The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finauce, Vol. 37, No. 4, Fall 1997, pages 747-767
Copyright Q 1997 Tmstees of the University of Illinois
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved
ISSN 1062.9769 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Population Equilibrium
in Primitive Societies zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg
Universityof Miami and DevTech
Inc. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWV
The a.borigi? zaf d~t~b~Lt~~~of
North Alnerka is found not to be positively related
to the richrkess zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
of then&ml ~~~r~~r~l~,
cantmyto thr:~edicti~~
the ~~~u~th~s~ark
the dominant one irk Anthr~lo~y.
of some reso? &rcescan encourage nomadism
or rake thtz productivity of women, two detuminarkts qf the cost qfc/kildr? ? n, which I find are associated with lower abotiginal
density umong a sample of tribes of Norttk American
Economist for the most part have not studied primitive peoples. Some notable
exceptions are Eoserup (1965), Grossbard (1974), Posner (1980), and Smit.h
(1975). This is unfortunate, for among primitive societies one can often find
behavior that is outside the range common in modern societies. In fact, sometimes what we would consider extreme behavior in a modern society is normal
behavior in a primitive one. Examples of such behavior that I have come across
would be institutionalized
cannibalism (Aztecs), common and accepted adultery
(Truk), and multiple husbands (Nayar). Applying models of human behavior
derived from observation of the modern world to primitive societies can be a
real challenge for those models. The extreme behavior pushes models to their
limits and is often helpful in choosing between competing model.s, whose implications may be difficult to distinguish within the more restrictive range of modern behavior.
There is at least one good reason for not studying primitive peoples-the
data problems can be insurmountable. This work, for example, deals with some
decisions among a substantial number of tribes and groups of
tribes of North American Indians at about the time of contact with Europeans.
Ideally, I would have wanted fertility and mortality information on an individual
or household level. Unfortunately, no such data exist. Not even aggregate fertility and mortality rates by tribe are available for the early contact period. What is
available are rough estimates of population density, and just collecting and con-
AND FINANCE zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR
strutting these has been a major endeavor. As a consequence of data limitations,
I have taken a model of household fertility and mortality decisions, and turned
it into a model of the distribution of population density.
In this study I will argue that the aboriginal distribution of population in
North America is not consistent with the Malthusian model, the dominant one
in anthropology. I will further argue that the observed relationship between the
natural environment and population density can be explained by richer environments sometimes having higher costs of bearing and rearing children. The two
mechanisms by which the natural environment can affect the cost of children are
(1) the nomadic way of life, and (2) the productivity of women. The first section
introduces the basic framework in the form of simple models with Malthusian
type implications. I provide evidence that is inconsistent with the implication of
those models. The nature of this evidence is that in some dimensions a richer
natural environment is associated with lower, not higher, population density.
Section II incorporates into the basic model the choice of whether to be sedentary or nomadic. In Section III, I estimate a switching regression model with the
choice being endogenous. While the nomadic way of life can
explain some of the previous anomalies, there are still some puzzling results. In
Section IV, I incorporate the sexual distribution of labor and the productivity of
women into the model to help explain the empirical findings of Section III.
In a region that experiences no in or out migration the change in population
over a period of time is simply the number of births minus deaths occurring in
that time period. If the population of such a region tends to a steady state, it is
because population change acts upon fertility and mortality so as to reduce population growth when the population is above its steady state level, and to
increase population when it is below it. Population systems exhibiting this stable
steady state property are said to be homeostatic. An example of a homeostatic
model is the simple Malthusian model, where population growth leads to lower
wages, delayed marriage and increased mortality.
If immigration and emigration are possible, population change in a given
region over a period of time also includes net immigration. If population grows,
mechanisms to adjust population size to resources, such as the Malthusian one
of impoverishment
leading to greater mortality, need not come into play, as
people migrate to other locations.
The first occupants of the Americas probably faced such a situation. They
initially had a wide variety of unoccupied environments to choose from. If population in the preferred environments grew, people could migrate to unoccupied
territories of similar quality. Eventually, of course, the preferred environments
would all be occupied, and population growth would lead to lower standards of
749 zyxwvutsrqponm
living. At some point the occupied territories would cease to be “ preferred.”
that had been previously uninhabited
would become relatively
attractive, and they in turn would be occupied, starting the cycle again.’
If we take an extreme position and assume that migration was costless, then
the concentration
of population in any region of the New World before European contact would reflect the relative attractiveness
of that region. People
would live in regions poor in natural resources, only if congestion had sufficiently lowered productivity in the rich regions. The empirical implication of
costless migration is that abundance of natural resources is positively related to
population density. This implication holds regardless of what is the effect of
population growth on fertility and mortality. Population density would tell us
nothing about fertility and mortality.
