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Álvaro Siza Vieira's swimming pools at Leça da Palmeira sowed the seeds of a disciplinary intrusion of architecture into the landscape. The topography of the site, wedged between the coastal road to the north of Porto and a cliff facing... more
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      ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureLandscapePortuguese Architecture
Num contexto de desequilíbrio entre a oferta e a procura de habitação, de sobrecarga do território e de diminuição do arrojo económico, a reutilização de fogos existentes surge como um caminho inevitável. A compreensão dos mecanismos... more
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      Anthropology of spaceArchitectural HistoryHousing and Dwelling (Architecture)20th Century
Em 1974, na sequência da revolução de Abril, foi criado o Serviço Ambulatório de Apoio Local (SAAL) cujo objectivo era auxiliar as populações com graves carências de habitação na obtenção de uma morada condigna. Incluído na promoção do... more
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      History of ConstructionPortuguese ArchitectureReabilitação Arquitectónica
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      ArchitecturePortuguese Architecture20th Century Portuguese ArchitectureNew Brutalism
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      Portuguese Architecture17th 18th century Italian architectureCenografia
In 1976 José Charters Monteiro involves Rossi in the design of a building included in the Plan for Bairro Bela Vista in Setúbal. The intervention promoted by the Fundo de Fomento da Habitação (FFH) is part of a process that in Portugal... more
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      GeographyArchitecturePortuguese ArchitectureSocial Housing
Álvaro Siza 4 Houses in Matosinhos
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      Portuguese ArchitecturePortoGordon Matta- ClarkAlvaro Siza
This article aims to report partial results of the research that analyzes three processes of archeology, metamorphosis and inflection, apparently very radical, occurred in the career of the Portuguese architect Álvaro Siza (1933), between... more
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      Portuguese ArchitectureData Analysis: Statistical and GraphicalAlvaro Siza
A génese dos primeiros modelos de templos surgidos logo antes ou na sequência imediata das resoluções do Concílio de Trento (1545-1563), de concepção já adequada a uma liturgia e culto reformados, constituem uma das questões mais... more
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      ReligionHistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
Presented at the workshop "Arquitectura Portuguese Chã: da (In)utilidade de um conceito" at Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 22 Junho de 2015.
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      Art HistoryArchitectureHistoriographyArchitectural History
O antigo mosteiro cisterciense de N.ª Senhora do Desterro, apesar das vicissitudes que sofreu e da obscuridade em que permaneceu a história da sua construção permanece, ainda hoje, como um marco arquitectónico fundamental na imagem da... more
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      ReligionHistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
This presentation will focus on the slight metamorphoses of architectural discourse accompanying the Portuguese political and social context in the last six decades, and how the concept of Portuguese Plain Architecture [PPA] as defined by... more
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      ArchitectureHistoriographyPortuguese Architecture
BARRANHA, Helena – “Museus que (re)constroem paisagens”, RP - Revista Património. Direcção-Geral do Património Cultural / Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda, ISSN: 2182-9330, n.º 7, Dez. 2020, pp. 56-65. Historicamente, em Portugal, a... more
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      Cultural HeritagePortuguese ArchitectureMuseumsArquitectura
Scritto nel 1962 per il conseguimento della cattedra universitaria, Dell’organizzazione dello spazio va ben al di là della contingenza accademica e pone il tema dello spazio alla base di un’indagine sul complesso sistema di relazioni che... more
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      ArchitecturePortuguese Architecture20th Century Portuguese ArchitectureDesign and Architecture Teachings
Written in 2014, this article is a brief introduction to Modern and Contemporary Design in Timor-Leste.
