Recent papers in Rendering
Until recently, depth sensing cameras have been used almost exclusively in research due to the high costs of such specialized equipment. With the introduction of the Microsoft Kinect device, realtime depth imaging is now available for the... more
supporting specific purposes such as facial expression) at level 3. The underlying methodologies are explained and implementation results are elucidated.
This work describes the properties of plastics made from partially denatured proteins produced by the animal coproduct (rendering) industry and these plastics' fabrication. Specifically, plastic samples from partially denatured... more
Several natural phenomena, such as mirages or the green flash, are owed to inhomogeneous media in which the index of refraction is not constant. This makes the light rays travel a curved path while going through those media. One way to... more
helpful comments during the preparation of this dissertation. I would like to thank Professor Paul Adams for the use of his lab and equipment. I would also like to acknowledge the efforts of the system and administration staff in the... more
Human irises gain their appearance from a layered and highly complex structure that is difficult to model and render with conventional techniques. We present an approach that uses domain knowledge from the field of ocular prosthetics. In... more
This paper describes a method for modeling the natural peeling phenomenon over any 3D surface. Using crack input data-precomputed with a semi-physical solution-this method allows simulating peeling on any type of triangulated 3D object.... more
Real-time results of our method for simulating translucent materials (skin on the left, ketchup on the right). Our separable subsurface-scattering method enables the generation of these images using only two convolutions (versus 12 in the... more
La ponencia que a continuación presento intentará dar un breve panorama del diseño asistido por computadora, sus ventajas, desventajas y reflexiones sobre su uso en la academia y el campo laboral.
The purpose of this project was to create several methods for achieving non-photorealistic appearance of the objects or, in other words, the goal was to create several different implementations of the cartoonish shader, which can... more
This paper presents a survey of ocean simulation and rendering methods in computer graphics. To model and animate the ocean's surface, these methods mainly rely on two main approaches: on the one hand, those which approximate ocean... more
Este trabajo de investigación propone el estudio, análisis y desarrollo del proceso de diseño arquitectónico y su posible variabilidad determinada por el uso de técnicas y herramientas digitales de diseño. Frente a esto se define como... more
Capitolo dedicato al rendering non fotorealistico nel volume "Manuale di Rappresentazione per il Design" a cura di Stefano Bertocci, 2021
These slides describes about rendering engine, types of rendering engine and how Webkit rendering works. A rendering engine (also called layout engine or web browser engine) is a software component that takes marked up content (like... more
Selamat datang kembali di saidgank , dalam artikel ini saya ingin menjelaskan cara membuat bahan air di V-Ray , kita gunakan settingan tersebut buat laut , danau , sebuah kolam renang agar semakin terlihat nyata saat di render seperti... more
Özet: Dijital Teknolojiler, Üç boyutlu görselleştirme Programları, farklı modelleme yöntemleri diğer mühendislik alanlarında olduğu gibi mimarlık alanında da yoğun bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Maltepe Üniversitesi Mimarlık... more
L’obiettivo di questo studio è la visualizzazione digitale del modello di un’opera giovanile di Almeyda: il caffè del 1859. La tavola originale, su cartoncino, raffigura la pianta del livello principale ed un prospetto. La riproduzione è... more
Solutii de randare arhitecturala foto realista cu 3D Studio Max, V-Ray Next si corona Renderer
In this paper, we introduce a novel approach for modeling surface reflection. We focus on using a family of probability distributions called Archimedean copulas as BRDF models. The Archimedean representation has an attractive property in... more
Obscurances is a powerful technique that approximates indirect global illumination in a much faster way than classic methods as radiosity or path tracing. In this method, the local environment of a point or a patch is sampled to estimate... more
L'evoluzione della modellazione tridimensionale dagli albori ad oggi attraverso una cavalcata visuale e multimediale delle sue trasformazioni
This essay is part of a special, guest edited issue of "The Journal of Architectural Education" entitled "#SMLXL." This special issue's publication coincided, down to the month, with the 20th anniversary of the publication of the Office... more
Global lighting effects produced by diffuse interreflections are typically simulated using global illumination methods such as radiosity or ray tracing. Although diffuse interreflections are crucial to produce realistic images,... more
The occurrence of false-positives (FPs) is still an important concern and source of unreliability in computer-aided diagnosis systems developed for 3D virtual colonoscopy. This work presents three different supervised approaches, based on... more
En este texto se analiza el potencial de la figura humana, dentro del dibujo en perspectiva, como una herramienta de comunicaciÛn del proyecto de arquitectura. Como se sabe, aunque en la representaciÛn arquitectÛnica actual heredera de... more
In designing graphical workstations for high-level performance presentations of graphical models, the main goal nowadays is to perform some effective real-time traversal and rendering of data. In this paper we present a reference model of... more
This paper presents a fast approximation method to obtain the point hit by a reflection or refraction ray. The calculation is based on the distance values stored in environment map texels. This approximation is used to localize... more
The transition from traditional graphics into computer graphics over the past decade has brought about a multitude of changes that graphics educators and other graphics professionals have had to address and incorporate. The ever evolving... more
Generating photo-realistic images through Monte Carlo rendering requires efficient representation of light–surface interaction and techniques for importance sampling. Various models with good representation abilities have been developed... more
In this paper, we present a new system of non-photorealistic rendering which allows landscape photographs to be automatically converted to look like Oriental paintings. Using various computer vision and image processing techniques, we can... more
The paper introduces a new approximate method for rendering translucent materials. We represent the surface around a point to be rendered in Monge's form using principal curvatures. The subsurface reflectance equation in the dipole... more
In this paper, we present a new SH operation, called spherical harmonics scaling, to shrink or expand a spherical function in the frequency domain. We show that this problem can be elegantly formulated as a linear transformation of SH... more
Dalam dunia multimedia, terkadang dibutuhkan suatu perangkat lunak untuk melakukan proses rendering pembuatan video atau animasi. Proses tersebut sangat bergantung pada kinerja performa dari komputer yang digunakan untuk dapat bekerja... more
In this article we use an ElectroEncephaloGraph (EEG) to explore the perception of artifacts that typically appear during rendering and determine the perceptual quality of a sequence of images. Although there is an emerging interest in... more
Visualizations play a significant role as decision-making tools in planning processes. Nowadays perspective representations -3D renders- are commonly used. However, we argue that in order to perceive depth, size, and detail; a... more
Various empirical and theoretical models of the surface reflectance have been introduced so far. Most of these models are based on functions with non-linear parameters and therefore faces some computational difficulties involved in... more
Domain Analysis for Data Visualization (DADV) is a technique to use when investigating a domain where data visualizations are going to be designed and added to existing software systems. DADV was used to design the data visualization in... more
B-Splines in general, and Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines in particular, have become indispensable modeling primitives in computer graphics and geometric modeling applications. In this paper a novel high-performance architecture for the... more
We describe a new framework for efficiently computing and storing global illumination effects for complex, animated environments. The new framework allows the rapid generation of sequences representing any arbitrary path in a "view space"... more
Global lighting effects produced by diffuse interreflections are typically simulated using global illumination methods such as radiosity or ray tracing. Although diffuse interreflections are crucial to produce realistic images,... more
ABSTRACT The servomotors used in the joints of a manipulator or wheels of a rover in high risk applications, such as space applications, should be capable of continued functional operation even if insulation failure or open-circuit of a... more