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During the last decade the literature on new service development (NSD) has increased in significance, reflecting the rapidly increasing contribution of services to the economy. A growing number of researchers suggest that NSD leads to... more
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      ServicesMultidisciplinaryCompetitive advantageCompetitive strategy
The service concept plays a key role in service design and development. But while the term is used frequently in the service design and new service development literature, surprisingly little has been written about the service concept... more
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      EngineeringOperations ManagementService DesignService recovery
Customer involvement has been recognized as an important factor for successful service development. Despite its acknowledged importance, a review of the literature suggests that there is little empirical evidence about the effectiveness... more
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      EngineeringProductNew service developmentProduct innovation management
W hat can service firms do to improve their ability to offer new services? In this paper we argue that new service development success results from building a competence in the management of service development resources and routines. We... more
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      Retail BankingBusiness and ManagementNew service developmentProduction and Operations Management
New services come up with opportunities for organizations but the risk associated with these services always exists. Empirical studies, which have investigated the success factors at the project level, showed that success or failure is... more
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      Strategic ManagementInnovation in ServicesNew service development
The service concept plays a key role in service design and development. But while the term is used frequently in the service design and new service development literature, surprisingly little has been written about the service concept... more
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      EngineeringOperations ManagementService DesignService recovery
Tuotekehityksen tärkeyttä painotetaan sekä valtakunnallisissa, alueellisissa että kunnallisissa matkailustrategioissa. matkailustrategioilla linjataan matkailun alueellisia tavoitteita ja toimenpiteitä, ja usein niissä korostetaan... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism ManagementSmall Business
Tesi di dottorato in Economia e Finanza nel Governo dell'Impresa
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      Tourism MarketingTelecommunicationsMobile TechnologyTechnology Acceptance
New services come up with opportunities for organizations but the risk associated with these services always exists. Empirical studies, which have investigated the success factors at the project level, showed that success or failure is... more
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      Tourism StudiesService InnovationNew service developmentMulticriteria Methods
Unlike companies that produce tangible goods, service firms typically cannot rely on product advantage as a means for ensuring the success of a new service. Developing a competitive response to a tangible product may require significant... more
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      EngineeringInternational MarketingProduct innovationPerceived Risk
M otivated by the increasing attention given to the operational importance of developing new services, this paper offers a theoretical framework that integrates both process-and resourceoriented perspectives of new service development... more
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      Business and ManagementService managementNew service developmentProduction and Operations Management
Doctoral Thesis in which I have proposed a referende method for innovation portfolio generation and planning. The research was applied in representatives from industry in order to validate theoretically the applied method.
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      Project ManagementService DesignManagement of InnovationPortfolio Management
The adoption of service-dominant logic (SDL) suggests inter-organizational collaboration and interdependencies during the development of service. Thus, integrating resources is of essence. This paper promotes the value of various... more
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      Innovation in ServicesNew service development
Both academics and practitioners emphasize the importance for product firms of pursuing service innovation. Despite a strategic focus on service-led growth, however, many firms struggle to succeed with their service innovation... more
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      Service DesignInnovation in ServicesService InnovationBusiness Model Innovation
The presentation is focused on a concept of an institutional repository designed for a medium-sized or small colleges and universities. This concept takes into consideration the needs of smaller institutions and the niche institutional... more
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      Digital LibrariesOpen AccessInstitutional RepositoriesAcademic Libraries
The spread of digital technologies offers great potential for both the creative industries in general and for the tourism industry. The overall goal of this research is to evaluate the impact of mobile technology in augmenting and... more
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      Tourism StudiesMobile TechnologyAnalytic Hierarchy ProcessThe tourist experience