The assumption of costless migration may not be a bad one when explaining
the distribution of people in a modern industrialized country. It may even be
applicable to a primitive people just entering an unoccupied continent, which
will take them several thousand years to occupy. But under primitive conditions
an occupied continent is a different matter. Would-be immigrants to an occupied area may well have faced resistance from the current occupants.
The opposite assumption to costless migration, is that migration is so costly
that it does not take place. Without migration each closed area has its own population history (at least from the time it became closed), and differences in
standards of living across areas are sustainable.
Neither of the two extreme assumptions is descriptively accurate, and how
close each is to reality depends on the size of the area being considered. Within
an area of villages belonging to the same tribe migration is probably not very
costly. An example would be the agricultural Huron, whose aboriginal population distribution within their settled area seems to have been closely related to
soil quality (Heidenreich,
1971). But movement across tribal boundaries, over
great distances, over natural obstacles, or into regions requiring very different
subsistence pursuits, would be much more costly.
Suppose that the decision unit is the household, consisting of adults and
children. The household of this analysis is representative of those belonging to a
larger group, such as a tribe. The household allocates the labor services of its
members across various subsistence activities. The activities considered here are
gathering, hunting, fishing, and agriculture.2 Agriculture is further subdivided
into irrigation agriculture, which was practiced in some of the drier regions and
in parts of Mexico, and agriculture that did not use irrigation, which I refer to as
horticulture. From the outputs of these activities the household produces a single good, X, which I will refer to as food or subsistence.
A household can produce more food in a rich environment than in a poor
one. The productivity of the natural environment of a tribe will be measured by
the vector E (abundance of game, of fish, of wild plants, etc.). Land availability is
also important, as a household cannot produce much food if its natural environment is very productive, but it has very little land it can exploit. Land availability
will be measured
by population
capita. Food production
AND FINANCE zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR
density, P, which is just the inverse of land per
can be expressed
as a function
of environmental
density, zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
P, as follows:
ductivity, E, and of population
X = F(E, P)
The function F(E, P) is increasing in E and decreasing in P.
Suppose that North America is divided into K regions. The utility or value a
places on being in region k is given by:
I+ = V(X’“ ), K = l,..., K,
where V(X’“ ) is an increasing
function of Xk. The function
It should not be interpreted
only about food production.
tive people
V is an indirect utility
to mean that primitive
As a number of time allocation
devote surprisingly
little time to work activities
can think of Xk as the food production
studies show, primi(Gross,
possible in region K. The household
duces Xk and then “ buys” back some of the time of its members for leisure activities.
In the absence of any migration costs, households simply move to the location they value most. Since at the time of contact all of North America was
it must have been the case that all locations
Let V* be the level of utility corresponding
pied, it follows from Equations
1 and 2 that:
V(F(Ek, 9)
It follows directly
were equally attractive.
to any region. If all regions are occu-
= V*, k = l,..., K
3 that a region
(a high Ek) must have a high population
with a rich
density (a high 9)
call this model the “ Migration Model.”
Table 1 presents the results from regressing
to compensate.
the log of population
on five indices of environmental
productivity of resource abundance
North American Indian tribes or groups of tribes. In the construction
I have taken into account,
I will
for 89
of the
as well as I have been able to,
the devastating impact of European diseases on native
sures of resource abundance reflect the productivity of
five subsistence activities of hunting, fishing, gathering,
tion agriculture. The results are not presented here,
populations. The meathe environment in the
horticulture and irrigabut the five indices of
resource abundance explain well the relative dependence on each of the four
subsistence activities across Indian tribes. The data set is described a little more
in the Appendix.
The results of Table 1 do not support the costless migration hypothesis.
Hunting resources has an insignificant effect on population density (and a nega-
Table I.
Density on Indicesof
of Log of Population
(Dependent Variable: Log of Population
Density in Persons/ l OOkm*)
Constant zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED
Index for:
N&s: a.
R2 = 0.522 See appendix
zero at the
1% level.
No. of
for data sources.
tive sign). More importantly, horticultural productivity is negatively related to
population density and is statistically significant at the five percent level.
While it is true that the coefficients of three of the five indices are positive
and significantly different from zero, this is not good enough. That all productivity indices be positively related to population density is not a very strong test
of this model (equality of the @‘s would be). Such a relationship is consistent
with many models. It can be concluded, therefore, that migration costs were
sufficiently high to keep people from always moving to their preferred regions.
We can turn now to models where the population equilibrium
is achieved
The common
opulation models in anthropology seem to be adaptations of
biological models. r One model is that populations will tend toward the sustainable limit-the
so called
a given environmenttechnology combination will permit. This is the biological version of the simple
Malthusian model mentioned above. One implication of this model is that population density is positively related to the abundance
of natural resources,
irrespective of whether or not migration is costly. At this level the model is indistinguishable from one that assumes costless migration.
