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Music and speech are very cognitively demanding auditory phenomena generally attributed to cortical rather than subcortical circuitry. We examined brainstem encoding of linguistic pitch and found that musicians show more robust and... more
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      NeurosciencePhysiologyCognitive SciencePsychophysics
Neuronally plausible, generative or forward models are essential for understanding how event-related fields (ERFs) and potentials (ERPs) are generated. In this paper we present a new approach to modeling eventrelated responses measured... more
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      MagnetoencephalographyNonlinear dynamicsElectroencephalographyNeural Networks
The main aim of the present experiment was to determine whether extensive musical training facilitates pitch contour processing not only in music but also in language. We used a parametric manipulation of final notes' or words'... more
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      MusicPsychophysiologyPlasticitySpeech perception
Song imitation in birds provides good material for studying the basic biology of vocal learning. Techniques were developed for inducing the rapid onset of song imitation in young zebra finches and for tracking trajectories of vocal change... more
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Auditory evoked magnetic fields of the human brain were recorded with a four-channel 1st order gradiometer. Pitch deviance in a sequence of repetitive tone pips elicited magnetic evoked-response changes with a topography suggesting that a... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyCognitive ScienceCartography
Objectives/Hypothesis: This study documents the importance of preserving residual low-frequency acoustic hearing as those with more residual hearing are selected for cochlear implantation. Surgical strategies used for hearing preservation... more
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      Clinical TrialSpeech perceptionSpeech AcousticsSpeech Recognition
& Past research has shown a superiority of participants with high-functioning autism over comparison groups in memorizing picture -pitch associations and in detecting pitch changes in melodies. A subset of individuals with autism,
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePsychophysicsPerception
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      MathematicsMusic EducationAuditory PerceptionCognition
Spectro-temporal response field characterization with dynamic ripples in ferret primary auditory cortex. J Neurophysiol 85: 1220 -1234, 2001. To understand the neural representation of broadband, dynamic sounds in primary auditory cortex... more
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      NeurophysiologyReaction TimePitch PerceptionNeurons
Visual and auditory motion information can be used together to provide complementary information about the movement of objects. To investigate the neural substrates of such cross-modal integration, functional magnetic resonance imaging... more
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      Cognitive ScienceAttentionMotion perceptionMemory
Besides the involvement of superior temporal regions in processing complex speech sounds, evidence suggests that the motor system might also play a role . This suggests that the hearer might perceive speech by simulating the articulatory... more
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      Auditory PerceptionSpeech perceptionSpeech AcousticsBiological Sciences
The responses of neuronal clusters to amplitude-modulated tones were studied in five auditory cortical fields of the ancsthetiLed cat: the primary auditory field (Al). second auditory field (AII), anterior auditory field (AAF). posterior... more
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      ElectrophysiologyAuditory PerceptionTime PerceptionCats
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      MusicAuditory PerceptionMagnetic Resonance ImagingScience
The cerebral representation of the temporal envelope of sounds was studied in five normal-hearing subjects using functional magnetic resonance imaging. The stimuli were white noise, sinusoidally amplitude-modulated at frequencies ranging... more
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      Speech perceptionMagnetic Resonance ImagingSoundNeurophysiology
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      AlgorithmsMusicPsychoacousticsSpeech perception
Experience-dependent plasticity during development results in the emergence of highly adapted representations of the external world in the adult brain. Previous studies have convincingly shown that the primary auditory cortex (A1) of the... more
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      NeuroscienceAuditory PerceptionAgingLearning
Whole-head magnetoencephalographic~MEG! responses to repeating standard tones and to infrequent slightly higher deviant tones and complex novel sounds were recorded together with event-related brain potentials~ERPs!. Deviant tones and... more
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      PsychophysiologyAuditory PerceptionMagnetoencephalographyAttention
Reading acquisition involves two fundamental processes: learning to decode the print (i.e., visually recognize the words), and comprehending the meanings of the print (Gough & Tunmer, 1986; Hoover & Gough, 1990). Comprehension skill is... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceDevelopmental PsychologyPhonology
Two experiments investigated the effects on auditory selection of varying distractor values in memory. Participants performed a set of control (single distractor) and distractor-variation (multiple distractors) tasks, classifying targets... more
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      PharmacologyCognitive ScienceElectrophysiologyNeurobiology Of Disease
Behavioral studies have provided evidence that the processing of a musical target is faster and more accurate when it is harmonically related to the preceding prime context. We investigated the neural correlates of processing related and... more
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      MusicAuditory PerceptionCognitionMagnetoencephalography
We report a series a three psychophysical experiments designed to differentiate the contributions of the neocerebellar and prefrontal cortex to time perception. Comparison of patients with focal, unilateral neocerebellar or prefrontal... more
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      Working MemoryExperience DesignBrain and Cognitive DevelopmentTime Perception
In the stop-signal paradigm, fast responses are harder to inhibit than slow responses, so subjects must balance speed on the go task with successful stopping in the stop task. In theory, subjects achieve this balance by adjusting response... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePsychophysicsExperimental Psychology
The present study used functional magnetic resonance to examine the cerebral activity pattern associated with musical perception in musicians and non-musicians. Musicians showed left dominant secondary auditory areas in the temporal... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMusicPerceptionMagnetic Resonance Imaging
Response properties of auditory cortical neurons measured in anesthetized preparations have provided important information on the physiological differences between neurons in different auditory cortical areas. Studies in the awake animal,... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingNeurophysiologyApplied Animal BehaviorBrain Mapping