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      DesignArchitectureContemporary ArtProduct Design
Portugal and Azerbaijan had a strong Islamic influence in the past. Even nowadays, we can experience signs of this cultural heritage, and the tangible and intangible impact in both countries. It is noticeable in many areas likewise in... more
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      AzerbaijanPortuguese ArchitecturePortugalMaster's Thesis
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      Adaptive ReuseArchitectural HeritagePortuguese ArchitectureDemolition
7 15 Duas Vontades o Mesmo Fim Preservar o Difundir o Património Escolar Nacional Miguel Rui Infante Atlas da Arquitectura Escolar em Portugal _ Educação, Património e Desafios: Contextualização Educação, Património e Desafios: Reflexões... more
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      Learning environmentsPortuguese ArchitectureSchool Building DesignSchool Architecture
A presente comunicação resulta do projecto de investigação A "Arquitectura Popular em Portugal". Uma Leitura Crítica que temos vindo a desenvolver no Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo, com o apoio da FCT, desde 2010.
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      ArchitectureVernacular ArchitectureArchitectural TheoryTheory Of Architecture
Este trabajo pretende dar a conocer la relevancia del modernismo de Lisboa a través de la figura de Manuel Joaquim Norte Júnior, arquitecto cuya trayectoria, cronología y lenguajes formales se encuentran cercanos a Enrique Nieto y Nieto .... more
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      Art HistoryArtPortuguese StudiesHistory Portuguese and Spanish
The Saint John the Baptist Fort, located in Vila do Conde, is military equipment, built between 1570 and 1793, with the purpose of protecting the harbor and market of the respective village, and the river Ave´s bar. After the evaluation... more
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      Cultural HeritageCultural Heritage ConservationHeritage ConservationMilitary Architecture
O Parque Residencial da Boavista, na cidade do Porto, também conhecido por Foco (levando o nome do cinema) e por Graham (evocando o nome da pré-existência que veio substituir), constitui um testemunho ímpar de arquitectura e urbanismo... more
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      Portuguese ArchitectureArquitetura e UrbanismoPortoPatrimonio
A diversidade do território português, quer em termos geográficos, quer em termos populacionais, confere à arquitectura, especialmente à da moradia nobre e senhorial, características bem distintas. Estas diferenças manifestam-se em... more
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      ArchitecturePortuguese Architecture
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      Portuguese ArchitectureHistory of architecture20th Century Portuguese ArchitectureAlvaro Siza
Presented at Session "Remembering George Kubler", SAH LXV Annual Meeting, Detroit, April 2012
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      ArchitectureHistoriographyArchitectural HistoryPortuguese Architecture
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      ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryHousingPortuguese Architecture
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      Portuguese ArchitectureRenaissance architectureEstilo ManuelinoPalace
Camões - Revista de letras e culturas lusófonas, n. 22 - "Da identidade da Arquitectura Portuguesa", 2013.
Conselho editorial: Helena Barranha, Jorge Figueira, Manuel Graça Dias.
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      Portuguese Architecture20th Century Portuguese ArchitectureArquitecturaArte, Arquitectura E Arqueologia Portuguesa
E nós, portugueses, que poeta devemos ir buscar a França, se lá nos ficou algum, Que eu sabia, só o Mário de Sá Carneiro, mas esse nem vale a pena tentar, primeiro, porque não havia de querer vir, segundo, porque os cemitérios de Paris... more
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      Modern ArchitecturePortuguese ArchitectureLisbon (Portugal)Lisboa urbanismo arquitectura
O Colégio jesuíta de Antão-o-Novo foi um dos maiores empreendimentos arquitectónicos da centúria de Seiscentos, tendo o seu risco conhecido várias alterações no período filipino, no sentido de um classicismo monumental italianizante,... more
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      ReligionHistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
Santa Monica Convent: the building. One Hundred Iconic Art Objects from the Museum of Christian Art. Goa: Museum of Christian Art: 133-143.
