Within the framework of the German-Slovakian project to explore the Roman presence north of the P... more Within the framework of the German-Slovakian project to explore the Roman presence north of the Pannonian frontier on the Danube and the interaction with the native population beyond, the Germanic burial ground field in Sekule was examined. The site is located west of the Little Carpathians on the left side of the March. In four campaigns from 2012 to 2015, 36 burials from the later 1st century to the beginning of the 3rd century AD were studied. The majority of the dead were buried in the second half of the 2nd century AD. Almost all graves were equipped with Roman vessels made of bronze or ceramics. Together with the weapons in the men's tombs and the parts of the costume in the graves of the women, the connections between the Germanic population living in the lower Morava valley and the Roman Empire as well as far into the Germanic regions in the north are shown.
The ways of infilling archaeological objects are among the most common questions given to geoarch... more The ways of infilling archaeological objects are among the most common questions given to geoarchaeologists. Convenient subjects for the study of formation processes of archaeological terrain features (contexts) are V-shaped ditches. Their infilling is usually lithologicaly and texturally considerably variable with regular morphology and special archaeological context. The V-shaped ditches are known only from two chronologically, culturally distinctive periods. In first case there are ditches of "rondels" from the Late Neolithic Period, in the second case we are dealing with the fortification ditches of the Roman temporary camps. On the basis of sedimentological and consequently micromophological study, processes were differentiated in the formation of studied infillings. In Neolithic rondels, two parts of infillings were noted. The lower one typically has straight thin bedded layers, originating due to processes connected with vegetation ingrowth and erosion of the rampart. The upper part of the infilling is usually homogenous, and originated during the human caused grading of the surrounding area. During this phase, remains of rampart constructions were most probably destroyed. The basic type of deposition e especially visible in case of rondels e is lateral planar wash with phases of bioturbation, running pedogenesis on the edges of ditches, or stagnating water. The second main featuring process is mass movement slumping, particularly of upper faces of sloped sides. This process often happens naturally, mainly due to erosion, presence of water, and vegetation. The most distinctive postsedimentary processes determined within the rondel infilling were bioturbation, accumulation of carbonates and movement of clay minerals caused by soil leaching. In the V-shaped ditches of the Roman temporary camps, it was possible to microscopically trace similar records documenting coarse particle sedimentation at the base of ditches, although this layer is not continuous thought the whole width. It indicates the direction from which it was transported. They are remains of intentionally redeposited ramparts. The upper parts are marked by increasing humification and bioturbation as a result of ditch infilling emergence. However, it is possible to trace similar formation processes in both groups of studied V-shaped ditches and to define a basic classification. Prevailing textural and structural features are distinctively different between the groups, due to geological subsoil conditions, hydrological regime and depth of the ditches.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the attitudes of decision-makers toward the use of c... more The purpose of this study was to investigate the attitudes of decision-makers toward the use of care robots in welfare services. We investigated their knowledge regarding the use of care robots in welfare services as well as their attitudes toward using robots in their own care and in the care of various user groups, for example, children, youths, and older people. We conducted an online survey with a range of Finnish decision-makers as respondents (N = 176). The respondents were divided into two groups: service actors (n = 104) and research and development (R&D) actors (n = 72). The respondents did not regard themselves as having much knowledge about robotics; however, the results showed that the R&D actors had more overall knowledge of the use of robots than the service actors. The R&D actors were found to be more willing to accept a robot as part of their own care as well as part of the care for various user groups. The contribution of this study is a better understanding of the views of the decision-makers who are or will be in charge of the acquisition of technological devices in welfare services.
Autorské práva vyhradené. Akékoľvek rozmnožovanie textov, fotografií, kresieb vrátane údajov v el... more Autorské práva vyhradené. Akékoľvek rozmnožovanie textov, fotografií, kresieb vrátane údajov v elektronickej podobe je možné len s písomným súhlasom vydavateľa. Objednávky na predplatné prijíma každá pošta a doručovateľ Slovenskej pošty, a. s.
