Recent papers in Hadith
François Déroche: Le Coran, une histoire plurielle. Essai sur la formation du texte coranique Paris: Seuil 2019, 297 pp., illustr., bibliographie, glossaire. This book of the French Islamic scholar François Déroche is a concentrated... more
The du‘afā’ works that include only the weak transmitters constitute a significant part of the literature on hadith criticism. The development of the du‘afā’ literature can be analyzed in four different phases based on the time periods... more
‘A’isha bint Abi Bakr (d. 678 CE) is probably best known today as a wife of the Prophet Muhammad, whose life is particularly notable due to her involvement in several dramatic events which subsequently loomed large in inter-Muslim... more
Nu’mān Bin Thābit, better known by his kunyah, Abū Ḥanīfah, has been subject to much criticism due to his supposed lack of knowledge in Ḥadīth and Ḥadīth studies. The methodology of the Ḥanafīs has been similarly scrutinized as it is... more
The paper discusses the role that Islamic values can play in articulating Islam as an ethical tradition that can shape the international relations.
Since their compilations in the tenth and eleventh centuries CE, the four hadith books, al-Kāfī, al-Faqīh, al-Tahdhīb, and al-Istibṣār, have left an indelible mark on Shiʿi religiosity. The present study takes as its starting point the... more
Translation of a paper by professor Salah al-Din al-Idlibi, an expert in matn criticism, on the issue of determining the age of Aisha bint Abi Bakr at the time of her marriage to the Prophet Muhammad.
Updated Nov 8, 2018
Updated Nov 8, 2018
Il Kitab al-Sawm, tradotto in italiano come il Libro del Digiuno, riporta una serie di Tradizioni del Profeta Muhammad )ﷺ( relative alla pratica cultuale del digiuno così come era praticato dal Profeta e dai Compagni con riferimenti non... more
Hadith al-Iftiraqis a famous hadith attributed to Prophet Muhammad (s) in many Shi‘i and Sunni hadith collections, as well as in heresiographical sources. Among many books written by contemporary heresiographers, few have failed to... more
Daniel Pachurka (Ruhr-University Bochum) edited, translated and commented the polemic treatise of the dominican Ricoldus de Monte Crucis (1243[?] - 1320). Though this theologian of the Middle Ages seems to have only an apologetic interest... more
""An unexpected gem. An innovative book which explores the everyday lived reality of Muslim minorities in Hong Kong. The contemporary focus is framed by a fascinating history of South Asian Muslims which reaches back into the early 19th... more
In quest'opera viene presentato per la prima volta in lingua italiana il libro della raccolta del Sahih al-Bukhari, ossia le tradizioni del Profeta Muhammad )ﷺ( considerate autentiche secondo determinati canoni, relativa alla storia... more
Rivâyetlerde ahir zamanda geleceği bildirilen Mehdî’nin insanlığa selamet getirerek bozulan adaleti tesis edeceği bildirilmiştir. Böylece mehdi beklentisi siyasî ve mezhebî olayların yoğun yaşandığı hicrî ilk asırlarda etkili olmuştur.... more
Currently, the Vector Space Model algorithm has been widely implemented for the document search feature because of its reliability in retrieving information. One of them in the search for verses of the Qur'an based on the translation.... more
Tulisan ini membahas fenomena rihlah ilmiah demi Hadis-hadis Rasulullah yang terdistribusi di berbagai wilayah dunia Islam pada masa periwayatan Hadis, yakni sekitar abad-abad 1 H/7 M hingga 4 H/10 M. Pada masa itu, para sarjana Hadis... more
for volume 2 of this book, please follow the link below: https://www.academia.edu/36962458/Treasures_in_the_sunnah_a_scientific_approach_Vol_2_By_DR._Zaghloul
این مقاله به بررسی روایات تشبیه اوصیای پیامبر اکرم ص به نقبای بنیاسرائیل، اسباط بنیاسرائیل، حواریون حضرت مسیح و ماههای سال و همچنین امکان وجود معنایی فراتر از تساوی عددی برای این روایات، پرداخته و درصدد پاسخ به این پرسش برآمده است که... more
محققان غربي احادیث را دادههایي تاریخي برای شناخت و بازسازی جنبههاي مختلف تاریخ اسلام تلقي کردهاند و براي ارزيابي اعتبار و تعيين اصالت اين دادهها به تاریخگذاری آنها پرداختهاند. تاريخگذاری حديث مسئلهای در ميان گروهي از اسلامشناسان... more
Yunus Emre lived in a period of political changes in Anatolia. Social life in the region, where political authority has disappeared, has also been affected by the developments. He became a servant in the place of Tapduk Emre during a... more
A collection of 30 ahadith on tazkiyyah
This article aims to identify the ethical and accurate research in the significance and the application of Takhrij al-Hadith of the Prophet SAW. It is important to create a predictive model of academic writing involves the sayings of the... more
Purpose -This study aims to clarify current thinking about Islamic leadership by returning to the original texts of Islam, the Qur'an and the hadith. These are analysed to identify foundational Islamic leadership prototypes, concepts and... more
Please join the members of the Sustainability Committee for a social hour to kick off the 2021 ISSN conference. During this session we'll make new friends, catch up with old friends, and think together about how to get the most out of the... more
استقراء أقوال الأئمة المتقدمين قبل أبي عبد الله الحاكم في الحديث الشاذ مفهومًا وتطبيقًا، والوقوف على أصل هذا المصطلح ونشأته.
