Recent papers in Matrimony
Kedushah (holiness) developed as a pietistic ideal for the virtuous few, encouraging married men to limit to the minimum the frequency and modes of sexual intercourse with their wives. Today, the hasidic groups of Gur, Slonim, and Toledot... more
The Law of the Church in the Nullity of Marriage due to Causes of Psychic Nature* The Law of the Church in the Nullity of Marriage due to Causes of Psychic Nature Introduction.-I. The principles of marriage, matrimonial consent and... more
A special note of appreciation is due to Monsignor Juan Jos& Garcia Failde for his express permission for the use of the materials in his books for this Article. The Author wishes to give thanks to Miriam Olivares, research assistant, for... more
"Our words indicate our thoughts, but our thoughts don't make anything happen…. It's not the same with God." In Speaking the Love of God: An Introduction to the Sacraments, Dr. Jacob W. Wood shows how Christ gives his Church the power to... more
In Japan, marriage ceremonies prior to 1900 wedding of the crown prince used to be secular events, featuring some differences from the current matrimonial practice. This essay explores the Meiji era social engineering invention by looking... more
Die Ehe und die Ehebünde waren in der Zeit des Mittelalters Domäne der Kirche. Es ging nähmlich um eine der sieben kirchlichen Sakramenten, also alles, was mit dem kirchlichen Recht im Zusammenhang stand, wie Verlobungen, Eheschließungen,... more
The history of Christian marriage is as complex and myriad as any other history in the world, with the meaning of the word " marriage " having altered and morphed as generations of faithful Christians have wondered to define for... more
На запитання мирян на сторінках цієї книжки відповідає фахівець з канонічного права, який розтлумачує різні життєві ситуації і відповідні церковні приписи щодо них. This book consists of the answers of a specialist on canon law to the... more
Artículo dentro de un volumen especial sobre el sacramento del matrimonio en la revista litúrgica PHASE. En breves líneas, el artículo da algunos criterios para abordar la tención pastoral de los matrimonios en situaciones imperfectas y... more
A discussion of the origins of the sacrament of holy matrimony and the implications of sacramentality for the present cultural configuration of marriage in American society.
En la semana de inauguración del curso académico 2017 - 2018 me recibe el Vice Presidente de esta Institución ya extendida en todo el mundo, en su despacho en Roma donde conversamos sobre la familia, el matrimonio, y los estudios de la... more
Apresenta-se aqui uma proposta de pesquisa, iniciada em março de 2013 no programa de mestrado da Universidade Federal Fluminense , sob a orientação do prof. Dr. Mário Jorge da Motta Bastos, e que deverá ser desenvolvida ao longo de dois... more
In the beginning God created man and the creator himself began to search a perfect partner for man.
Dating is a series of steps taken to find a marriage partner. It is a stage of romantic relationships in which two individuals engage in an activity together, most often with the intention of evaluating each other's suitability as a... more
Conference paper given at the SCSC in Vancouver, 24.10.2015 in the section "Matrimony and Gender in Jesuit Missions"
XIII Seminario del Desierto -- Desierto de Las Palmas (Benicàssim, Castellón, España/Spain) - 31 march to 2 april 2017 (weekend) Centro de Espiritualidad "Santa Teresa" del Desierto de Las Palmas Tel. 964300786 -- e-mail:... more
A házasságkötés rítussora a magyar hagyományban *
El presente comentario de jurisprudencia analiza una sentencia de la Corte Suprema chilena que derogó tácitamente el artículo 76 del Decreto Ley Nº 1.094, de 1975, dado que, en su consideración, el contenido de la norma transgrede normas... more
The marriage ritual found in the ms. León, Archivo de la Real Colegiata de San Isidoro, cod. 12 (1187) contains the earliest consent dialogue for both bride and groom of any rite in Western Europe. Other twelfth-century marriage rites... more
This work analizes the meaning of epikeia in the handbook Itinerario para parrocos de indios written by the bishop of Quito Alonso de la Peña Montenegro. In the opinion of the bishop marriage laws, established by Trento’s Council to... more
O presente trabalho, um recorte de um trabalho de conclusão de curso, apresenta as edições fac-similar e semidiplomática dos artigos preliminares do matrimônio de D. Maria Ana Vitória com D. Gabriel, documento setecentista datado de 1784,... more
A középkori és kora újkori magyar házassági rítusok összehasonlító elemzése
First chapter of my book, Made in Heaven?. My document, "Doctrine, Morals, and Same-sex marriage", that appeared here six months ago, is a precursor, and now forms the bulk of the last chapter. For the book, go here:... more
Any situation or act that encroaches upon the individual dignity is violation of the right to life as the protection of the human dignity in general is the ultima ratio of law. It is true, so in reality, that in the past two decades much... more
This article will focus on explaining the new marriage annulment processes of the Latin Church, which are found in the Motu proprio Mitis ludex Dominus lesus, although the same processes apply to the processes in the Eastern Churches. Any... more
W Wielkopolsce w II połowie XIX wieku zachodziły intensywne zmiany polityczne, gospodarcze i społeczne. Zniesienie zależności feudalnych w rolnictwie, rzemiośle, przemyśle i handlu utorowało drogę postępowi technicznemu w regionie. Jednym... more
Good evening. I offer Doctor Hanning and the entire community of the University of Mary's Tempe campus my thanks for the privilege of speaking to you this evening. It is with real joy in our community as Catholic Scholars that I am here... more
Augustine’s legacy, particularly his view of marriage as being primarily procreative and the sin of mutually desired non-procreative sex, has had a lasting impact on sexual theology and ethics in the Catholic Church. Yet indulging in the... more