Philosophy for Community
Recent papers in Philosophy for Community
A session of "philosophy for community" triggered by a short story regarding diversity.
Philosophy for Children has more than 40 years; during the last 20 years, though, in Italy there have been some experiments and variations in this philosophical practice, especially with adults. It has been called "Philosophy for... more
Draft programme of the congress to be held on 26 May 2016 @ the University of Milano Bicocca. My presentation will be on the following topic: "Valorizzazione delle diversità, empowerment interculturale e comunità di ricerca filosofica.... more
The first goal of this paper is to highlight the relevance of citizenship education. In the paper I underline the constitutive connection between democracy and educated citizens and its urgency for the present social-historical context.... more
This book deals with the relevance of community-based philosophical practices to individual and social empowerment. The authors analyze if it is possible for the inclusive dialogue between people of diverse backgrounds in informal adult... more
Call for paper to Lessico di etica pubblica, n. 2, 2017
The article assumes that Lipman's paradigm of 'Philosophy for Children' (P4C) as a 'Community of Inquiry' (CI) is very useful in extending the range of philosophical practices and the benefits of philosophical community reflection to... more
One of the outcomes of a joint research project (carried out in 2007-2008) focusing on Lipman and Sharp's "Philosophy for Children".
Riflessioni semiserie su un quotidiano mal di pancia La politica, come tutti sanno, ha cessato da molto tempo di essere scienza del buon governo, ed è diventata invece arte della conquista e della conservazione del potere. Così la bontà... more
Especially in the first platonic dialogues, Socrates does not only address the intellectual part of the soul of interlocutors, audience and public, but he also uses the emotional channel. This process takes place for various reasons: in... more
In this paper I will outline the general lines of his philosophical thought: Royce's metaphysics of idealism, Royce's ethics of loyalty and Royce's pragmatist epistemology of interpretation, these are intimately connected and offer us a... more
Il volume Philosophy for Children in gioco, a cura di Silvia Bevilacqua e Pierpaolo Casarin, raccoglie una piccola serie di saggi a firma, oltre che dei curatori, di Walter Kohan, Maximiliano Durán, Roberto Peverelli, Roberto Franzini... more
“Philosophy and Community Practices” is a project of the University of Turin (Italy) developed in collaboration with the MondoQui association. Its aim was to test the validity of Philosophy for Communities – inspired by M. Lipman and... more
Filosofia e Pratiche di Comunità è un progetto del Dipartimento di Filosofia e Scienze dell’Educazione dell’Università di Torino, realizzato grazie al contributo della Fondazione CRT e in collaborazione con l’associazione MondoQui di... more
This paper aims to connect a recent debate on the concepts of “common” and “modes of life” (modes de vie) with the theoretical reflection about philosophical community practices such as Philosophy for Community or Philosophy for Children,... more
The first goal of this paper is to highlight the relevance of citizenship education. In the paper I underline the constitutive connection between democracy and educated citizens and its urgency for the present social-historical context.... more
The article assumes that Lipman’s paradigm of ‘Philosophy for Children’ (P4C) as a ‘Community of Inquiry’ (CI) is very useful in extending the range of philosophical practices and the benefits of philosophical community reflection to... more
Nel contesto attuale, segnato dalla pluralità di prospettive e dalla diversità di culture, valori, generi, generazioni è di fondamentale importanza – in ambito scolastico-educativo, ma non solo – lavorare al consolidamento e... more