Rights of the Child
Recent papers in Rights of the Child
Against a backdrop of rising unemployment and increased deprivation, this FRA Annual report closely examines the situation of those, such as children, who are vulnerable to budget cuts, impacting important fields such as education,... more
Preambuła Konwencji o prawach dziecka pełni wielorakie funkcje. Okre śla kontekst interpretacji, zawiera uzasadnienie przyjęcia aktu i jego treści, może być także podstawą formułowania norm.
This paper examines a range of tools, guidelines and formats available to monitor and evaluate various aspects of national responses to migrant children and argues for the need to integrate them into a single coherent, child focused,... more
This report highlights children's voices on why protection from violence is a necessary priority within the post-2015 development agenda. The report is based on an overview of national, regional and thematic consultations on the post-2015... more
Guy Sinden, our regretted friends John Taylor and William Van Lewis, Timoté, Benjamin Van Lewis, our vzery dear and regretted friend William Van Lewis, and Francette Vigneron for their publishing of articles, quotations, encouragements,... more
The Access Guide to Human Rights Information is based substantially on the information gathered through interviews with EU officials from the Commission, the Parliament and the Fundamental Rights Agency, reflected in the Baseline Study on... more
This paper analyses the relevant case-law of the Supreme and Constitutional Courts of Germany, Austria and Italy with regard to surrogate motherhood and the rights of the child. After a brief overview of the legal regimes in the three... more
European Union (EU) Member States and institutions introduced a number of legal and policy measures in 2014 to safeguard fundamental rights in the EU. Notwithstanding these efforts, a great deal remains to be done, and it can be seen that... more
Özet: İnsan haklarının bölgesel düzlemde korunmasında etkili bir rol oynayan Amerikan İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi, medeni ve siyasal haklara ilişkin bir belge olmasına rağmen çocuk haklarına dair bir düzenleme de içermektedir. Her çocuğun,... more
Практика Європейського суду з прав людини (ЄСПЛ) та Європейської комісії з прав людини (ЄКПЛ) прояснює статус дитини на пренатальній стадії розвитку в європейській регіональній системі захисту прав людини. Оскарження до ЄСПЛ абортного... more
Children are often described as vulnerable, with migrant children often being seen as a particularly vulnerable group. How this vulnerability is understood and interpreted, however, varies. This contribution analyses recent jurisprudence... more
The article is set in the backdrop of the continuum of alternative care, more aptly put as family-based care for children in need of care and protection. It begins by taking into account the emerging trends in deinstitutionalisation and... more
An analysis of some of the implications of the UNCRC through a postcolonial lens
To secure and safeguard the fundamental rights of everyone in the European Union (EU), the EU and its 27 Member States pressed forward with a number of initiatives in 2011. This report chronicles the positive developments made in 2011 as... more
Uwagi wprowadzaj¹ce Termin "prawa dziecka", podobnie jak "prawa cz³owieka", bywa u¿ywany w ró¿nych znaczeniach; bywa niekiedy nadu¿ywany. W tym krótkim tekoecie chcia³bym zaproponowaae pewne dookreoelenie praw dziecka, dookreoelenie... more
Covid-19 has prompted widespread school closures and physical distancing measures and made online platforms and communities essential to maintaining a sense of normalcy (UNICEF et al. 2020). Children are turning to digital solutions more... more
Conflict between state backed Salwa Judum and Naxals in Chhattisgarh forced tens of thousands tribal population to leave their native places- Bijapur, Dantewada and Sukma districts and move to the remotest parts of adjoining Warangal and... more
This year’s FRA annual report looks at fundamental rights-related developments in asylum, immigration and integration; border control and visa policy; information society, respect for private life and data protection; the rights of the... more
Through a multi-layered, overlapping collection of international and regional treaties, one solution for child statelessness is emerging: the obligation of the birth state to grant nationality to otherwise stateless children. The 1961... more
2010 marked the first year the European Union (EU) operated on the basis of a legally binding bill of rights - the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU. This year's annual report of the European Agency for Fundamental Rights puts the... more
Children are full-fledged holders of rights. They are beneficiaries of all human and fundamental rights and subjects of special regulations, given their specific characteristics. This handbook aims to illustrate how European law and case... more
In Turkey, the preschoolers are being schooled under the guidelines of MONE (Ministry of National Education) Preschool Program for 36-72 Months Old Children (2006). The aim of this research is to investigate how children's rights are... more
Through a multi-layered, overlapping collection of international and regional treaties, one solution for child statelessness is emerging: the obligation of the birth state to grant nationality to otherwise stateless children. The 1961... more
Today there are several entities-agencies, organs, bodies-of the United Nations implementing human rights. The purpose of this paper is to take stock and reflect on the presence and impact of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in... more
Recent family migration flows in the EU are significant and require specific attention. Migration can alter marriage, couple models, forms of cohabitation and can even redefine internal family relational dynamics. A crucial issue is a... more
The paper is set in the backdrop of the alternative care option of child care institutions for children without parental care. It begins with taking into account the precedent scenarios of institutions poorly suited to meet young... more
Con motivo de la celebración de sus 10 años, el Colectivo de Derechos de Infancia y Adolescencia de Argentina desarrolló un encuentro en el que reunió a representantes de las más reconocidas organizaciones de Derechos Humanos y Derechos... more
Although official figures on the phenomenon are lacking, it is clear that children arriving in the European Union (EU) are often accompanied by persons other than their parents or guardians. Such children are usually referred to as... more
The European Parliament asked the Agency to provide its Opinion on the fundamental rights impact of the proposed revision of the Eurodac Regulation on children. The European Commission has proposed revising the Eurodac Regulation to... more
In Turkey, the preschoolers are being schooled under the guidelines of MONE (Ministry of National Education) Preschool Program for 36-72 Months Old Children (2006). The aim of this research is to investigate how children’s rights are... more