Hugh of St. Victor
Recent papers in Hugh of St. Victor
Dqs Mittelalter l0 (2005) 2: Produktive Kulturkonflikte frtihe vollplastische Skulptur vorhanden ist, zum anderen auch nicht klar ist, wie das Golgothakreuz wirklich aussah, d. h. ob es überhaupt mit einem Corpus Christi versehen war. Ob... more
Paper presented at “ Models and Drawings: The Invisible Nature of Architecture” conference, Nottingham, 2005. Original title: Drawing and Pilgrimage, Circumlocutory and Picaresque. See this title for the submitted abstract, which is a... more
Conrad Rudolph "'In Its Extraordinary Arrangement': Hugh of Saint Victor, the History of Salvation, and the World Map of The Mystic Ark," Victorine Restoration: Essays on Hugh of St Victor, Richard of St Victor, and Thomas Gallus, ed.... more
In Artistic Change at St-Denis: Abbot Suger's Program and the Early Twelfth-Century Controversy over Art (Princeton University Press, 1990), I apply the conclusions of my earlier study of the social theory of medieval art as presented in... more
Strutturiamo il nostro intervento in tre passaggi principali. Una prima indagine di natura esplorativa per comprendere l’uso del tema e del vocabolario delle virtù nel De sacramentis Christiane fidei di Ugo di San Vittore e l’eventuale... more
Al centro della nostra riflessione è la rilettura di un’opera della prima parte del XII secolo: il Didascalicon di Ugo di San Vittore, maestro della omonima scuola. Il nostro intervento si struttura in base ad alcune domande elementari:... more
In "The Architectural Metaphor in Western Medieval Artistic Culture: From the Cornerstone to The Mystic Ark," I identify and analyze the source texts for the use of architectural metaphor in medieval culture, and trace their use up... more
'Is Christ Head of the Church as Man?' This Licentiate Thesis addresses this apparently obscure question, a commonplace of high scholastic tracts 'De gratia capitis', first tracing its genesis in Augustine's commentaries, later biblical... more
This paper builds on my previous published thesis that whereas the negative theology of Pseudo-Dionysius entailed the complete unknowability of God as One beyond language, concept and being, Thomas developed a distinctly ‘positive... more
Scholars have always recognized the central importance of the Gothic portal, perhaps the most imposing form of public, visual media in the Middle Ages. Yet any reasons for its sudden appearance at Saint-Denis in the mid-twelfth century... more
The Mystic Ark is a forty-two page description of the most complex work of art from the entire Middle Ages: a painting also known as The Mystic Ark. The purpose of the painting was to serve as the basis of a series of brilliant... more
This paper will trace the contours of the theology of history that emerges in Hugh of St. Victor’s (c. 1096–1141) writings and relate it to his sacramental conception of reality. Hugh’s sacramental theology is mystical in the sense that... more
This chapter on later Platonic traditions focuses on Denys, otherwise known as Ps-Dionysius the Areopagite. A late fifth- to early sixth-century theologian dependent on Plotinus, Damascius, and, above all, Proclus, assumed to have been... more
I presented a short version of this paper at the Graduate Conference on Medieval Studies at the Catholic University of America in 2014.
