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After a considerable number of publications commissioned and financed by our bank, first as Credito Romagnolo, then as Rolo Banca and now as UniCredit, with the purpose of narrating the artistic splendour preserved in Palazzo Magnani,... more
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      Renaissance StudiesArchitectural HistoryItalian Renaissance ArtItalian Renaissance Architecture
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      Renaissance StudiesCyprus StudiesHistory of the MediterraneanTheory Of Architecture
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      Art HistoryHistory of Perspective in PaintingRenaissancePainting
1. Hacia un corpus de arquitectura jesuítica. Bases actuales y líneas de trabajo futuro, por M.ª Isabel Álvaro Zamora y Javier Ibáñez Fernández 2. La ratio aedificiorum di un'istituzione globale tra autorità centrale e infinità del... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureRenaissance StudiesRenaissance
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      Catalan StudiesUrban HistoryMedieval urban historyMilitary Architecture
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque ArtHistory of Florence
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      ArchitectureRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismAuthorship Attribution
In 1934, a very young Giulio Carlo Argan wrote, for a rather provincial magazine, a fundamental text titled “Il problema del Bramante”, or “Bramante’s Problem”. Argan tried to identify the focus of Bramante’s interests and to define his... more
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      Italian Renaissance ArtTheory Of ArchitectureItalian Renaissance ArchitectureRenaissance Archicteture
Form and function of light in architecture between Antiquity and the Fifteenth Century, through the analysis of the texts of Pausanias, Vitruvius, Pliny the Elder, Julian of Ascalon, Isidore of Seville, Pius II Piccolomini, Leon Battista... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismArchitectural HistoryArchitectural Lighting
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      RenaissanceRenaissance RomeItalian Renaissance ArchitectureRenaissance Archicteture
En 1509, Íñigo López de Mendoza, II conde de Tendilla, explicaba que la inclusión del cimborrio en la Capilla Real de Granada era una cosa que da[ba] mucha vista y ahermosea[ba] en gran manera la Capilla y [hacía] el edificio real y... more
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      DesignArtArchitectureCultural Heritage
Christian liturgy therefore scholars were debating the origin of this strange architectural idea.
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      Rome, City ofEarly Christian ArchitectureRenaissance Archicteture
"En este artículo se ofrece una apretada visión de síntesis sobre la arquitectura desarrollada en tierras aragonesas entre la primera mitad del siglo XV y los primeros compases del XVII desde el reconocimiento de la coexistencia de dos... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureConstruction TechnologyRenaissance Art
Author(s): Trachtenberg, Marvin | Abstract: Although the history of literary authorship has been deeply studied, the concept of architect-as-author is now so thoroughly naturalized that its historical contingency is rarely grasped; nor... more
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      ArtArchitectureRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
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      Art HistoryArchitectureRenaissance ArtArchitectural History
Proprietà artistica e letteraria riservata per tutti i Paesi Ogni riproduzione, anche parziale, è vietata Deroga a quanto sopra potrà essere fatta secondo le seguenti modalità di legge: Fotocopie per uso personale del lettore possono... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissanceArchitectural HistoryItalian Renaissance Architectural History
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      Renaissance StudiesHistory of Perspective in PaintingUrban PlanningArchitectural History
La fórmula para voltear bóvedas con ladrillos dispuestos de plano trató de exportarse desde Valencia a Zaragoza a finales del siglo XIV, y a pesar de que su implantación en tierras aragonesas no debió de ser inmediata, terminaría... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureArchitectural HistoryHistory of construction technology
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      History of architectureRenaissance ArchictetureRenaissance architecture
"La adopción de un nuevo repertorio decorativo de inspiración clásica a partir de la década de 1490 constituye el primer paso en el proceso de asimilación del lenguaje renacentista en el arte aragonés. Este cambio afectó en primer lugar a... more
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      Art HistoryRenaissanceHistory of ArtThe discovery of Antiquity in Early Renaissance Art
Para comprender el carácter de la actividad arquitectónica desarrollada en Mallorca entre 1450 y 1550, la catedral de Palma constituye un mirador privilegiado, conceptual y físicamente. Sin que se trate del periodo más brillante de su... more
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      Renaissance ArtHistory of ArtMedieval ArchitectureMedieval Crown of Aragon
Regéc várának romjai a Zempléni-hegység nyugati részének egyik medencéjét uraló, jellegzetes szarv alakú, kettős csúcsú, vulkanikus hegy tetején emelkednek Regéc és Mogyoróska település határán. A vár feltárása során előkerült közel 1000... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchitectureRenaissance Archicteture
Dentro del actual proceso de restauración de la colegiata de Santa María la Mayor, en Calatayud, iniciada con la actualización y revisión del Plan Director en 2011, se inscribe la reciente actuación del Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureCultural HeritageConstruction Materials
Las tradicionales estructuras nervadas a compresión habían permitido levantar, sobre pilares y arcos torales, soluciones de carácter turricular como los cimborrios, que, además de proporcionar luz natural sobre las encrucijadas de los... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureRenaissanceArchitectural History
This publication has been typeset in the multilingual 'Brill' typeface. With over 5,100 characters covering Latin, ipa, Greek, and Cyrillic, this typeface is especially suitable for use in the humanities. For more information, please see... more
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      RhetoricArchitectureArchitectural TheoryRenaissance Archicteture
