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Queensland has been the last Australian jurisdiction to reform its law of criminal defences to try and take account of the difficulties faced by victims of domestic abuse in satisfying the traditional elements of self-defence. Section... more
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      PsychologyRelationshipsMurderPartial defence of provocation
It is explicated that human brain functions as ‘radio’ capable of projecting thought and emotional frequencies that may be categorized to operate on two distinct bands: the low frequency band (similar to the AM band) and the high... more
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      Parallel AlgorithmsParallel ProgrammingTime-ConsciousnessConsciousness
El presente artículo forma parte de un proyecto de investigación en desarrollo, dirigido por la autora, que indaga sobre las condiciones de generación del lenguaje en el niño y que se fundamenta en la teoría del conocimiento del biólogo y... more
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El presente ensayo constituye un intento de relación de tres cuerpos teóricos: el constructivismo radical; la biología de la cognición y la teoría pragmática del lenguaje. El propósito es describir el cómo podría darse la adquisición y/o... more
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      ConstructivismRealityRadicalRevista de Psicologia
Resumen es: Este articulo forma parte de una linea de investigacion en desarrollo sobre el surgimiento del lenguaje en ninos de dos culturas: clase media de la ciud...
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      LanguageRealityRevista de Psicologia
"Everything is in motion. "Inertness" arises from (approximative) repetition, that is, through rotation or an alternation that delineates a focus of consciousness. This focus of consciousness, in turn, must also move/alternate (the two... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsPhilosophy of MindPerception
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      Social WorkRhetoricYoung PeopleReality
For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul. Judy Garland After describing in the last chapter the nature of online relationships, this chapter describes the nature of emotions.... more
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      Social PsychologyEmotional intelligenceIntelligenceCognition
The main purpose of this paper is to provide a critical analysis of Luc Boltanski’s account of the multifaceted relationship between mysteries, conspiracies, and inquiries in modern societies. It is striking that, although this important... more
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      Conspiracy TheoriesKarl PopperPowerWorld
A partir del apólogo con el que Antonio Machado inicia su Juan de Mairena, este texto pretende suscitar algunas reflexiones sobre la construcción política, social y pedagógica de «la verdad» y de «la realidad». La tesis que se ensaya es... more
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This study investigates how the members of four different role-playing communities on the online platform Second Life perform social as well as dramatic roles within their community. The trajectories of power influencing these roles are... more
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      SociologyComputer ScienceSocial SciencesVirtuality
Quantum physicists have made many attempts to solve the quantum measurement problem, but no solution seems to have received widespread acceptance. The time has come for a new approach. In Sense Perception and Reality: A Theory of... more
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      Quantum PhysicsFoundations of Quantum MechanicsQuantum TheoryQuantum Mechanics
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      Twentieth CenturyAlienationGamesChildren
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      PhotographyDigital MediaThe BodyFace
For ages we were used to have automatons, based on instructions. Now we are near to the moment that we have lesser control over the consequences of actions of software powered actors. The autonomous intelligent software agent with social... more
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      New MediaPersonalityVirtual WorldsAgents
Objective: This paper explores the therapeutic relationship, engagement and communication for participants using telepsychiatry (i.e., video; TP), telebehavioral health (TBH) and other technologies. Methods: The goal of this concept paper... more
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The present text is a very abridged version of a book I wrote out of the desire to examine the structure of our reality from a standpoint unbiased by established teachings, be they academic- scientific, popular- esoteric, or religious in... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy of Action
RESUMEN Teniendo en cuenta la gran importancia que el periodismo literario ha ido ganando en occidente, este trabajo realiza un rastreo de las principales circunstancias que posibilitaron el surgimiento del mismo; luego se recurre a uno... more
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      Literary JournalismChronicFictionReality
Don Quixote, in addition to being a literary masterpiece, is also an inexhaustible epistemic reservoir that we need to draw on in order to understand what the relationship between imaginary and reality is... more
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      Social ChangeEpistemologyLiteratureComplexity Theory
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      SchizophreniaT.S. EliotScience FictionPhilip K. Dick
In their Dialectic of Enlightenment, Adorno and Horkheimer observe that the Enlightenment constitutes itself by rejecting myth as subjective. Yet, once the Enlightenment has dominated the entire world with its abstract categories, it... more
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The competitive advantage that any organization enjoys is attibuted to its human capital. Retention of that resource is one of the major challenges faced by Human Resource (HR) Managers. This is generally accomplished through... more
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      Human Resource ManagementHuman ResourcesPracticeReality
Mémoire de maîtrise en Études littéraires, UQAM, année 1999 À noter qu'il s'agit de la version 1, celle qui a été déposée à la fin de mes études, et qu'une version corrigée est en cours de préparation. (2022) Le simulacre, mettant... more
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      Human EvolutionSelf and IdentityLiteratureConsciousness
The author considers the problem of beauty. He identifies beauty as an analogically understood property of reality, of human products (including art), and of the human mode of conduct, and as that which, in the tradition of Western... more
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      MetaphysicsAestheticsArt TheoryPleasure
The paper presents an outline of a new personality theory on the basis of its language phenomenology. The basic assumptions of the new theory are preceded by theoretical analysis of the contemporary "methodological market" of... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePersonalityStructure
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      PowerRealityLiberationSelf Determination
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      PhilosophyArtFilm AnalysisCinema
Age is a contradiction to vast elements of free will. Seeing how free will is a complete universal system, it is therefore clear that age does not exist.
