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      Meanings Of MaterialsItalian Renaissance ArtMaterialityConservation of Wood
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      Art HistoryVenetian art and architectural historyHistory of ArtVenetian Renaissance art
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      Venetian Renaissance artArchival ResearchScultura Lignea RinascimentalePaolo Campsa
La Virgen Madre de Villafeliche es el único resto conservado del retablo que Juan de Luján, maestresala del arzobispo Juan II de Aragón, encargó en 1526 al escultor Gabril Joly para presidir su capilla funeraria. El estudio de la imagen... more
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      SculptureEarly Renaissance Wooden SculptureRenaissance Wood SculptureEarly Renaissance Sculpture
Un inedito documento sull'intagliatore Giovanni di Piergiacomo da San Severino.
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      Art HistoryModern ArtArtesHistoria del Arte
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      15th Century VeniceEarly Renaissance Wooden Sculpture
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      Italian Renaissance ArtGaudenzio FerrariGiovan Angelo Del MainoEarly Renaissance Wooden Sculpture
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      Sforza familyGaleazzo Maria SforzaMIlan under Visconti and SforzaEarly Renaissance Wooden Sculpture
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      Social History of ArtGiovan Angelo Del MainoScultura Lignea Del RinascimentoEarly Renaissance Wooden Sculpture
Exhibition catalogue, edited by Claudio Cerretelli, with contributions by Laura Ciampini, Paola Cordera, Filippo Gheri, Stefano Manavella, Valerio Mosso, Anna Pedrotti, Christine Seidel. La mostra, a cura di Claudio Cerretelli,... more
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      MedaglieRenaissance Coins and MedalsMedieval Wooden SculptureOreficeria Mediovale
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      PadovaPiove di SaccoEarly Renaissance Wooden SculpturePietà
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    • Early Renaissance Wooden Sculpture
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      Italian Renaissance ArtGiovan Angelo Del MainoEarly Renaissance Wooden Sculpture
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      Italian Renaissance ArtSocial History of ArtBernardino ZaganelliGiovan Angelo Del Maino
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      History of DevotionEarly Renaissance Wooden Sculpture
The article is a brief description of a journey across Slovakia toward the distant Venice. It aims to present how attractive the country situated to the south of Carpathian Mountains  is, especially  Slovakia’s monuments and works of art.... more
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      GeographyHistory of HungaryHistory of MiningBaroque art and architecture
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      Italian Renaissance ArtGiovan Angelo Del MainoEarly Renaissance Wooden Sculpture
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      Italian Renaissance ArtGiovan Angelo Del MainoEarly Renaissance Wooden Sculpture
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      Italian Renaissance ArtGiovan Angelo Del MainoEarly Renaissance Wooden Sculpture
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      Giovan Angelo Del MainoScultura Lignea Del RinascimentoEarly Renaissance Wooden Sculpture