Zborník Slovenského národného múzea, Archeológia 31, 2021
The article presents two metal artefacts which were discovered in
the course of the systematic pr... more The article presents two metal artefacts which were discovered in the course of the systematic prospection with metal detectors in the village of Cífer-Pác, Trnava district, in western Slovakia. They are a disc-shaped pendant with concentric ribs and flutings around the central tang (Kreisrippenanhänger in German) and a fragment of a bracelet with plastic longitudinally ribbed body (längsgerippte Armband). Both ornaments are made of an alloy of non-ferrous metals – tin bronze, which is confirmed by results of ED-XRF analyses. A detailed typological-chronological analysis of the ornaments as well as information on settlement in the studied territory between the Little Carpathians in the west and the Váh river in the east at the end of the Early Bronze Age and in the Middle Bronze Age allow their approximate dating to stages BB–BC. However, with regard to all considered facts together with our knowledge of metallurgy of this type of ornaments in the Middle Danube region, the article prefers connection of both artefacts with the Koszider period and stage BB1. Settlement of the Madarovce culture was becoming extinct in the wider surroundings of Cífer-Pác in this stage and new cultural situation was being created, ending up in the established of the Middle Danube Tumulus culture.
Zborník Slovenského Národného Múzea CXIV, Archeológia 30, 2020
The impulse to write this article came from the new find of a short metal dagger with unevenly ro... more The impulse to write this article came from the new find of a short metal dagger with unevenly rounded/trapezoidal blade base with four rivet holes. This dagger was discovered during systematic surface prospecting in the village of Cífer-Pác (Trnava district). X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (ED-XRF) of the surface of the dagger’s material confirms that it is made of tin bronze. With regard to the chemical composition of the dagger and typologically close finds of daggers from the Bronze Age in Slovakia and adjacent territories, we can conclude that it is an artifact manufactured in the period between the end of stage BA2 and stage BB1. The article is mapping the surrounding settlement and metallurgic activities in these stages as well, but also brings new information on another previously known short dagger from Cífer (stage BA2). This, however, is – according to ED-XFR analysis and unlike the new find of a bronze dagger – made of copper raw material. The daggers from the village of Cífer extend our knowledge of metallurgy of non-ferrous metals and they reflect the sequence of distribution of copper – bronze artifacts in western Slovakia in stages BA2 – BB1.
In Slovakia, targeted archaeological research has succeeded in discovering 20 temporary Roman cam... more In Slovakia, targeted archaeological research has succeeded in discovering 20 temporary Roman camps at 8 sites: in Suchohrad and Závod in the region of Záhorie, in Hviezdoslavov on Žitný ostrov, in Cífer-Pác in the area of Trnavská tabuľa, near the Danube in Iža, in Radvaň nad Dunajom and in Virt, in nearby Chotín, and in Vráble in the Žitava river valley. Their discovery was possible mainly due to the application of aerial archaeology. Archival aerial photographs, geophysical measurements, archaeological surveys and surface collecting were used to supplement the findings. The obtained finds allow to date these camps reliably into the period of the Marcomannic Wars. Thus, several places were located where the troops of Marcus Aurelius were encamped during their campaigns.
Die mit Initialen gekennzeichneten Summaries und Résumés wurden von Sandy Hämmerle (S. H.), Yves ... more Die mit Initialen gekennzeichneten Summaries und Résumés wurden von Sandy Hämmerle (S. H.), Yves Gautier (Y. G.), Kyrylo Myzgin (K. M.) und Jaroslav Onyščuk (J. O.) übersetzt; die Summaries von Isabel Aitken redigiert.
