Ottoman Jewry
Recent papers in Ottoman Jewry
The article is dedicated to the digitization of the fortification system of the eastern part of Shirak. For the first time, an attempt will be made to combine the literary and archival data related to the ancient fortifications of this... more
Sacred Boundaries: Theological Perspectives on the European Ghetto and Ottoman Millet Systems examines two historical frameworks that managed minority communities through deeply religious lenses. This interdisciplinary study explores the... more
In this article the thirty years of Armenian independence shall be analyzed from the point of view of constitutional cycles. Similarities and differences shall be outlined, as well as a general information about what constitutional cycles... more
My paper presented at Armenia in India-India in Armenia: A Conference Celebrating Four Centuries of Familiarity and Friendship
ՀՏԴ 94(479.25) ԳՄԴ 63.3(5Հ) Պ 302 Տպագրվում է երաշխավորությամբ Մայր Աթոռ Սուրբ Էջմիածնի Հրատարակչական խորհրդի, Մեսրոպ Մաշտոցի անվան Հին ձեռագրերի ինստիտուտ «Մատենադարանի» Պատասխանատու խմբագիրներ՝ արվեստագ. թեկնածու, դոցենտ՝ Զարուհի... more
This paper outlines a study of surnames used by various Jewish groups in the Land of Israel for Ashkenazic Jews, prior to the First Aliyah (1881), and for Sephardic and Oriental Jews up to the end of the 1930s. For the 16th–18th... more
תולדות רבי אהרן ב"ר יצחק לפפא. נדפס כמבוא לספר שו"ת בני אהרן, הוצאת זכרון אהרן, ירושלים תשפ"ד, חלק שני, עמ' 1-87
Rabbi Chaim Shalom HaCohen Ma'ali, a Jerusalem sage, his activity in Egypt during the first half of the Eighteen century Samuel Glick The scarcity of historical and rabbinic sources regarding the Jewish community in Egypt from the 17th... more
This article delves into pivotal processes that shaped Egypt over a significant duration during its tenure within the Ottoman Empire, officially spanning approximately four hundred years, albeit practically a few decades less. The central... more
Rabbi Eliyahu Israel (c. 1712 – 1784) served as Chief Rabbi of Alexandria from 1772 until his death. In his sermons, he was accustomed to admonish his congregants to mend their ways, and in the course of doing so provides remarkably vivid... more
On the Character of the Various "Shita Mekubetzet" on the Order of Kodashim and on the Identity of the Later Tosaphot Collections to Tractate Zevahim Avraham David Between Italy and Egypt: Commercial Activity of Italian Jews in Egypt in... more
The Romaniote Jews of Kastoria were recorded in the first Ottoman cadastral survey of their hometown dated to the first reign of Sultan Murad Il (1421-1444). An updated record in the fief register of Macedonia indicates that they set on a... more
Osmanlı'da ilk basımevi 16. yüzyılın başında İstanbul'da Yahudiler tarafından kurulmuş ve kent, 18. yüzyıl ortalarına kadar Yahudi matbaacılığın en önemli merkezlerinden biri olma konumunu korumuştur. Ancak İstanbul Yahudileri gazetecilik... more
יח-יט באלול ה'תשפ"ג, 4-5 בספטמבר 2023
This paper outlines a study of surnames used by various Jewish groups in the Land of Israel for Ashkenazic Jews, prior to the First Aliyah (1881), and for Sephardic and Oriental Jews up to the end of the 1930s. For the 16th–18th... more
Yiddish in contact with Arabic and Ladino (Judeo-Spanish) in the Old Yishuv
The manner in which the fifteenth day of the Hebrew month of Shevat, initially a date of purely technical significance, evolved into a minor festival is shrouded in mystery. In this article, I examine an eleventh-century liturgical text... more
I thank TÜBİTAK for supporting this project managed by the Yıldız Technical University Center for Balkan and Black Sea Research (BALKAR). I also express my gratitude to Prof. Dr. Seyit Sertçelik, who advised me to this project as a... more
התמודדות פוסקי ההלכה עם ריבוי הקהילות לאחר גירוש ספרד באימפריה העותמנית בכלל ובשאלוניקי בפרט. בהתייחס לאיסור לא תתגודדו.
JEWS IN TURKEY IN THE PERIOD OF PRINCIPLES (14th CENTURY) Abstract: The Principalities Period, which is named after the last political period before the Ottoman Empire, is the period when the Turkish settlement in Anatolia reached... more
Գիրքը նուիրուած է Խաչենի իշխանութեան տարածքի միջնադարեան յուշարձանների ուսումնասիրութեան պատմութեանը: Պատմական տարբեր վաւերագրերի հիմամբ ամբողջացուել են խնդրին վերաբերող բոլոր նիւթերը, ինչպէս հայ, այնպէս եւ օտար հետազօտողների... more
Os~anl1 Devl.eti'ndc gayrimüslimlere 1slanı hukukunda yer a~an zıınmet ak~ı esaslarına göre göre muamele edilmiştir. Bu yüzden burada lslam Hukt~kl~nda zimmet akdinin ne olduğu ve kapsamı hakkında kı saca b1lgı vermek faydalı olacaktır..... more
The rock carvings of Armenia are of great cognitive importance as a historical and cultural primary source of the pre-literate era, which reflects the deep past in a very pictorial way. These monuments, representing almost all the... more
At the end of 1827, as a result of the activities of the Basel Evangelical Missionary Society, a printing house was founded in Shushi, and in 1828 Armenian books were published. These were the first publications throughout the territory... more
In der Literatur werden zwei Populationen als Vorfahren der osteuropäischen Aschkenazim erwähnt: Deutsche Juden und Chasaren. Ein deutscher Ursprung ist demografisch nicht möglich, eine Chasarische Herkunft kann ebenfalls nicht... more
Rock-carvings are important historical-cultural sources in understanding the historical realities of the Armenian Highland in VII-I millennia BC. Almost in all mountainous parts of Greater Armenia myriads of petroglyphs have been... more
Издательство «Гитутюн» НАН РА Publishing House "Gitutyun" NAS RA Շիրակի պատմամշակութային ժառանգությունը. հայագիտության արդի հիմնահարցեր 4 Печатается по решению ученого совета Ширакского центра арменоведческих исследований НАН РА Is... more
Հոդվածում ներկայացված են ժամանակի հայ պատմագրության գնահատականներն ու վերլուծությունները 1920 թ. թուրք-հայկական պատերազմի նախօրյակին հայ-վրացական հարաբերությունների առնչությամբ: Դրանք մեծ հետաքրքրություն և կարևորություն են ներկայացնում,... more
This article is a piece of microhistorical research of a court case investigating religious conversion in Russia in the 1820s. It presents the story of an Orthodox Christian girl who adopted ”Jewish law” and married a Jewish man. The... more
Yahudi Tarihi, farklı dönemlerde ve ayrı coğrafyalarda yaşayan Yahudi toplu- luklarının birikimlerinden, tecrübelerinden, kültürel dokularından, dini hayatla- rından ve belki de en önemlisi hem bireysel hem de toplumsal... more