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Yogyakarta is the second largest tourist destination after Bali and is one of the tourism destinations in Indonesia, which is important because of its appeal. Unfortunately, Yogyakarta only ranks far away from expectations as areas that... more
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    • Destination Image
Destination image (DI) has an important role in destination choice. DI is considered as one of the main factors in destination competitiveness. The main aim of this study was to explore the projected image of Portugal as a tourism... more
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      Destination ImagePortugalInstagram
The analysis of destination image is relatively recent. However, in almost three decades since the first studies emerged, the topic has become one of the most popular in the tourism research literature. A review of 142 destination image... more
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      Destination ManagementDestination ImageTourism Destination Marketing
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      Consumer BehaviorDestination ImageJordanDestination Marketing
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      Cultural GeographyUrban GeographyCultural World Heritage SitesDestination Image
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      Destination ImageDestination MarketingFilm Marketing
The purpose of this study is to contribute to a conceptual development of Destination Branding (DB) through the development of an integrative conceptual model. A self-administered survey of tourists from Porto and Norte (Portugal) was... more
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      Destination ImageBrandingTourism
Flusty, Steven & Pauliina Raento (2010). Imagineered worlds: The design of Las Vegas resort-casinos. In Rappaport, N., B. Denison & N. Hanna (eds.): Learning in Las Vegas: Charles Atwood/David M. Schwartz, 52–71. Yale School of... more
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      Urban GeographyTourism StudiesArchitectureEthnography
The delinquency in hotels is well known both to the professionals of the sector as well as to the clients. The specificity of hotel accommodation as an area of “hospitality” and discretion, providing distinctive tranquility and security... more
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      BusinessGastronomyCultural TourismRevenue Management
The aim of this study was to examine the impact the destination image of Alanya district which is a district of Antalya, one of the main tourism centers in Turkey had on establishing destination loyalty. The sampling group of the study... more
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      MarketingPsychologyTourism StudiesDestination Image
El tema de este trabajo es el efecto determinante de la motivación de viaje sobre la satisfacción del turista teniendo como variables mediadoras a los dos componentes de la imagen percibida del destino en un contexto de turistas de ocio a... more
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      PLS Path ModelingDestination ImageTourist SatisfactionDestination Marketing
Introduction: Today, the demand for halal tourism has increased dramatically and highlighted as one of the new horizons and fastest-growing sector in the world's tourism industry. Background Problem: Malaysia is indeed one of the... more
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      BusinessDestination ImageHalal TourismDestination choice
This study reviews the current photographic tourism literature to identify what fields within tourism have been studied by researchers, the contexts, the samples used, the sampling methods employed, the photographic methods and supporting... more
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      Tourism ManagementPhotographyResearch MethodologyDestination Image
Obiettivo del paper: L'obiettivo principale della ricerca consiste nell'individuare gli attributi che qualificano l'immagine delle destinazioni enoturistiche ed analizzarne il ruolo nella percezione dei wine tourist. Metodologia: Facendo... more
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      Destination ManagementDestination ImageTourism Destination Image and DevelopmentWine Tourism
Culinary tourism is a form of tourism that highlights the authentic dishes and local delicacies of a destination studying its potentiality for culinary tourism and its marketability. This study determined the perception of the respondents... more
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      GastronomyCritical Management StudiesDestination ImageFood and Tourism
A city is seen as a "special product" at the same time a place to stay in, or passing by, but always a place to be lived by residents, visitors and investors. And because cities, countries and regions are perceived as products, ready to... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingDestination ImageDestination Branding
Douglass, William A. & Pauliina Raento (2004). The tradition of invention. Conceiving Las Vegas. Annals of Tourism Research 31: 1, 7-23. Praised as the architectural icon of the contemporary world and the emblem of postmodernism, yet... more
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      Tourism StudiesPlace promotion and marketingPlace and IdentityGambling Studies