Zbog turskih nasrtaja posjednici zemljišta između Splita i Trogira grade svoje utvrde na obali mora kako bi zaštitili stanovništvo i osigurali poljodjelsku proizvodnju. Trogirski plemić Koriolan Cipiko sagradio je svoj kaštel 1481.... more
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      History of architectureRenaissance ArchictetureMedieval and Renaissance Fortifications
La escultura decorativa de aplicación arquitectónica en yeso constituye una de las manifestaciones artísticas más interesantes del Renacimiento aragonés. En este artículo pretendemos analizar tanto el marco laboral en el que se... more
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      SculptureRenaissance ArchictetureRenaissance architectureRenaissance Sculpture
"Este artículo se centra en la exposición y en el análisis de los contratos suscritos en 1545,1551 y 1606 para el abovedamiento con crucería estrellada de la iglesia del antiguo convento de San Francisco de Barbastro, una actuación... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureConstruction TechnologyArchitectural History
Researches undertaken in Aragonese archives has resulted in the discovery of a large number of documents concerning the execution and employment of different types of designs relative to the processes of artistic creation that took place... more
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      DesignArchitectureRenaissanceGraphic Design
En aquest article es repassa sumàriament la nòmina de mestres majors de la catedral de Tortosa fins a la segona dècada del segle XVI i s'analitza concretament el mestratge de Joan Petit Sarnoto, un mestre parisenc que arriba a assolir el... more
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      Renaissance ArtMedieval ArchitectureModern ArchitectureMedieval Art
Il volume raccoglie i saggi presentati durante le giornate di studio in onore di Arnaldo Bruschi organizzate dal Dipartimento di Storia, disegno e restauro dell'architettura (Sapienza - Università di Roma, 5, 6, 7 maggio 2011).
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      Architectural HistoryArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque ArtHistoriography (in Art History)Italian Renaissance Art
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      Architecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque ArtItalian Renaissance ArchitectureRenaissance ArchicteturePerspective
Resum: En origen, l'edifici anomenat Consolat de Mar (Mallorca) era la seu del col•legi de la Mercaderia. L'article analitza la reforma que s'hi va realitzar al primer quart del segle XVII a partir de documentació inèdita. A més,... more
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    • Renaissance Archicteture
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      Architectural HistoryHistory of ArtMedieval ArchitectureHistory of architecture
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      Art HistoryArchitectureRenaissance StudiesRenaissance
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      Architectural HistoryArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque ArtVenetian art and architectural historyItalian Renaissance Art
El presente artículo aborda las renovaciones renacentistas que transformaron los palacios reales navarros de Pamplona y Olite promovidas por los virreyes que los habitaron, especialmente Sancho Martínez de Leiva y el marqués de Almazán.... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissanceRenaissance ArchictetureRenacimiento
It is a standard assumption of modern architectural practice that all spatial relationships on a building are mathematically definable and can be systematically described by means of two-dimensional representations generated using... more
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      Architectural HistoryItalian Renaissance Architectural HistoryLeon Battista AlbertiCAD
The article analyzes the common architectural details of the Sieniavski-Chartoryski Palace in Medzhybizh, Ukraine, and Thurzo-Faigel Palace in Betlanovce, Slovakia. The similarity of both monuments can use for the restoration of the... more
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      Polish HistoryArchitectural HistoryHistory of HungaryPoland
A re-reading of the documents and an analysis of the Arco del Cavallo in Ferrara allows the author to deny definitively the attribution to Alberti, and give it instead to Nicolò Baroncelli as designer and a team of Florentine stone-masons... more
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
Se analiza la historia del palacio de Betxí (Castellón), perteneciente a los Almirantes de Aragón. Alberga interesantes elementos renacentistas como la portada serliana y el patio columnario. Se aportan documentos inéditos sobre el... more
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    • Renaissance Archicteture
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      Art HistoryRenaissanceRenaissance ArtArchitectural History
Studie byla publikována roku 1950 v časopise ,,Zprávy památkové péče" ( Ročník 10, číslo 5) / The study was published in 1950 in the journal ,,Zprávy památkové péče" (Volume 10, issue 5).
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      ArchitectureMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesRenaissance Studies
Il Palazzo di Domenico della Rovere in Borgo (con A. Cavallaro), Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, Libreria dello Stato, Roma 1999 (ma 2000, vincitore del I premio internazionale Tarquinia Cardarelli 2001) 88-240-3685-6 Part One:... more
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      Renaissance ArchictetureHistory of Art and ArchitecturePapacy and Cardinals
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      Renaissance ArchictetureRenaissance Palaces
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      RenaissanceArchitectural HistoryItalian Renaissance ArtItalian Renaissance Architectural History
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      IconographyArchitectureSculptureRenaissance Archicteture
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      Architecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque ArtReligious architectureItalian Renaissance Architectural HistoryItalian Renaissance Architecture
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      Art HistoryArchitectureRenaissanceRenaissance Art
principio en 1543 con la apertura de un domicilio en el enclave universitario de Alcalá de Henares, ampliándose al año siguiente con las nuevas fundaciones de Gandía, Valencia, Barcelona y Valladolid. La rápida expansión del Instituto por... more
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      Art HistoryRenaissanceRenaissance ArtJesuit history