Many non-human populations seem to regulate their numbers below the
limit of their resources. Primitive human societies seem to do the same (Blanton,
19’75). Keeping the population below carrying capacity has survival value in
uncertain environments. For long-term survival, a group must gear its numbers
to the carrying capacity of bad years. Still, since more people can normally be
supported in bad years in rich environments than in bad years in poor environments, once again the empirical implication
is that population
density is
positively related to the abundance of natural resources.
We can easily give a formal presentation,
like that of the migration model
presented above, to the carrying capacity model. Suppose that the tribal area is
fixed, and that no migration
AND FINANCE zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR
in or out takes place. Define the amount of food
consumed by adults as Z. What is not consumed by adults goes to the children of
the household. Since I cannot separate births from deaths, in referring to children I will always mean children
surviving to adulthood,
S. The household
is as follows:
where r is the food requirement per child (the location subscripts are no longer
needed and have been dropped).
Suppose the household behaves so as to maximize the number of children,
S, subject to satisfying the food needs, Z,, of the adults. In this case the indirect
utility function follows easily from Equation 4. It is simply:
V(X) =
s= ~
A certain number of surviving children is necessary to maintain the size of the
population. Suppose that there are two adults in each household (any number
will do), and each child that survives to adulthood goes on to be an adult in a
two adult household. If S exceeds two, the population will grow. As the population grows, food production per household declines according to Equation 1,
and S falls according to Equation 5. The reverse happens if S is less than two. A
steady state equilibrium exists when S equals two. Let fl be the steady state population density of a given environment.
The formal definition of the steady
state is obtained by setting S = 2 and substituting Equation 1 into Equation 5.
The result is
- Zo)
As can be seen from Equation 6, any increase in zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVU
E will be compensated
an increase in P. Once again population density is positively related to environmental productivity. The results already presented argue, therefore, as much
against the Carrying Capacity Model as the Migration Model. The human carrying capacity is actually equal to PE in this case. 4 If one could measure carrying
capacity one could test these models directly. The attempts I know of reject the
Carrying Capacity Model completely, but I do not believe it is really possible to
estimate carrying capacity with existing data (Baumhoff,
1963; Casteel, 1972;
Locay, 1992).
The carrying capacity model imposes (implicitly)
some very restrictive
assumptions on tastes. Suppose the representative household’s tastes are repre-
753 zyxwvutsrqponm
sented by a standard utility function, lJ(Z, S), where both 2 and S are normal
goods. The household optimization problem is to maximize U(Z, S) subject to
the food constraint, given in Equation 4. The optimal number of surviving children, S*, will be an increasing function of food production, X, and a decreasing
function of r, the cost of children, S(X, r). If we assume once again that a steady
state equilibrium
exists when S = 2, the steady state population density is
implicitly defined by:
Y) = 2
It follows directly from the properties of S(X, r) that PE is an increasing function
of E. I will refer to this model as the Malthusian Model. The Carrying Capacity
Model is just a special case. The Malthusian, Carrying Capacity and Migration
models all share the implication that all the environmental productivity indices
should be positively related to steady state population density. Consequently the
results of Table 1 also provide evidence against this Malthusian Model.
The results of Table 1 suggest that the cost of children, r, may vary systematically with the natural environment. Suppose that hunting, for example, somehow raised the cost of children. Societies where the natural environment was
very productive in hunting, and consequently depended considerably on that
subsistence pursuit, would face a higher cost of children. This could account for
the insignificant negative effect on population density of the hunting index. I
believe one important way the natural environment affects the cost of children
is through the nomadic way of life.
Every Indian community had to decide on how frequently to move its village
or camp site. Frequent movement-being
very nomadic-would
keep people
close to the resources they harvested. If the tribe is sedentary, by which I mean
that the village or camp is not moved during the year, the length of trips to the
area to be harvested can become substantial, as villagers harvested their way out
from camp. Nomadism is complementary with subsistence pursuits, like hunting,
which are intensive in land. Because hunting requires so much land relative to
labor, one will soon harvest the area close to a camp. If camp is not moved, one
ends up using more and more time just travelling to the hunting area, and less
in actual hunting. By the same reasoning, labor intensive activities, such as agriculture, would not benefit from nomadism, and in fact may be discouraged,
since moving camp itself takes time.5
Agriculture is not complementary
with nomadism for a reason other than
its labor intensity. The other subsistence pursuits are like the harvesting stage
of agriculture. The stages corresponding
to clearing land, planting seeds, and
tending crops, are either done by nature or they are not done at all. That is
what distinguishes
AND FINANCE zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR
point is that all the stages must be performed
ment of the tribe away from the agricultural
on the same piece of land. Movelands during the growing season
would mean either increased travel time to work the fields, or their neglect.
The costs of nomadism will be lower for those who travel light, not only in
material goods, but also in the type of persons who impose burdens on others
1972; Sussman,
1972). As Marshall Sahlins describes it:
... minimum necessary equipment, elimination of duplicates, and so forththat is to say, infanticide, senilicide, sexual continence for the duration of the
nursing period, etc., practices for which many food collecting peoples are well
known ... the people eliminated, as hunters sometimes sadly tell, are precisely
those who cannot effectively transport themselves, who hinder the movement
of family and camp.