Studia honoraria archaeologica. Zbornik radova u prigodi 65. rođendana prof. dr. sc. Mirjane Sanader, 2020
Der Beitrag befasst sich mit einer seltenen Variante der eisernen Trompetenfibeln mit der Spirals... more Der Beitrag befasst sich mit einer seltenen Variante der eisernen Trompetenfibeln mit der Spiralschutzhülse ohne Knopf auf dem Bügel, die manchmal auch in der Querrillen oder mit Gittermuster an den Köpfen tauschiert werden. Sie kamen an einigen germanischen Brandgräberfeldern in der Westslowakei vor, jedoch solche Fibeln sind in anderen Bereichen des Barbaricums, wo man sonst die Gewandnadeln öfters auch aus Eisen hergestellt hat, nicht vertreten. Mehrere nahe Parallelen sind dagegen in Pannonien aus Siscia und aus der Umgebung von Vindobona bekannt und vereinzelt sind sie ebenso in Dakien und entfernteren Raetien vorgekommen. Die Herstellung aus Eisen und ihre Verzierung verbindet sie mit einer anderen Gruppe von spezifischen pannonischen Trompetenfibeln, die mit silberner Tauschierung entweder in Kreisrillen oder mit Gittermuster an breiteren Köpfen geschmückt sind. Diese Verzierungsart war dem “Provinzialgeschmack“ fremd und lässt sich wohl von der bei den Germanen vor allem in den nordwestlichen Bereichen Europas geübten Verzierungstechnik ableiten. Diese Trompetenfibeln wurden jedoch schon in pannonischen Werkstätten erzeugt. Neben Pannonien kamen solche Fibeln vereinzelt auch in anderen Regionen vor und einige Fundstücke sind ebenfalls aus einigen germanischen Brandgräbern in der Slowakei bekannt. In germanischem Milieu hat man die Silbertauschierung an mehreren Fibelformen wie auch an anderen Gegenständen angewendet, das Gittermuster besonders an den prunkvollen Stuhlsporen. In Pannonien wurden mit solcher Silbertauschierung die eisernen Pferdegeschirrteile in den Hügelgräbern von Inota und Baláca verziert, wo vermutlich die Vertreter stark romanisierten Elite den angesiedelten Bevölkerungsgruppen der germanischen Herkunft bestattet waren. Es lässt sich daraus voraussetzen, dass aus solchen Impulsen und Anforderungen von diesem Milieu sind auch die eisernen pannonischen Trompetenfibeln mit spezifischen Silbertauschierung, einschließlich der behandelten Sonderformen in der 1. Hälfte des 2. Jahrhunderts entstanden und von einigen Handwerkern in der Provinz produziert wurden. Die auffällige Menge von den eisernen Trompetenfibeln in Siscia deutet darauf hin, dass es sich dort nicht nur um ein Handelszentrum, sondern auch um ein Herstellungszentrum von solchen Fibeln handeln könnte.
Experiencing the Frontier and the Frontier of Experience. Barbarian perspectives and Roman strategies to deal with new threats, 2020
Roman limes in military campaigns of the Barbarians ���������������������������������������������... more Roman limes in military campaigns of the Barbarians �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1 Krzysztof Narloch Archaeological footprints of a superpower in hostile territory�Recent research on the traces of Roman military activities in the barbarian region north of the Middle Danube �����������������������������������������������������10
The article deals with an eagle-shaped handle from the Germanic settlement in Hurbanovo in southw... more The article deals with an eagle-shaped handle from the Germanic settlement in Hurbanovo in southwestern Slovakia. It was found with the metal detector at the beginning of the 1990s and presently is in a private collection in Vienna. It is a handle in the shape of a stylized eagle head that protrudes up from the chalice of four regularly deployed flower leafs. The whole was plastically cast in copper alloy. Precise parallels are so far known only from short swords and knives from places near Mount Vesuvius (Pompeii, Herculaneum), other handles in the shape of an eagle, or predatory bird in general, are almost unknown. For the identification of the item, fragments of swords from broken bronze statues that were found in some places in the Roman Empire are significant as well. According to this comparison, the eagle head-shaped handle from Hurbanovo can be interpreted as a part of a symbolic weapon and dated to the middle imperial period, approximately between the late 2nd and the middle of the 3rd century ad.
The paper presents three artefacts from the Migration Period collected by systematic survey at th... more The paper presents three artefacts from the Migration Period collected by systematic survey at the settlement Cífer-Pác. They are the fragments of two fibulas with triangular headplate, which can be dated to the period around half of the 5 th c. and the thorn of buckle probably from the same period. Analysis by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (ED-XRF) showed that all of them were made from the alloy of copper (cu) and zinc (Zn) with the admixture of lead (pb), therefore from the lead brass. Together with some of the older findings, as settlement feature with silver gold-coated fibula with three knobs on the head and also recently found cemetery with the finding of fibula of type Prša-Levice, they fill up the mosaic of settlement of this site in the migration period.
