Forest Conservation
Recent papers in Forest Conservation
The ''Proyecto Pavo'' is a project dedicated to the conservation of the Ocellated Turkey (Meleagris ocellata) through sustainable use of the species in multiple-use, community-managed forest concessions of the Maya Biosphere Reserve in... more
Ecologists recommend preserving a larger share of the old-growth forests in Norway, as half of the species have forests as their main habitat. However, progress has been slow and at the time of this study only 1.4 % of the productive... more
In arid and semi-arid ecosystems, water availability is discontinuous, highly variable, and characterized by discrete pulse events separated by long periods of limited resource availability. Plant recruitment in these ecosystems is also... more
In the French-speaking countries of Africa, strategies of conservation, inherited from the colonial time, exclude the bordering people in the management of the national parks plant resources. Today, policies and legislation try to... more
Palm leaves are an important source of roof thatch for rural communities in many parts of the tropics. Often leaves are harvested from wild populations, and as a non-timber forest product may promote local commitment to forest... more
Immonen, A. 2009. Differences in stand characteristics between brookside key habitats and managed forests in southern Finland. Silva Fennica 43(1): 21-37.
Scholars have long argued that various modern, Western cultures have come to conceptualize " the environment " as a separate, ordered, and submissive entity. A problematic human–nature divide stems from this rational view, resulting in... more
Conservation of indigenous tree species is crucial for restoration of ecosystems and provision of livelihood support functions among rural communities. However, most tree planting initiatives have promoted exotic species, ignoring native... more
This article presents an assessment of the implications of past and current forest conservation and regeneration policies and programmes for forest carbon sink in India. The area under forests, including part of the area afforested, is... more
Local ecological knowledge (LEK) a b s t r a c t Numerous communities associated with at least five distinct ethnic Mayan groups in southern Mexico and Central America continue to rely upon forested areas as integral components of their... more
Se estudió la mortalidad y el reclutamiento de los árboles con un diámetro a la altura de pecho (dap) = 10 cm, en un bosque húmedo montano bajo (sensu Holdridge) situado en la Cordillera de los Andes (8º39'N; 71º24'O), entre 2200 y 2500... more
A sustainable forestry scenario aimed at meeting the projected biomassdemands, halting deforestation and regenerating degraded forests wasdeveloped and analyzed for additionality of mitigation and cost-effectivenessfor India. Similarly,... more
National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry Forest conservation genetics : principles and practice. Bibliography. Includes index. ISBN 0 643 06260 2 1. Forest genetic resources conservation. I. Young, Andrew. II. Boyle,... more
Özet: Bu yazı, orman işletme ve koruma faaliyetlerinin geçmişten bugüne izini sürüyor. Fennî ormancılığın, Avrupa yayılmacılığı döneminde hangi saiklerle ortaya çıktığını; ardından bu uzmanlık alanının ulus devletlere nasıl aktarıldığını... more
Nepal has increasingly gained world-wide recognition in participatory forest management, primarily through "Community Forestry" program. This paper sketches trajectory of forest management policies and practices in Nepal and analyzes... more
Despite the rapid pace of development over the last century, Peninsular Malaysia has managed to retain about 45% of its total land area under forest cover. Sustainable forest management has become an increasingly important strategy in... more
Authors: Tobias Kuemmerle, Mariana Altrichter, Germán Baldi, Marcel Cabido, Micaela Camino, Erika Cuellar, Rosa Leny Cuellar, Julieta Decarre, Sandra Díaz, Ignacio Gasparri, Gregorio Gavier-Pizarro, Rubén Ginzburg, Anthony J. Giordano, H.... more
Deforestation in Ghana over some decades now has undoubtedly destabilized the socioeconomic and socio-cultural importance of the forests for a large number of rural people especially, forest fringe communities who directly depend on the... more
Industrial growth in developing countries, often depend on the natural resources endowment, as well as other factors including technology and power. Apart from petroleum resources, Nigeria also has abundant forest resources. Given also... more
In the northern end of Peninsular Malaysia bordering Thailand, there is a relatively unknown expanse of lush rainforest almost twice the size of Singapore, and accessible mainly by boat. Upon entering this ancient forest, the visitor... more
The study examined The Role of Beekeeping in Forest Conservation and Poverty Alleviation in Moshi Rural District. It was guided by the following research objectives firstly to examine the challenges of beekeeping, secondly to identify the... more
Sal (Shorea robusta) is one of the most important timber-yielding trees in India, spread over an estimated area of 13 million hectares. Sal occurs gregariously on the southern slopes of the Himalayas and is also distributed on the plains... more
Laporan praktikum ini disusun sebagai salah satu syarat untuk memenuhi standar kelulusan dalam mata kuliah Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Hayati.
The current process of industrialization, urbanization and globalization are adversely influencing on the natural resources like land, water, forests etc. There is utmost need to conserve and utilize these resources in a sustainable... more
Rural households play an active role in reorganizing their livelihood strategies to respond to external stresses and shocks. What is unclear is the extent to which rural households can remain resilient in the face of continued external... more
World conservation discourse concentrates on forests of high naturalness, which are variously termed intact forest landscapes, primary forests, pristine forests, and wilderness. In this essay, we bring Amazonian Indigenous perspectives to... more
Human-ecosystem relation is very crucial for sustainability of both human and ecosystems. Nevertheless, this relationship has been trivialized for a long time and this has led to massive degradation and misuse of ecosystem. This study... more
Tikal, a major lowland Maya civic-ceremonial center in the heart of the Petén region of Central America, relied heavily on the adjacent lowland rainforest as a resource base for fuel and construction materials. In this study, we analyzed... more
The current policy process to develop forest conservation in southern Finland requires information about Finnish citizens' attitudes towards forest conservation. Dichotomous- choice contingent valuation (CV) data were collected by... more
This guide is an excerpt from a more comprehensive publication, sustainable procurement of wood and paper-based products: guide and resource Kit, which provides an overview of ten key issues and related resources to consider when... more
Integrated conservation and development projects in the recent years view local people's support for protected areas management as an important element of biodiversity conservation. Increased knowledge about the interaction between... more
living in most tropical countries. They also play important roles in forest conservation. This paper explores the roles NTFPs and home gardens play in improving the livelihoods of forest dependent people and forest conservation in and... more