This paper gives a brief over-view of the Trinity in Hugh of St. Victor (particularly the triad of power, wisdom and goodness). The aim is to show that a ressourcement of this medieval theologian has much to offer the contemporary... more
This paper is a study of The Four Senses of Scripture in the middle ages and its application in medieval sermons from the 13. and 14. century. It contains two parts that are woven together during the paper. The first part is an... more
The art program of Abbot Suger at the monastery of Saint-Denis in the mid-twelfth century has long been credited with the reintroduction of “allegory” into Western European visual art after centuries of disuse. While such sweeping claims... more
The notion of natural religion has become somewhat of a hot topic among Aquinas scholars recently. Yet most recent studies on the subject have focused mainly on generalities concerning the virtue of religion and its relation to... more
In his summa-like systematic theology De sacramentis (c. 1130-1137), Hugh of Saint Victor presents the Christian theological conception of the history of salvation on an epic scale. It is also an account that conceives of its... more
This paper examines the significance of natura within the intellectual history of 12th and 13th century medieval theology; it inquires into the ways that the idea is developed polemically by Hugh of St. Victor and Bonaventure relative to... more
This dissertation offers a new systematic interpretation and retrieval of the theology and spirituality of the 12 th century master Hugh of St. Victor, an interpretation centered on the Triune LORD's unifying and reforming work in history... more
online: Der moderne Begriff des Gewissens wurde wesentlich im Mittelalter geprägt. In dieser Zeit entstanden neue Vorstellungen vom Menschen und von Gemeinschaft, neue Ideen des Rechts, neue... more
An introduction to the history and ideals of Liberal Arts education, with an explanation of Benedictine College's core requirements deliver that education. Written for incoming students in Benedictine's "First Year Experience" course.... more
This brief contribution presents an unknown fragment of Hugh of Saint-Victor’s work De tribus diebus, the opening folium from perhaps the oldest extant copy of this early tract written and illuminated ca. 1130 in the famous abbey of... more
Early and medieval Christianity always had a world-view of salvation. Yet, aside from Augustine’s City of God, it was only in the early twelfth century, with Hugh of Saint Victor’s great image, The Mystic Ark (1125-1131), that a... more
p. 153] [Questa tra parentesi quadre è la paginazione del volume a stampa] ERNESTO SERGIO MAINOLDI « Immediate viam facimus ». La teologia dionisiana al bivio dell'interpretazione di Ugo di S. Vittore Lo ps.-Dionigi Areopagita può vantare... more
It might be surprising to find in a journal of contemporary philosophy a text that is mostly about Hugh of St. Victor (1096-1141). The hermeneutic question, however, did not begin only yesterday. While this question has its actual sources... more
The Vercelli map has never been accorded its due place in the mappaemundi canon. Faced with problems of illegibility, few scholars have dared to research it. The availability of multispectral imaging (MSI), however, has provoked closer... more
Коллекция иллюстраций-диаграмм «Зерцало теологии» (Speculum theologiae) — уникальный вид книжной миниатюры латинского Средневековья, представляющий собой предельно концентрированное визуальное воплощение католической дидактики XIII–XV вв.... more
This is the First Edition of our Annuario Academico for 2016-17, which we are sharing on to solicit interest from prospective students to study with us. Note that the edition is Polyglot, but the canonical version is the... more
Innovatives Wissen im Kloster? Orientierungen auf einem problematischen Forschungsfeld Wo es um die Geschichte gelehrter Wissenskulturen geht, gelten Klöster, oberflächlich betrachtet, zunächst als Horte der Tradition. Ihnen wird zwar... more
Et laudare te vult homo, aliqua portio creaturae tuae.
Glenn W. Most Volker Schupp 31. BAND· 1999 · Heft 1-2 WILHELM FINK VERLAG MÜNCHEN Meinolf Schumacher (Wuppertal) RUPERT VON DEUTZ ERZÄHLT EINE FABEL Über Inkonsequenzen in der mittelalterlichen Kritik weltlicher Dichtung 1. Der aus der... more
Overview of the life and works of the medieval scholar Hugh of st. Victor.
Bibel und Exegese in der Abtei Saint Victor zu Paris. Form und Funktion eines Grundtextes im europäischen Raum, Corpus Victorinum, Instrumenta, Vol. 3, herausgegeben von Rainer BERNDT SJ, Münster, Aschendorff, 2009, 692 S., mehrere... more
PL 177, 563D-565A) 1. Życiem serca jest miłość, i z tego powodu jest rzeczą całkowicie niemożliwą, by serce pragnęło żyć bez miłości. Należy zastanowić się nad tym, co z tego wynika. Jeśli bowiem ludzki umysł (humana mens) nie może żyć... more