Rezension zu: Christoph Hinker, Ein Brandhorizont aus der Zeit der Markomannenkriege im sudostnor... more Rezension zu: Christoph Hinker, Ein Brandhorizont aus der Zeit der Markomannenkriege im sudostnorischen Munizipium Flavia Solva. Mit Beitragen von Gunter Christandl und Ursula Schachinger. Zentraleuropaische Archaologie Band 4. Osterreichisches Archaologisches Institut / Phoibos, Wien 2014. ISSN 2218-6433, ISBN 978-3-900305-70-3. 341 Seiten mit 38 Abbildungen, 20 Tabellen, 43 Tafeln, 9 Fototafeln, 1 Typentafel
Within the framework of the German-Slovakian project to explore the Roman presence north of the P... more Within the framework of the German-Slovakian project to explore the Roman presence north of the Pannonian frontier on the Danube and the interaction with the native population beyond, the Germanic burial ground field in Sekule was examined. The site is located west of the Little Carpathians on the left side of the March. In four campaigns from 2012 to 2015, 36 burials from the later 1st century to the beginning of the 3rd century AD were studied. The majority of the dead were buried in the second half of the 2nd century AD. Almost all graves were equipped with Roman vessels made of bronze or ceramics. Together with the weapons in the men's tombs and the parts of the costume in the graves of the women, the connections between the Germanic population living in the lower Morava valley and the Roman Empire as well as far into the Germanic regions in the north are shown.
The ways of infilling archaeological objects are among the most common questions given to geoarch... more The ways of infilling archaeological objects are among the most common questions given to geoarchaeologists. Convenient subjects for the study of formation processes of archaeological terrain features (contexts) are V-shaped ditches. Their infilling is usually lithologicaly and texturally considerably variable with regular morphology and special archaeological context. The V-shaped ditches are known only from two chronologically, culturally distinctive periods. In first case there are ditches of "rondels" from the Late Neolithic Period, in the second case we are dealing with the fortification ditches of the Roman temporary camps. On the basis of sedimentological and consequently micromophological study, processes were differentiated in the formation of studied infillings. In Neolithic rondels, two parts of infillings were noted. The lower one typically has straight thin bedded layers, originating due to processes connected with vegetation ingrowth and erosion of the rampart. The upper part of the infilling is usually homogenous, and originated during the human caused grading of the surrounding area. During this phase, remains of rampart constructions were most probably destroyed. The basic type of deposition e especially visible in case of rondels e is lateral planar wash with phases of bioturbation, running pedogenesis on the edges of ditches, or stagnating water. The second main featuring process is mass movement slumping, particularly of upper faces of sloped sides. This process often happens naturally, mainly due to erosion, presence of water, and vegetation. The most distinctive postsedimentary processes determined within the rondel infilling were bioturbation, accumulation of carbonates and movement of clay minerals caused by soil leaching. In the V-shaped ditches of the Roman temporary camps, it was possible to microscopically trace similar records documenting coarse particle sedimentation at the base of ditches, although this layer is not continuous thought the whole width. It indicates the direction from which it was transported. They are remains of intentionally redeposited ramparts. The upper parts are marked by increasing humification and bioturbation as a result of ditch infilling emergence. However, it is possible to trace similar formation processes in both groups of studied V-shaped ditches and to define a basic classification. Prevailing textural and structural features are distinctively different between the groups, due to geological subsoil conditions, hydrological regime and depth of the ditches.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the attitudes of decision-makers toward the use of c... more The purpose of this study was to investigate the attitudes of decision-makers toward the use of care robots in welfare services. We investigated their knowledge regarding the use of care robots in welfare services as well as their attitudes toward using robots in their own care and in the care of various user groups, for example, children, youths, and older people. We conducted an online survey with a range of Finnish decision-makers as respondents (N = 176). The respondents were divided into two groups: service actors (n = 104) and research and development (R&D) actors (n = 72). The respondents did not regard themselves as having much knowledge about robotics; however, the results showed that the R&D actors had more overall knowledge of the use of robots than the service actors. The R&D actors were found to be more willing to accept a robot as part of their own care as well as part of the care for various user groups. The contribution of this study is a better understanding of the views of the decision-makers who are or will be in charge of the acquisition of technological devices in welfare services.
Autorské práva vyhradené. Akékoľvek rozmnožovanie textov, fotografií, kresieb vrátane údajov v el... more Autorské práva vyhradené. Akékoľvek rozmnožovanie textov, fotografií, kresieb vrátane údajov v elektronickej podobe je možné len s písomným súhlasom vydavateľa. Objednávky na predplatné prijíma každá pošta a doručovateľ Slovenskej pošty, a. s.
