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The present study empirically explores a theoretical model of co-creation, technological innovation, guest satisfaction and guest revisit intention. For meeting the objectives of the study data was collected using a self-administered... more
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      Technological InnovationHospitalityTourismCo-creation
This paper discusses the role of sustainable tourism development on tourist revisit intention. In this case, the study was conducted in the city of Medan (Indonesia) and Negeri Sembilan (Malaysia). The method used in this study was the... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingSustainable TourismRevisit Intention
In this study, the researchers have proposed, developed and tested a novel model which highlighted the effect of the Destination Service Quality (DSQ) dimensions (like local transport, accommodation, cleanliness, hospitality, different... more
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      BusinessUaeRevisit IntentionTourists Satisfaction
In this study, the researchers have proposed, developed and tested a novel model which highlighted the effect of the Destination Service Quality (DSQ) dimensions (like local transport, accommodation, cleanliness, hospitality, different... more
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      UaeRevisit IntentionTourists Satisfaction
With the increased competitive scenario destination authorities are looking at every possible aspect for attracting the tourists by serving quality services. Airports around the world are looking for... more
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      Service QualityConsumer SatisfactionRevisit Intention
Restoranlardaki yiyeceklere erişimin herkes tarafından sağlanabiliyor oluşu zaman içerisinde yiyecek içecek işletmelerine bakış açısını değiştirmiştir. Bu işletmeler tüketicilere yiyecek sunmanın dışında onların sosyalleşmesine yardımcı... more
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      Customer SatisfactionCustomer LoyaltyRevisit Intention
Th is study investigates the infl uence of hotel attributes on satisfaction of 119 international tourists visiting to Nepal. It further analyzes the eff ect of satisfaction from hotels on revisit intention and recommendations by... more
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      SatisfactionInternationalHotelPurchase Intention
This study examines the relationships between determinants (i.e., destination image, tourist motivation, and perceived quality), satisfaction, perceived value, complaint, and revisiting a tourist destination. It also explores... more
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      Tourism StudiesDestination ImageDestination MarketingTourist Expenditure
Tourism and hospitality industry is primarily a service industry where the entire focus of service provider is to satisfy customer's expectations, encouraging them for revisit and positive word of mouth. This study aims to investigate the... more
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      Service QualityCustomer LoyaltyTourist SatisfactionRajasthan
Since Melaka is positioned as Historical City inaugurated by UNESCO in 2008, the study suggests unique image as a new component of image associations. A number of overseas tourists were selected as samples . Results showed that unique... more
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      CognitiveAffectiveHistorical CityRevisit Intention
The objective of this study is to determine the impact of destination image (cognitive and affective image) on the intention of Arab tourists to revisit Istanbul. The sample group of the study is comprised of Arab tourists who visited... more
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      Structural Equation ModelingDestination ImageIstanbulRevisit Intention
Destination image is widely accepted as an important aspect of successful tourism development and marketing of destinations. This research, therefore, seeks to investigate how experiences at a South African international airport influence... more
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      Tourism MarketingDestination ManagementDestination ImageAirports
The tourism industry is easily influenced by external events such as global political disputes, diplomatic relations, natural disasters, outbreaks of disease, and economic crisis. This vulnerability negatively affects the economies of... more
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      Perceived RiskAlanyaInternational TravelRevisit Intention
Cet article revient sur la réalisation, il y a vingt ans, d’un documentaire consacré à plusieurs familles de néo-ruraux installées dans la Creuse. Allers-Retours à la Terre est un film qui traite de la transmission, à travers les... more
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      Rural SociologyVisual AnthropologyFilm StudiesFilm Theory
The tourism industry is easily influenced by external events such as global political disputes, diplomatic relations, natural disasters, outbreaks of disease, and economic crisis. This vulnerability negatively affects the economies of... more
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      Perceived RiskAlanyaInternational TravelRevisit Intention
ÖZ Bu çalışma ile Likya Yolu'nu yürüyen turistlerin demografik özellikleri, seyahat motivasyonları, genel memnuniyet düzeyleri ve geleceğe yönelik davranışsal niyetlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında veriler, kolayda... more
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      Müşteri MemnuniyetiTourist SatisfactionTourist MotivationLoyalty
Tourism is a fast-growing industry in Sri Lanka. In that case stakeholders of the tourism industry act a major role of developing sustainable tourism industry within the island. When considering about the stakeholders of the industry... more
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      Revisit IntentionTourists SatisfactionTourist Guides
Ecotourism is one of the major motives in tourism development through this advancing digitalized world. Moreover, the government is looking forward to seeing an opportunity to enhance attractiveness of ecotourism creation through the... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingDestination ImageRevisit Intention
Tourist satisfaction, destination recommendation and tourists’ revisit intention constitute crucial issues of tourism development and have drawn the attention of tourism researchers and practitioners worldwide.The aim of this paper is to... more
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      The tourist experienceGreeceTourist SatisfactionDestination Marketing
This study examines a behavioral model of heritage and pilgrimage tourism by using variables of destination attractiveness, religious tourist's motivation, electronic word of mouth, theory planned behavior (TPB) and tourist's revisit... more
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      Theory of Planned BehaviourPilgrimageRelationship Between Tourists’ Satisfaction and Intention to Revisit a DestinationRevisit Intention
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari dan menganalisa hubungan antara service quality, satisfaction, experiential marketing dan word of mouth serta implikasinya terhadap revisit intention wisatawan ke Prov DKI Jakarta.... more
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      MarketingTourism MarketingService QualitySatisfaction