Children increase the difficulty of moving, or alternatively, nomadism increases
the cost of children.
Continuing with the formal model, let the subscript j take on the value S if
the household is sedentary, and the value N if the household is nomadic. The
above discussion implies that the food requirements of children are higher in a
nomadic than in a sedentary household.6 That is, rN > rs. The household food
constraint, Equation 4, must be modified as follows:
xj = z + q&j
= N, S
The household must now choose 2, S, and the level of nomadism that maximize utility, U(Z, S), subject to the food constraints given in Equation 8.
Food production, X, is now also subscripted zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPON
by j. Equation 1 has to be modified to:
Xj = 3j(E, P), j = zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ
N, S
where each zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Fj has the same properties as function F(E, P) did before.
The solution is shown graphically in Figure 1. The household is faced
with the two constraints labelled Sedentary Constraint and Initial Nomadic
Constraint. Since the highest indifference curve attainable by being sedentary,
the one labelled Initial Indifference
Curve, corresponds to a higher level of
utility than any indifference curve attainable by being nomadic, the household
chooses to be sedentary. As depicted, the household
chooses two children
(steady state population),
and adult consumption
of Z*. Suppose now that
there is an environmental
improvement, which shifts the nomadic constraint
but leaves the sedentary
to Improved
unchanged. The household now prefers to be nomadic, attaining the indifference curve labelled Preferred Indifference
Curve. What is of interest is that
Z* zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Z zyxwvutsrqponmlkjih
Choice zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
of Sedentary vs Nomadic Way of Life and Its Impact on
Population Growth
Figure 1.
the number of children declines from two to S,,,.
Population will therefore
The hypothetical environmental
improvement made the household better
off, meaning that the income effect would lead to more children and more adult
AND FINANCE zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR
consumption. The change to nomadism, however, increased the relative price of
children, making them relatively less attractive. As depicted in Figure 1, the substitution effect dominated the income effect, though of course, this need not
have been the case. In general, high environmental productivity in activities that
are complementary
with nomadism may lead to lower population density. This
is a promising explanation for the results of the index of productivity reported
in Table 1. It is an unlikely explanation for the effect of the horticultural index,
which had the strongest negative effect on population density, as that activity is
not one I believe is complementary with nomadism. In fact it is possible that the
positive effects of the productivity of some of the activities, especially irrigation
agriculture and fishing, were due in part to their complementarity
with sedentism, and not any income effect.
In any case, it will be valuable to estimate the income and substitution effects.
For that one must estimate population equations conditional on being sedentary
or nomadic. If it then turns out that some activities have negative effects, one can
search for what distinguishes them from those activities that have positive effects.
The population equations estimated previously are not conditioned on whether
or not a tribe was nomadic. The positive sign of a given variable may be due to
that activity being complementary with sedentism, or it may be due to a positive
income effect. There is no way to tell. In the next section I derive consistent estimates of the conditional population equations. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
For the empirical work I will assume that the utility function and the food production functions are both Cobb-Douglas.7 In logarithmic form the utility function is the following:
U(Z,S) = In(S) + pin(Z)
The food production
8, will be given the following form:
where P = In(P), &j is a normally distributed random variable, and PjE, & > 0
for both values ofj. The E.‘S represent unobserved variables that affect food production. They are the only source of error assumed in the model.
The elasticity of food production with respect to population density is pj$. As
argued before, the activities complementary
with nomadism will be those that
are land intensive. We would expect, therefore, that food production is more
sensitive to population density changes (changes in land availability) when a
household is nomadic, than when it is sedentary. In other words, a one percent
increase in population should reduce food production by a larger percent under
the nomadic
in Equation
Z, and the number of children,
given in Equation
757 zyxwvutsrqponm
this means that l3+ > psfi. This assump-
tion will be maintained throughout.
Maximization of the utility function
10 with respect
to adult
S, subject to the food constraints
11, gives the following indirect utility functions:
t$ =
Ot +
(1 + P)ln(Xj) - ln(rj), j = N, S
where a = Pin(P) - (1 + P)ln(l + p).
A household will choose to be sedentary (nomadic) if V, > V,, (V, < V,). The
steady state population
density can then be obtained by setting S(Xj, rj) = 2. Given
the sedentary-nomadism
given by:
the steady state population
Pj = bjo - kj + bjE E +
density, in logs, is
where k. = ln(2(1 + p)~j)/Bjp, Bj, = bjdBi*, bjE = BjEJBjp, and ~j = EjlBjF.
De Ime p* as the population density at which a household is indifferent
between being nomadic
and substituting
and being sedentary.