Zborník Slovenského národného múzea, Archeológia 31, 2021
The article presents two metal artefacts which were discovered in
the course of the systematic pr... more The article presents two metal artefacts which were discovered in the course of the systematic prospection with metal detectors in the village of Cífer-Pác, Trnava district, in western Slovakia. They are a disc-shaped pendant with concentric ribs and flutings around the central tang (Kreisrippenanhänger in German) and a fragment of a bracelet with plastic longitudinally ribbed body (längsgerippte Armband). Both ornaments are made of an alloy of non-ferrous metals – tin bronze, which is confirmed by results of ED-XRF analyses. A detailed typological-chronological analysis of the ornaments as well as information on settlement in the studied territory between the Little Carpathians in the west and the Váh river in the east at the end of the Early Bronze Age and in the Middle Bronze Age allow their approximate dating to stages BB–BC. However, with regard to all considered facts together with our knowledge of metallurgy of this type of ornaments in the Middle Danube region, the article prefers connection of both artefacts with the Koszider period and stage BB1. Settlement of the Madarovce culture was becoming extinct in the wider surroundings of Cífer-Pác in this stage and new cultural situation was being created, ending up in the established of the Middle Danube Tumulus culture.
Zborník Slovenského Národného Múzea CXIV, Archeológia 30, 2020
The impulse to write this article came from the new find of a short metal dagger with unevenly ro... more The impulse to write this article came from the new find of a short metal dagger with unevenly rounded/trapezoidal blade base with four rivet holes. This dagger was discovered during systematic surface prospecting in the village of Cífer-Pác (Trnava district). X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (ED-XRF) of the surface of the dagger’s material confirms that it is made of tin bronze. With regard to the chemical composition of the dagger and typologically close finds of daggers from the Bronze Age in Slovakia and adjacent territories, we can conclude that it is an artifact manufactured in the period between the end of stage BA2 and stage BB1. The article is mapping the surrounding settlement and metallurgic activities in these stages as well, but also brings new information on another previously known short dagger from Cífer (stage BA2). This, however, is – according to ED-XFR analysis and unlike the new find of a bronze dagger – made of copper raw material. The daggers from the village of Cífer extend our knowledge of metallurgy of non-ferrous metals and they reflect the sequence of distribution of copper – bronze artifacts in western Slovakia in stages BA2 – BB1.
In Slovakia, targeted archaeological research has succeeded in discovering 20 temporary Roman cam... more In Slovakia, targeted archaeological research has succeeded in discovering 20 temporary Roman camps at 8 sites: in Suchohrad and Závod in the region of Záhorie, in Hviezdoslavov on Žitný ostrov, in Cífer-Pác in the area of Trnavská tabuľa, near the Danube in Iža, in Radvaň nad Dunajom and in Virt, in nearby Chotín, and in Vráble in the Žitava river valley. Their discovery was possible mainly due to the application of aerial archaeology. Archival aerial photographs, geophysical measurements, archaeological surveys and surface collecting were used to supplement the findings. The obtained finds allow to date these camps reliably into the period of the Marcomannic Wars. Thus, several places were located where the troops of Marcus Aurelius were encamped during their campaigns.
Die mit Initialen gekennzeichneten Summaries und Résumés wurden von Sandy Hämmerle (S. H.), Yves ... more Die mit Initialen gekennzeichneten Summaries und Résumés wurden von Sandy Hämmerle (S. H.), Yves Gautier (Y. G.), Kyrylo Myzgin (K. M.) und Jaroslav Onyščuk (J. O.) übersetzt; die Summaries von Isabel Aitken redigiert.