Ce este islamul? Care este istoria sa? Care este adevărata semnificaţie a unor cuvinte precum Allah, şaria, jihad etc? Nu trece nicio zi fără să auzim menţionându-se cuvântul islam. Şi totuşi, pentru majoritatea oamenilor, islamul... more
PPT Sekolah hadis dengan tema Jarh dan Ta'dil
A critical appraisal of Western scholarship on Prophetic tradition (hadith) and its reverberation in the Muslim world.
, it cui generoso contributo ha reso possibile la pubblicazione del presente volume: We gratefully acknowledge the following institutions within the University of British Columbia (UBC Vancouver, Canada), whose generosity has made... more
ﻓﻬﺮس اﻷدﯾﺎن إزدراء ﻗﻮاﻧﯿﻦ ﺗﻄﺒﯿﻖ ﻓﻲ واﻟﺘﺨﻔﯿﻒ اﻟﻤﻌﺘﻘﺪ ﺣﺮﯾﺔ ﻋﻦ ﺎ ً دﻓﺎﻋ 2 اﻷدﯾﺎن ازدراء ﻣﺼﻄﻠﺢ للإسلام تراث طویل في التسامح وحریة الفكر والنقاش، حتى في المواضیع الأساسیة للإیمان. لا یمكن للكلام في شأن المعتقد... more
This articles is about explaining the Hadiths of Prophet Mohammad(S.A.W.W) about camel hump hair and hijab styles
Dalam ilmu hadits ada banyak persoalan yang akan ditemukan. Salah satunya adanya permasalahan mengenai hadits yang musykil, mukhtalif, gharib dll (istilah ini tergantung pemaknaan masing-masing ulama). Masalah ini, berorientasi pada... more
历史上的伊斯兰教具有很强的思想与辩论自由和宽容的传统,包括对于基本的 伊斯兰教信仰。对于信仰甚至是宗教信仰本身的讨论,必然会涉及到一些在其 他人看来是冒犯性的,被他们解释为亵渎的表述。伊斯兰教在面对挑衅时的反 应,应建立在精神性、尊严和宽宥的基础上。这一开放和宽容的传统在当今以 穆斯林为主的国家和社会中亟待恢复,尤其是考虑到由宗教不宽容和偏执所引 起的暴力是如此广泛。 奉至仁至慈的真主之名 www.IslamAndReligiousFreedom.org 目录... more
An article from the book: "Jesus Crucified or Substituted?: Between Gnostic Thought and Islamic Theology" discussing the Islamic View on the Crucifixion of Christ and the opinions of some Muslim and non-Muslim Scholars.
The spread of anti-Hadith thoughts in Malaysia until nowadays is worrisome. It has spread in many sectors in our country. Educational sector is one of the sectors that has been affected by this movement. Muslims should realize that these... more
Yazarın Chicago Üniversitesi'nde Wadad al-Qadi danışmanlığında hazırladığı doktora tezini esas alarak yayınladığı kitap, Buharî ve Müslim öncesi hadis alimlerinin Sünnî İslam'ın ortaya çıkışına yaptığı katkıları konu edinmektedir.... more
And be good to the neighbour who is your relative and to the neighbour who is not a relative . . . (Qur'an, 4:36) Islam has great respect for the mutual rights and duties of neighbours. The Holy Prophet said: Jibra'1 always used to... more