11 into Equation
tion densities above p* households
p* households
It is obtained
prefer to be sedentary,
prefer to be nomadic.
by setting V, = VN,
12. It can be shown that at populaand at densities below
Suppose that at low, initial population
els, the households of a tribe are nomadic. If they remain so, they will eventually
reach steady state population density PN, given by Equation 13. If@, is below p*,
the tribe will be observed
to be nomadic.
If p, is above p*, it will reach popula-
tion density p* before it reached the steady state. At p* the tribe’s households will
be sedentary. Their population will continue to grow until they reach steady
state density ps, given by Equation 13.
Figure 2 shows the path of children
and population
For low population
and the path if it is nomadic.
Nomadic lies above the one labelled
density if a tribe is seddensities
the path
At low population
sities households have more children if they are nomadic. Since the cost of
children is higher with nomadism, they must also have higher adult consumption. The nomadic way of life is preferred,
and that is why it is drawn as a solid
line, while the Sedentary path is a broken line. At population density corresponding to the point labelled Equality in Number of Children the same
number of children would be chosen regardless of whether households are sedentary or nomadic. The nomadic option is still preferred, since it corresponds to
higher adult consumption. This continues to be the case until population density
p*, at which point the tribe becomes sedentary.
If So is equal to two, the steady state population densities will be p,u and phi@
As shown in Figure 2, at p,u households prefer to be nomadic, so that L’s c V,,
where the I$‘s are evaluated at p,,. It can be shown that this occurs when
Children zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
PN” P*
Log of
Density, p zyxwvutsrqponm
F@re 2. Population Density and the Transition from Nomadic to Sedentary
Way of Life zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
u = UN - us > b,,
where A = pln(rs/rN)/((l
- bNo + k,
- KS + (bSE - bNE)E + zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZ
+ P)Bs$. The right hand side of Equation 14 is just the
difference between fi, and PN (see Equation 13), except for the term A. If p = 0,
i.e., households care only about children after satisfying adult food needs, it is
759 zyxwvutsrqponm
easy to see that A = 0. The tribe would be nomadic only if it could achieve a
higher population by being so. This is exactly the carrying capacity model modified to allow for endogenous
of whether to be sedentary or
nomadic. The point of transition from nomadic to sedentary would be the one
labelled Equal Number of Children in Figure 2. If p > 0, then A < 0, since
rs < rN The nomadic way of life need not be as productive as in the case where
l3 = 0 to be preferred, and the transition to the sedentary state will take place at
a population density to the right of the one corresponding
to the point Equal
Number of Children.
If S1 is equal to two, the steady state population densities would be p,l and
~~1. At $, households would prefer to be sedentary, and this occurs when the
inequality in Equation 14 is reversed.
From Maddala (I 983, p. 227) the expectation of Equation 13 can be written
as follows: zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
= b,, - k, + bs,E
+ (b,,
+ k, - k,)Q
+ (b,,
- b,,)Ea,
+ (~su - ~Nu)Q,
where @ and Cpare the standard normal distribution and density evaluated at
{(&vo - hsoi + CbNE - bsEjE - (kh~ - ksj I- A>,%,, osTJand o,, are the covariances
of US and u.,+iwith 16, and o, is the standard deviation of u. @ is the probability of
being nomadic. A two step procedure described in Maddala (1983, pp. 227-228) involves using Equation 14 to estimate @ and 9. The estimated Q, and Cp
are then substituted into Equation 15, and that equation is estimated by ordinary least squares.
Since the error term u in Equation 14 is normally distributed, the probability that a tribe is nomadic is a probit. The data on nomadism is available in five
more sedentary, less sedentary, intermediate,
less nomadic, more
nomadic (Driver and Massey, 1957). The two sedentary categories were combined into one, as were the two nomadic categories. The intermediate category
is small and was excluded from the analysis. The probit was estimated by maximum likelihood. The results are not reported here, but they are available from
the autbor upon request. The results of the second stage are shown in Table 2.
The environmental indices are the same, except that the index for hunting was
divided into two indices, one if game animals in a tribe’s territory were primarily
sedentary, and one if game animals were primarily nomadic.
An interesting comparison is that of Table 1, which shows the parameter
estimates of the unconditional popuhtion equation, and column one of Table 2,
which shows the parameter estimates of the sedentary population equation. The
most dramatically different results have to do with hunting and gathering productivity. Conditional
on being sedentary, hunting productivity has a large
positive effect on population density, which is s&-nificant, for both sedentary and
nomadic game, at the one percent confidence level. One reason for the negative
760 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
TabZe2. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Regression of Log of Population Density on Indices of
Environmental Productivity Conditional on
Sedentary-Nomadic Choice zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
(Dependent Variable: Log of Population Density in Persons/ l00 km*)
Index for:
a. Significantly different from zero at the 1% level.
b. Significantly different from zero at the 5% level.
