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An insurance man, a rocker, a partisan, a deportee, a bandoneonist.... What can such different figures have in common? Very little, you might say, apart from the fact that they are among the main protagonists of "contemporary music", a... more
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      MusicMusicologyAestheticsContemporary Art
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      Contemporary MusicSerialismPierre Boulez
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      AnalysisPierre BoulezEpistemeMusic of the XIXth XXth Century
Pierre Boulez (1925-2016) devoted a great deal of time and consideration to the relationship between the composer’s invention and performance media, in particular those related to the application of the latest technological breakthroughs... more
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      Danish MusicNew MusicMusic and TechnologyPierre Boulez
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologySerial Music
Lange Zeit hat die Idee eines musikalischen Fortschritts gleichermaßen fasziniert und polarisiert. Als zentraler Bestandteil der Diskurse um die Neue Musik verlangt sie nach einer differenzierten historischen Betrachtung. In diesem Sinne... more
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      Theodor AdornoHistoriography of MusicKarlheinz Stockhausen20th and 21st-Century Music
This dissertation examines the nearly complete German, English and French secondary literature on, and the composers’ commentary on, three renowned works of the European postwar avant-garde. With the aid of the software MAXQDA, I... more
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      Humanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Music HistoryMusicologyDigital Humanities
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      Contemporary MusicFrench MusicPierre Boulez
"Zum Teufel nein! Es gilt, beherzt gegen die Behauptung zu Felde zu ziehen, daß die 'intellektuelle' Reflexion für die 'Inspiration' schädlich sei -das Wort 'Inspiration' in seinem blitzumzuckten, orakelhaften Sinn gebraucht!" Pierre Boulez
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    • Pierre Boulez
Cet ouvrage explore les démarches d’artistes qui ne recourent jamais au hasard « par hasard ». Ils le pratiquent et le pensent au contraire à travers des méthodes rigoureuses où l’activité artistique croise la philosophie et les sciences.... more
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      AestheticsArt Practice as ResearchSurrealismPhilosophy of Art
# ABSTRACT This research discusses the musical texture on the work by Pierre Boulez on three different periods of his career based on the analysis of three of his chamber works, having, at the end of this study, three pieces composed... more
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      Contemporary MusicMusical AnalysisPierre Boulez
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      Pierre BoulezAvant-garde and modernist musicPostwar Avant-Garde Music
dans Valérie DUFOUR et Robert WANGERMEE (éds. sc.), Modernité musicale au XXe siècle et musicologie critique, Bruxelles, Académie royale de Belgique, 2015, p. 111-132.
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      Music HistoryBoulez PierrePierre Boulez
Die Kulturgeschichte liefert zahlreiche Beispiele für eine scheinbar paradoxe Situation, dass nämlich manche Künstler, die zu ihren Lebzeiten großes Ansehen genießen, nach ihrem Tode rasch in Vergessenheit geraten, während andere, die zu... more
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      Gustav Mahler studiesSecond Viennese SchoolEarly 20th-century MusicKarlheinz Stockhausen
 Cette recherche de thèse vise à reconstruire des éléments de genèse de la composition électroacoustique de Pierre Boulez dans les années cinquante à travers l’étude d’esquisses et de manuscrits conservés au Paul Sacher Stiftung. Notre... more
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      MusicologyAntonin ArtaudElectroacoustic MusicAnalysis of Electroacoustic Music
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      Theodor AdornoNoise And MusicModernismExperimental Music
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      MusicMusical AnalysisPierre Boulez20th Century Avantgarde
This study seeks to determine the extent to which selected works by Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992), Pierre Boulez (1925-2016), and Tristan Murail (b. 1947) support or contradict the notion of “rupture” in the Parisian musical establishment... more
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      Spectral MusicFrench MusicOlivier MessiaenSerialism
Sur Incises, first performed in 1998, is the most recent major work by Pierre Boulez, but there has been very little published writing discussing it, although Boulez himself discussed the piece in a lecture released on DVD. Like many of... more
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      Boulez PierrePierre Boulezwestern music of 20th and 21th cenutury, international festivals for new music, Darmstädter Ferienkurse für Neue MusikDarmstadt School
Книга посвящена анализу понятия «театр» в ряде важнейших эстетический теорий, в которых театр определяет горизонт не только художественных практик, но и самой философии – он задает и регулирует методы философской гносеологии и онтологии и... more
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      Theatre StudiesArt TheoryGilles DeleuzeFriedrich Nietzsche
As of today, Pierre Boulez's post-serial compositions are little known to audiences and theory students in the United States. Most scholarly attention in the English-speaking world has been paid to his short-lived experiments with total... more
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      MusicImprovisationDodecafonismoTwelve-Tone Technique
The present paper addresses a question that, at first, can appear non-sensical: namely, can silence be more eloquent, meaningful, louder, than sound itself?