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      EngineeringNew service developmentProduct innovation management
Innovation management literature typically concerns functionally organized firms. In this paper we investigate innovation management in a different type of firm, the project-based firm. Project-based firms, such as engineering and... more
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      PolicySystem IntegrationBusiness and ManagementInnovation Management
Realiza una reflexión sobre como las bibliotecas y bibliotecarios de los países en desarrollo están organizando los productos y servicios que ofrecen a su público través de un ambiente electrónico e digital. Señala la necesidad de que los... more
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      Digital LibrariesNew Product DevelopmentQuality Management (Library Science)New service development
Meeting the challenges of an unstable and unsettled environme nt is not easy. The recent impacts on the hospitality services economy of changing technology, mergers of institutions, increasingly dema nding consu mers and increased... more
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      New Product DevelopmentServices MarketingNew service developmentConceptual Model
Artikkeli Sosiaalityön tutkimuksen seuran Tutkiva sosiaalityö 2017 -julkaisussa. Artikkeli perustuu hyvinvoinnin integroidun toimintamallin Kuopion kuntakokeiluun, jossa yhdessä asiakkaiden ja ammattilaisten kanssa kehitettiin... more
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      Customer OrientationCocreationNew service developmentDigitalization
Most empirical research investigating open innovation has focused on the development of new physical products in manufacturing industries, whereas open service innovation has not been researched correspondingly. Services have some... more
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      Tourism ManagementOpen InnovationService InnovationNew service development
Services form an important part of the economy today. Innovation for service firms is as important as for manufacturing, but the innovation process for service firms is comparatively little studied. In this paper, I review the literature... more
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      MarketingServicesBusiness and ManagementInnovation Management
Le ricerche di mercato online denominate anche e-research, rappresentano uno strumento nuovo nel campo delle indagini di mercato, diffuso per lo più in Paesi ad elevato utilizzo della rete Internet quali Stati Uniti e paesi Scandinavi... more
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      New Product DevelopmentWeb MarketingWeb SurveysNew service development
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      EngineeringData AnalysisProduct innovationLiterature Review
Purpose-This study aims to shed lights on the dynamics of involving and sharing knowledge with stakeholders in the process of new service development (NSD) over time. Design/methodology/approach-The paper is based on a paradigmatic case... more
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      Management of InnovationOpen InnovationStakeholder EngagementNew service development
prove um melhor entendimento da própria gestão do conhecimento, trazendo à tona uma nova visão: a da busca da eliminação dos desperdícios de conhecimento. Palavras-chave: Desperdício de conhecimento. New Service Development. Gestão do... more
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      Knowledge ManagementServices Marketing and ManagementEngineering ManagementNew Product Development
The purpose of this study was to develop an integrated model to improve service processes in ageing-home-care. According to the literature, existing service processes have potential service failures that affect service quality and... more
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      New service developmentService BlueprintingBrainstormingService process design
Tech.) [email protected] Rita Södergård, M.Sc.(Tech.) [email protected] Miia Jaatinen, Docent, D.Soc.Sc. [email protected] Riitta Smeds, Prof., Dr.Sc.(Tech.) [email protected] SimLab,
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      Action ResearchCustomer OrientationFinancial ServicesCase Study
Tech.) [email protected] Rita Södergård, M.Sc.(Tech.) [email protected] Miia Jaatinen, Docent, D.Soc.Sc. [email protected] Riitta Smeds, Prof., Dr.Sc.(Tech.) [email protected] SimLab,
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      Action ResearchCustomer OrientationFinancial ServicesCase Study
New services come up with opportunities for organizations but the risk associated with these services always exists. Empirical studies, which have investigated the success factors at the project level, showed that success or failure is... more
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      Tourism StudiesService InnovationNew service developmentMulticriteria Methods
The purpose of this study is to gain insight into criteria that contribute to the success in new service development (NSD) projects in the hospitality economy. The results of the exploratory study are conducted in a precise predictive... more
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      Information SystemsApplied MathematicsBusiness and ManagementMulticriteria Decision Analysis
This research focuses on how the implementation of strategic change can lead to new service development. To this end we examine a technology-based SME that implemented a new strategy of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and how this... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityStrategic PlanningStrategy (Business)Innovation Management