No. of Observations
- 80
See Appendix for data sources.
effect of hunting
high hunting
the tribe being
in the unconditional
high population
with high gathering
density because they are sedentary,
not because
2 than in Table
1. This is as expected,
with being sedentary.
is due to being sedentary
and not directly to the productivity
1. This is surprising,
with being sedentary.
are smaller in
Part of their effect on population
has an even larger, negative effect on population
than in Table
is associated
since both of those activities
This means that when you adjust for being sedentary,
ture a smaller positive effect.
The coefficient of fishing
ductivity has a direct positive effect on population density.
The coefficients of both horticulture and irrigation agriculture
is that
is associated
in the sign of the gathering
seems to be due to the opposite effect. High gathering
with being
when game is nomadic,
of those activities.
density, and irrigation
is larger
in column
since high fishing
Also of interest is the difference
one of Table
is associated
in sign in the coefficient
on fishing between the sedentary and the nomadic population equation (column
two of Table 2). A possible explanation for this result will be considered in the
next section.
The nomadic
ent from
zero at the ten percent
with less precision
None of the coefficients
come closest to being significant
is estimated
for the lack of precision
level. The
at conventional
than the
are significantly
levels. I suspect that part of the
in the nomadic
is the
761 zyxwvutsrqponm
smaller number of nomadic tribes with population data, and the fact that many
of them were located in the fairly homogeneous area of Baja California.
One counter intuitive result is the relative magnitudes of the sedentary and
nomadic game productivity indices in the sedentary and nomadic population
equations. One would expect that relative to sedentary game, nomadic game
would have a more important effect on population in the nomadic population
equation than in the sedentary population equation. The reverse is the case. I
believe this is also due to the small size of the sample. Only a few tribes with
population data were in environments with nomadic game. Among sedentary
tribes, only two, the Arikara and the Mandan, had nomadic game. These two
horticultural tribes of the Northern Plains had population densities that were
higher than expected. The nomadic game variable “ accounts” for those two
unusually high population
densities. Among the nomadic tribes, the most
important nomadic game areas are those of three Plains tribes that were classified as “ more nomadic.” The “ more nomadic” category was combined with the
“ less nomadic” because of the smallness of the sample, though the two groups
may differ in terms of costs of children. If being “ more nomadic” implied higher
costs of children, and therefore lower population density, then the nomadic
game variable could well pick up this effect. I suspect, therefore, that the coefftcient on nomadic game is an overestimate in the sedentary population equation
and an underestimate in the nomadic population equation.
A similar argument about bias is applicable to the irrigation agriculture coefficient. All but one of the irrigation agriculture tribes with population data were
in the “ more sedentary” category, which was combined with “ less sedentary.” If
being “ more sedentary” had some cost advantage over “ less sedentary” in the
production of children, then the coefficient of the irrigation agriculture productivity index will be biased upward. It will combine the direct effects of irrigation
agriculture on population density, as well as some indirect effect through lower
The model of this chapter predicts that all the coefficients reported in Table
2 should be positive. They clearly are not. I have nevertheless taken the estimated coefficients in Table 2 and the probit results to estimate the term A in
Equation 14. It was expected that A would be positive. It is indeed positive and
statistically significant at the one percent level. This rejects the utility function
that gave rise to the carrying capacity model, and also supports the assumption
that the costs of children are higher if the household is nomadic. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYX
The results of this study reported in the previous section are consistent with the
idea that population density is lower among nomadic peoples not because they
are poorer (the model implies they are better off), but because the nomadic way
of life encourages
adult consumption
and discourages children. Even after
AND FINANCE zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR
accounting for the price effect of nomadism, however, environmental productivity often has no effect or a negative one on population density. This implies
that there are overlooked price effects, and the pattern of coefficients in Table
2 suggests that I look for an explanation in the sexual division of labor.
Among the Indians of North America big game hunting was an activity performed by men (Murdoc 1967). Hunting involved travelling further from camp
than any other subsistence pursuit. It involved alternating periods of intensive
physical effort and idleness. It is the one activity where the practitioner would
have been most hampered by being pregnant or having to care for a small child.
Women did most of the child rearing, and would therefore have had a comparative advantage in tasks that kept them close to camp, and which involved less
fluctuation in the level of work effort.
Following this line of reasoning, one would expect that women would have
done most of the household chores, the plant gathering, and the agriculture.
That was indeed the case. Fishing was somewhere in between gathering and
hunting. Besides regular fishing, it involved shellfish gathering, which seems to
be similar to plant gathering, and sea mammal hunting, which was like hunting
of land animals. Women contributed to fishing, but it was predominantly a male
This explanation of the sexual division of labor can be restated in a more
useful way. In any subsistence activity women engage in, they will be hampered
to some extent by children. The cost that children will impose is the difference
in the output attainable by women with and without having to care for children.
This cost is so large for some activities, such as hunting, that women do not
engage in them. For activities that women do perform, the output foregone
because of children will be larger the more productive is the environment.
