Books by Marina Ugarković
Izdanja Hrvatskog arheološkog društva, 2022
Izdanje znanstvenog skupa Hvar, 8. – 11. listopada 2019.
Acta Of The 6th And 7th Round Tables Of The Ila (Athens, 15th Of November 2019 and Geneva, 17th o... more Acta Of The 6th And 7th Round Tables Of The Ila (Athens, 15th Of November 2019 and Geneva, 17th of February 2020)
Katalozi i monografije Arheološkog muzeja u Splitu 6, 2019
Lektura / Language editor: Centar za obrazovanje odraslih Split, Ivana Ožanić Roguljić Prijevod /... more Lektura / Language editor: Centar za obrazovanje odraslih Split, Ivana Ožanić Roguljić Prijevod / Translation: Centar za obrazovanje odraslih Split , Suzana Čule Korektura / Proofreading: Ana Konestra, Ivana Ožanić Roguljić, Marina Ugarković Oblikovanje / Design: Hrvoje Jambrek Računalni slog / Layout: Hrvoje Jambrek Autor fotografije s naslovnice / Cover photo: Miroslav Matejčić (ustupio Muzej grada Crikvenice) Ovaj Zbornik nastao je u sklopu projekta Hrvatske zaklade za znanost (RED, IP-11-2013-3973) čijim je sredstvima sufinanciran. The Proceedings are published within and financed by the Croatian Science Foundation's project RED, IP-11-2013-3973. Objavljeni radovi dvostruko su recenzirani i kategorizirani. All published papers have been double peer-reviewed and categorised. Diana Dobreva NUOVI DATI SULLE LUCERNE TARDOANTICHE DA AQUILEIA: I RINVENIMENTI DELLA DOMUS c.d. DI TITO MACRO NOVI PODACI O KASNOANTIČKIM ULJANICAMA IZ AKVILEJE: NALAZI IZ tzv. DOMUSA TITA MAKRA Enrico Cirelli LATE ROMAN LAMPS FROM THE PORT AREA OF CLASSE (RAVENNA) KASNOANTIČKE SVJETILJKE S PROSTORA LUKE U CLASSE (RAVENNA) Massimo Brando, Alessandro Sebastiani ENLIGHTENING DIANA UMBRONENSIS. THE LATE ANTIQUE LAMP ASSEMBLAGE FROM THE SANCTUARY AT SCO� SCO� GLIETTO (ALBERESE -IT) RASVJETLJUJUĆI DIANU UMBRONENIS. KASNOANTIČKE SVJETILJKE IZ SVETIŠTA U SCOGLIETTU (ALBERESE -IT) Ana Konestra, Ivana Ožanić Roguljić ILLUMINATING THE WAY: LATER ROMAN FACTORY LAMP FROM A GRAVE CONTEXT IN CRIKVENICA OSVJETLJAVAJUĆI PUT: KASNOANTIČKA FIRMA SVJETILJKA IZ GROBA U CRIKVENICI 3 128 107 93 72 66 61 52 47 38 18 5
Papers by Marina Ugarković
Annales Instituti archaeologici, XIX (2023), 1; 143-148
U razdoblju od veljače 2022. godine do siječnja 2023. godine provodila se druga godina uspostavno... more U razdoblju od veljače 2022. godine do siječnja 2023. godine provodila se druga godina uspostavnog istraživačkog projekta Transformiranje jadranskog kozmosa: otočnost, povezanost i glokalni identiteti predrimske Dalmacije (AdriaCos) (HRZZ UIP-2020-02-2419). Ovaj petogodišnji projekt financiran je od strane Hrvatske zaklade za znanost a provodi se u Institutu za arheologiju u Zagrebu od veljače 2021. godine (voditeljica dr. sc. Marina Ugarković). U drugoj projektnoj godini nastavljeno je obavljanje različitih interdisciplinarnih terenskih, istraživačkih i diseminacijskih aktivnosti, koje su bile usmjerene na niz istraživačkih pitanja čija je os fokusirana na transformacijske procese otoka Hvara i srednjeg Jadrana tijekom 1. tisućljeća pr. Kr.
