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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesEarly modern Ottoman HistoryNorth Caucasus
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      Jewish StudiesOttoman BalkansHistory of Turkish pressOttoman Jewry
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      Identity (Culture)ModernityRabbinic LiteratureSephardi/Mizrahi Studies
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      KabbalahOttoman JewryHistory of JerusalemResponsa Literature
יונתן מאיר | הרצאות על השבתאות המאוחרת מגנזי גרשם שלום
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      ReligionIntellectual HistoryJewish StudiesOttoman History
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesOttoman JewryJewish Ottoman History
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman JewryIstanbulTHESSALONIKI
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      ReligionHistoryHistory of ReligionReligion and Politics
“Millet” is an Arabic word, which means “nation”, “nationality”, but in the Ottoman Empire it had a different meaning, pointing to religious and national origin, and more specifically, to non-Muslim communities. In the 15th century, the... more
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      Ottoman HistoryPalestineOttoman StudiesOttoman Empire
This thematic issue of Die Welt des Islams, volume 56, no. 3/4, features 11 articles (6 historical and 5 contemporary) on the different faces of Ottomanism, in the 19th century, and its (re)interpretation, today.
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesTurkey
Gershom Scholem in Deutschland Zwischen Seelenverwandtschaft und Sprachlosigkeit Hrsg. v. Gerold Necker, Elke Morlok u. Matthias Morgenstern Die Biographie des in Berlin geborenen und ab 1923 in Jerusalem lebenden Kabbala-Forschers... more
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      ReligionChristianityNew Religious MovementsHistory
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      Jewish StudiesArmenian StudiesOttoman JewryOttoman Armenians
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      Syrian StudiesOttoman StudiesJudeo-ArabicSephardi/Mizrahi Studies
A second unit will ask who did originally create this modern distinction of oktoechos mele known as Constantinopolitan hyphos and trace it to the Archon Protopsaltes Panagiotes Halacoglu, Ioannes Trapezountios, Daniel the Protopsaltes and... more
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      Church MusicMusic HistoryOttoman HistoryBalkan Studies
İnsanın ilk ortaya çıktığından beri bütün insanlar hayatlarını devam ettirebilmek için sürekli ekonomik arayış içine girmiş ve farklı dönemlerde farklı ekonomik faaliyetleri bulmuştur. Bu faaliyetlerle beraber de varlığını sürdürmüştür.... more
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      Ottoman JewryBursaOsmanlı Sosyo-Ekonomik TarihiYerel tarih, şehir tarihi, medeniyet tarihi
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      Modern Ottoman HistoryOttoman Jewry19. and early 20. century Ottoman modernizationSephardic Jews
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      Theatre StudiesJewish StudiesOttoman StudiesMinority Studies
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      Ottoman HistoryNineteenth Century StudiesIntellectual History of EnlightenmentModernity
As a result of the trade agreements that accompanied the peace treaties of Karlowitz (1699) and Passarowitz (1718) between the Ottoman and the Habsburg Empires merchants from the Ottoman lands started coming to Vienna in the early 18th... more
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      Ottoman-Habsburg relationsGreek DiasporaOttoman JewryMerchants
Review on: 1. S. Glick with D. Arad and Z. Stampfer et al., Seride Teshuvot, A Descriptive Catalogue of Responsa Fragments from the Jacques Mosseri Collection, Cambridge University Library, Leiden 2012 2. ש' גליק, בשיתוף ד' ארד וי'... more
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      Early modern Ottoman HistoryRabbinic LiteratureJewish history in TurkeySephardic Studies
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman BalkansOttoman JewryOtherness
Published in Jewish Quarterly Review, 107 (2017), 3:323-53.