Where women are productive, therefore, children are expensive. Any environmental improvement has the previously mentioned income effects, and a
new price effect (the other price effect was through nomadism). Because there is
always some substitutability directly between male and female labor, or indirectly
between the products of their work, any increase in productivity, even in hunting, will have both income and price effects (Locay, 1992). It is reasonable to
assume, however, that price effects will be larger relative to income effects, when
the improvement occurs in an activity performed by women.
Because hunting was practiced only by men, it would be the one activity
whose productivity would most likely be positively related to population density.
That has been a consistent result. At the other extreme is non-irrigation agriculture, whose productivity has been negatively related to population density. AS
can be seen in Table 3, wherever that activity was practiced, women were
engaged in it. Furthermore,
women did nearly 90% of the work. In terms of
female participation,
gathering was just like non-irrigation
agriculture. This is
consistent with the previous finding of an insignificant or negative effect of gathering productivity on population density after accounting for the effects of
763 zyxwvutsrqpon
Table 3. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The Sexual Division of Labor zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONM
Percent of Societies
Whose Women
Participate in this
Percent of
Output Accounted for
by Women
Percent of Societies with
no Overlap Between
Men and Women
Irrigation Agriculture
Nok: zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
See appendix for data sources.
The productivity
effect on population
of irrigation
was found to have a very different
density than the productivity
of horticulture.
It was puz-
zling because superficially they appear to be very similar activities. The big
difference between these two forms of agriculture is that while participation of
women in irrigation
was high, they performed
less than a quarter of
the work. Irrigation agriculture was carried out primarily by men.
Fishing was another activity which had an effect on population
on being sedentary,
fishing productivity
density interagriculture.
had a positive effect, while
conditional on being nomadic its effect was negative. It can be seen in Table 3
that female participation in fishing was higher among nomadic societies (60%),
than among sedentary ones (40%). Women in nomadic societies also performed
nearly twice as much of the work in fishing as women in sedentary societies.
While fishing was never a female
In column
three of Table
given subsistence
activity, it was even less so among
3 are given the percent
of societies
pursuit in which men and women were not both engaged
some activity. This
is potentially
for if men and women
totally different activities, they will be less substitutable. The degree of substitutability between men and women will affect the relative size of price and income
effects resulting from any environmental
improvement. If there is no overlap
between men and women, an environmental
improvement in an activity performed by men will have a smaller price relative to income effect, while an
improvement in an activity performed by women will have a larger price relative
to income effect.
The figures in column three of Table 3 support the earlier empirical findings. A higher percent of societies engaged in horticulture had no overlap
between men and women, than for those societies engaged in gathering. Since
these are primarily female activities, it is consistent with the stronger negative
effect on population density found for the productivity of horticulture than for
AND FINANCE zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR
that of gathering. Among sedentary fisherman there was less overlap between
men and women, than among nomadic fisherman. Since fishing was primarily a
male activity, this is consistent with the finding of a positive effect for fishing
productivity on population density for sedentary peoples, but the opposite for
We are accustomed to thinking of primitive peoples as being like today’s subsistence farmers. The present day’s subsistence farmers, of course, tend to have
among the highest fertility rates. But primitive peoples, at least those in aboriginal North America, were in a very different situation from today’s subsistence
farmers. For the Indians of North America agriculture was the least land intensive of all major work activities, while today it is among the most land intensive
activities. Today’s subsistence farmer is probably not much more sedentary than
the town or city dweller. In aboriginal North America only some tribes in acornsalmon-game rich California and in the salmon rich Pacific Northwest were as
sedentary as horticulturalists.
None were as sedentary as the farmers of the
Pueblos. Much of the positive effect on population attributed to agriculture is
really due to sedentism. Furthermore,
with the exception of the Pueblos and
portions of Mexico, which were most like today’s subsistence farmers (and had
the highest population densities), agriculture was carried out by women.
There are reasons to believe why such women may have been quite productive. First of all they had a large amount of land available per worker, even
when one takes into account that much land was not arable by the Indians
because of the technology they had available. Secondly, since the men were
hunters and fishermen, households had significant supplies of meat that would
increase the value of the complementary
vegetable foods from agriculture and
gathering, and thus increase the productivity of women (the value of their
It is widely known that nomadic peoples engage in a variety of practices that
reduce fertility and increase infant mortality.8 I, too, have found that among the
tribes in my data set the period of post partum sexual abstinence is longer for
nomadic than for sedentary tribes (Locay, 1992). More surprisingly is my finding
that horticultural and gathering productivity is also associated with a substantial
lengthening of the period of abstinence.
The data used here are hardly of ideal quality, and the sample size is fairly
small. When one tries to incorporate information on the sexual division of labor,
the size of the sample of societies with all the necessary information becomes too
small to do much more than present some simple tables. But the consistency of
the results argues strongly that we should reconsider our view of how primitive
peoples make their demographic
decisions, as we have been forced to rethink
our views of so much of their other behavior.