Annales Instituti archaeologici, XIX (2023), 1; 70-75
U radu se donosi objava nalaza grčkog utega koji je otkriven tijekom istraživanja u Starome Gradu... more U radu se donosi objava nalaza grčkog utega koji je otkriven tijekom istraživanja u Starome Gradu na otoku Hvaru provedenih u 2021. godini. Radi se o diskoidnom utegu za tkalački stan koji sadrži dvije vrste oznaka: grčki grafit s prvim spomenom grčkog imena ΚΑΣΙ[…] u Dalmaciji i otisak eliptičnog oblika s neodredivim prikazom. Donosi se osvrt na tipološko-kronološke odrednice utega, analizu natpisa te ulogu utega u kontekstu grčkog utjecaja na području srednje Dalmacije.
Annales Instituti archaeologici, XIX (2023), 76-91
U radu se donose novi podaci o lokalitetu Gradina (Vinogradišće) koji je smješten oko 1 km sjever... more U radu se donose novi podaci o lokalitetu Gradina (Vinogradišće) koji je smješten oko 1 km sjeverno od današnjeg grada Visa, kao prilog poznavanju arheološke karte otoka Visa. U središtu lokaliteta segment je monumentalne arhitekture građen od masivnih poluobrađenih kamenih blokova, očuvan do dva reda visine, koji dosad nije bio zabilježen. Rezultati kraćeg intenzivnog terenskog pregleda iznijeli su niz površinskih nalaza, mahom iz helenističkog razdoblja. Istom kronološkom rasponu dominantno odgovaraju i nalazi iz probnog sondiranja koji svakako upućuju na postojanje lokaliteta iz helenističkog razdoblja koji upotpunjuje sliku slojevitosti i organizacije vangradskog prostora antičke Ise.
Annales Instituti archaeologici, XIX (2023), 1; 39-52
U sklopu projekta Hrvatske zaklade za znanost Transformiranje jadranskog kozmosa: otočnost, povez... more U sklopu projekta Hrvatske zaklade za znanost Transformiranje jadranskog kozmosa: otočnost, povezanost i glokalni identiteti predrimske Dalmacije (HRZZ, UIP-2020-02-2419, AdriaCos), usmjerenog na proučavanje višeslojnih kulturnih identiteta otoka Hvara kao i odnosa grčkih doseljenika i lokalnih zajednica u multikulturalnom ozračju povezanosti i isprepletenosti, tijekom druge projektne godine istraživanja su dijelom fokusirana na pojedine otočne prapovijesne gradine. Izvršen je terenski pregled gradine Liković u općini Sućuraj, dok su probna arheološka iskopavanja provedena na gradini Vela Glava poviše grada Hvara. Navedenim istraživanjima prikupljena je pokretna arheološka građa koja svjedoči o pojedinim aspektima života na gradini tijekom kasnijih razdoblja prapovijesti, odnosno tijekom brončanog i željeznog doba.
Vjesnik Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu LVI, 2023
The paper presents the first archaeological excavations at the Gračišće hillfort in the central p... more The paper presents the first archaeological excavations at the Gračišće hillfort in the central part of the island of Hvar, carried out within the Institute of Archaeology’s installation research project, Transforming the Adriatic cosmos: insularity, connectivity and glocal identities of pre-Roman Dalmatia (AdriaCos, CSF UIP 2020-02-2419), in cooperation with the Stari Grad Museum and the Stari Grad Plain Management Agency, a public institution. The excavations identified the remains of a prehistoric rampart; two trenches revealed potsherds, stone products and animal bones. The few finds nevertheless provide valuable insights into the little-known Bronze Age phase of the island of Hvar, narrowed down by radiocarbon dating to the Middle Bronze Age and the very beginning of the Late Bronze Age.
Annales Instituti Archaeologici, 2022
The paper presents the results of the archaeological rescue excavations that were conducted by th... more The paper presents the results of the archaeological rescue excavations that were conducted by the archaeological company Kantharos in cooperation with the Institute of Archaeology in 2021 on Ivana Pavla II Street (the so-called Lupi plot) in Stari Grad on the island of Hvar. The excavations found an ancient building, with the remains of architecture and concomitant artefacts and animal remains, indicating that the space was intensively used during the Greek and Roman periods (from the 4th century BC to the 3rd century AD), after which it was abandoned, probably because of the narrowing of the urban area indicated by the construction of a new rampart.
