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For Hannah Arendt, spontaneous, ‘initiatory’ human action and interaction are suppressed by the normalizing pressures of society once ‘life’ – that is, sheer life – becomes the primary concern of politics, as it does, she finds, in the... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryJean-Luc NancyTotalitarianism
John Protevi'nin ders materyali olarak kullanılmak üzere hazırladığı taslağı, kendisinden izin alarak Türkçeye çevirdim. Derslerde makaleyi daha kolay takip etmek için kullanabilirsiniz. Orijinal metin:... more
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      Michel FoucaultPastoral Power (foucault)
Dette kapitel intrdoucerer Michel Foucault som tænker, herunder hans begreb om kritik, institutioner, disciplin, guvernementalitet, diskurs og politisk aktivisme. Kapitlet er fra: Andersen, H. & Kaspersen, L. B. (2013) Klassisk og... more
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      Discourse AnalysisGovernmentalityMichel FoucaultBiopolitics
Foucaults spätes Interesse an der Herkunft der politischen Sorge um den Einzelnen (»omnes et singulatim«) und der damit verbundenen Form der »Regierung« im Unterschied zur souveränen Herrschaft führt ihn zurück in die Antike. Dort erkennt... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryEarly ChristianityMichel Foucault
In this article we examine the nature and implementation of governing strategies to control the gentrification of Little Havana, the symbolic heart of Cuban Miami. We ask how Cuban-American power relations at the neighborhood level... more
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      Human GeographyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsUrban GeographyGovernmentality
Table of Contents: Introduction - Nicolae Morar, Thomas Nail, and Daniel Smith Part I Encounters 1. Deleuze and Foucault: A Philosophical Friendship - François Dosse 2. Theatrum Philosophicum - Michel Foucault 3. Michel Foucault's Main... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisPolitical SociologySocial Theory
This article examines the technologies of power and subjectification in China's Social Credit System through a theoretically informed analysis of policy and legal documents as well as narratives of social credit practitioners, including... more
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      GovernmentalityScience, Technology and SocietyChinaChinese Politics
Abstract: The following dissertation argues that the relations of power operative in the investigation and silencing of Fr. Leonardo Boff, O.F.M. by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) can be adequately understood through... more
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      Systematic TheologyMichel FoucaultEcclesiologyPastoral Power (foucault)
Michel Foucault’s notion of “biopower” has been a highly fertile concept in recent theory, influencing thinkers worldwide across a variety of disciplines and concerns. In The History of Sexuality: An Introduction, Foucault famously... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyEconomic SociologyMedical Sociology
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      PsychologyPsychoanalysisPower (social)Philosophy of Psychoanalysis
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      GovernmentalityResilience (Sustainability)Social ResiliencePastoral Power (foucault)
This paper contributes to inquiries into the genealogy of governmentality and the nature of secularization by arguing that pastoralism continues to operate in the algorithmic register. Drawing on Agamben's notion of signature, I elucidate... more
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A common criticism of Michel Foucault’s works is that his writings on power relations over-emphasized the effects that technologies of power have upon the subjection of humans, rendering any attempt of resistance futile and reducing the... more
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      GovernmentalityEnlightenmentMichel FoucaultJudith Butler
En este capítulo estudiamos el proyecto colonial de la Nueva España como una forma de gubernamentalidad pastoral que vincula, por un lado, la salvación espiritual de las poblaciones indígenas y, por otro, la introducción de un modelo... more
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      GovernmentalityCritical Animal StudiesColonialismBiopolitics
The aim of the present work is focused on the representation of a certain type of violence –which we will call of low-intensity– during the first Francoism, a period of time that would cover the first autarchic phase and international... more
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      PhotographyBiopoliticsSocial EngineeringFrancoist repression in postwar Spain
Foucault’s genealogy of pastoral power as “a power of care” challenges us to think of modern medical institutions and practices in terms of political theology by emphasizing their continuities with older ecclesiastical practices. Both... more
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      GovernmentalityHistory of SexualityMichel FoucaultPublic Health
Counter-extremism is the most dynamic part of UK counterterrorism policy. This article examines Prevent, the flagship counter-extremism programme, through a state-theoretical lens. It addresses questions of state institutionality, state... more
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      Welfare StateLiberalismState TheoryVulnerability
This thesis considers how statistics about adult literacy have produced a new transnational norm of what it means to “be literate,” and asks what has been produced by demarcating a calculable threshold of capable literate conduct.... more
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      Nonprofit StudiesPolitical ScienceAdult literacyPastoral Power (foucault)
