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Today, dramaturgy is more than ever a vibrant artistic field, on the one hand constantly expanding and on the other, populated with various discourses and practices coming from other social and cultural spheres. Therefore, simultaneously... more
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      Performance StudiesContemporary ArtGertrude SteinThing Theory
Livro sobre teatro e cultura digital produzido através de uma bolsa Funarte de Reflexão Crítica em Mídias Digitais de 2010. Editora BaixaCultura, 2010.
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      Digital HumanitiesDigital MediaDigital CultureArts
Merupakan proses perjalanan Teater Payung Hitam Bandung, sejak berdiri hingga tahun 2010
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      Musical TheatreTheatre StudiesTheatre HistoryApplied Drama/Theatre
. Trabajo final de graduacion para optar por el grado de licenciatrua en Artes Escenicas de la Unievrsidad Nacional de Costa Rica 2012. Investigacion performatica sobre el estado de trance desde una perspectiva del performance y el teatro... more
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      Quantum PhysicsPerforming ArtsLifelong LearningSpirituality
The present study aims to understand the metamorphosis suffered in theater from the perspective of The Power of Theatrical Madness of the Belgian artist Jan Fabre. It’s the intention to introduce this artist and use his work as a base for... more
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      PerformanceTeatroJan FabreCrítica Genética
O presente trabalho vem contemplar em que medidas o conceito de Teatro Essencial, criado por Denise Stoklos, consegue se aproximar efetivamente das propostas originais da Arte Minimalista. Neste trabalho, deve-se compreender o Minimalismo... more
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      Theatre StudiesMinimalismTheatre TheoryTheatre
This thesis argues that ontological terror is a burgeoning condition ingrained within our collective human psyche which can only be artistically represented through carefully chosen veils, two of which can be made explicit through an... more
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      Theatre StudiesSite-Specific ArtDeath, Grief, and MourningPost Dramatic Theatre
Rögglas Frage ist essentiell: Was kann politisches Theater heute sein? Sie hofft auf »eine gesellschaftliche Veränderung«. Theater ist für sie »nicht reines Spiel, nicht reines Ereignis, kein kritikloses Dabeisein mit der Wirklichkeit«.... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureAestheticsCommunication
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      Performance StudiesPostdramatic theatreTheatre TheoryReception of Greek tragedy
This paper focuses on the performative perspective of fear in the contemporary theatrical experience, in order to propose a reading that can be framed according to the direction of Euripides’ Bacchae by the Master of the international... more
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      Greek TragedyPerforming ArtsPerformance StudiesEuripides
In: Berliner Debatte Initial, 3/2015, 26. Jg. (Schwerpunktheft "Heiner Müller. Macht, Geist & Katastrophengier", hrsg. v. Sebastian Huhnholz und Harald Bluhm; mit Beiträgen u.a. von Eva C. Huller, Steffen Dietzsch, Michael Ostheimer und... more
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      Theatre StudiesDramaturgyDramaHeiner Müller
If the verisimilitude of mimesis derives from the creative appropriation of the object, the Kantian judgment of free aesthetic beauty is agnostic to both the form of the object and the congruency of the object to an expected form. The... more
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      Immanuel KantKantian SublimePost Dramatic Theatre
Este artigo busca investigar o procedimento não dramático de Sarah Kane através da análise de seu texto Crave, buscando relacioná-lo às discussões recentes acerca do teatro pós-dramático, de forma a compreender que características lhe dão... more
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    • Post Dramatic Theatre
This paper figures the new principle for post-dramatic theatre in the frame of ‘post-traumatic’ history which will free all repressed traumas of history and community that is neglected by them, and be taken back to them with inherent... more
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      Political theatreTraumaTragedyPost Dramatic Theatre
In: Berliner Debatte Initial, 3/2015, 26. Jg. (Schwerpunktheft "Heiner Müller. Macht, Geist & Katastrophengier", hrsg. v. Sebastian Huhnholz und Harald Bluhm; mit Beiträgen u.a. von Eva C. Huller, Steffen Dietzsch, Michael Ostheimer und... more
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      Theatre StudiesDramaturgyHeiner MüllerModern Drama
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      MusicMusic TheaterAvant-Garde TheaterSound
Yemeklik Sanata Karşı Brecht'in Epik Tiyatrosu ve Mezbahaların Kutsal Johanna'sı Oyununun Felsefi Bir Yorumu Öz Bu makale iki bölümden oluşmaktadır. İlk bölümde Brecht tarafından kurulup geliştirilen epik tiyatro kuramı açıklanır. Epik... more
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      Greek TragedyHistory of ArtDialectical MaterialismBertolt Brecht
D. PLASSARD, « Dioptrique des corps dans l'espace électronique : sur quelques mises en scène de Giorgio Barberio Corsetti », in : Béatrice PICON-VALLIN (dir.), Les Écrans sur la scène, Lausanne, L'Age d 'Homme, 1998 (pp. 149-170).
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryPerformance StudiesIntermediality
Can “political theatre” exist in today’s political climate? In the last few decades, our understanding of politics and theatre has undermined the basis on which prior generations of artists conceived of both politics and theatre. Caryl... more
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      Theatre StudiesContemporary British TheatreCaryl ChurchillPolitical theatre
RESUMO No imaginário contemporâneo, o futuro é prefigurado mais frequentemente como uma distopia – marcada por condições de opressão, vigilância, privação – do que nas formas utópicas que estimulavam a imaginação modernista. Aqui... more
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      Theatre StudiesArt Installations, Performance Art and Art HappeningsPost Dramatic Theatre
Review on Jan Fabre's 24 hours performance Mount Olympus
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      Performance StudiesPerformance ArtAvant-Garde TheaterTheater and Performance Studies
“Le théâtre inventé pour amuser Luis XIV, aurait dû être enterré déjà à la Révolution. Pourtant nous avons continué à le faire. Toutefois nous vivons d’autres rapports sociaux et économiques, d’autres relations personnelles. Je ne peux... more
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      Post Dramatic TheatreTeatro post-drammatico
We shall discuss some theoretical assumptions concerning the return of embodiment as the scenes’s fundamental act, occurred in the performing arts at XX century. The theoretical framework is built from three main sources. Nietzsche, in... more
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      Theatre StudiesAntonin ArtaudFriedrich NietzschePerformance Philosophy
Desta vez, a guerrilha micropolítica dos Praga veio carregada de munições pós-digitais, sob o disfarce de uma selva de Meinong, colocando em cena uma miríade de ontologias e fenomenologias alienígenas, bem como multitudes de agentes... more
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      Global WarmingAnthropoceneAlien PhenomenologyPost Dramatic Theatre
This article brings into focus the historic and contemporary function of time as a compositional tool in the theatre medium to further the conceptualisation of developments in performance practice that counter and reflect upon underlying... more
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      DramaturgyPost Dramatic Theatre
Este artigo passou pelo Plagiarism Detection Software | iThenticate "Porque a Criança Cozinha na Polenta": Aglaja Veteranyi na adaptação da Cia. Teatral Mungunzá
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      Performance StudiesMultimediaPhysical TheatreMultimodality
YENİ TİYATRO VE YENİ OYUN YAZMA BİÇİMLERİ: YEŞİM ÖZSOY VE OYUN YAZARLIĞI Özlem ERBEN* Özet Çağdaş tiyatroda yönetmenin doğuşu ve post-dramatik yapının ortaya çıkışı klasik dramatik üsluptan kopuşu beraberinde getirmiş, bu durum... more
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      Dramatic LiteratureDramaturgyPost Dramatic Theatre