Archaeologia Adriatica, 2023
The paper presents finds discovered in the the area of Goveja in the town of Vis on the island of... more The paper presents finds discovered in the the area of Goveja in the town of Vis on the island of the same name. The characteristics and the context of the finds suggest that they might have belonged to a Roman incineration grave. Prominent among the finds is a unique ceramic vessel, in the described context used as an urn. Its typical morphological
model – a skyphos with a barbotine decoration – suggests that the vessel was manufactured in a Pontic sigillata workshop, that is in one of the Black Sea or Eastern Mediterranean production centres. Its uniqueness is reflected in the elaborate relief added to it, very reminiscent of decorative details found in other objects – appliqués from a fulcrum of a cline – that have been interpreted as a depiction of Artemis/Diana. The detailed analysis and contextualisation of grave finds presented in this paper shed
further light on the manufacture of and demand for late 1st century and 2nd century tableware, and open new questions as to the appearance and distribution of Issaean burial landscapes, as well as the specific features of the Issaean funerary rite.
Annales Instituti Archaeologici, 2023
The paper presents the results of the first archaeological excavations conducted in the south-eas... more The paper presents the results of the first archaeological excavations conducted in the south-eastern suburb of ancient Pharos, the present-day town of Stari Grad on the island of Hvar, within the framework of the CSF AdriaCos project (in 2021), that brought to light new data on topography, stratigraphy, and artefacts that helps understand the organization of the extramural space bordering with the Stari Grad Plain. The structures from two phases, uncovered in one of the trenches (10A-W) and associated with the Greek and late antiquity periods, and the discovery of a Greek grave, provide insight into the changes in the use of this extra-urban space, while artefacts are indicative of the culinary habits and trade contacts within each of the represented periods.
IARPotHP 3, 2020
This paper focuses on an aspect of material culture from that period, the ceramic relief-ware fro... more This paper focuses on an aspect of material culture from that period, the ceramic relief-ware from Trogir and its neighbourhood, and brings together currently available evidence of this Hellenistic pottery class, setting it in to the regional context. The preliminary analysis of morphology, decoration and fabrics, mostly of mould-made bowls, but also occasionally of other shapes such a crater and a plate, indicates the overwhelming presence of products of probable regional, Dalmatian workshop(s), and imports of conceivably central (at least Albania) and eastern Mediterranean (so-called Ionian bowls) provenance. The recent evidence is slowly outlining the patterns of consumption, and points to the adoption of mould-made bowls as the drinking vessels in Trogir's households by the advanced 2nd c. BCE. Other finds discovered in a household(?) shrine, indicate the practical appropriation of relief ware in social drinking and/or libations as a part of certain cult rites, while its role in mortuary activities, for now, has to remain a speculative once, since Tragurion necropolis of the last centuries BCE has not yet been discovered.
Archaeologia Adriatica, 15, 2021
In the attire of many prehistoric, and later historic communities belt was an important functiona... more In the attire of many prehistoric, and later historic communities belt was an important functional, and also decorative element, that often had distinct symbolic function. Its form, selected material, craftsmanship and elaborate ornamental system could have communicated various messages regarding social, economic and symbolic aspects. In the area of the eastern Adriatic and its immediate hinterland, and in particular in the Liburnian region, during the last two centuries BCE, a specific type of belt buckles became a prominent and popular piece of attire. These were cast trapezoidal belt buckles featuring the central motif of a spear/arrow. Collection of extant finds of the mentioned type has been considerably augmented owing to systematic archaeological research of the Nadin necropolis where as many as 44 specimens have been found. They are joined by a certain number of unpublished finds kept in the collections of the Archaeological Museum Zadar and the Šibenik City Museum. Considering their exceptional abundance and high quality in Nadin, as well as the lack of an elaborate figural narrative that differentiates them instantly from the morphologically akin belt buckles recovered from the Iapodean, Daorsian, Labeatan and Issaean cultural regions, we suggest distinguishing these specific objects into a special type – Nadin.
