Prudential Regulation
Recent papers in Prudential Regulation
The new financial environment of the 1980s and 1990s has undoubtedly given rise to new risks that make the profitability of credit institutions increasingly uncertain. National and international financial transformations have led banks in... more
Depuis les années quatre-vingt-dix, l'ensemble des établissements bancaires marocains doivent respecter un arsenal de ratios prudentiels, principalement le ratio de solvabilité. Le respect de ces mesures prudentielles, à aspect... more
This article was published in the Bar Association Law Journal [2008] Vol. XIV – Part I page 32 as a sequel to my previous article entitled “Taking the Profit out of Crime – Sri Lankan Style” published in the Journal of Financial Crime... more
Se prezinta evoluţia sistemului bancar romanesc, cu principalii indicatori bilanţieri si de de performanţă ai bancilor. Se detaliaza aspecte privind promovarea stabilităţii economice, cu accent pe obiectivele pe termen scurt şi mediu în... more
Păcatul originar nu este consumul pe datorie, ci disparităţile crescânde în procesul de distribuţie a valorii între profit şi salarii. Ţările care au realizat creşteri de PIB în condiţii costisitoare prin sporirea accentuată a datoriei... more
Confidence in combining inflation-targeting-cum-flexible-exchange-rate regimes with isolated microprudential regulation as a means to guarantee both macroeconomic and financial stability has been shattered by the scale and synchronization... more
Commentators agree that the crisis that boiled to a bubble in the fall of 2008 (“the Great Recession”) is the gravest downturn since the depression of the 1930s. That makes it one of the two greatest crises in the history of capitalism.... more
Confidence in combining inflation-targeting-cum-flexible-exchange-rate regimes with isolated microprudential regulation as a means to guarantee both macroeconomic and financial stability has been shattered by the scale and synchronization... more
Paper originally published in the BNL Quarterly Review, vol. 54 n. 219, December 2001, pp. 341-353.
The 2008 financial crisis has emphasized the importance of macro financial linkages. In the financial sector, attention is now focusing on macro prudential regulations that are geared toward the stability of the financial system as a... more
This articles analyses the acts adopted by the European central bank, from January 1st 2014 to March 31 2015, as a part of its prudential functions, mostly the ones describing the functionning of the Single Supervisory Mechanism.
We analyze if a change in accounting standard or a change in prudential regulation impacts banks' loan loss provision. We find that, in general, the banks using a principles-based accounting standard exhibit a lower level of earnings... more
摘 要:全球金融危机后,有关如何建立完善的货币政策和审慎监管体系的问题引起广泛争议; 而新兴市场国家由于自身更倾向于加剧经济繁荣和衰退程度,更易受负面金融市场冲击影响,故尤其 需要关注这一问题。本文以巴西和韩国为例,深入探讨了物价稳定、金融稳定双重目标下,究竟应如 何以互补方式实行货币政策和审慎监管。 关键词:金融危机 货币政策 审慎监管 新兴市场 After the global financial crisis, there was much... more
"Could either monetary policy or financial prudential regulation be relied on individually to mitigate asset price cycles or their effects? If both ways are effective, monetary policy and prudential regulation could then be considered... more
Prudential Financial is a Fortune 500 company that offers a wide range of financial products, including investment, asset management, securities and real estate services. Principal subsidiary, The Prudential Insurance Company of America,... more
The Asian style of regional integration may be seen as a “quasi-common economy” that eschews a formal linkup in political or monetary terms, but manages to generate similar results by strong physical integration and distributed chains of... more
Prezentarea trateaza subiecte precum: noile politici de reglementare şi abordări în domeniul supravegherii bancare, provocările în implementarea unui proces de supraveghere bazat pe mecanisme de evaluare a managementului riscului,... more
In cadrul unei tari, exista o nevoie stringenta a unei combinatii eficiente, realiste, de politici economice, care sa asigure stabilitatea macroeconomica si premisele pentru o crestere economica sanatoasa, sustenabila, respectiv care sa... more
Se analizeaza mandatul BNR în relație cu instituțiile de credit, se prezinta activitatea de supraveghere a instituțiilor de credit, precum si competențele BNR în relație cu IFN. Sănătatea financiară a sectorului bancar autohton, politica... more
Se prezinta reperele unui mix eficient de politici economice, factorii determinanţi ai intermedierii financiare în România, precum si riscurile la adresa stabilităţii macroeconomice. Se abordeaza subiecte referitoare la măsurile... more
Efficient and well-functioning financial system is an essential factor in transforming centrally-planned economy into a market-oriented, globally integrated performer. Prolonged underdevelopment of a financial system increases the overall... more
This article focuses on the EU implementation of final Basel III by explaining the background, legislative texts, expected impact on EU banks, proposed timeline, and EU-specific adjustments in relation to the internationally agreed text.... more
Commentators agree that the crisis that boiled to a bubble in the fall of 2008 (“the Great Recession”) is the gravest downturn since the depression of the 1930s. That makes it one of the two greatest crises in the history of capitalism.... more
The federalisation processes of US and EU financial supervision have both originally been founded on similar—although not identical—legal bases: regulating interstate commerce in the US (US Const., Art. 1, Sect. 8, Cl. 3) and establishing... more
Commentators agree that the crisis that boiled to a bubble in the fall of 2008 (“the Great Recession”) is the gravest downturn since the depression of the 1930s. That makes it one of the two greatest crises in the history of capitalism.... more
We analyze if a change in accounting standard or a change in prudential regulationimpacts banks’ loan loss provision. We find that, in general, the banks using aprinciples-based accounting standard exhibit a lower level of earnings... more
Printre subiectele abordate in cadrul prezentarii se numara: evoluţia creditului neguvernamental de tip retail, strategia europeană în domeniul serviciilor bancare de retail, necesitatea redefinirii strategiilor la nivelul instituţiilor... more
Although the general risk taxonomy and definitions have been refined over the years, market risk can be broadly defined as the risk of financial loss due to movements in market prices such as interest rates, foreign exchange (currency)... more
A cikk a hitelélet legtipikusabb alanyaival kapcsolatos egyes adatvédelmi, prudens és ügyleti felelősségi kérdések elemző bemutatását, körüljárását kívánja feldogozni, rávilágítva néhány a hazai gyakorlatban is sokszor jelentkező... more
Commentators agree that the crisis that boiled to a bubble in the fall of 2008 (“the Great Recession”) is the gravest downturn since the depression of the 1930s. That makes it one of the two greatest crises in the history of capitalism.... more