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      Indo-Portuguese ArtHistory of the Portuguese EmpirePortuguese ArchitectureHistory of architecture
Nadir Afonso dedicated a large part of his life to the exercise of the profession in which (after all) he graduated - architecture, a fact that even today is often ignored by the general public. From his time in architecture, he... more
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      Architectural TheoryModern ArchitectureTheory Of ArchitecturePortuguese Architecture
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      Portuguese ArchitectureLisbon architecture and urbanism - XIX- XXth centuries20thcentury Portuguese ArchitectureJulio de Castilho
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Nadir Afonso, um dos mais conhecidos (e reconhecidos) pintores portugueses, dedicou grande parte da sua vida ao exercício da profissão em que (afinal) se formou, a arquitectura, facto que ainda hoje é frequentemente... more
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      Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris (Le Corbusier)Modern ArchitectureModernismPortuguese Architecture
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      FolkloreArchitectureEthnographyPopular Culture
A obra de Fernando Távora (1923-2005) é aqui explorada sob o conceito de paisagem e visa demonstrar como ele é afirmativo e pratica metodologias projetuais sempre críticas e coerentes. A partir dos resultados de estudos anteriores... more
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      ArchitectureLandscape ArchitecturePortuguese Architecture
Agostinho Ricca (1915-2010), arquitecto diplomado pela Escola de Belas Artes do Porto em 1941, iniciou a actividade profissional no Porto, reclamando a modernidade que tanto admirava na produção arquitectónica internacional de então. Foi... more
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      ArchitecturePortuguese ArchitectureArquitecturaPorto
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      ArchitecturePortuguese ArchitectureHistory of architecture20th Century Portuguese Architecture
An essay about House in Melides, Alentejo, Portugal, by Aires Mateus Associados in a book curated by Antonello Boschi and Luca Lanini. Preceduto da saggi introduttivi e contributi sulle singole opere, il terzo e ultimo dei volumi su... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural TheoryPortuguese ArchitectureContemporary Architecture
(For the abstract, see attached file)
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      Architectural HistoryRenaissance Culture (History)Religious architecturePortuguese Architecture
This paper aims at presenting an interdisciplinary reflection about the public disclosure of some documentary collections nowadays kept under the custody of Portuguese libraries, archives and museums, and its relevance for the purposes of... more
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      Cultural HeritageArchitectural EducationArchitectural HistoryCommunication Of Memory In Archives, Libraries And Museums
The Portuguese delegation at CIAM X presented a proposal for a rural community. This was an innovative attitude that reflected the rapprochement to vernacular architecture. The same approach that is present in the survey to folk... more
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      ArchitectureModern ArchitecturePortuguese ArchitectureVernacular
The Japanese way of building and inhabiting – deeply rooted in a secular tradition, but manifesting innovative solutions – has decisively influenced many Western authors. Regarding Portuguese context, modernity was appropriated through... more
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      Portuguese Architecture20th Century Portuguese ArchitectureJapanese ArchitectureJaponism
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      ArchitectureModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)Modern ArchitecturePortuguese Architecture
High performance glass and Trombe walls in the façade was studied in this research. The paper reports results of an ongoing investigation on a new façade system concept, designed as: “Façade Modules for Eco-Eficient Refurbishment of... more
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      Sustainable Building DesignBuilding Energy SimulationBioclimatic ArchitectureClimate
Portugal, después de un siglo XIX lleno de agitación y cambios, de invasiones napoleónicas y huidas reales, entra en el siglo XX sustituyendo a la monárquica por una república (1910). No siendo la República capaz de traer al país ya a sus... more
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      ArchitectureHousing and Dwelling (Architecture)20th CenturyPortuguese Architecture
O 'caderno de viagem' é uma das práticas continuadas de formação da nossa escola cuja criação está intimamente ligada com a História da Arquitectura Portuguesa da FAUP, concebida por Alexandre Alves Costa. O caderno de viagem faz-se em... more
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      Portuguese ArchitectureArquitectura Portuguesahistória da arquitectura portuguesa
""Franciscan buildings of the Origins for the Portuguese Strictest Observance communities in the 16th century: the lesson from Vitruvius" "The Franciscan church of Bom Jesus de Valverde (Évora) is one of the highest accomplishments of... more
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      Architectural EducationArchitectural HistoryVitruviusArchitectural Theory
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