Annales Instituti Archaeologici, 2021
The paper presents a random find from “Hellenistic grave/s” on the island of Čiovo near Trogir, a... more The paper presents a random find from “Hellenistic grave/s” on the island of Čiovo near Trogir, as a rare document of the funeral practices of Tragurians, and Čiovo land use in 2nd/1st century BC.
Vjesnik za arheologiju i historiju dalmatinsku, 2021
The hill-fort on the Sutilija hill, towering over Trogir’s Malo polje from the north-west, is one... more The hill-fort on the Sutilija hill, towering over Trogir’s Malo polje from the north-west, is one of the most important sites for understanding the prehistory and protohistory of the Trogir-Kaštela area. This is best reflected in the huge volumes of collapsed ramparts, the complexity of visible structures and the high concentration of surface finds, including imported pottery. Despite this, but also due to the devastation of the site during the modern exploitation of technical-building stone, its material heritage is almost completely unknown. The paper provides an overview of previous research using non-destructive methods on the Sutilija hill, which aimed to document the present state and expand scientific knowledge about the properties and significance of the site. Particular emphasis is given to analysis of various categories of surface finds, from prehistoric local pottery, amphorae and other pottery imports to other finds for personal and/or practical use. Previously unknown finds suggest a broader dynamics of anthropogenic activity at this site, as well as economic and cultural changes that this undoubtedly significant Iron Age centre experienced in the fourth century BCE. It was the result of increasingly active regional trade and multicultural interaction, which took place in the context of protohistoric transformation of Central Dalmatian Iron Age communities.
Annales Instituti Archeologici, 2021
Tijekom 2020. godine hvarska tvrtka Kantharos d.o.o. provela je manje zaštitno arheološko istraži... more Tijekom 2020. godine hvarska tvrtka Kantharos d.o.o. provela je manje zaštitno arheološko istraživanje u Starom Gradu na Hvaru na poziciji tzv. kuće Škoko. Lokacija istraživanja nalazi se 50ak metara jugozapadno od lokaliteta Remetin vrt, te svega nekoliko metara južnije od dokumentirane dionice južnog poteza bedema grčkog grada Farosa. Obrada pokretnog materijala izvršena je u suradnji s Institutom za arheologiju.
During 2020 Kantharos, a private archaeological company from Hvar, has conducted a small rescue excavation in Stari Grad on Hvar, on the locality of the so-called Kuća Škoko. The investigated location is situated around 50 meters southwest of the Remete vrt site, as well as several meters south from the documented portion of the southern fortification of the Greek city of Pharos. The post-excavation analysis of the finds has been done in cooperation with the Institute of Archaeology.
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 14 (19) , 2021
In this pilot study, Late Hellenistic mold-made lamps from Ephesos are investigated by combining ... more In this pilot study, Late Hellenistic mold-made lamps from Ephesos are investigated by combining chrono-morphological and stylistic features with thin-section petrography and neutron activation analysis. Coeval wares of Ephesian production and clay samples collected around the site as well as published data from the Bonn database are considered local reference material. The results point to a network of local/regional workshops sharing facilities and/or a labor force dedicated to distinct tasks. The whole evidence is consistent with the very beginning of a nucleated workshop industry able to optimize the productivity of mold-made wares and fill the demand of an increased regional and supra-regional market. The typological and compositional variability of the latest phases could suggest a gradual transfer of potting activities towards areas providing better-suited clay sources.
Books by Marina Ugarković
Kaštela, June 2017, 1st – 4th
Papers by Marina Ugarković
model – a skyphos with a barbotine decoration – suggests that the vessel was manufactured in a Pontic sigillata workshop, that is in one of the Black Sea or Eastern Mediterranean production centres. Its uniqueness is reflected in the elaborate relief added to it, very reminiscent of decorative details found in other objects – appliqués from a fulcrum of a cline – that have been interpreted as a depiction of Artemis/Diana. The detailed analysis and contextualisation of grave finds presented in this paper shed
further light on the manufacture of and demand for late 1st century and 2nd century tableware, and open new questions as to the appearance and distribution of Issaean burial landscapes, as well as the specific features of the Issaean funerary rite.
