Music Cognition
Recent papers in Music Cognition
The vast majority of contemporary research on music cognition has focussed on perceptual processes in the listener 1-4 . This is unsurprising and defensible: the musical experience of the listener is at the heart of all musical activity.... more
Even if sound and music are deeply intertwined phenomena, it is still fiercely debated whether all music is made up of sound, and vice versa, whether all sound can be deemed as music. Researchers from many different backgrounds have... more
In this essay I approach the mysterious art of music from several perspectives. As a classical pianist, I think about music as an immensely powerful way of communication. As a music teacher, I am interested in explaining tangibles of... more
In this paper, I propose that embodied cognition in music has two distinct levels. The “surface” level relates to the apparent corporeal articulation such as the activated psychomotor program of a music performer, visible gestures in... more
Aesthetic perception of music has been extensively researched in the last decades. Numerous studies suggest that listeners find a piece of music more or less pleasant according to its complexity. Experimental results show that complexity... more
Definição e análise das dimensões sonoras percebíveis com base em POs 4.4 Limites da capacidade de processamento da informação.
A fundamental purpose of this study was to test whether theories and principles of music cognition and perception derived using western music can be applied to other styles of music, in this case, Carnātic music. Previous investigations... more
We present a first step towards anticipatory machine improvisation systems. The proposed system, based on fundamentals of music cognition, is a multi-agent memory-based collaborative and competitive reinforcement learning architecture,... more
Vocal training through singing and acting lessons is known to modify acoustic parameters of the voice. While the effects of singing training have been well documented, the role of acting experience on the singing voice remains unclear. In... more
De zorgpaden rollen zich uit, behandeltrajecten worden vastgelegd. Gaan we mee de paden op? Dit vraagt om te beschrijven wat we doen en om in de kijker te komen! Het beschreven staan in een zorgpad is van groot belang voor de... more
Muster, Ornamente oder Reihen können mit Formen, mit Gegenständen und Zahlen, aber auch mit Geräuschen, Tönen und Sprache gestaltet werden. Solche akustischen Muster helfen Musik zu verstehen und selbst zu komponieren.
By examining the trans-disciplinary neologisms called "terminological junctions" in writings of Arakawa and Gins, one may find adequate conditions for making visible, and perhaps resolving a central paradox in the thinking of Gilles... more
Cognitieve neurowetenschap maakt een enorm snelle ontwikkeling door, onder meer door een scala aan nieuwe technologieën die wetenschappers in staat stelt het brein beter waar te nemen. Artur C. Jaschke is muzikant, neuromusicoloog en als... more
La pregunta por la naturaleza de la música en tanto objeto de conocimiento subyace en la formulación de los constructos que integran los enfoques analíticos e interpretativos de la literatura musical en la academia de occidente. Pero el... more
Resumo: O artigo em questão aborda as possíveis relações entre linguagem e música, trazendo como objeto de análise o improviso vocal, mais especificamente o Scat singing. O projeto parte de uma análise do discurso musical e como ele se... more
Recent advances in sound engineering have led to the development of so-called streamlined music designed to reduce exogenous attention and improve endogenous attention. Although anecdotal reports suggest that streamlined music does indeed... more
A small but significant body of recent research has successfully crossed the boundaries between ethnomusicology and psychology ; and both disciplines are demonstrating a growing interest in charting interactions between music , context... more
In this response to Leman and Maes's paper in this issue, we raise a couple of concerns about the authors' particular approach to embodied music cognition, drawing selectively on their other writings to enrich our interpretation of this... more
A grande maioria das atuais teorias de modelização da percepção musical estão inseridas num paradigma representacionalista da cognição e trabalham predominantemente com exemplos baseados em músicas tonais. Estas teorias postulam que nossa... more
""A Parisian drugstore owner (André Pogoriloffsky), a man in his early fifties, who is also a skilled amateur piano player, experiences a two year long mental trip to a parallel (Temporalist) world, as an avatar. He will soon find out... more
Few activities fully engage the brain. Listening to music is one of them. Hearing your favorite song activates sensory, emotional, motor, and creative areas of the brain simultaneously. This book provides a broad introduction to the... more
COGS 001: Introduction to Cognitive Science (UC Merced, Summer 2020, Syllabus)
Resumo: Esse texto apresenta uma pesquisa em andamento que tem como proposta investigar quais os processos cognitivos fundamentais no ambiente em que ocorre a improvisação. O objetivo é compreender como a mente desenvolve tais... more
Robert W. Weisberg Department of Psychology, Temple University, USA [email protected] Alexander R. Brinkman and Cynthia J. Folio Esther Boyer College of Music, Temple University, USA [email protected] ...