Kīlauea Volcano has attracted visitors to Hawaiʻi throughout the history of Hawaiʻi's tourism industry. From the 1870s to the 1910s, Kīlauea offered the experience of using volcanic heat and molten lava to cook food, melt postcards onto... more
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      HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyEarth SciencesTourism Studies
Film induced tourism or film tourism is a result of destination image formation and development through film industry with collaboration of other destination image stakeholders (policy makers, private and public investors, scholars and... more
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      Destination ImageFilm Promotion and Marketing (Film Studies)Film Induced Tourism
One of the most popular tools to promote tourist destinations is the publication of travel brochures. This study explores image-making in material that promotes Icelandic tourism on a regional and national basis and its effect on the... more
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    • Destination Image
This chapter promotes the value of the Repertory Test technique, also referred to as Repertory Grid Analysis and Kelly’s triads, for eliciting attributes that are important to consumers when they are differentiating a competitive set of... more
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      Marketing ResearchDestination ImageTourism Destination Image and DevelopmentTourism
This study presents further results of a long-term monitoring programme on cultural and tourism development in the city of Sibiu. The programme was initiated by Ilie Rotariu and his colleagues from the Lucian Blaga University in 2001 with... more
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      Mega Events As Catalysts For RegenerationUrban RegenerationUrban StudiesCultural Tourism
Turismo gay. investigacion sobre perfil y oportunidades. El caso de Gran Canaria (Canary Islands)
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      Gay And Lesbian StudiesConsumer BehaviorDestination ImageGay tourism
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      MarketingTourism ManagementStakeholdersDestination Image
Local input into identifying and selecting the unique selling points of a destination is an important element in the development of appropriate and culturally sensitive tourism to developing international tourist destinations. Here, a... more
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      MarketingCultural StudiesTourism StudiesTourism Marketing
W literaturze przedmiotu można spotkać się z szerokim opisem wydarzeń jako nowoczesnej (współczesnej, atrakcyjnej, skutecznej) formy promocji, ale także niektórzy autorzy starają się przedstawić wydarzenie jako atrakcyjny produkt... more
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      Tourism MarketingEvent ManagementDestination ManagementSport Marketing
The emergence of tourism as an important socio-cultural and economic activity for a large number of countries has shifted the focus to realization of its potential. Destinations now are managed and marketed in a planned manner that... more
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      Destination ImageIncredible India
Purpose - This paper aims to identify the factors that foster an interest in opera and Opera Houses as a specific form of cultural capital and how the Opera House tourist constructs images of destinations from the cognitive, affective and... more
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      Cultural CapitalDestination ImageSocial and Cultural CapitalOpera Houses
Destination image researchers have investigated and found that several factors have influences on destination image. Some of these factors are related to perceivers (e.g. sociodemographics and behavior); some are related to the... more
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      Destination ImageMultiple Regression
In dark tourism research there is a paucity of research given to the discussion of sites associated with African enslavement. This study is informed by combining qualitative data from interviews that were conducted with 14 individuals... more
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      MarketingTourism StudiesQualitative methodologyDark Tourism
The authors investigate whether and how pricing and promotional activities influence prescription choice behavior using a comprehensive panel of physicians and data on competitive price and promotional activities. The authors find that... more
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      MarketingDestination ImagePharmaceutical MarketingTourism
This study aims to contribute to the understanding of the effects of films with a negative plot on tourists’ cognitive and affective image about Brazil and behavioral intentions of visiting the country. The film selected is City of God,... more
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      BrazilDestination ImageFilm Tourism
The Sydney Opera House silhouette is recognised the world over. It is a story of drama and complexities - a foreign architect, a courageous modern design, political debate and skyrocketing costs - yet it is also the story of a building... more
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      MediaDestination ImageBrand ImageArchitectural Competitions
Sport event tourism is a huge and growing global industry with important economic implications for both the sport, the event and the impact of travel and tourism related benefits on host destinations. A primary function of a sport event... more
