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I. Psychosomatic Medicine: A Critical Appraisal: The modern medical practitioner attempts to account for the various aspects of illness by considering them all together and, in doing so, adopts a biopsychosocial approach. As a general... more
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      Medical AnthropologyPsychosomatic MedicineBody SchemaPsychosomatics
Mindfulness is a burgeoning field of study and practice within mental health care and medicine. Yet ethical codes, and the philosophy of the therapist-client relationship, differ greatly between disciplines, and even more between those... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologySocial PsychologyPsychiatry
Alexithymia is a personality trait characterised by difficulty identifying and describing subjective emotional feelings, a restricted imagination, and an externally oriented style of thinking. Individuals with high levels of this trait... more
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      Personality PsychologyEmotionHealth PsychologyEmotional intelligence
Objective: Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) is a structured group program that employs mindfulness meditation to alleviate suffering associated with physical, psychosomatic and psychiatric disorders. The program, nonreligious and... more
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Bevezetés: A kiégés gyakran előforduló jelenség az egészségügyi dolgozók, így az orvosok körében is. Célkitűzés: A kiégés esetleges összefüggésének feltárása az egészséggel, pszichoszomatikus tünetekkel, életérzéssel, alváskörülményekkel.... more
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Προτίθεμαι να παρουσιάσω εδώ ένα γενικό μοντέλο αναφορικά με τη σημειωτική διάσταση των ψυχοσωματικών διαταραχών. Θα εικονογραφήσω τη λογική αυτού του μοντέλου προσφεύγοντας στο παράδειγμα της γαστρεντερικής ψυχοσωματικής σημειωτικής, με... more
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Culture shock is a common phenomenon for tourists. Recognized by Dr Hiroaki Ōta in the 1980s, the Paris Syndrome is characterized as a specific type of culture clash. It has been defined as a mental illness affecting some Japanese... more
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      Japanese StudiesTourism StudiesCultural TourismJapanese Culture
The article shows the political economy of debt-ridden contemporary India under the religious extremist authoritarian regime from the gaze of a victim of financial abuse. It describes a failed state with (a)complex hierarchical... more
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      Political EconomyFascismGeorge OrwellFranz Kafka
Τι είναι η ΙΨΔ Η Ιδεοψυχαναγκαστική διαταραχή είναι μια διαταραχή που ανήκει στις αγχώδεις διαταραχές. Το άτομο που πάσχει από ΙΨΔ παγιδεύεται από μια σειρά επαναληπτικών σκέψεων που ονομάζονται ιδεοληψίες και επαναλαμβανόμενων... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyPersonality PsychologyPositive Psychology
By affirming that mind and body exist in different domains of knowledge as discriminations acted by an observer, Constructivism has overcome the old dualism typical of psychosomatic medicine, that traditionally considers mind and body as... more
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Haruki Murakami’s _Norwegian Wood_ (1987) is set in Tokyo of 1960, when like many other countries, students there were protesting at the established order of the society. On the backdrop of this, Murakami, through a first-person... more
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      Comparative LiteratureAestheticsSigmund FreudPsychoanalysis And Literature
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      NeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal PsychologyApplied Psychology
A critique of the 2014 APA Division 30 Definition of Hypnosis
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      NeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal PsychologyApplied Psychology
OBJECTIVES: To explain the association between socio-demographical factors and the flooding factors with the incidence of psychosomatic in the productive age during the January 2014 flood disaster in the village of West Cilandak. Jakarta,... more
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      PsychosomaticsPsychosomatic DisordersPsychosomatic symptoms and somatization
—Metaphor therapy has been extensively studied as an emerging research area in cognitive psychology. Metaphors can transfer social and cultural concepts and applications. The metaphor fitting the client's culture increases the effect of... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyPsychosomatic DisordersMasnavi
Es difícil definir la medicina psicosomática, en tanto no existe una medicina que no sea psicosomática, al mismo tiempo que no tenemos una respuesta a la pregunta por la relación cuerpo-mente. Este libro nos presenta la amplitud del campo... more
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      Psychosomatic MedicinePsychosomatic Disorders
Background: Several researches have demonstrated the relationship between alexithymia and depression. Some authors support the hypothesis that alexithymia measured by TAS-20 and BVAQ may be a personality trait and others point out that it... more
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      DepressionAlexithymiaPsychosomatic MedicinePsychosomatics
Objective: Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) is a structured group program that employs mindfulness meditation to alleviate suffering associated with physical, psychosomatic and psychiatric disorders. The program, nonreligious and... more
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      Health PromotionHealth BehaviorPsychotherapyMultilingualism
Introduction about a new philosophical and therapeutical perspective in psychosomatics, published on eminent platform "". (the english and spanish version are also coming). Introduction à propos d'une nouvelle perspective... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of PsychologyPsychosomatic MedicinePsychosomatics
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to identify the specific causes of individual dimensions of coercive management behaviour (CMB) and identify the relationship between individual causes of CMB and the deployment of individual dimension... more
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      BusinessHuman Resource ManagementWorkplace BullyingDiscrimination
Le rêve, quels que soient son contenu et son sens caché, a pour fonction de protéger et de maintenir le sommeil. Cette découverte freudienne coexiste avec la vision interprétative qui fait du rêve, au début de la pensée freudienne,... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyPsychoanalysisPsychoanalytic Theory
The article focuses on the category of disharmony defining the beliefs about the nether world which functioned in folk culture of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. The notion of harmony used herein refers to... more
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      FolkloreDemonologySupernatural FolklorePsychosomatic Disorders
Δεν θα παρουσιάσω κάποια γενική θεώρηση των ψυχοσωματικών επιπτώσεων κάθε διαταραχής. Θα περιοριστώ στη (σπουδαία, ποσοτικά και κλινικά) περίπτωση της φυσικής ή λειτουργικής βλάβης με περισσότερο ή λιγότερο χρόνια πορεία, ενδεχομένως δε... more