Studia honoraria archaeologica. Zbornik radova u prigodi 65. rođendana prof. dr. sc. Mirjane Sanader, 2020
Der Beitrag befasst sich mit einer seltenen Variante der eisernen Trompetenfibeln mit der Spirals... more Der Beitrag befasst sich mit einer seltenen Variante der eisernen Trompetenfibeln mit der Spiralschutzhülse ohne Knopf auf dem Bügel, die manchmal auch in der Querrillen oder mit Gittermuster an den Köpfen tauschiert werden. Sie kamen an einigen germanischen Brandgräberfeldern in der Westslowakei vor, jedoch solche Fibeln sind in anderen Bereichen des Barbaricums, wo man sonst die Gewandnadeln öfters auch aus Eisen hergestellt hat, nicht vertreten. Mehrere nahe Parallelen sind dagegen in Pannonien aus Siscia und aus der Umgebung von Vindobona bekannt und vereinzelt sind sie ebenso in Dakien und entfernteren Raetien vorgekommen. Die Herstellung aus Eisen und ihre Verzierung verbindet sie mit einer anderen Gruppe von spezifischen pannonischen Trompetenfibeln, die mit silberner Tauschierung entweder in Kreisrillen oder mit Gittermuster an breiteren Köpfen geschmückt sind. Diese Verzierungsart war dem “Provinzialgeschmack“ fremd und lässt sich wohl von der bei den Germanen vor allem in den nordwestlichen Bereichen Europas geübten Verzierungstechnik ableiten. Diese Trompetenfibeln wurden jedoch schon in pannonischen Werkstätten erzeugt. Neben Pannonien kamen solche Fibeln vereinzelt auch in anderen Regionen vor und einige Fundstücke sind ebenfalls aus einigen germanischen Brandgräbern in der Slowakei bekannt. In germanischem Milieu hat man die Silbertauschierung an mehreren Fibelformen wie auch an anderen Gegenständen angewendet, das Gittermuster besonders an den prunkvollen Stuhlsporen. In Pannonien wurden mit solcher Silbertauschierung die eisernen Pferdegeschirrteile in den Hügelgräbern von Inota und Baláca verziert, wo vermutlich die Vertreter stark romanisierten Elite den angesiedelten Bevölkerungsgruppen der germanischen Herkunft bestattet waren. Es lässt sich daraus voraussetzen, dass aus solchen Impulsen und Anforderungen von diesem Milieu sind auch die eisernen pannonischen Trompetenfibeln mit spezifischen Silbertauschierung, einschließlich der behandelten Sonderformen in der 1. Hälfte des 2. Jahrhunderts entstanden und von einigen Handwerkern in der Provinz produziert wurden. Die auffällige Menge von den eisernen Trompetenfibeln in Siscia deutet darauf hin, dass es sich dort nicht nur um ein Handelszentrum, sondern auch um ein Herstellungszentrum von solchen Fibeln handeln könnte.
Experiencing the Frontier and the Frontier of Experience. Barbarian perspectives and Roman strategies to deal with new threats, 2020
Roman limes in military campaigns of the Barbarians ���������������������������������������������... more Roman limes in military campaigns of the Barbarians �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1 Krzysztof Narloch Archaeological footprints of a superpower in hostile territory�Recent research on the traces of Roman military activities in the barbarian region north of the Middle Danube �����������������������������������������������������10
The article deals with an eagle-shaped handle from the Germanic settlement in Hurbanovo in southw... more The article deals with an eagle-shaped handle from the Germanic settlement in Hurbanovo in southwestern Slovakia. It was found with the metal detector at the beginning of the 1990s and presently is in a private collection in Vienna. It is a handle in the shape of a stylized eagle head that protrudes up from the chalice of four regularly deployed flower leafs. The whole was plastically cast in copper alloy. Precise parallels are so far known only from short swords and knives from places near Mount Vesuvius (Pompeii, Herculaneum), other handles in the shape of an eagle, or predatory bird in general, are almost unknown. For the identification of the item, fragments of swords from broken bronze statues that were found in some places in the Roman Empire are significant as well. According to this comparison, the eagle head-shaped handle from Hurbanovo can be interpreted as a part of a symbolic weapon and dated to the middle imperial period, approximately between the late 2nd and the middle of the 3rd century ad.
The paper presents three artefacts from the Migration Period collected by systematic survey at th... more The paper presents three artefacts from the Migration Period collected by systematic survey at the settlement Cífer-Pác. They are the fragments of two fibulas with triangular headplate, which can be dated to the period around half of the 5 th c. and the thorn of buckle probably from the same period. Analysis by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (ED-XRF) showed that all of them were made from the alloy of copper (cu) and zinc (Zn) with the admixture of lead (pb), therefore from the lead brass. Together with some of the older findings, as settlement feature with silver gold-coated fibula with three knobs on the head and also recently found cemetery with the finding of fibula of type Prša-Levice, they fill up the mosaic of settlement of this site in the migration period.