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      MarketingTourism StudiesDestination ImageBrand
Index of destination attractiveness as a tool for destination attractiveness assessment Tourism attractions are widely recognized as the major determinants of the destination competitiveness. Global tourism market is becoming fi ercely... more
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      Destination ImageTourism Destination Image and DevelopmentTourism Destination MarketingDestination Competitiveness
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      Place AttachmentDestination ImageMauritius & the Mascarene IslandsVisitor loyalty
This paper presents the results of a cross-national survey of 311 Swedish and 363 Dutch people in order to understand if there are significant differences in consumers' -people living in different countries-product evaluations regarding... more
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      MarketingTourism MarketingTourism ManagementConsumer Behavior
Turismo e terremoto: un tema poco considerato a livello nazionale, eppure si tratta di un argomento che dovrebbe essere centrale in una nazione come l’Italia, un territorio ad alta vocazione turistica, ma geomorfologicamente ad alto... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism ManagementTourism Planning and PolicyDestination Management
This paper investigates the main elements that can influence customer satisfaction in tourist services, with specific reference to tourism industry. The importance of this topic resides in the fact that tourists’ positive experiences of... more
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      Destination ImageThe tourist experienceTourist SatisfactionDestination Attractiveness
This paper investigates how slums are made into a tourism attraction. We focus in particular on the role of tour guides and tour guiding operations in this process. In tourism literature in general tour guiding has been subject to much... more
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      Tourism StudiesDestination ImageSustainable TourismSlum Development
Bodrum küçük bir yüzölçümüne sahip olmakla birlikte önemli bir turizm merkezidir. Ancak Bodrum turizmi bugünkü haline gelene kadar uzun bir süreçten geçmiştir. 1962’de su altı kalıntılarını incelemeye gelen turist grubu Bodrum’da turizmin... more
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      Oral historyDestination ImageTourismOral History and Memory
Tourism is more frequently referred to as the world's biggest and fastest growing industry. Together with this trend, the importance of visitor perception and the visitor decision-making process has been increasingly analysed and is... more
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      PerceptionTourism StudiesTourism MarketingDestination Image
This paper critically examines the potential and use of video blogs or vlogs shared on Facebook for creating a destination image. In particular, it makes an in-depth analysis of the travel vlogs about the Philippines created by popular... more
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      Destination ImagePlace Branding and Destination Imagetravel vlogs
Travellers are spoilt by holiday choice, and yet will usually only seriously consider a few destinations during the decision process. With thousands of destination marketing organisations (DMOs) competing for attention, places are... more
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      Tourism MarketingDestination ImageDestination MarketingNew Zealand
There are a lot of factors affecting tourists' perceptions of destination. Consumer can form a negative image of the place that his/her favorite movie or series takes part. The aim of this study is to examine the background scenes in... more
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      TurkeyDestination ImageBrand ImageCinema
The study was conducted in various locations in the Andaman Islands. These locations basically included the areas that were visited by the tourist and resided by the local residents who had exposure or knowledge about tourism. Though the... more
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      Tourism StudiesDestination ImageTourismAlterations in Urban Island Tourism Destinations
This study investigates the destination image of Istanbul and compares the perceived images of people from different countries. The research has been applied to a sample of university students in Italy (bachelor, master and doctoral) who... more
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    • Destination Image
La competición de países, naciones, ciudades y regiones para captar recursos, talento, infraestructuras o eventos, entre otros aspectos, ha provocado el advenimiento de una lucha renovada por la singularidad, por el reconocimiento y por... more
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      Sense of PlaceDestination ImageDestination MarketingPlace Branding
In this study, questionnaire was conducted in the Netherlands in order to measure how Dutch people perceive tourism destination image (TDI) of Germany and Spain. Significant differences were identified with Wilcoxon T test between the... more
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      Destination ImageSpainGermanyCountry Image