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      SilenceEugenio MontaleRichard WagnerJohn Cage
Basato sulla Giornata internazionale di Studi L'esordio compositivo di Pierre Boulez e la Parigi musicale del dopoguerra (1944)(1945)(1946)(1947)(1948)(1949)(1950)(1951), organizzata il 17 maggio 2012 dal Dipartimento di Musica e... more
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      IntertextualityOlivier MessiaenTheory of HarmonyPierre Boulez
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      Brian EnoKarlheinz StockhausenLuciano BerioIannis Xenakis
Aleatorik ist ein oft und oftmals sehr verschieden verwendeter Begriff. Der Text gibt einen Überblick über das semantische Feld und unterbreitet einen Vorschlag für eine umfassende Definition, die Aleatorik und Zufallsprozesse voneinander... more
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      Contemporary ArtCompositionJohn CageThe new Bloom's taxonomy: Implications for music education
This paper will examine Arnold Schönberg’s influence on modern jazz through the teachings of one of its most respected theorists and pedagogues Dennis Sandole, mentor to John Coltrane, James Moody, Art Farmer, Randy Brecker, Jim Hall,... more
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      MusicJazz Studies And New MediaMusic EducationMusic History
Theories of musical syntax have rarely relied on simple music-language analogies but were rather conceived music-specifically. As in Hugo Riemann’s »Musikalische Syntaxis«, they often tried to systematize all feasible combinations of... more
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      Post-tonal TheoryArnold SchoenbergMusical SyntaxBrian Ferneyhough
N 1976, IRCAM (Institut de recherche et de coordination acoustique/ musique) opened its doors. The famous Parisian institute founded by Pierre Boulez was to be devoted to building bridges between the science of acoustics and musical art,... more
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      SpectralismPierre Boulez
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      AestheticsGame studiesTheodor AdornoNotation (Music)
Paul Klee is not only one of the most important paintesr of the 20th century, but also had a strong affinity for music. He wrote music reviews, played the violin excellently as an amateur and was in contact with many composers. With his... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyPainting
Este projeto de investigação foca a análise das diversas problemáticas no domínio da redução para piano suscitadas por linguagens e por obras emblemáticas do repertório musical contemporâneo. O estudo teve como principal objetivo... more
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      MusicPianoOrchestration and ArrangingTranscription
Selected writings by French composer Pierre Boulez (1925-2016) translated into Portuguese. Original Preface by Jean Jacques Nattiez. Edited by Paulo de Assis, translated by Artur Morão and Paulo de Assis.