Rezension zu: Christoph Hinker, Ein Brandhorizont aus der Zeit der Markomannenkriege im sudostnor... more Rezension zu: Christoph Hinker, Ein Brandhorizont aus der Zeit der Markomannenkriege im sudostnorischen Munizipium Flavia Solva. Mit Beitragen von Gunter Christandl und Ursula Schachinger. Zentraleuropaische Archaologie Band 4. Osterreichisches Archaologisches Institut / Phoibos, Wien 2014. ISSN 2218-6433, ISBN 978-3-900305-70-3. 341 Seiten mit 38 Abbildungen, 20 Tabellen, 43 Tafeln, 9 Fototafeln, 1 Typentafel
Archeologický ústav SAV Múzeum mesta Bratislavy Nitra 2008 Cover/Umschlag/Obálka: Front cover/Vor... more Archeologický ústav SAV Múzeum mesta Bratislavy Nitra 2008 Cover/Umschlag/Obálka: Front cover/Vorderseite/Predná strana: Relief of Daedalus and Icarus (Bratislava-Rusovce, Slovakia) / Reliefsteinplatte mit Daidalos und Ikaros (Bratislava-Rusovce, Slowakei) / Daidalos a Ikaros, reliéf z náhrobnej architektúry (Bratislava-Rusovce, Slovensko) Back cover/Rückseite/Zadná strana: Grave stele of an equestrian with a lance (Bratislava-Rusovce, Slovakia)/ Die Grabstele des Reiters mit Lanze (Bratislava-Rusovce, Slowakei)/Náhrobná stéla jazdca s kopijou (Bratislava-Rusovce, Slovensko) This booklet can be order from/Diese Broschüre ist zu beziehen über/Brožúru možno získať: Archeologický ústav SAV
Keywords: western Slovakia, Záhorie, Závod, Roman period, Germanic cremation burial ground, Roman... more Keywords: western Slovakia, Záhorie, Závod, Roman period, Germanic cremation burial ground, Roman imports, Przeworsk culture, Wielbark culture, finds of Elbe area origin, brooches, parts of clothes, toilette equipment, coin, militaria, glass, bronze vessels, pottery, terra sigillata.
Abstract: Cremation Burial Ground from the Roman period in Závod. In 2017, in Závod (district of Malacky) during forestry works a_destroyed Germanic burial ground dated to the Roman period was found. On the basis of topographicaldata and composition of finds, it is possible, to identify this burial ground with that mentioned by E. Beninger. The numerous imports from Roman provinces, from areas north of the Carpathian mountains and Elbe area region, show intensive multiregional contacts held by the local community. There is an ongoing discussion whether this is a_proof of extensive trade, cultural innfuence or ethnic transfers. The burial ground dates back to a period comprised between the last third of the 1st century and the 4th century.
Papers by Ján Rajtár
the course of the systematic prospection with metal detectors in the village of Cífer-Pác, Trnava district, in western Slovakia. They are a disc-shaped pendant with concentric ribs and flutings around the central tang (Kreisrippenanhänger in German) and a fragment of a bracelet with plastic longitudinally ribbed body (längsgerippte Armband). Both ornaments are made of an alloy of non-ferrous metals – tin bronze, which is confirmed by results of ED-XRF analyses. A detailed typological-chronological analysis of the ornaments as well as information on settlement in the studied territory between the Little Carpathians in the west and the Váh river in the east at the end of the Early Bronze Age and in the Middle Bronze Age allow their approximate dating to stages BB–BC. However, with regard to all considered facts together with our knowledge of metallurgy of this type of ornaments in the Middle Danube region, the article prefers connection of both artefacts with the Koszider period and stage BB1. Settlement of the Madarovce culture was becoming extinct in the wider surroundings of Cífer-Pác in this stage and new cultural situation was being created, ending up in the established of the Middle Danube Tumulus culture.
activities in these stages as well, but also brings new information on another previously known short dagger from Cífer (stage BA2). This, however, is – according to ED-XFR analysis and unlike the new find of a bronze dagger – made of copper raw material. The daggers from the village of Cífer extend our knowledge of metallurgy of non-ferrous metals and they reflect the sequence of distribution of copper – bronze artifacts in western Slovakia in stages BA2 – BB1.
archaeology. Archival aerial photographs, geophysical measurements, archaeological surveys and surface collecting were used to supplement the findings. The obtained finds allow to date these camps reliably into the
period of the Marcomannic Wars. Thus, several places were located where the troops of Marcus Aurelius were encamped during their campaigns.