The authors relate recent developments in services for people with intellectual disabilities (ID) in the Nordic countries. They note that all of the countries saw important reforms during the 1990s, regarding both deinstitutionalization... more
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      New service developmentNormalizationIntellectual DisabilitiesNordic countries
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to suggest a model that incorporates critical factors contributing to the success in new service development (NSD) projects in electronic government (e-government). Design/methodology/approach -After... more
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      Information SystemsServicesGovernmentPublic sector
Tech.) [email protected] Rita Södergård, M.Sc.(Tech.) [email protected] Miia Jaatinen, Docent, D.Soc.Sc. [email protected] Riitta Smeds, Prof., Dr.Sc.(Tech.) [email protected] SimLab,
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      Action ResearchCustomer OrientationFinancial ServicesCase Study
Organizing new service development is an important topic for decision-makers in service firms, since continuous innovation is expected to pay off. Although the literature on organizing new service development has grown rapidly over the... more
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      MarketingOrganizational CultureContinuous ImprovementLiterature Review
New service development (NSD) has emerged as an important area of research in service operations management. However, NSD empirical investigations have been hindered by the lack of psychometrically sound measurement items and scales. This... more
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      EngineeringInformation TechnologyOperations ManagementRetail Banking
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      Knowledge ManagementServices Marketing and ManagementEngineering ManagementNew Product Development
and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in... more
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      BusinessMarketingCustomer SatisfactionAnalytic Hierarchy Process
This article provides an organisational case study using exploratory qualitative and visual research methods. We address the research question: What are the experiences of service users who use a novel in-reach rehabilitation and recovery... more
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      PsychologyPsychosisRehabilitationMental Health
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to investigate whether management and employees in academic libraries involve users in library service innovations and what are these user roles.
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      Academic LibrariesCustomer Service ManagementNew Product DevelopmentLibrary and Information Studies
Purpose -The principal aim of this study is to determine the critical factors of market orientation (MO) and to measure its effect on new service development (NSD) and financial performance of hospital industry in Turkey.... more
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      Information SystemsQuality ManagementData AnalysisData Management
New service development (NSD) is essential if organisations are to survive and grow. Yet the process can be complex, time consuming, costly and often unsuccessful. Services involve customers as co-producers i.e. they are present in the... more
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      Information SystemsMarketingService DesignStakeholders
A Prevention Service Development Model (PSDM) is presented as an approach to develop, prevention programs that are both effective and that are readily adopted for implementation in community settings. The model is an integration of... more
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      PsychologyCommunity-Based Mental Health ServicesHealth Services ResearchProgram Development
The authors discuss recent developments in services for people with intellectual disabilities (ID) in the Nordic countries. They note that all of the countries saw important reforms during the 1990s, regarding both deinstitutionalization... more
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      SociologySocial ChangePsychologySocial Work
This paper reports the findings of a study examining how to enhance customer orientation in new service development (NSD) of a strategic alliance. The study applies the constructive action research approach in a case study concerning the... more
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      Action ResearchCustomer OrientationFinancial ServicesCase Study
Background: As advances in genetics are becoming increasingly relevant to mainstream healthcare, a major challenge is to ensure that these are integrated appropriately into mainstream medical services. In 2003, the Department of Health... more
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      GeneticsService LearningMedicineEngland
Le ricerche di mercato online denominate anche e-research, rappresentano uno strumento nuovo nel campo delle indagini di mercato, diffuso per lo più in Paesi ad elevato utilizzo della rete Internet quali Stati Uniti e paesi Scandinavi... more
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      New Product DevelopmentWeb MarketingWeb SurveysNew service development
As the importance of services in our society increases, so does the importance of systematic approaches to develop these services -commonly termed New Service Development (NSD). An increasing proportion of services are now electronic... more
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      MarketingContinuous ImprovementLiterature ReviewBusiness and Management