Recent papers in Philisophy
An insight to the views of religious beliefs versus a utilitarian notions on the impact of environmental issues
Parmi les étranges personnages qui constellent l’antiquité, il en est un dont l’histoire fascinante se révèle par un certain côté en relation avec nos chères monnaies. Philosophe grec, né en 413 avant notre ère, Diogène de Sinope (colonie... more
Franz Rosenzweig è uno dei più famosi filosofi ebrei del ventesimo secolo, in cui la filosofia è diventato «il modo di vivere». La sua vita è stata breve, ma il suo genio era abbastanza grande per riflettere sulla tutta la creazione. Le... more
This is a literature review about the philosophy of existentialism
Современная цивилизация построена на науке. Мы достигли колоссальных успехов в производстве материальных благ, благодаря тому, что естественные науки, владеющие, более-менее, единым методом обоснования научных теорий, способны давать нам... more
As Yogapreneurs and Wall Street occupy modern yoga and sweep moksha, the end goal of liberation under the yoga mat, in India, Modern Revivalists show the true path to liberation has always been knowledge.
Ce travail s’intéresse aux états dont les personnages joyciens font l’expérience. Il vise à rendre compte des fluctuations de présence au monde par le repérage et l’analyse de tout un éventail d’états cliniques, mystiques et cognitifs... more
El microcrédito se presenta como un instrumento eficaz de inclusión social y combate a la pobreza utilizado desde hace muchos años por diversos gobiernos El acceso al microcrédito para las personas de bajos ingresos en Angola, Argentina y... more
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel nasceu em Stuttgart em 1770 e morreu no ano de 1831 em Berlim, foi um dos criadores do idealismo alemão e do hegelianismo.Hegel juntou em si dois dos elementos fundamentais da filosofia do séc. XIX: a... more
Есе про феномен гри, принципи стратегічного мислення, про гру і свободу.
A Game Review & Analysis on Bioshock 1.
During the Cold War, the notion that resources flowed from a "periphery" of poor and underdeveloped states to a "core" of "central", wealthy states and, thus, determined national economic development or underdevelopment, gained sway among... more
IL QUODLIBET II DI ENRICO DI LUBECCA (1320 CA.): UNO STUDIO DOTTRINALE* Speculatio est optimum et delectabilissimum Auctoritates Aristotelis, 137 (267) 1. ENRICO DI LUBECCA E LO STUDIUM GENERALE DI COLONIA Nel XIII secolo, intorno allo... more
İnsan denilen organizma doğanın programı ve işleyişine tabi olarak yaşamakta iken eklemlenen akıl ve ruhsal etkinlikler nedeniyle diğer canlılardan ayrışmıştır; fakat buna karşın konvansiyonel bir çerçeve içinde kalmaya devam etmiştir.... more
This paper aims at elaborating a very special topic relative to the medieval philosophy; particularly, the question of noetic as was dealt with by a philosopher of the Islamic west. Although the article is but the first part of the whole... more
This paper discusses Plato's use of what we now regard today as the "Platonic Dialogue" vehicle to conveying his philosophies with specific regard paid to Plato's "Charmides."
הרב שלמה זלמן אוירבך (1910-1995, להלן רש"ז) נולד, פעל כל ימיו, ונפטר בירושלים. אחרי ארונו הלכו, כך דווח בעיתונות, כשלש מאות אלף איש – אחוז מרשים מכלל אזרחי ישראל – מכל קשת הציבור הדתי בישראל. בדיווחי העיתונות על האירוע הובלטה העובדה... more
Сущность и игра полов в Мироздании.
The essence and the game of sexes in the Universe.
The essence and the game of sexes in the Universe.
Bilim, zihinsel etkinliklerin disipline edilmesi ve yöntem bilimi eşliğinde işlevsel olur ve gelişir. Felsefe, tüm bilimlerin tacı olarak her türlü yüksek emek ve dikkati hak eder; düşünce disiplini (sağlıklı zihinsel ve psikolojik... more
draft do artigo a ser publicado em meados de Julho 2018 num número especial do Jornal de Economia do Mar
The objectivity of consciousness exists as a known mechanism to experience the subjectivity of the grandeur created by God; the love of experiencing the existence of God's creation is a requisite source of experiencing the true God; the... more
Essay on a single basis of physics, psychoanalysis, sociology and philosophy-that is-the matrix. The most famous contemporary of the concepts of matrix theory is a semiotic sign. This is a symbol of the internal thought processes of a... more
Please disseminate the following CALL widely: CALL FOR JOURNAL SUBMISSIONS: Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture The open-access peer-review journal PhaenEx has published 25 issues. The journal's core is the set of... more
For a long time, Russia has been a natural point of orientation for the Polish intellectuals, either as a source of inspiration or an enemy to be opposed to. A third way, represented in the nineteenth century by the Polish philosopher and... more
Маленький онтологический трактат § 1. Что делает сознание? Оно конституирует некую бинарную структуру, которую можно условно, со всеми оговорками, обозначить как субъект-объектную структуру или пред-ставление. § 2. Субъектом здесь... more
İnsan denilen organizma doğanın programı ve işleyişine tabi olarak yaşamakta iken eklemlenen akıl ve ruhsal etkinlikler nedeniyle diğer canlılardan ayrışmıştır; fakat buna karşın konvansiyonel bir çerçeve içinde kalmaya devam etmiştir.... more
Перевод на английский язык ряда высказывания выдающегося просветителя Махмудходжи Бехбуди (1875-1919) об экономике, просвещении, общественной и деловой активности,
Essential portrait of the god Velez. // Сущностный портрет бога Велеса. Боги древние нынче забыты людьми, мнясь за выдумку их. Но они — есть как прежде, и власть их все так же сильна. Глуп безбожник, не чтящий Творца, ведь у Мира... more
Paper at The Fifth Sciences Po Graduate Conference in Political Theory, "Politics of the sensate subject" (Paris, 2017).
and the hrst half of the XX''• they enjoyed a gl'Owing social considc-r:uion, more on the basis of hopes tlmn on actual .. chicvements. Between 1850 ond 1900, on autho•· like Jules Vcmc was describing fim~r' (and not actual) wclfurc... more