Oil Prices
Recent papers in Oil Prices
We test for the presence of low-dimensional chaotic structure in crude oil, heating oil, and unleaded gasoline futures prices from the early 1980s. Evidence on chaos will have important implications for regulators and short-term trading... more
This study looks for signals of economic awareness on online social media and tests their significance in economic predictions. The study analyzes, over a period of two years, the relationship between West Texas Intermediate crude oil... more
Oil has today become a very important part of any economy. And it is generally said that even a slight increase or decrease in the oil prices affect the country's inflation to a large extent. To investigate this we examined two periods in... more
This study aimed at determining the impact of oil prices, exchange rate and capital structure on the Performance of NSE listed firms. Annual data include oil prices, exchange rates, debt-equity ratio and firm performance are modeled into... more
This study intended to test the effect of the inflation rate, unemployment rate and oil prices on each other. In the research to test causality between inflation rate, unemployment rate, and oil prices have been made Augmented... more
Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: The competing strategies between OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) and non-OPEC producers make the oil supply market a complex... more
يهدف البحث الى دراسة دور التنوع الإقتصادي في التقليل من تداعيات الأزمة المالية العالمية و خصوصاً بعد إنخفاض أسعار النفط عالميأ , حيث أن هذه التحديات الإقتصادية من شأنها أن تقوض من الإستقرار في الإقتصاد المحلي بسبب إعتماده بشكل كبير على... more
Since the announcement, in 2007, of the pre-salt oil layer by the Brazilian Oil Company (Petrobras), there has been a lot of optimism about Brazil’s future economic development. Even before any extraction has been started off, pre-salt... more
The complexity of the world oil market has increased dramatically in recent years and new approaches are needed to understand, model, and forecast oil prices today. In addition to the commencement of the financialization era in oil... more
Modeling and forecasting crude oil price volatility is crucial in many financial and investment applications. The main purpose of this paper is to review and assess the current state of oil market volatility knowledge. It highlights the... more
This research study evaluated the impact of oil price shocks on the banking sector profitability of an oil-dependent, bank-based developing economy of Nigeria. The study used an unbalanced panel dataset of 12 commercial banks that control... more
This study examined the impact of oil price on African stock markets. Using quarterly data from five selected oil producing countries with stock market presence, from Q1:2010 to Q4:2018, the study deployed dynamic panel analysis technique... more
Oil Price Fluctuations and Trade Balance of Turkey
This study acknowledge the existing theoretical and empirical framework in which the relationship between carbon emissions, economic growth are examined by considering oil price impacts, as an indicator of variations in fuel energy... more
The Oil, Gas, and Mining Policy Division series publishes reviews and analyses of sector experience from around the world as well as new findings from analytical work. It places particular emphasis on how the experience and knowledge... more
The oil is one of the most important factors affecting the economy of the world that is why any change in the oil prices brings change in all the economic variables. For this purpose the researcher have analyzed the impact of oil prices... more
Las fortalezas y debilidades de la OPEP a la luz del multilateralismo en las Relaciones Internacionales
High Oil price fluctuations have been a common feature in Nigeria and these have considerably constituted a major source of fiscal policy disturbance to the Nigerian economy as well as the economies of other oil producing countries of the... more
The Iranian nuclear crisis which started in 2003 has transformed into a tense scenario due to a transatlantic alliance which seeks to put pressure on Iran and force it to negotiate, as a result of the last wave of oil embargoes and by... more
The PRIX index value for Q4 2016 is 44.09, based on input from 268 country analysts. This is the lowest PRIX index value ever registered, indicating a significant reduction in the flow of oil onto international markets and promoting an... more
This paper examines the interactive relationships between oil price shocks and stock market in 11 OECD countries using Vector Error Correction Models (VECM). Considering both world oil production and world oil prices to supervise for oil... more
This article studied the relationship between stock prices and crude oil prices of Nigeria using a Markov switching model. Certain properties of the stock price series and crude oil price series such as... more
This research paper reviewed literature on mitigation strategies that can be employed to reduce the impact of oil price volatility, specifically on the cost of electricity. The paper outlines Jamaica’s vulnerability to such volatility by... more
The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationships between the crude oil price and food prices in Turkey for the quarterly period in 2000-2013 by using a nonlinear autoregressive distributed lags (NARDL) model. NARDL... more
The purpose of this research is to review of subsidies removal for fuel, implementation of new taxation system, and drawbacks of green investment as the impacts of falling oil price in Malaysia. To identify the impact of oil price falls... more
This paper examines the relationship between the global oil prices and current account balances in Czechia, Hungary, and Poland by using ARDL and causality analysis. Our estimates indicate that there is a co-integrating relationship among... more
This study investigates the relationship between current account deficit and oil prices in Turkey over the period from 1976 to 2016 by utilizing the Zivot-Andrews Unit Root Test, Gregory-Hansen Cointegration Test, Toda-Yamamoto Causality... more
The impact of oil price changes on stock market index of the JSE, South Africa, was examined using NARDL model using 2008-2017 monthly data of aggregated industrial indices. All-Share index was incorporated in the estimation equation to... more
This is a master thesis submitted to Central University of Rajasthan in the year 2015.
Following the recent plunge in the price of crude oil in the international market and its attendant implications on oil-exporting countries, this paper simulated the impact of a fifty per cent decline in world oil price on agriculture and... more
Kasus: Cara sebagai mahasiswa untuk dapat bertahan dari volatilitas harga minyak "
The relationship between oil price shocks and macroeconomic factors has attracted substantial emprical research in both developed and developing countries. This study investigates impact of linear and various non-linear specifications of... more
Investments in stocks, gold and oil contracts are always thought to be the best source of investment in developing markets. Investors keep on swapping their investment in different investments options to gain the maximum return. In... more
The study examines the vital connection between stock returns and oil price changes for oil-exporting/importing countries separately. We present evidence employing granger causality, impulse response, and error variance decomposition... more
Empirical analyses have determined a correlation between high oil prices and the potential for interstate conflict and instability. This correlation has been proof for countries where oil exports represent more than the 10 per cent of the... more
F. Hollande, déclara au meeting du Bourget pendant la campagne des présidentielles le 22 janvier 2012 : « Mon véritable adversaire n'a pas de nom, pas de visage, pas de parti, il ne présentera jamais sa candidature, et pourtant il... more
The Oil, Gas, and Mining Policy Division series publishes reviews and analyses of sector experience from around the world as well as new findings from analytical work. It places particular emphasis on how the experience and knowledge... more