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      ManagementDiscourse AnalysisGovernmentalityCritical Organizational Communication Studies
A common criticism of Michel Foucault’s works is that his writings on power relations over-emphasized the effects that technologies of power have upon the subjection of humans, rendering any attempt of resistance futile and reducing the... more
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      GovernmentalityEnlightenmentMichel FoucaultJudith Butler
Michel Foucault defined critique as an exercise in de-subjectivation. To what extent did this claim shape his philosophical practice? What are its theoretical and ethical justifications? Why did Foucault come to view the production of... more
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      Political EconomyMichel FoucaultWork and LabourCritique
Artiklen tager afsaet i den udbredelse af dialog som ledelsesinstrument, som har kunnet iagttages de senere år indenfor mange forskellige velfaerdsområder. Den fremlaegger den påstand, at der er ved at ske en forskydning i... more
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      TechnologyDialogueMichel FoucaultCritical Organization Studies
« Cuando Foucault dice ‘Estado’. Conversación con Arnault Skornicki », avec David J. Domínguez González et Mario Domínguez Sánchez, dans A. Skornicki, La grand Sed de Estado. Michel Foucault y la ciencias sociales, Dado Ediciones, 2017,... more
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      Political SociologyGovernmentalityHobbesState Theory
Arnault Skornicki, « Sur les traces de la théorie foucaldienne de l’État », Histoire@Politique, n° 32, mai-août 2017 [en ligne,] Abstract This article revisits the research trajectory that led to the... more
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      GenealogyState TheoryMichel FoucaultSociological Theory
In this paper, I examine the role of Project Rahab set up by the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG) in order to help female victims of violence. Drawing on ethnographic research conducted in São Paulo, Brazil, I use Foucault’s... more
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      Latin American StudiesRace and RacismBrazilian StudiesMichel Foucault
Michel Foucault in his lecture series of 1977-1978, Security, Territory, Population develops a theory of pastoral power, as an art of governing men, originating as a new form of power relations in the ancient Christian Church. He traces... more
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      Quaker StudiesMichel FoucaultPastoral Power (foucault)
Legal skirmishes in the arena of administrative law over the enforcement of regulatory rules for the treatment of various captive animal species are actively transforming the lives of individual animals and humans at local, state, and... more
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      Administrative LawPastoral Power (foucault)Animal Sanctuaries
This paper aims at discussing the risk of homogenization associated with the reuse of the past in other disciplines: in particular, I will address some Foucault’s works on antiquity. Firstly, I will focus on Foucault’s growing interest in... more
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      Political PhilosophyPlatoInterdisciplinarityDialogue
This paper examines the power relations in “patient-centred communication”. Drawing on the work of Michel Foucault I argue that while patient-centred communication frees the patient from particular aspects of medical power, it also... more
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      Health CommunicationBioethicsCritical BioethicsMichel Foucault
In one of his 1980 Dartmouth lectures, entitled "Subjectivity and Truth", Foucault remarks that governing people in a rational and effective way entails achieving a "subtle integration" or "versatile equilibrium" between technologies of... more
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      Michel FoucaultPastoral Power (foucault)
[VERSION RÉVISÉE D’UN TEXTE PARU DANS AOC] Le grand confinement a confronté la gauche à un dilemme moral : vaut-il mieux préserver nos vies ou nos libertés ?... more
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      RepublicanismEnvironmental StudiesMichel FoucaultEmancipation
Journée des doctorants en philosophie « L'analytique du pouvoir chez Foucault » 9 juin 2016 en salle B1 (ARSH)
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      Michel FoucaultPlato and PlatonismAncient Greek PhilosophyReception of Antiquity
Abstract: The France of Louis IX has recently been described as a morally repressive ‘redemptive regime’ (William Chester Jordan, 2014). This reading focuses on the determination of the king and his inner circle to impose a restrictive... more
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      Franciscan StudiesMedieval EnglandRobert GrossetestePastoral Care and Counselling
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      Discourse AnalysisScience EducationPastoral Power (foucault)Education for Sustainable Development
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      Film StudiesRhetoric and Social TheoryFilm ExhibitionPastoral Power (foucault)
El objetivo de este artículo es realizar una revisión al concepto de poder pastoral de Michel Foucault para pensar la relación entre la dominación sobre los animales y los procesos de gobierno entre los humanos, narrados por Foucault.... more
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      GovernmentalityCritical Animal StudiesMichel FoucaultBiopolitics
This chapter interrogates the ways HBC officials targeted, accused, and punished individuals in the Red River colony during a famine in the winter of 1825-1826. By focusing on the post-journal of Francis Heron, a Hudson’s Bay Company... more
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      Canadian StudiesHistorical SociologyColonialismPrimitive Accumulation