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      Contemporary MusicPierre Boulez
Wagner ainsi ouvre le drame à une toute autre dimension qu’il n’avait jamais vraiment eu avant. Il n’est plus un exploit ou une geste de la libération de l’humanité d’un mal et de l’apport à l’humanité d’un bien, mais la fable d’un... more
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      OperaWagnerPierre Boulez
Je considère donc que l’opéra dans sa dimension musicale est le média dramatique suprême car il fait de la musique le média dominant, ce qui crée une hiérarchie médiatique et donc pour nous une hiérarchie sensorielle qui ne prend sens... more
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      Alban BergPierre BoulezLuluFilm in Opera
Статья является новой редакцией предисловия к книге Адорно "Философия новой музыки" (2001). В трех ее подглавах 1. "Немецкий 'дух' (Шенберг) и романская 'форма' (Cтравинский), 2. "Мистическая поэтика Веберна" и 3. "Делез: Додекафония как... more
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      Theodor AdornoGilles DeleuzePhilosophy of MusicSeriality
Die oft hochgradige Technizität von Strukturanalyse im Bereich neuer Musik hat dazu geführt, dass gerade hier die Analysekritik besonders produktiv wurde und immer wieder eine (Re-)Fokussierung auf die Wahrnehmungsrelevanz analytischer... more
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      Performance StudiesPerformance Studies (Music)Serial MusicMusical Form
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyArt History
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      MusicologyJohann Wolfgang von GoetheCultural MusicologyElectroacoustic Music
Рецензия на книгу: Цареградская Т. В. Музыкальный жест в пространстве современной композиции : монография. М. : Композитор, 2018.
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      MusicologyContemporary Art MusicXXth century musicNew Musicology
L’analisi della musica è una disciplina intermedia tra l’estetica musicale e la teoria della composizione. Rispetto a quest’ultima l’analisi è strumento utile per estrapolare i processi compositivi e trarne un possibile algoritmo. Questo... more
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      Algorithmic CompositionSerial MusicMusic analysisSchoenberg
Che la musica, nella sua dimensione di teoria e di pensiero, abbia avuto forti implicazioni con la politica è cosa ben nota. Potremmo tornare indietro ad uno dei maggiori pensatori dell'antichità, Platone, che intrecciò la musica con la... more
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      Pierre BoulezPostmoderno
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      Contemporary MusicGermanJohn CagePierre Boulez
Deleuze ve Guattari Bin Yayla'da eserlerini gündeme getirdikleri kompozitörlerin en erken örneği olarak karşımıza Johann Sebastian Bach çıkmakta ve aslında şaşırılmayacak biçimde kendi iç tutarlılığından kesin bir biçimde... more
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      Michel FoucaultBaroque MusicGilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariClaude Lévi-Strauss
L'article : Fille, épouse et soeur de grands industriels, Suzanne Tézenas est d'abord connue pour les amitiés qu'elle entretient autour de la NRF, notamment avec Drieu La Rochelle et Paulhan. Après la guerre, elle rencontre Pierre... more
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      Charles-Albert CingriaPierre BoulezNicolas De Staël
Suivre Pierre Boulez dans le cheminement de choix artistiques, musicaux, littéraires revient à appréhender, à travers des affinités électives, une vision critique de 1a modernité. Il faut souligner d'emblée que le concept de modernité... more
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    • Pierre Boulez
Paul Klee is not only one of the most important paintesr of the 20th century, but also had a strong affinity for music. He wrote music reviews, played the violin excellently as an amateur and was in contact with many composers. With his... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyPainting
Scroll for Eng. В статье исследуются важнейшие элементы поэтики и формообразования серийной композиции, в той мере в какой в лице Пьера Булеза, в ней была отвергнута Шенберговская додекафония (12 тоновая композицию) и установлены доселе... more
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      SemioticsMusicologyArt TheoryGilles Deleuze
Paper presented at The Sense of Sound, 10.7.17, NYU
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      Louis AlthusserAlain BadiouJean CavaillèsPierre Boulez
1974 : Wolfgang Wagner propose à Boulez la direction musicale de la tétralogie du Ring de Richard Wagner, à l’occasion du centenaire de la première production. L’enjeu est d’imposer Bayreuth dans le paysage de la modernité, par le biais... more
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      Musical TheatreTheatre StudiesTheatre HistoryMusic Theater