During 2020 Kantharos, a private archaeological company from Hvar, has conducted a small rescue excavation in Stari Grad on Hvar, on the locality of the so-called Kuća Škoko. The investigated location is situated around 50 meters southwest of the Remete vrt site, as well as several meters south from the documented portion of the southern fortification of the Greek city of Pharos. The post-excavation analysis of the finds has been done in cooperation with the Institute of Archaeology.
Kaštela, June 2017, 1st – 4th
model – a skyphos with a barbotine decoration – suggests that the vessel was manufactured in a Pontic sigillata workshop, that is in one of the Black Sea or Eastern Mediterranean production centres. Its uniqueness is reflected in the elaborate relief added to it, very reminiscent of decorative details found in other objects – appliqués from a fulcrum of a cline – that have been interpreted as a depiction of Artemis/Diana. The detailed analysis and contextualisation of grave finds presented in this paper shed
further light on the manufacture of and demand for late 1st century and 2nd century tableware, and open new questions as to the appearance and distribution of Issaean burial landscapes, as well as the specific features of the Issaean funerary rite.
During 2020 Kantharos, a private archaeological company from Hvar, has conducted a small rescue excavation in Stari Grad on Hvar, on the locality of the so-called Kuća Škoko. The investigated location is situated around 50 meters southwest of the Remete vrt site, as well as several meters south from the documented portion of the southern fortification of the Greek city of Pharos. The post-excavation analysis of the finds has been done in cooperation with the Institute of Archaeology.
Mediterranean region during the Late Classical and Early Hellenistic times, and explores their role within the local funeral customs, including a possible link between the depictions on Agrinion lekythoi and aspects of death rituals.
U radu se donosi pregled keramičkih nalaza, koji su otkriveni tijekom arheoloških iskopavanja obavljenih prilikom izrade dokumentacije postojećeg stanja helenističkog bedema na sjevernoj strani antičkog Epetija, današnjeg Stobreča. Analizirane su stilsko-morfološke i tipološko-funkcionalne karakteristike dokumentiranih ulomaka temeljem kojih se keramički nalazi predstavljaju prema kronologiji, keramičkih vrstama i funkcionalnim grupama posuđa. To nam omogućava određeni uvid u arheološku materijalnu kulturu s prostora Stobreča, koja je sagledana u kontekstu cirkulacije keramike, ali i drugih dobara u Dalmaciji.
in Zagreb, and the Austrian Archaeological Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, included a field survey
and the photogrammetric and topographic documentation of nine prehistoric sites in the greater Trogir area (the settlements
of Seget Gornji and Bristivica in the municipality of Seget, and Blizna Gornja and Vinišće in the municipality of Marina)
in October 2019. It is the area northwest of the Sutilija hillfort and the related enclosures of Velika Gradina and Baturova
Gomila in Baradići, and the large hillfort sites Čurkovac above Bristivica with the enclosures of Ćudine and Domazeti in its
immediate vicinity, Grad above Blizna Gonja and its related enclosures Brig and Gradina, and Oriješćak near Vinišće. The
paper presents the research results with an introduction part describing in detail the earlier state of research.
Institut za arheologiju ima čast pozvati Vas na okrugli stol s temom
Mrtvačko ruho
koji će se održati u knjižnici Instituta za arheologiju
u utorak, 17. siječnja 2017. u 9.30 sati
New research on ancient Trogir. A joint Croatian-Austrian mission
koje će se održati 4. ožujka 2019. u 11 sati u knjižnici
Instituta za arheologiju, Ljudevita Gaja 32, Zagreb.
Tema predavanja biti će predstavljanje rezultata arheoloških
istraživanja koja su se tijekom veljače 2019. godine odvijala
u centru Trogira (Ulica Matije Gupca 15), s posebnim naglaskom
na pronalazak groblja iz ranosrednjovjekovnog razdoblja, u
sklopu projekta „Trogir Time Travel“ –
znanstveno-istraživačkog projekta u suradnji Muzeja grada
Trogira, Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu i Austrijskog
arheološkog instituta Austrijske akademije za znanost.
