Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society
Recent papers in Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society
This index was compiled by Rev. John Thomas for his work originally entitled Tongataboo or the Friendly Islands and published by me as A History of Tonga as Recorded by John Thomas.
In July 1826, two Methodist gentlemen sat down for a tense meeting with the New South Wales Attorney-General, Saxe Bannister (1790-1877). The matter at hand was a controversy that had arisen from a venture undertaken by the WMMS on a... more
VINTO, COCHABAMBA SEPTIEMBRE 2011 INTRODUCCIÓN Iglesias liberales, mientras que otras son conservadoras; algunas permisivas, otras legalistas; algunas formales, otras extasiadas. La pluralidad religiosa trae desafíos para el evangelismo.... more
This paper is the result of coming across a Budweiser Beer advertisement featuring the founder of the Methodist religion, John Wesley. It draws from the blog post on the John Wesley Budweiser Beer ad. In this advertisement for Budweiser,... more
Religious discourses on social justice address the churches and the public. For new generations in the churches, they sometimes seem more imported from outside rather than grown from inside. The paper reminds the forgotten and widely... more
This chapter traces the changing representation of the female missionary figure in Britain from the 1820s to the 1870s.. Eyre argues that the representation of female missionaries in early nineteenth-century missionary biographies... more
This paper was given at 'Sapienza' University of Rome at the invitation of le Chiese metodiste in Italia on 3 Dec 2012. It explores a distinctive contribution of Methodism to contemporary global mission through the optic of 'covenant'