auch an anderen Gegenständen angewendet, das Gittermuster besonders an den prunkvollen Stuhlsporen. In Pannonien wurden mit solcher Silbertauschierung die eisernen Pferdegeschirrteile in den Hügelgräbern von Inota und Baláca verziert, wo vermutlich die Vertreter stark romanisierten Elite den angesiedelten Bevölkerungsgruppen der germanischen Herkunft bestattet waren. Es lässt sich daraus voraussetzen, dass aus solchen Impulsen und Anforderungen von diesem
Milieu sind auch die eisernen pannonischen Trompetenfibeln mit spezifischen Silbertauschierung, einschließlich der behandelten Sonderformen in der 1. Hälfte des 2. Jahrhunderts entstanden und
von einigen Handwerkern in der Provinz produziert wurden. Die auffällige Menge von den eisernen Trompetenfibeln in Siscia deutet darauf hin, dass es sich dort nicht nur um ein Handelszentrum, sondern auch um ein Herstellungszentrum von solchen Fibeln handeln könnte.
the course of the systematic prospection with metal detectors in the village of Cífer-Pác, Trnava district, in western Slovakia. They are a disc-shaped pendant with concentric ribs and flutings around the central tang (Kreisrippenanhänger in German) and a fragment of a bracelet with plastic longitudinally ribbed body (längsgerippte Armband). Both ornaments are made of an alloy of non-ferrous metals – tin bronze, which is confirmed by results of ED-XRF analyses. A detailed typological-chronological analysis of the ornaments as well as information on settlement in the studied territory between the Little Carpathians in the west and the Váh river in the east at the end of the Early Bronze Age and in the Middle Bronze Age allow their approximate dating to stages BB–BC. However, with regard to all considered facts together with our knowledge of metallurgy of this type of ornaments in the Middle Danube region, the article prefers connection of both artefacts with the Koszider period and stage BB1. Settlement of the Madarovce culture was becoming extinct in the wider surroundings of Cífer-Pác in this stage and new cultural situation was being created, ending up in the established of the Middle Danube Tumulus culture.
activities in these stages as well, but also brings new information on another previously known short dagger from Cífer (stage BA2). This, however, is – according to ED-XFR analysis and unlike the new find of a bronze dagger – made of copper raw material. The daggers from the village of Cífer extend our knowledge of metallurgy of non-ferrous metals and they reflect the sequence of distribution of copper – bronze artifacts in western Slovakia in stages BA2 – BB1.
archaeology. Archival aerial photographs, geophysical measurements, archaeological surveys and surface collecting were used to supplement the findings. The obtained finds allow to date these camps reliably into the
period of the Marcomannic Wars. Thus, several places were located where the troops of Marcus Aurelius were encamped during their campaigns.
auch an anderen Gegenständen angewendet, das Gittermuster besonders an den prunkvollen Stuhlsporen. In Pannonien wurden mit solcher Silbertauschierung die eisernen Pferdegeschirrteile in den Hügelgräbern von Inota und Baláca verziert, wo vermutlich die Vertreter stark romanisierten Elite den angesiedelten Bevölkerungsgruppen der germanischen Herkunft bestattet waren. Es lässt sich daraus voraussetzen, dass aus solchen Impulsen und Anforderungen von diesem
Milieu sind auch die eisernen pannonischen Trompetenfibeln mit spezifischen Silbertauschierung, einschließlich der behandelten Sonderformen in der 1. Hälfte des 2. Jahrhunderts entstanden und
von einigen Handwerkern in der Provinz produziert wurden. Die auffällige Menge von den eisernen Trompetenfibeln in Siscia deutet darauf hin, dass es sich dort nicht nur um ein Handelszentrum, sondern auch um ein Herstellungszentrum von solchen Fibeln handeln könnte.
Abstract: Cremation Burial Ground from the Roman period in Závod. In 2017, in Závod (district of Malacky) during forestry works a_destroyed Germanic burial ground dated to the Roman period was found. On the basis of topographicaldata and composition of finds, it is possible, to identify this burial ground with that mentioned by E. Beninger. The numerous imports from Roman provinces, from areas north of the Carpathian mountains and Elbe area region, show intensive multiregional contacts held by the local community. There is an ongoing discussion whether this is a_proof of extensive trade, cultural innfuence or ethnic transfers. The burial ground dates back to a period comprised between the last third of the 1st century and the 4th century.