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman EmpireSephardi/Mizrahi StudiesOttoman Jewry
Review article on Bedross Der Matossian's Shattered Dreams of Revolution: From Liberty to Violence in the Late Ottoman Empire, Michelle U. Campos' Ottoman Brothers: Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Early Twentieth- Century Palestine and... more
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      Middle East StudiesOttoman EmpireLate Ottoman PeriodModern Turkey
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      Ottoman EmpireHistory of Turkish pressOttoman languageOttoman Jewry
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      Ottoman JewryLettersAljamiado TextsJews in the Ottoman Empire
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      Ottoman HistoryBalkan StudiesOttoman StudiesOttoman Empire
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      Jewish StudiesOttoman HistoryJewish HistoryOttoman Studies
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      Ottoman JewryTurkish JewsOttoman Jews
In the late 19th century the French-Jewish Alliance Israélite Universelle (AIU) established and administered primary schools for Jewish communities throughout the Muslim world, with a focus on North Africa and the Ottoman Empire. The... more
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      Ottoman HistoryLate Ottoman PeriodOttoman IraqOttoman Jewry
The relations between the Janissaries and the Jewish community is often mention to negatively. But there are also different sizes of this relationship. Thessaloniki Jews had been weaving broadcloth for the Janissaries for centuries.... more
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      Ottoman JewryYahudilerOsmanlı YahudileriJews in the Ottoman Empire
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      Ottoman HistoryJewish HistoryOttoman StudiesTurkish and Middle East Studies
The collaboration between political and religious authorities, directed at imposing religious uniformity and at establishing denominational boundaries in the course of Early Modern times, has traditionally been investigated within the... more
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesOttoman EmpireEarly Modern Catholicism
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      Hebrew LanguageBible TranslationsJudeo-ArabicOttoman Jewry
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      Jewish StudiesMiddle East StudiesIsrael StudiesMigration
This article focuses on a tragic event: the destruction of the old synagogue in the Jewish quarter of Damascus by the Muslim authorities, which probably occurred in 1552. The sources for this event are diverse and not entirely in... more
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      Ottoman HistoryDisaster StudiesSyrian Studies16th Century (History)
"Jewish power brokers played an important role in the 16th century Constantinople by not only engaging in factional politics, but also providing the Ottomans with information regarding the developments in Europe and the Western... more
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      Jewish StudiesEarly modern Ottoman HistoryJewish-Muslim RelationsMuslim-Jewish Relations
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      Ottoman JewryDavid Ben-GurionJewish Ottoman HistoryHebrew Press
There were strong economic and political motives for Christian princes to establish and maintain diplomatic relations with the Muslim Ottoman Sultans, but these relations were complicated by serious religious differences. In addition to... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryOttoman HistoryEarly Modern HistoryReformation History
The relations between the Janissaries and the Jewish community is often mention to negatively. But there are also different sizes of this relationship. Thessaloniki Jews had been weaving broadcloth for the Janissaries for centuries.... more
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      Ottoman JewryYahudilerOsmanlı YahudileriJews in the Ottoman Empire
This article demonstrates how architecture and politics concomitantly reflect Jewish history in the Ottoman Empire. Architecture shows concrete cultural entities that may afford us with opportunities to broaden social inquiry and our... more
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      Jewish StudiesOttoman History18-19th century Ottoman architectureOttoman Jewry
Based on Ottoman and Scottish archival sources, this study explores the ways in which marginal spaces of Izmir, which were frequently visited and inhabited by the impoverished Jews, were depicted in the records of missionaries from the... more
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      Ottoman HistoryUrban HistoryScottish HistoryMissionary History
On the demography of the Jews in Turkey in 19th and 20th Centuries.
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      Historical DemographyModern TurkeyMinorities in TurkeyOttoman Jewry
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      Ottoman History Of MedicineOttoman Jewry
Please note that I have withdrawn this research paper from the Reformation conference in Nuremberg in July 2017.
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      Early Modern HistorySephardic StudiesSephardi/Mizrahi StudiesOttoman Jewry
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      16th Century (History)Ottoman JewryWaqf AccountingCairo Genizah
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      Jewish StudiesMiddle East StudiesIsrael StudiesMigration
Review of Der Matossian's Shattered Dreams of Revolution: From Liberty to Violence in the Late Ottoman Empire from H-War
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      Ottoman HistoryArmenian StudiesMiddle East StudiesMiddle East History
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      History of Turkish pressOttoman JewryAntisemitismHistory of the Ottoman press
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      Ottoman JewryCairo GenizahSyrian JewsIntellctual and social history of the Mamluk Period
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    • Ottoman Jewry