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Psychiatric emergencies are conditions that mostly destabilize the already frenetic activity of the Emergency Department. Sometimes the emergency is clearly referable to primitive psychiatric illness. Other times, psychiatric and organic... more
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      PsychiatryConversion disordersFactitious DisordersStress reactions
The bio-psycho-social model relates to a person as one system, with biological, psychological and social components in constant interaction. The model so far tends to objectivize the human experience of life and ignores a central... more
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      PsychotherapySpirituality & Counselling & PsychotherapyImageryMental Imagery
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      Donald W. WinnicottPsychosomatic MedicineDissociationPsychanalyse
Urgency of application and development of cognitive graphic tools for usage in intelligent systems of data analysis, decision making and its justifications is given. Cognitive graphic tool “2-simplex prism" and examples of its usage are... more
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      EducationDecision MakingCognitive Modellinge-Learning systems
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      NeurosciencePsychologyAbnormal PsychologyApplied Psychology
Background: As physicians in a referral hospital, we observed the association between history of enteric fever and somatic disorders associated with low mood. At the Al-Hussein University Hospital, Cairo and the National Liver Institute... more
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      Clinical SciencesDovePsychosomatic DisordersPharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences
Objective: The main purpose of the current study is to examine the factorial structure of the Psychological Problems (PP) scale, which is an inventory used for assessing anxious and depressive symptoms. No previous studies were found in... more
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      Anxiety DisordersDepressionAffective DisordersPsychosomatics
Background and Objec-tives: The present study aimed to evaluate the protective and curative effects of the 15 KD protein isolated from the seeds of Peganum harmala L. against carbon tetrachloride (CCl 4) induced oxidative stress in rats.... more
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      Psychosomatic MedicinePsychosomaticsBiopsychosocial PerspectiveHealth Psychology, Holistic Biopsychosocial Approach to Health
De-stressing is a hot topic! Sick leave, due to stress has increased explosively in recent years. According to ArboNed (Dutch Service for Employers and employees) (1), it costs trade and industry close to 2 billion euros annually.... more
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      Clinical PsychologySport PsychologyPsychiatryPsychotherapy and Counseling
This study compares psychological symptoms and sexual tendencies in women with a history of mental disorders, women with physical and health problems. This research is a methodological, descriptive, and causal comparison, in terms of the... more
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      SociologySocial SciencesIranian StudiesSexual Orientation
Objective: Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) is a structured group program that employs mindfulness meditation to alleviate suffering associated with physical, psychosomatic and psychiatric disorders. The program, nonreligious and... more
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      Health PromotionHealth BehaviorPsychotherapyMultilingualism
Psychosomatic desease by to much info
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      Mental HealthPublic HealthPastoral CounselingPsychosomatic
Background and Objec-tives: The present study aimed to evaluate the protective and curative effects of the 15 KD protein isolated from the seeds of Peganum harmala L. against carbon tetrachloride (CCl 4) induced oxidative stress in rats.... more
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Background and Objec-tives: The present study aimed to evaluate the protective and curative effects of the 15 KD protein isolated from the seeds of Peganum harmala L. against carbon tetrachloride (CCl 4) induced oxidative stress in rats.... more
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Introduction: Over the past two decades, the field of resiliency has attracted increasing attention in evolutionary psychology. Having mentally retarded children is one of life's stressors for parents, that can have a devastating impact... more
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      Clinical PsychologyPsychosomatic Disorders
Background: As physicians in a referral hospital, we observed the association between history of enteric fever and somatic disorders associated with low mood. At the Al-Hussein University Hospital, Cairo and the National Liver Institute... more
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    • Psychosomatic Disorders
In this research, the emotions and the patterns of EEG signals of human brain are studied. The aim of this research is to study the analysis of the changes in the brain signals in the domain of different emotions. The observations can be... more
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      Clinical PsychologyHistory Of EmotionsImage Features ExtractionEmotions (Social Psychology)
Somatic symptom disorder (SSD) is a debilitating disorder that significantly diminishes quality of life and causes psychological distress such as anxiety and depression. The paper explored the efficiency of the eye movement... more
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      Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)Somatic PsychotherapySomatic PsychologyFibromyalgia
Introduction: Modern Heritage and the Puzzle about Persons in Medical Practice Hans Jonas has broken new ground in the history of Gnosticism and modernity, medical ethics, and philosophical biology. He has been embraced by people on the... more
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      Philosophy of MedicineMedical HumanitiesPersonhoodAlfred North Whitehead
A structural explanation of psychosomatic personality structure is proposed, that of a functional or physical deconnection of the two cerebral hemispheres, If the affective and symbolic energies of the right hemisphere cannot be... more
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      AlexithymiaAnxietyQuantitative – Content AnalysisHostility
EPA Congress 2015
Vienna, Austria
March 28-31, 2015
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      Clinical PsychologyPsychiatryPsychosomatic MedicinePsychosomatics
Backgrond: Depression as the flu virus's century has been infected many of the people. This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of hypnotherapy on reducing major depression. Materials and Methods: The present study is a clinical... more
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      Clinical PsychologyPsychotherapyPsychoimmunologyEducational pschology
Eating disorders are of interest because they are serious mental illnesses that affect millions of individuals regardless of race, age, nationality or sex and have a serious impact on personal, family and social life. Differentiating or... more
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      Anorexia NervosaPsychosomatic Disorders