Renaissance Culture (History)
Recent papers in Renaissance Culture (History)
Analysis of some sections of Remigio Nannini's anthologies of historiographical speeches (Venice, Giolito 1557; 1560; 1561), with special reference to the orations taken from Cassius Dio’s ‘Roman History’, in order to show the tendency of... more
Al caminar por el centro de Londres y Trafalgar Square, se llega a uno de los principales museos de Inglaterra, la National Gallery (NG). Este museo inaugurado en 1824, cuenta con una gran colección de obras pictóricas desde el siglo XIII... more
The volume gathers 15 among the most relevant papers about medieval grammar and rhetoric written by Gian Carlo Alessio, formerly full Professor at Ca’ Foscari (chair: Medieval Latin Literature and Philology). In the field of grammatical... more
In occasione del sesto centenario della nascita di Leon Battista Alberti, molta luce è stata gettata sul rapporto tra l'umanista architetto e la capitale estense, con la quale, come ben noto, egli ebbe non pochi rapporti storicamente... more
Nadia Zeldes Despite the increasing number of studies on Sicilian Jews, few offer a convincing picture of their cultural characteristics, especially in the last generations of their presence in Sicily. The continuing use of the Sicilian... more
Gli usi del manoscritto, della stampa e dell'oralità interagivano nell'Italia tra Quattro e Cinquecento, come si può dimostrare a partire da raccolte di profezie manoscritte o stampate in brevi opuscoli di prezzo modesto; questi... more
Wurstisen Lute Book contains intabulations of four Latin motets among its enormous number of pieces. The first three bear the authorship of Orlando di Lasso, while the last one is a barely known piece of music. Before focusing on the... more
Il lavoro presenta uno studio sulla prima diffusione della stampa a Firenze, sede privilegiata di produzione del libro manoscritto, condotto sulla base dello spoglio e dell’analisi di antichi inventari, cataloghi e liste di libri che... more
This book tells the history of Cambridge from the earliest Roman and Anglo Saxon inhabitants through to the notorious Cambridge Spies, who actively spied for the Soviet Union in the 1950s. Told in an accessible manner, and illustrated... more
(For the abstract, see attached file)
This book represents the fi rst comprehensive eff ort dedicated to the interdisciplin-ary study of Renaissance music in Croatia. In spite of the grave political problems it faced during the fi ft eenth and sixteenth centuries, when the... more
La ricezione dell'opera di Jakob Burckhardt in Inghilterra si articola in varie fasi. Il critico svizzero effettua due visite a Londra, documentate nelle lettere dalle impressioni e idee che scaturiscono da quell'esperienza. Le sue opere... more
FACES (Faces, Art, and Computerized Evaluation Systems) is a project that, after two years of research support from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), has established proof of concept for the application of face recognition... more
Along with his vast production of figure drawings, Jacopo Tintoretto arises among other venetian artists for his atypical investigation on sculpture. This research aims to offer an analysis of such profound interest by drawing a parallel... more
SADRŽAJ RIJEČ NA POČETKU 1) ANTEMURALE CHRISTIANITATIS Na granicama svjetova Između Venecije, Ugarskoga dvora i Turaka Povijest i historiografija Dva humanista o Turcima i turskoj glazbi 2) IZVORI: OD RUKOPISA DO TISKA... more
This text forms an abridged introductory section from a dissertation I am undertaking on the Space Renaissance Initiative (SRI). The research dissertation is titled, 'The Astrosociological Imagination and the Space Renaissance... more