Über den rein schmückenden Charakter von Fingerringen... more
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      Ancient ReligionPower and LegitimacyLate AntiquityVotive practice
Характерното за този тип пръстен е, че основната украса е изразена в спирали. От една страна, тя е украса, но и резултат на самата технологична изработка, изграждайки пръстена като цяло. Това е непознат до момента тип, който не е включен... more
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      Thracian ArchaeologyRoman JewelleryRoman Finger rings
Vida quotidiana dewls romans menorquins, 43
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      Menorca / MinorcaBaleares /Balearic IslandsRoman ArchaeologyRoman Finger rings
Vida quotidiana dels romans de Menorca, 29
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      Menorca / MinorcaBaleares /Balearic IslandsArqueología romana / Roman archeologyRoman Finger rings