Participatory Cultural Heritage Conservation Approach
Recent papers in Participatory Cultural Heritage Conservation Approach
A narrat ív forma ihl etése Kondor viszonya a középkori és reneszánsz mûvészethez M A R O S V Ö L G Y I G Á B O R Valaki önarcképei Arckép és önarckép (de)konstrukciója Kondor Béla mûvészetében Élet raj z Biography Képjegyzék I List of Pl... more
The meme is an idea, element of culture or behavior passed down from one person to another through imitation. A more specific form of meme is the internet meme, which involves images, videos, text, or other content rapidly spread, and... more
Ten years ago, thanks to the joint action of UNESCO and four principle organisations of professionals o culture, a new international NGO was created: it’s aim was to promote and – if possibe – to apply in a concrete way, together with... more
A côté de ces catastrophes naturelles, les conflits armés constituent une des principales menaces pour le patrimoine. Le juriste Massimo Carcione a étudié le régime de la protection internationale des biens culturels en cas de conflit... more
The category of intangible cultural heritage (ICH), recently institutionalized by several countries (2000, in the case of Brazil) and, internationally, by Unesco (2003), requires the participation of groups and communities in the... more
Historic archaeological resources in the American West are increasingly at risk of loss because of prolonged droughts, wildfires, earthquakes , general deterioration, and the negative impact of increasing visitation. Casual visitors... more
At the end of the conference of the signatory states to the 1999 Second Protocol to the Hague Convention of 1954, UNESCO was invited “to recognise the important role of the International Committee of the Blue Shield (ICBS) and its four... more
Inscription of the St. Paraskeva Tserkva in the UNESCO World Heritage List resulted in increase of the tourist floks in Radruż, little village in Roztocze region. The owner of the site, Eastern Borderlands Museum in Lubaczów, along with... more
Introduction to the Volume: "Interpreting the Past through Participatory Approaches: Ideals and Challenges in Archaeological Practice" (2016).
The meme is an idea, element of culture or behavior passed down from one person to another through imitation. A more specific form of meme is the internet meme, which involves images, videos, text, or other content rapidly spread, and... more