Since Melaka is positioned as Historical City inaugurated by UNESCO in 2008, the study suggests unique image as a new component of image associations. A number of overseas tourists were selected as samples . Results showed that unique... more
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      CognitiveAffectiveHistorical CityRevisit Intention
Hassan Suzan B. , Soliman Mohammad Vd (2021). COVID-19 and repeat visitation: Assessing the role of destination social responsibility, destination reputation, holidaymakers trust and fear arousal. Journal of Destination... more
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      Destination ManagementResponsabilidad SocialRevisit Intention
Despite the fact that the tourists choose and visit the destination after considering the available information, there are certain aspects of the destination which result in the satisfaction of tourist and their revisit behaviour towards... more
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      Tourist BehaviorTourist SatisfactionRelationship Between Tourists’ Satisfaction and Intention to Revisit a DestinationRevisit Intention
Notwithstanding the rise of trendy coffee café, little is done to investigate revisit intention towards the café in the context of developing markets. In particular, there is a lack of study which provides theoretical and practical... more
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      Mixed MethodsCoffeeService QualityIntention
Destinasyonlar arası rekabet avantajı sağlamada turistlerin hatırlanabilir deneyimleri en az destinasyonların sundukları turistik çekicilikleri, hizmet kalitesi ve eşsizlikleri kadar önemli bir unsur olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Çünkü... more
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      Tourism MarketingTourism ManagementDestination ImageDestination Marketing
Despite the fact that the tourists choose and visit the destination after considering the available information, there are certain aspects of the destination which result in the satisfaction of tourists and their revisit behaviour towards... more
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      Tourist BehaviorTourist SatisfactionRevisit Intention
With the increased competitive scenario destination authorities are looking at every possible aspect for attracting the tourists by serving quality services. Airports around the world are looking for enhancing airport service quality... more
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      BusinessService QualityConsumer SatisfactionRevisit Intention
Rural communities in the developing world depend heavily on natural resources. Ability of these communities to safeguard the resource would depend on their resilience which is nothing but their intentional action to build collective... more
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      EconomicsResilienceSocial CapitalForest Conservation
The tourism industry is one of the most crucial contributors to the economy of Malaysia. The antecedent of travellers’ behaviour and the various reasons for their visit and revisit intention is one of the significant factors that would... more
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      Tourism and Hospitality ManagementIntention to VisitRevisit IntentionSustainability
The impact that local residents play in the promotion and marketing of a destination, whether directly or indirectly, cannot be ignored. This is particularly associated with the destinations' image. The concept of destination image has,... more
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      Structural Equation ModelingDestination ImageCape TownAttitudes
The objective of this study is to determine the impact of destination image (cognitive and affective image) on the intention of Arab tourists to revisit Istanbul. The sample group of the study is comprised of Arab tourists who visited... more
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      Structural Equation ModelingDestination ImageIstanbulRevisit Intention
There is widespread exposure in the literature of tourist satisfaction and service quality in a tourist destination. Many service related industry gives due weight age to service because it contribute a lot in business growth. Competition... more
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      Destination ManagementService QualityTourist SatisfactionRevisit Intention
With the increased competitive scenario destination authorities are looking at every possible aspect for attracting the tourists by serving quality services. Airports around the world are looking for enhancing airport service quality... more
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      BusinessService QualityConsumer SatisfactionRevisit Intention
While diversification of the Maldives tourism industry is integral to the economic progress, limited research has explored examining Muslim tourist behavior. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationships between... more
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      Destination ImageTourist SatisfactionRevisit Intention
This study discusses on the identification of the tourists’ destination satisfaction attributes and the influence of these factors on their revisit intention to Nepal. This study used the survey methodology for data collection and... more
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      Applied StatisticsExploratory Factor Analysistourism in NepalRevisit Intention
There is widespread exposure in the literature of tourist satisfaction and service quality in a tourist destination. Many service related industry gives due weight age to service because it contribute a lot in business growth.... more
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      Destination ManagementService QualityTourist SatisfactionRevisit Intention
O artigo empreende um exercício analítico da obra “Sociedade de Esquina”, de William Foote-Whyte, publicada em 1943, em três dimensões: primeiramente, analisa a estrutura do livro e as estratégias etnográficas do autor em campo; em... more
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      Urban AnthropologyEthnography (Research Methodology)Sociologia UrbanaAntropologia Urbana
Despite calls for an integrative approach to examine sport event tourism, few attempts have combined sport event and tourism destination studies. This paper addresses this gap by examining travel purpose, destination image and revisit... more
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      Sporting EventsDestination ImageTourismRevisit Intention
In the current digitalized and emerged world, tourists are looking forward to opportunities to reconnect with the mother nature. In fact, cultural-centred tourism destinations are topping the preference of the tourists who are constantly... more
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      Theory of Planned BehaviourCultureSatisfactionCarrying Capacity
Malioboro is a prominent street, meeting point, and shopping complex, in Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia, where tourists both domestic and foreigners can find souvenirs, meals, accommodation, and enjoy cultural preservations. This... more
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      Tourism MarketingTourism ManagementMarketing ResearchDestination Image
One of the tourist attraction that is in interest in the city of Bandung is a theme park. Bandung thematic park managers as one tourist attraction that can attract tourists to continue to come to the city of Bandung need to understand how... more
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      Tourist BehaviorTravel BehaviourTourist MotivationIntention to Visit