Protestant Theology
Recent papers in Protestant Theology
book review (open access)
Egy operaszerű passió és egy passiószerű opera egymásraolvasásának chiazmusában Isten művei (opera) egyedül a kereszt és a szenvedés által (per crucem et per passionem), önmaguk ellentétében (sub contrario specie) válhatnak... more
Trotz seiner Distanz zum Judentum als Religion und seiner Abwendung vom neologen Gedankengut seiner Lehrer, die eine Nähe von Judentum und Christentum begünstigt hatten, bereitete Schleiermacher den Boden für eine jüdische Selbstreflexion... more
Augusta's Umění práce. On the Intellectual Background and the Addressee of the Practical Theological Treatise. The study demonstrates that the intellectual roots of Augusta's treatise Umění práce díla Páně služebného [The Art of Servant... more
Korean Protestantism can be characterized as the rapid church growth and the emergence of the mega-churches, which attracts the focus of scholarly investigation. The number of Protestant churches increased from 3,279 in 1920 to 5,011 in... more
About the book: This five-views work brings together an all-star lineup of Pauline scholars to offer a constructive, interdenominational, up-to-date conversation on key issues of Pauline theology.
I will argue in this paper that the Christian humanistic perspective of Erasmus had a considerable effect on the way the Bible was read by Luther. In exploring and developing these tasks my approach to writing this paper... more
This article shows how in its postmodern “development”, a major part of Christianity has shifted away from the biblical justification by faith and the theology of the cross. Justification is sought from experiences and works, and it is... more
Монографията е първи опит за по-цялостно представяне на творчеството на Рудолф Ото (1869–1937) в България, с акцент върху връзката му с критическата философия на Имануел Кант. В книгата се разкриват проблематични моменти в употребата на... more
In Roman Catholics and Evangelicals: Agreements and Disagreements, Norman Geisler and Ralph E. MacKenzie (G&M) have engaged in the concerted effort “to examine some of our common spiritual roots and see if we have any theological or moral... more
Short presentation of the main trajectories of Protestant Theology in 20th Century
lgún tiempo atrás recibí de la Comisión de Historia y Archivo Histórico de la IMU la invitación para escribir algunas notas sobre mi experiencia de vida. Tengo conciencia de que mi aporte no tiene gran valor. Sin embargo, mi respuesta fue... more
This book investigates the relationship between nineteenth-century German theological Wissenschaft and the emergence of confessional Lutheranism. James Ambrose Lee II argues that the fi rst generation of German confessional Lutheran... more
In the first part, I will clarify the concepts of mediation and mediating theology, put them in historical perspective, and highlight central themes and developments. The second part sketches the theology of I.A. Dorner. The conclusion... more
Historically there are four perspectives to the interpretation of Revelation 20: 1-10 and the understanding of the millennial reign of Christ. This paper reports the findings of a research carried out in 2005 to discover millennial trends... more
Putting it plainly, original sin is the grand, encompassing, and therefore essential theme of Christian theology's defense of its necessity, impeccability and mission. No traditional notion of original sin, and there's no necessity of... more
This report summarises the workshop of Dionysian studies that took place at Pusey House and St. Cross College, Oxford, from 18 to 20 July 2016. It was a collaboration between the University of Oxford and the University of Athens, headed... more
Breve biografia intelettuale di J. Moltmann. I. Dio trinitario come un Dio comunitario. 1. La critica del monoteismo astratto. 2. Dio come Triunità pericoretica. a) Dall'essere alla vita: livelli di divisione. b) L'unificazione... more
In this book, I analyze contemporary Pauline exegesis and its implications for Protestant theology. Over the last several decades, scholars have offered fresh interpretations of the apostle, including the New Perspective on and the... more
This paper is part of a larger study: The De-Judaization of the Image of Jesus of Nazareth (the Virgin Mary) at the Time of the Holocaust: Ensoulment and the Human Ovum by Thomas Bluger (Xlibris, 2021). It covers chapters 10 and 11... more
From the late thirteenth through late seventeenth centuries, a single three-word Latin phrase—sapiens dominabitur astris, or “the wise man will be master of the stars”—proliferated in astrological, theological, philosophical, and literary... more
Following his newfound celebrity upon publication of Being and Time, Martin Heidegger delivered a lecture in 1927 and 1928, titled “Phenomenology and Theology,” where he discussed how his recent groundbreaking work in existential... more
In this thesis, a complete picture is presented on the content of the main theological and philosophical theories on the creation and meaning of man, where a presentation of the teachings and theories of theological and philosophical... more
Short popular biography of the famous theologian and member of the German Resistance against Hitler. First published in 1999.
