Roman Cavalry Equipment
Recent papers in Roman Cavalry Equipment
During the Second Punic War the Roman army lost many of its battles against the Carthaginian army of Hannibal Barca. Not only the infantry suffered enormous casualties, the cavalry suffered as well. The Carthaginian army deployed Spanish... more
The current paper presents two previously unpublished Roman helmet cheek-piece fragments from the collection of the Zalău County Museum of History and Art, originating from northern Dacia (Porolissensis). Both copper-alloy cheek-piece... more
Cette publication dévoile les résultats obtenus lors d’un projet d’archéologie expérimentale qui portait sur les tournois équestres (hippika gymnasia) de la cavalerie d’Hadrien (Carlisle, juin-juillet 2017). Principalement destiné au... more
The four horned, stirrup-less, no-flap saddle can be traced in Roman cavalry for at least seven centuries and its origins with the Gallic tribes of Northern Europe probably extended before that. It is proposed that its longevity compared... more
The first Roman and Corinthian cavalry N. Sekunda Cito parare victoriam, cito cedere: Roman cavalry tactics during the late Republic and the Principate M. Petitjean Cohortes equitatae: a conundrum D. J. Breeze GENERAL STUDIES 'Trapp'd in... more
Principles of the troops dislocation and providing for the upkeep of the armies of the barbarian kingdoms in the Roman West in the 5 th and 6 th centuries are still under discussion. In the mid-19 th century E. T. Gaupp claimed that the... more
Ala augusta is a project to reconstruct the roman cavalry. Here we share our research and experimentation done.
Römischer Anhänger mit Inschrift aus Frankfurt a. M.-Heddernheim
Delivered at the Roman Finds Group Spring Conference "New Research on Finds from the Roman South-West: The Roman Finds Group and the University of Exeter, 16–17 April 2021" This presentation will consider the finds evidence for the... more
Niniejszy artykuł został poświęcony dziejom i uzbrojeniu alae I Bosporanorum miliariae.
Niniejszy artykuł został poświęcony dziejom, przydomkowi i uzbrojeniu alae Gallorum et Bosporanorum.
Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia zagadnienie kariery wojskowej i wyposażenia jeźdźca legionu III Augusta, Marka Licyniusza Fidelisa.
This paper investigates the decorations imbued with an apotropaic protectional quality used on the harnass of Roman horses by first examining the depictions of horses to see which amulets appear and where they are worn, before looking... more
Desperta Ferro Especial nº XXI: La legión romana (VI) El siglo IV
This paper explores the origins of the horse games (hippika gymnasia) of the Roman imperial army. It argues that the equestrian displays lengthily described by Arrian in his tactical treatise were borrowed from the Gallic and Iberian... more
This paper will present all preserved fragments of armour from the " Roshava Dragana " burial mound in Bulgaria. This is the first assessment of its type for this date set. Armour found in burials can be attributed to two or three types;... more
A veteránokat említő feliratos források alapján több kutató, köztük legkorábban Alföldi A. 2 , majd Mócsy A. 3 és Gabler D. 4 arra következtettek, hogy Pannónia provincia Balatontól É-ra fekvő területére, a Balaton-felvidékre már a Kr.u.... more
Desperta Ferro Especial nº XIII: La legión romana (IV) El auge del Imperio
Thirteen military bronze objects were recently found at ancient Tarraco and the site of La Devesa (El Vendrell, Tarragona). All the bronzes were from archaeological urban and rural sites, showing a relationship between the civil and... more
Die Reiter - Attribute des fruehromischen Adels - Die Phalerae - Der Goldring als Kennzeichen des Reiterprivilegs - Die Trabea - Der Calceus Patricius - Der Purpustreifen der Tunika - Rueckblick auf die Ergebnisse - Die politische Rolle... more
If there is anything that unified the Roman world almost 2000 years ago in a similar way as it brought us together for scholarly reasons at León in Spain, it is the Roman army. And just as we had to take some efforts to get there the... more
Roman helmets with face-masks constitute a category of military equipment that is rare and at the same time spectacular. They imitate human heads, bare or helmeted; rich decorations include mythological motives and apotropaic elements.... more
A view on the Roman cavalry Forces, especially the equites legionis. The article describes a possible organizational chart of the legionary cavalry Formation in imperial times. By analyzing Primary sources the organization, command and... more
- by Johan Nicolay
- Roman cavalry saddles, bridles and cavalry weaponry, Early Iron Age, Late Iron Age, Roman period, Late Antiquity, typology, chronology, distribution, function, fibulae, weapons, tools, harness, metal vessels, writing equipment, balances and weights, small finds, Roman and Early Mediaeval weaponry, Roman Archaeology
N a naszym rynku zaczyna stopniowo przybywać prac poruszających, zaniedbywane dotychczas zagadnienia związane z historią antyczną. Jedną z nich jest praca Piotra Letkiego 1 , poruszająca tematykę jazdy rzymskiej z okresu późnego cesarstwa... more
Katedra klasickej archeológie, Trnavská univerzita v Trnave, Hornopotočná 23, SK-918 43 Trnava +421-33-5939371; fax: +421-33-5939370 [email protected] Publikované s finančnou podporou mesta Trnava a Vedeckej grantovej agentúry MŠ SR... more
Pf. 364. Ich danke Frau Katalin Ottományi, dass ich an der Ausgrabung teilnehmen durfte und sie mir die Waffenbeigaben des von ihr freigelegten Grabes 126 zur Veröffentlichung überlassen hat. Des Weiteren danke ich László Borhy, András... more
Északkelet Pannoniában, a Rómával már Augustus alatt szövetséges, de legalábbis függô viszonyba került Eravisci törzsi területét a római hadsereg csak a késô-Tiberius-Claudius korban szállta meg.
Selon une idée largement répandue, l’Homme ne fut en mesure de tirer pleinement profit du cheval qu’à partir du Moyen Age en raison de l’apparition d’avancées techniques majeures à cette période de l’histoire. A en croire la liste des... more