Theological Method
Recent papers in Theological Method
Review of "Introducing Theological Method: A Survey of Contemporary Theologians and Approaches", by Mary M. Veeneman. Theological Reflections: Euro-Asian Theological Journal 22 (2019): 112-114.
book review (open access)
In this paper I shall interact explicitly with David Tracy's revised correlational approach as a potentially viable method for theology of culture. The first section describes Tracy's 1 approach and gives an initial critical assessment.... more
Als onze geesten haperen, blijven de letters (van liturgie en Schrift) hun werk verrichten (De Kruijf, 1991a, 69)
This essay aims to show why it is important to ask questions about the way Christians raise the question of disability. The central, animating concern has to do with metaphysically thin and philosophically problematic understandings of... more
On February 8, 1971, Michel Foucault announced the formation of Le Groupe d’information sur les prisons (the Prisons Information Group [GIP]), a group of activist intellectuals who worked to amplify the voices of those with firsthand... more
THIS STUDY EXPLORES David Tracy's approach to public theology with theology of culture as background to the topic. More specifically, writing as an evangelical theologian from the Philippines, I seek to develop a basic understanding of... more
Panelist for roundtable about risk and contingency as method in art, theology, and beyond.
Au dire de Jean-Paul II, les chrétiens sont porteurs d’une « diaconie » de la vérité. Cela pose la question de savoir si la Parole dont vit la foi est pertinente pour la discussion dans l’espace public. Nous nous poserons deux questions :... more
The primary question that is addressed in an analysis of method is "how." The "how" looks at the tools, techniques, approaches and sources brought to the method of study. Because the "how" of method is influenced by a person's... more
This course is dedicated to introducing students to the academic discipline of Theology. According to its Greek etymological roots, Theology—theos + logos—is preoccupied with “God-talk”, that is, applying the very human (and, thus,... more
Understanding how one's own mind works is helpful for understanding how human beings think
This is a book review of Reconstructing Old Testament Theology by Leo Perdue.
This thesis examines Fr. William A. Van Roo's contribution to the wide field of theological reflection on the relationship between theological method and the religious experience of the theologian as believer. While the 'turn to... more
This paper takes the methods of John Milbank (radical orthodoxy) and Leonardo Boff (liberation theology) to task. Even as they find themselves at opposite sides of the ideological spectrum - in fact they possess a common weakness. Both... more
A talk given to the hierarchs, clergy, professors, students and guests of Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary, in Jordanville, NY, who gathered for the feastday of the school, that of the Three Hierarchs, Ss. Basil the Great, John Chrysostom... more
In order to better understand the divide which occurred within the “progressive majority” at Vatican II as “Schema XIII” (eventually Gaudium et Spes) was under discussion, this essay considers the contributions and objections of Karl... more
The imagination can provide a welcome vacation from reality, but what serious role could it play in the search for theological understanding? In an academic community committed to the truth of the faith-its correspondence to reality-what... more
By Dr. Kevin Smith--See also:
Published from 1899 to 1950 the Dictionnaire de théologie catholique has long been considered the incarnation of conservative doctrinal positions. Revisiting articles that examine areas and methods of theology, such as the canon Albert... more
I would like to begin with a playful reflection on the phrase 'Theology of Development' which for our purposes this morning necessarily would mean a 'theologizing about development' which is what we hope to achieve. But 'theologizing'... more
The late John Webster advocated both for a theological theology and a robust recovery of God’s intrinsic perfection. This paper examines how both occupations are related in Webster’s thought by setting forth six statements summarizing his... more
ABSTRACT: Karl Barth is perhaps most clearly differentiated from Friedrich Schleiermacher when the two are compared in the context of their unphilosophical vs. philosophical soteriology. They each seek to answer the core question, ‘How... more
One of the most colossal editorial undertakings was the publication, by the publishing house Letouzey and Ané, of the Dictionnaire de théologie catholique (Dictionary of Catholic Theology). Covering more than half a century from 1899 to... more
T 4 Piaget was studying the development of intelligence in children, an enterprise naturally cognate to Lonergan's interests. The encounter seems to have catalyzed, or at least contributed to, a significant transformation in Lonergan's... more
Once upon a time (when theology was a 'thing' and doctrine mattered, but before anyone thought it should actually help us exist as those who pretend to believe and live differently because of Christian faith), I taught courses in... more
In the development of the study of religion as a new discipline in the twentieth century, the pioneers of the field were often at pains to stress that what they did was different from theology. As such, it might be asked in what way a... more
40 essays by Ronnie Hsia, Ulrich Leinsle, Marius Reiser, Thomas Marschler, Trent Pomplun, Jean-Louis Quantin, William O'Brien SJ, Stefania Tutino, Carl Trueman, Andreas Beck, Willem van Asselt, Eric Carlsson, Stephen Hampton, Benjamin... more
A review essay on Frederick Lawrence, *The Fragility of Consciousness: Faith, Reason, and the Common Good,* ed. Randall Rosenberg and Kevin Vander Schel (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2016). The version posted here is the version... more
This conclusive chapter of the thesis argues that Van Roo's analysis of the complex relationship between theological reflection on the religious experience of the believer in community successfully integrates the fragmentary insights... more
The article looks at the influences on Gregory of Nyssa's apophatic theology, and shows how the polemics with the neo-Arian Eunomius and later also with Origen influenced his notions of God's infinity and the infinity of human spiritual... more
An evaluation of Brevard Child's canonical approach in his biblical theology.
his paper is an attempt at conversation. I find it difficult to start since my dialogue-partners are my elders in the Philippine theological family, many of whom were my revered professors or favorite authors from whom I will be forever... more
A survey of contemporary theological and hermeneutical sources reveals a disparity between the two, where both often divorce theology from Scripture and concede a rationalistic approach thereto. Systematic theologians in particular tend... more
Summary: The theology of Jean Daniélou follows an itinerary that leads from existential ex-perience to theological speculation. While carrying out his ministry in France, he had always a missionary soul that led him to leave the... more
“The use of the Old Testament in the New: Diagnosis and Prescription about the Actual Debate” ― The use of the Old Testament in the New has been one subject of study and debate due the to hermeneutical implications that such use has for... more
Every Filipino Christian can do theology and this practice of theology will result in a more dynamic mission-oriented, culture-engaging faith. I will be making three points. First, I will define what I mean by local theology or-as I will... more
Protestant analytic theology can break free of the Roman Catholic theological paradigm if it adopts a phenomenological method and renounces the pretense to infallibility in theology.
The object of the present essay is to establish the possibility of "theology without anathemas." First, an argument is given for the conclusion that infallible knowledge in matters of theology is not now possible. Both the Protestant... more