What is the relation between ethical discernment and liturgy? Do Christian rituals provide enough space for ethical thinking? What is the nature of the certainty that discernment in ritual is correct? This study explores these questions... more
I Siguiendo con su política de rescate de textos agotados pero relevantes para la reflexión teológica en castellano, la editorial Trotta ha reeditado la obra que Bonhoeffer dedicó a la ética. El traductor de la primera edición, Lluís... more
At the beginning of the XIX-th century, Fr. Schleiermacher was the first thinker who attempted both to maintain the validity of Christian doctrine and to keep the pace with the modern outlook of the world, as it was shaped by the... more
Die Geschichtswissenschaft liebt die Konstruktion von Dichotomien: Bis in unsere Tage ist das Verhältnis von Religion und Naturwissenschaften entweder als grundsätzlich konfliktreich dargestellt, oder der Aufschwung der... more
By means of two tales, both infamous, one because it is so thick (Michael Sattler) and the other because it is so thin (Dirk Willems), it may be possible to see why martyrdom was and is such an intractable predicament, and how it has been... more
This paper therefore, is an effort to explain historically the relationship between Church and Estate in Ecuador whose outcome ended with the drafting of the Ecuadorian Constitution of 2008. By the end of it, the reader may be able to... more
The paper outlines Luther's theology of confession of the sins and Bonhoeffer's reception, pointing out their significance for the Protestant Churches today
Közlemények 151 guardiam ab ipso impositum acceperit, sed ob hanc rationem, quod cum in domo non sit pecunia, non indigeat domus salvaguardia. Commissarius Caesareus, qui etiam ab ipso in domo fuit constitutus, iam est mortuus hic in domo... more
In the chiastic pattern of an opera-like passion and a passion-like opera reading each other, the works of God (opera Dei) are approachable only in their contrary (sub contrario specie) by the cross and the suffering (per crucem et per... more
Il "De papatu Romano Antichristo" di Alberico Gentili (San Ginesio 1552 – Londra 1608) è conservato nella Bodleian Library di Oxford (D’Orville 607, ff. 1r-95v) e rappresenta il più noto degli inediti del giurista di San Ginesio al quale,... more
The study explores the original preaching programme created by the bishop of the Unity of the Czech Brethren Jan Augusta. It deals with his recently discovered postil entitled Summovník [Summarium], finished in 1557 and printed in 1570,... more
This essay provides a brief overview of the concept of "Apostolic Tradition," defining what that is, and what its source is. A defense of the Protestant doctrine of Sola Scriptura is presented therein.
America: its ideological and utopian possibilities (1970) 4. Magic and theory (1971) 5. Some thoughts on a program for Ethics (1971) 6. The hermeneutics of the symbol (1972) 7. Christian realism: ideology of the establishment (1973) 8.... more
Вперше у вітчизняному богослов’ї в книзі здійснено цілісний аналіз основних принципів неоортодоксальної біблійної екзегетики Карла Барта в контексті всієї сукупності чинників (інтелектуальних, історичних, соціально-політичних), які... more
Jacob Arminius is a person primarily associated with the controversy among the Dutch Reformed, which took place in the first decade of the XVII century, in the center of which was the subject of predestination. The aim of this article is... more