Predavanje će održati Lujana Paraman (Muzej grada Trogira), dr.
Marina Ugarković (Institut za arheologiju u Zagrebu) i dr.
Martin Steskal (Austrijski arheološki institut Austrijske
akademije za znanost)
Automated mineralogy solutions, such as QEMSCAN®, provide quantitative mineralogical data placed in the textural context of the material analysed. In other words, such material is examined through mineralogical micro-scale mapping, depicting distribution patterns of individual phases along with related textural features. The past few years saw a diversification of QEMSCAN® application from mining and oil and gas research to forensics and archaeology. A key step in this process is mineral identification and quantification made through comparing measured low-count energy-dispersive (EDS) spectra with elemental ranges of calculated synthetic spectra available in the spectra library known as SIP (Species Identification Protocol). During firing, in Ca-poor traditional ceramics, the clayey substrate is preferentially transformed into XRD amorphous compounds, like meta-kaolinite or meta-illite. These metastable entities here referred as phases in Gibbsian sense of homogeneity are, as expected, not part of any SIP, leaving consequently about 40 % of the ceramic matrix as unclassified. By analysing illite-based Hellenistic fineware from Eastern Adriatic, we inferred that most of its matrix is consisted of illite, enriched in a Fe-Mg tri-octahedral component (e.g. chlorite, tri-vermiculite) later being entirely affected by Ca metasomatism. SIP modification ensued to encompass the new entries (e.g. ‘meta-illite’) with robust identification solutions containing compositional variations in thermally processed clay minerals. Once SIP is refined, the advanced quantitative mineralogy becomes a powerful tool in archeometric inquiry, serving as a data source for ceramic classification, raw material determination, provenance study, and identification of post-depositional alteration process.
Topics of the Conference:
– Long-distance Trade Networks and Local Markets
– The Attic Legacy: Regional Development of Fine Ware Production
– Amphorae, Stamps, Tituli Picti and Graffiti: from Kiln Sites to Marketplaces
– Cuisine, Kitchens and Cooking Wares
– “Romanizing” the “Hellenized” Mediterranean? Evidence for Changing Tastes in the Late Hellenistic Period.
You may give a paper or a poster related to one of the above topics or participate in an organized
panel which is a new feature of this conference. You find details on the panels in the "Call for Papers" attached below. Each participant in the conference may give no more than two presentations, e.g. one paper in topic session and one poster or one paper in a topic session and one in a panel, etc. If you wish to submit a proposal for a panel or to present a paper or a poster, please send a completed registration form as well as a short abstract (max. 500 words) by the 31st of October 2020 to: [email protected]
The conference languages are English, French, German, Italian and exceptionally for the purposes of the 5th IARPotHP conference in Seville Spanish and Portuguese as well. Abstracts and texts in PowerPoint presentations will be in English.
Conference fee: for non-IARPotHP members € 50 (payment details will be announced later).
Ce congrès se propose de réunir les membres de la communauté scientifique internationale attachés à l’étude de la Méditerranée antique et des régions adjacentes, afin de discuter du développement des connexions Est-Ouest durant la fin de l’époque classique et la période hellénistique. Les indices de ces phénomènes peuvent être observés au travers des changements typologiques qui ont touché les assemblages céramiques, ainsi que par les données archéologiques offertes par l’étude des épaves et autres contextes spécifiques en lien avec les particularités des modes de production, celles des pratiques de consommation et le commerce.
IARPotHP proceeding volume, Ivanka Kamenjarin and Dr. Marina Ugarković, and the second by the author of the Eretria XXIX volume (La céramique d’époque hellénistique), Dr. Guy Ackermann. Please, follow the link below to register and the link to this webinar will be emailed to you 24 hours in advance of the lecture.
This lecture by Dr. Susan Rotroff is presented by IARPotHP (International Association for Research on Hellenistic Pottery), with support from CU Boulder.
Abstract: Some of the first moldmade bowls to be published came from Megara, hence the now largely abandoned term “Megarian bowls” for these vessels. This lecture examines the nature of these early finds and other bowls from Megara and investigates their relationship to the Athenian industry.
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