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      International Relations TheorySocial SciencesQuality of Life (Social Sciences)Truthmaking
INTRODUCTION Si on demande à un physicien quelle est l'interprétation qu'il donne au formalisme quantique la plupart d'entre eux répondront qu'ils adhérent à l'interprétation dite de Copenhague. Cependant dans la pratique il est assez... more
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      Quantum MechanicsLanguageRealityComplementarity
Anahtar Kelimeler: Sinema, gerçeklik, Bazin, dijital teknoloji, dijital görsel efektler Dijital teknolojinin sinemada kullanılmaya başlaması, 1920’lerin sonunda filmlerde sesin kullanılmasına benzer bir etki yaratmıştır. Dijital... more
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      Digital TechnologyCinemaStar WarsSinema
Textos y Contra-Textos en "E1 jardín de senderos que se bifurcan"
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      Comparative LiteratureMetaphysicsPhilosophy Of LanguageAesthetics
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      RhetoricPolicyPolicy ChangeReality
SUMMARY The following doctoral study is focused on the description of the similarities between Jorge Luis Borges and Vladimir Nabokov narratives, especially in their conceptual analysis, and in the definition of their origin. The... more
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      Comparative LiteratureLabyrinthsMemoryTIME
Fotografiet er som en firkantet skive af rum og tid. Firkanten kan fastholde erindringer, traumer og drømme, altså vores mest af alt tavse udtryk. Den virkelighed, der helt uomtvisteligt viser sig på fotografiet, åbner op for andre... more
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Los nombres de Borges y Nabokov a menudo comparten espacio en las páginas dedicadas a la historia de literatura contemporánea. Pero ¿qué hay detrás de tales concordancias? Este libro ofrece una respuesta fundamentada en el estudio... more
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      Comparative LiteratureLabyrinthsMemoryTIME
This paper considers some aspects of the meaning of chronic lateness in psychoanalytic psychotherapy. The central role of time in psychoanalytic work and the significance of enactments around the analytic frame are considered. Using... more
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    • Reality
The theatre of Absurd depicts the universe which has lost his meaning and purpose. The dramatist of the Absurd drama finds the universe and everything in to be arbitrary, disconnected and irrelevant. In this type of Drama, dramatist asks... more
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      Harold PinterReality
The infinite organism, an idea that goes back several thousand years, may be the explanation for life, as we know it. The infinite organism has similarities to the God concept. It also constrains the God concept. It can be inferred that... more
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Resumen Las estructuras más profundas del pensamiento humano se manifiestan bajo la forma de símbolos y mitos, van más allá de la configuración histórica concreta, atravesando toda la historia humana. Definen las formas que reviste el... more
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      ReligionConsciousnessConsciencePersonal Identity
It has become popular to portray the Buddhist Nāgārjuna as an ontological nihilist, i.e., that he denies the reality of entities and does not postulate any further reality. A reading of his works does show that he rejects the... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologyNihilismMadhyamaka Buddhism
Living in Mixed Realities What does it mean to live, play and work in a world shaped and perceived through digital media, networks and architectures of real and virtual space? How can the development of complex communication spaces,... more
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      Computer SciencePhilosophyEducationTechnology
Enfoque del liderazgo del pensamiento sistémico en las organizaciones Multiciencias, vol. 10, núm. 2, mayo-agosto, 2010, pp. 133-138
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Through fantasy we are able to group, explain, alter and comment on reality. Fantasy can subtly lure readers into its comforting embrace and speak to the human desire for more than the empirical world of the familiar. With that in mind,... more
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      LiteratureSystematic ReviewsRealityFantasy
Anne Beyaert-Geslin, « L'image ressassée : photo de presse et photo d 'art », dans Communication et langages n° 147, mars 2006, pp. 119-135. « ce n'est pas le passé qui nous obsède, ce sont les images du passé » Georg Steiner « Poreuse et... more
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● Source: Pawel Tarasiewicz, “The Common Sense Personalism of St. John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla),” Studia Gilsoniana 3, supplement (2014): 619-634 [ISSN 2300-0066] ● Summary: The article aims at showing that the philosophical personalism of... more
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      PhilosophyThomismKarol WojtylaCommon Sense
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Desde la segunda mitad del siglo pasado, los videojuegos se han convertido en una tecnología muy importante hasta convertirse en una gran industria, tanto en el ámbito del entretenimiento, como en las áreas que van más allá de la... more
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      Game DesignVideo GamesSocial MediaTuberculosis and Infectious Disease
Cultural historians of the volatile early eighteenth century have described the period in various terms: a growing public sphere with new freedoms of expression markedly influencing social discourse; a new culture of social interaction,... more
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      DiscoursePublic SphereModernitySociability
It is believed that repeated exposure to real-life and to entertainment violence may alter cognitive, affective, and behavioral processes, possibly leading to desensitization. The goal of the present study was to determine if there are... more
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