~ ~ owl~ grnen~
I wish to thank David Weir for his zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR
useful comments on an earlier
APPENDIX zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ
Sources of zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
By far the most time consuming part of this work has been putting together the
basic data set. I can only give the reader a glimpse of how it was done. The most
important variable was population density. The most common sources for population data are the estimates provided by early European explorers. These are
most commonly reported in terns of warriors. Sometimes numbers of houses or
villages are available, and occasionally a census or archeological
Conversion to population was made using the best conversion ratios that could
be estimated. Some population estimates are from after the first or second epidemic resulting from the introduced European diseases. Such population estimates were adjusted by assuming a 57% mortality rate.9 With a few exceptions,
sizes of tribal areas were taken from Kroeber (1939). A tribe by tribe account of
how aboriginal population estimates were derived is available from the author.
The environmental productivity measures are indices of environmental variables. Hunting productivity is simply the logarithm of large herbivore biomass
(number of animals times average weight), which itself was estimated by a laborious process. Fishing productivity is a linear function of the logarithm of the
sustainable yield of fresh water fish (from Baumhoff,1963),
the fraction of that
yield that is accounted for anadromous fish (those that spend part of their lives
in salt water and return to freshwater in runs), and the logarithm of one plus
shoreline per unit of tribal area. Gathering and agricultural indices were even
more complicated.
Each tribe’s territory was separated into grassland, shrubland or scrubland,
woodland, needle leaf forest, broad leaf forest, and tundra. Estimates of seed
production for each vegetation type (by location) were made, along with estimates of canopy height for forest environments. The gathering index is a linear
combination of seed production by vegetation type times the share of the total
territory covered by that vegetation type, and the product of canopy height, seed
production, and share of territory, for each forest environment.
Separate indices were constructed for horticulture and irrigation agriculture.
The non-irrigation
index takes on the value zero if the territory was unsuitable
for agriculture, or if irrigation was used. An environment was classified as being
unsuitable, if the average growing season was less than 100 days, if the probability of drought in July was very high, and if solar efftciency was below 50%. For
suitable environments
the horticulture
index is a linear combination
of the
length of the growing season above 100 days and below 130, the length of the
growing season above 130 days and below 160, growing season rainfall, the frac-
AND FINANCE zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR
tion of the territory in forest, the fraction in broad leaf forest, and a dummy for
whether or not there was any territory covered by broad leaf forest.” The irrigation agriculture
index consists of a dummy variable for the presence
irrigation, and the product of that dummy variable and growing season rainfall.
With the exception of the hunting index, all indices are linear functions of
several variables. The weights were computed by fitting a transformation
of the
share of subsistence accounted for by each of the four subsistence pursuits to the
variables just described. The fit was good, and the signs of the
coefficients were reasonable. A more detailed explanation is available from the
Shares of subsistence accounted for by the various pursuits were taken from
Murdoc (1967), as was information on the sexual division of labor. Murdoc
(1967) classifies the participation of women in the various subsistence activities
as follows:
Females alone perform the activity, male participation being negligible.
Both sexes participate, but females do appreciably more.
Equal participation by both sexes.
Both sexes participate, but males do appreciably more.
Males alone perform the activity, female participation being negligible.
I have assigned the values of 1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25 and 0 to the above categories for
the computations in Table 3 of the share of work performed by women.
Finally, data on the degree of nomadism were taken from Driver and Massey (1957).
*Direct all correspondence to: Luis Locay, University of Miami, Department of
Economics, P.O. Box 248126, Coral Gables, FL 33124-6550.
1. For an account of the occupation of the Old and the New World and its relationship to population growth, see Cohen (1977). A model of the effects of such population
growth on the transition to agriculture is given in Locay (1988).
2. This is the form in which the data are available. Animal husbandry was not practiced in North America. The data come from Murdoc (1967).
3. There is also the view that population growth is itself a major cause of change in
technology and in the organization of production. See Boserup (1965) and Cohen (1977).
This is considered below, but the main concern here is with the determinants of population
4. I am assuming that carrying capacity is appropriately defined. As mentioned previously, it may have to defined as the carrying capacity of the worse year.
5. It may seem strange to the reader to think of agriculture as labor intensive and
not land intensive, but remember that the comparison is with activities such as hunting,
gathering and fishing.
6. Again recall that food is the only resource here. In reality nomadic children may
not require more food to survive, but more of other resources, such as their parents’ time
and care (e.q., by being carried).
7. Cobb-Douglas is easy to work with and sufficiently general for my purposes here.
767 zyxwvutsrqponm
8. See the earlier quotation from Marshall Sahlins.
9. This rate was computed from those societies with both pre and post-epidemic
10. The important role of forest is because the implements of the Indians were not
suitable for breaking up the tough grasses of open land (Driver and Massey, 1957, p.
Branhoff, M. H. 1963. “ Ecological Determinants of Aboroginal California Populations,”
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