Auditory System
Recent papers in Auditory System
The purpose of this paper is to present the experimental device and the work in progress performed in search for objective organic correlation of damage to hearing, examining possible acoustic otofunctional effects on the cochlear... more
Normal maturation and functioning of the central auditory system affects the development of speech perception and oral language capabilities. This study examined maturation of central auditory pathways as reflected by age-related changes... more
The hearing abilities of a group of 30 elderly (67–93yr of age) subjects were compared with those of a group of 30 young (19–27yr of age) normal hearing volunteers with the aim of characterizing the changes in the peripheral and central... more
Current predictors of speech intelligibility are inadequate for understanding and predicting speech confusions caused by acoustic interference. We develop a model of auditory speech processing that includes a phenomenological... more
This paper describes a detailed protocol for obtaining chronic, multi-site unit recordings in cerebral cortex of awake animals for periods of three months or more. The protocol includes details for making relatively simple and inexpensive... more
Most contemporary cochlear implants (CIs) stimulate the auditory nerve with trains of amplitude-modulated, symmetric biphasic pulses. Although both polarities of a pulse can depolarize the nerve fibers and generate action potentials, it... more
recently demonstrated that place of articulation of initial voiced stops could be identified from time-varying features observed in visual displays of linear prediction smoothed spectra. The present study extends this method of analysis... more
Hearing disorders are common among children with autism, ranging from peripheral and sensorineural hearing deficit or loss to auditory hypersensitivity with bizarre reactions to sounds. The auditory abnormalities and consequent sensory... more
In this study, we present a binaural scene analyzer that is able to simultaneously localize, detect and identify a known number of target speakers in the presence of spatially positioned noise sources and reverberation. In contrast to... more
Existe um crescimento elevado da oferta de produtos e serviços das empresas de teleatendimento. Porém, os operadores usuários de fones de ouvido mostram-se afetados pela exposição a ruído, podendo estar sujeitos à perda auditiva... more
Background and Aim: In the last few decades, the total number of preterm newborns, with ges-tational age less than 35 weeks, who survived the prematurity conditions, has increased significantly. This might lead to a high prevalence of... more
Hearing aid amplification can be used as a model for studying the effects of auditory stimulation on the central auditory system (CAS). We examined the effects of stimulus presentation level on the physiological detection of sound in... more
The effect of spatial separation on the ability of human listeners to resolve a pair of concurrent broadband sounds was examined. Stimuli were presented in a virtual auditory environment using individualized outer ear filter functions.... more
Objective: The aim of the present experiment was to assess the consequences of cochlear implantation at different ages on the development of the human central auditory system. Design: Our measure of the maturity of central auditory... more
Human capital (HC) represents the cumulative tacit knowledge that is embedded in the minds of people in organisations. HC is important to organisations because it serves as a source of innovation and strategic renewal. Individuals carry... more
With the advent of image and video representation of visual scenes in digital computer, subsequent necessity of vision-substitution representation of a given image is felt. The medium for non-visual representation of an image is chosen to... more
Purpose: To investigate the incidence of radiation-induced ototoxicity according to the total dose delivered to specific parts of the auditory system, fractionation, and chemotherapy. Methods and Materials: Records of 325 patients treated... more
Sound communication is not unique to humans but rather is a trait shared with most non-mammalian vertebrates. A practical way to address questions of vocal signal encoding has been to identify mechanisms in non-mammalian model systems... more
Objective: We measured late cortical potentials in a psychophysical procedure for binaural unmasking of a dichotically-embedded pitch. Methods: Late-latency auditory evoked potentials were measured from 128 recording channels in 13... more
Age-related hearing loss presbycusis is the most common communication problem and third most prevalent chronic medical disorder of the aged. The CBA and C57BL/6 mouse strains are useful for studying features of presbycusis. The CBA... more
ISR develops, applies and teaches advanced methodologies of design and analysis to solve complex, hierarchical, heterogeneous and dynamic problems of engineering technology and systems for industry and government.
The firing pattern of auditory neurons is determined in part by the type of voltage-sensitive potassium channels expressed. The expression patterns for two high-threshold potassium channels, Kv3.1 and Kv3.3, that differ in inactivation... more
Musicians have a variety of perceptual and cortical specializations compared to non-musicians. Recent studies have shown that potentials evoked from primarily brainstem structures are enhanced in musicians, compared to non-musicians.... more
This experiment was designed to investigate the function of vocalisations of the parturient ewe Ž . to her lambs in two breeds of sheep, a highly selected lowland breed Suffolk , and a less selected Ž . hill breed Scottish Blackface .... more
Human capital (HC) represents the cumulative tacit knowledge that is embedded in the minds of people in organisations. HC is important to organisations because it serves as a source of innovation and strategic renewal. Individuals carry... more
A sign language is a language which, instead of acoustically conveyed sound patterns, uses visually transmitted sign patterns. Sign languages are commonly developed for deaf communities, which can include interpreters, friends and... more
Some hearing aid models such as the in-the-ear or in-the-canal model are small, and due to size constraints, only a single microphone per hearing aid can be fitted. As a result, only the single-channel noise reduction schemes can be... more
A novel approach to hearing-aid signal processing is described, which attempts to re-establish a normal neural representation in the sensorineural impaired auditory system. Most hearing-aid ÿtting procedures are based on heuristics or... more
The energy-yielding pathways that provide the large amounts of metabolic energy required by inner ear sensorineural cells are poorly understood. Neuroglobin (Ngb) is a neuron-specific hemoprotein of the globin family, which is suggested... more
Vocal vibrato and tremor are characterized by oscillations in voice fundamental frequency (F 0). These oscillations may be sustained by a control loop within the auditory system. One component of the control loop is the pitch-shift reflex... more
A dual-channel directional digital hearing aid front end using microelectromechanical-systems microphones, and an adaptive-power analog processing signal chain are presented. The analog front end consists of a double differential... more
We present a review on perception and cognition models designed for or applicable to music. An emphasis is put on computational implementations. We include findings from different disciplines: neuroscience, psychology, cognitive science,... more
Recent studies have demonstrated the use of manganese ion (Mn 2+ ) as an in vivo neuronal tract tracer. In contrast to histological approaches, manganese tracing can be performed repeatedly on the same living animal. In this study, we... more
Dynamicity is one of the main challenges in providing sustainable solutions for the homecare domain. The dynamicity of homecare systems, caused by external entities like care-receivers and care-givers, can be addressed through combining... more
Segregation of information flow along a dorsally directed pathway for processing object location and a ventrally directed pathway for processing object identity is well established in the visual and auditory systems, but is less clear in... more
Research on event-related potential (ERP) correlates of auditory deviance-detection in newborns provided inconsistent results; temporal and topographic ERP characteristics differed widely across studies and individual infants. Robust and... more
Noise exposure is known to cause hearing loss and a variety of disturbances, such as annoyance, hypertension and loss of sleep. It is generally accepted that these situations are caused by the acoustical events processed by the auditory... more
Digital hearing aids identify acoustic feedback signals and cancel them continuously in a closed loop with an adaptive filter. This scheme facilitates larger hearing aid gain and improves the output sound quality of hearing aids. However,... more
, except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now... more