Call for paper ING.doc

Call for paper to Lessico di etica pubblica, n. 2, 2017

Rethinking community between education and philosophical practices edited by Federico Zamengo and Nicolò Valenzano The recovery of the discourse on the community, in theoretical and practical implications, on one side reflects the fraying of social bonds and the transformation of traditional agencies of social bond construction; from the other one induces to reason on precarious balance between individualistic derives and individual's annulment in community. It is this complex interweave of factors, it recognizes a specific role to philosophy, both from the theoretical and practical point of view. Philosophical reflection shows how central the topic of relationship between individual and community, inevitably referring to sense and role of philosophy in the contemporary society. An important aspect assumes, in this perspective, the pedagogical discourse: the objective is, in fact, to outline a community education able to frame theoretically and to decline practically the complex relation among subject, otherness and community. From a practical point of view, the role of philosophy, in this context, is developed in manifold landscape of philosophical practices for community (from Nelson and Lipman to Dolci and Capitini). In this perspective, firstly, philosophy means discursive practice: the theme of philosophical dialogue plays therefore a key part. Dialogic ethics give importance to the matter, theoretical and practical at the same time, of link between philosophy and education, recovering the primitive educational-transformative dimension of philosophy. Philosophy, as a social practice, is capable of generating interpersonal and community ties. The philosophical practice for community is considered a privileged place from which to develop the question about the relationship between philosophy and the bonds emergency. Philosophize has capacity to transform, rather than inform, people: in this way the role of philosophy is combined with education one. From this point of view, it will be necessary to investigate the specific educational content of philosophical practices for community, or if there is a specific educational nature of philosophy. Potential papers The papers, theoretical, historical or operational, may concern: The relationship between individual, otherness and community and how appears in philosophical practices . The contribution of philosophical practices for community in the construction of social ties and plural community. Philosophical dialogue importance for social relationship. Theoretical and practical interweaving between ethics of dialogue, education and philosophical practice. The role of philosophy, and philosophical practices, on the speech around the community. The specific philosophical dimension of philosophical practices for community. The different philosophical practices for community, with or without educational intentionality. Educational intentionality into philosophical practice. Planning and evaluation of community development through the philosophical practices. The relationship between philosophical practices for community and new community forms, first of all from ICT (Information and Communications Technology) the point of view. How philosophical practices for community overcome one dated division between theory and practice. Papers suggested, and others one, should have the common goal to stimulating a discussion in the public space around a rethinking of community, the role of individual and social ties construction, from educational task of philosophy today. The review “Lessico di etica pubblica” will dedicate a monographic issue to the themes exposed below, published in 2017. Papers must be sent within and not later than March the 31st 2017, in a layout acceptable for blind review-based procedure. Writings must be in Italian, edited according to the recommendations published on our website, and must not be longer than 40.000 characters (footnotes, abstract in English and Italian of maximum 150 words included). It is recommended to use the special "style sheet" provided in the attachments. Paper and abstract must be sent as a single file (.doc) to [email protected].