Psychophysiological studies with music have not examined what exactly in the music might be responsible for the observed physiological phenomena. The authors explored the relationships between 11 structural features of 16 musical excerpts... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceEmotionMusic
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      Cognitive ScienceMusicBrain ImagingAuditory Perception
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceMusicChild Development
With the growing prevalence of large databases of multimedia content, methods for facilitating rapid browsing of such databases or the results of a database search are becoming increasingly important. However, these methods are... more
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      EngineeringAudio Signal ProcessingPattern RecognitionPitch Perception
A broad consensus within the neuroscience of tinnitus holds that this audiologic condition is triggered by central deafferentation, mostly due to cochlear damage. The absence of audiometrically detectable hearing loss however poses a... more
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      ISIHigh FrequencyHearingTinnitus
We explore the capacity for music in terms of five questions: (1) What cognitive structures are invoked by music? (2) What are the principles that create these structures? (3) How do listeners acquire these principles? (4) What... more
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Using a habituation-recovery paradigm adapted to functional magnetic resonance imaging, we investigated the brain responses to syllables and tones in six right-handed male subjects. We opposed a standard condition (STD) in which the... more
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      Speech perceptionMagnetic Resonance ImagingAttentionBrain Mapping
The relative pitch of harmonic complex sounds, such as instrumental sounds, may be perceived by decoding either the fundamental pitch (f 0 ) or the spectral pitch (f SP ) of the stimuli. We classified a large cohort of 420 subjects... more
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      NeurosciencePhysiologyCognitive SciencePsychophysics
Some scholars consider music to exemplify the classic criteria for a complex human adaptation, including universality, orderly development, and special-purpose cortical processes. The present account focuses on processing predispositions... more
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      MusicAuditory PerceptionRhythmAdaptation
Background: Mismatch negativity (MMN) is an eventrelated brain potential that is sensitive to stimulus deviation from a repetitive pattern. The MMN is thought primarily to reflect the activity of sensory memory, with, at most, moderate... more
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      SchizophreniaVisual perceptionAttentionChronic illness
Communicating with one's environment requires efficient neural interaction between action and perception. Neural substrates ofsound perception and production are connected by the arcuate fasciculus (AF). While AF is known to be involved... more
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      NeurosciencePsychophysicsAuditory PerceptionPitch Perception
Adult subjects were presented with two auditory stimuli per trial, and their task was to decide which of the two was longer in duration. An adaptive psychophysical procedure was used. In Experiments 1, 2, and 4, the base duration was 50... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceAuditory PerceptionPsychoacoustics
In adults, specific neural systems with right-hemispheric weighting are necessary to process pitch, melody, and harmony as well as structure and meaning emerging from musical sequences. It is not known to what extent the specialization of... more
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      MusicAuditory PerceptionMagnetic Resonance ImagingSound
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      PsychophysiologyBiological SciencesPitch PerceptionMismatch Negativity
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There have been several attempts to use the neuromagnetic response to the onset of a tonal sound (N100m) to study pitch processing in auditory cortex. Unfortunately, a large proportion of the N100m is simply a response to the onset of... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMagnetoencephalographyBrain MappingNoise
The familiar buzz of flying mosquitoes is an important mating signal, with the fundamental frequency of the female’s flight tone signaling her presence. In the yellow fever and dengue vector Aedes aegypti, both sexes interact acoustically... more
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      Auditory PerceptionScienceMultidisciplinaryAnimal communication
Purpose: We review a series of experiments aimed at studying pitch processing in music and speech. These studies were conducted with musician and non musician adults and children. We found that musical expertise improved pitch processing... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMusicEducationSpeech perception
Visual stimuli are known to influence the perception of auditory stimuli in spatial tasks, giving rise to the ventriloquism effect. These influences can persist in the absence of visual input following a period of exposure to spatially... more
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      PsychometricsVisual perceptionTime PerceptionNeurophysiology
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      Psychology of MusicMusic PsychologyMusic CognitionMusic Perception
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePerceptionSemantics
Musicians have a variety of perceptual and cortical specializations compared to non-musicians. Recent studies have shown that potentials evoked from primarily brainstem structures are enhanced in musicians, compared to non-musicians.... more
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      MusicAuditory PerceptionSpeech perceptionTime Perception
The neural basis of human pitch perception is not fully understood. It has been argued that the auditory cortices in the two hemispheres are specialized, such that certain right auditory cortical regions have a relatively finer resolution... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceMagnetic Resonance ImagingPitch Perception
We have previously shown that some visual motion areas can be specifically recruited by auditory motion processing in blindfolded sighted subjects . Specific activation of V5 brain area by auditory motion processing: an fMRI study. Brain... more
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      BlindnessVisual perceptionMagnetic Resonance ImagingMotion perception
This paper presents the design and the evaluation of a method to study prosodic features of discourse structure in unrestricted spontaneous speech. Past work has indicated that one of the major difficulties that discourse prosody analysts... more
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      PhoneticsMultidisciplinarySpeechPitch Perception
The afferent projections to the lateral superior olive (LSO) were examined with horseradish eroxidase, horseradish peroxidase-wheat germ agglutinin conjugate, l2 I-wheat germ agglutinin and tritiated leucine autoradiography, anterograde... more
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      ZoologyAuditory PerceptionCatsBrain Mapping