Roman Textile Production
Recent papers in Roman Textile Production
A fiercely debated aspect of Pompeii's history, is the nature of the city's textile economy. This paper presents a new perspective, in which the Pompeian textile economy is contextualized and discussed in relation to local, regional and... more
per aver messo a disposizione materiali e immagini di archivio. Per l'aiuto nell'agevolare tutte le fasi delle ricerche dei documenti per il volume, si ringrazia lo staff della Soprintendenza ABAP ve-met, del Museo Nazionale Atestino e... more
In ihrer Zusammenschau können die römischen Textilien von österreichischem Staatsgebiet verschiedenen Funktionsbereichen zugewiesen werden, sei es als Kleidung, als militärische Ausstattung, als textiles Behältnis, als technisches Textil... more
We are indebted to various sources for our knowledge of the pre-Roman Iron Age textile production on the territory of Austria (800-15 BC), such as well-preserved textiles, grave finds, textile tools, archaeological evidence in settlements... more
The World of the Fullo takes a detailed look at the fullers, craftsmen who dealt with high-quality garments, of Roman Italy. Analyzing the social and economic worlds in which the fullers lived and worked, it tells the story of their... more
This paper summarises the results of the TRAMA (Textiles in Roman Archaeology: Methods and Analysis) project, which aims to analyse Roman textiles from Venetia. As elsewhere in Italy, because of the unfavourable climatic conditions and... more
Layout del testo: Matteo Annibaletto Nella collana Antenor Quaderni sono pubblicate opere sottoposte a revisione valutativa con il procedimento in «doppio cieco» (double blind peer review process), nel rispetto dell'anonimato dell'autore... more
Il presente lavoro, incentrato sulla storia del lavoro e dei lavoratori nel mondo romano, si propone di ricostruire, attraverso l'epigrafia monumentale, l'identità e il profilo socio-economico di alcuni individui vissuti a Mutina o nel... more
Reservados todos los derechos. De conformidad con lo dispuesto en los artículos 270-272 del Código Penal vigente, podrán ser castigados con penas de multa y privación de libertad quienes reprodujeren o plagiaren, en todo o en parte, una... more
in Dross-Krüpe, K. (ed.) Textile trade and distribution in antiquity. Wiesbaden: Harassowitz, 1-16.
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The Roman villa dels Antigons, in Reus, was one of the richest and most important agricultural concerns in the territory of the city of Tarraco. The farm was in operation between the second century BC and the seventh century AD. In the... more
in Dross-Krüpe, K.; Nösch, M.-L. (ed.) Textiles, Trade and Theories. From the Ancient Near East to the Mediterranean. Münster: Ugarit, 49-62
Mail armour is made of many interlinking metal rings. It has been a popular type of defensive gear through the centuries, and this popularity has in part been due to mail armour’s flexibility. However, this very flexibility today hinders... more
The city of Mutina (Modena) was known throughout the Roman world for the quality of its wool and the textile production, in various way, was in Roman times an engine of economic development and social mobility. The literary and epigraphic... more
"There is evidence that ever since early prehistory, textiles have always had more than simply a utilitarian function. Textiles express who we are - our gender, age, family affiliation, occupation, religion, ethnicity and social,... more
This contribution discusses work hierarchies and gender structures in Roman agricultural economy and production. It is largely based on agricultural texts, starting with Cato the Elder, and the focus is on female work roles and... more
Reservados todos los derechos. De conformidad con lo dispuesto en el Art. 534 bis del Código Penal vigente, podrán ser castigados con penas de multa y privación de libertad quienes reprodujeran o plagiaren, en todo o en parte, una obra... more
Jelen tanulmány középpontjában azok a rézötvözet (esetenként vas) huzalból készült apró római kori kampók állnak (2. kép), melyeket a Római Birodalom tartományainak anyagi kultúráját kutatók orsókampónak, míg a birodalom határain túl... more
Excavations (2003 -2006) along via di Passolombardo, in southeastern limit of Rome municipality, allowed to identify an articulated and unpublished archaeological complex, mainly based on three structures: a large concrete basin, a... more
The «Ager Tarraconensis Project» (PAT in Catalan) has studied an area of the Baix Camp region, focusing on landscape studies. An evaluation of sites of military importance has shown that, within the PAT area of study, visual control... more
This paper reassesses the literary and epigraphic evidence for the urban textile economies of Roman Asia Minor. The argument focuses on three case studies, Tarsus, Miletus and the lower Lycus valley. A closer inspection of the evidence... more
Der textile Fundbestand der Prähistorischen Abteilung des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien umfasst neben Objekten aus der Urgeschichte auch einige wenige Stücke der Römerzeit und des Frühmittelalters. Dabei handelt es sich in der Regel um... more
F ra le numerose attività artigianali svolte in Lomellina tra la tarda età celtica e la prima età romana, la lavorazione delle fibre tessili ha certamente svolto un ruolo centrale nella pratica quotidiana e nell'economia locale. Il rito... more
In this part of the lecture we will examine the identity value of work for three lower-class children: Pagus (goldsmith), C. Vettius Capitolinus (embroiderer) and Quartulus (miner).
Summary of: Kordula Gostencnik,Textilproduktion in der Austria Romana. In: Karina Grömer, Römische Textilien in Noricum und Westpannonien im Kontext archäologischer Gewebefunde 2000 v.Chr. bis 500 n.Chr. in Österreich. Austria Antiqua 5,... more
Jelen előadás középpontjában azok a rézötvözet (esetenként vas) huzalból készült apró római kori kampók állnak, melyeket a Római Birodalom tartományainak anyagi kultúráját kutatók orsókampónak, míg a birodalom határain túl élőkét faggatók... more
Gabriel García Márquez író kezdi visszaemlékezéseit így: „Az élet nem az, amit az ember átélt, hanem az, amire visszaemlékszik, és ahogy visszaemlékszik rá, amikor el akarja mesélni.” A helyi pannoniai textilművesség vizsgálatának eddigi... more
It is Pannonia, one of the European administrative units of the Roman Empire which is brought into the geographical scope of my research. This study intends to grasp a more detailed picture of the local Roman provincial textile production... more
This article describes the major evolution in the settlement of the Conventus Tarraconensis, the Balearic Islands and the Pityusic Islands with the Roman conquest. It analyses the introduction of the Roman economic system, which was... more
Der Magdalensberg in Österreich als Handels- und Produktionszentrum im frührömischen Noricum von der Mitte des 1. Jh. v. Chr. bis in die Mitte des 1. Jh. n. Chr. wies eine prosperierende Textilwirtschaft auf. Nachgewiesen ist dies durch... more
Delivered at the Roman Finds Group Spring Conference "New Research on Finds from the Roman South-West: The Roman Finds Group and the University of Exeter, 16–17 April 2021" This presentation will consider the finds evidence for the... more