Music can be a powerful tool in the treatment of brain disorders and acquired injuries, helping patients recover language and motor skills. New music-based therapies can trigger neuroplasticity—fostering local connections and long-range... more
Theories of music cognition and hermeneutics are out of step with scholarship in other fields because they continue to separate the cognitive roles of mind and body. Through an examination of the spatiomotorpatterns used in performance,... more
"Cheap Thrills" é uma canção da cantora australiana Sia, o tema foi composto pela própria intérprete em parceria com Greg Kurstin. Inicialmente a música foi escrita para a cantora Rihanna mas como esta acabou por não gravar Sia decidiu... more
Using an online survey and a week-long diary study, the relationship between music listening behaviors in everyday life and the occurrence of involuntary musical imagery (INMI) is investigated. It is expected that musical imagery may... more
Many composers seem to find inspiration in science, although this fact is not standardized. Indeed, composers’ musical practices are far from being homogeneous nowadays, and science has achieved an extreme degree of diversification,... more
"Carter's music poses struggles of opposition, for instance in timbre (Double Concerto), space (String Quartet No. 3) or pulse (String Quartet No. 5). His preference for the all-interval tetrachords, 4–Z15 [0, 1, 4, 6] and 4–Z29 [0, 1, 3,... more
This paper presents an exploration of the ontological shift from musical materials (i.e. melody, harmony, rhythm, texture, timbre, register) to activities in music performance analysis. A systematic analysis of London Symphony Orchestra... more
ALVES, Anderson César. Domains of competence of an expert pedagogue in music performance. Dissertation (Ph.D. in Music).Language and Arts Center, Graduate Program in Music, Music School, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de... more
Este trabalho desenvolve quatro critérios analíticos da música a partir de uma abordagem prática através do sentido da audição. Estes critérios partem da experiência sensorial da leitura das configurações da superfície musical com o... more
This paper contends there are several causes of timbral homogeneity in contemporary electric guitar performance: 1) the acoustic origin of the instrument; 2) the traditional performance practice of timbral constancy, whereby “the player... more
Research in cognitive linguistics over the past three decades has contributed much to our understanding of processes of meaning construction, and to the role mappings between different domains play in the imaginative resources manifested... more
This paper explores embodied experiences of “metrical constructedness” (Bowman 2003), using a new theoretical tool called “motional conceptual models” to analyze the motion experienced in progressive rock’s riffs. Prog rock/metal is often... more
We examined whether the link between intelligence and musical expertise is better explained by formal music lessons or music aptitude. Musically trained and untrained adults completed tests of nonverbal intelligence (Raven's Advanced... more
We know from animal studies that a stimulating and enriched environment can enhance recovery after stroke, but little is known about the effects of an enriched sound environment on recovery from neural damage in humans. In humans, music... more
Debussy composed La Mer, in the summer of 1905. It was performed for the first time the same year in Paris. The reception of the public and the critics was biased. The critique, written by Amédée Boutarel, in Le Ménestrel, France’s... more
We examined the effect of background music on reading comprehension. Because the emotional consequences of music listening are affected by changes in tempo and intensity, we manipulated these variables to create four repeated-measures... more