New literacy studies
Recent papers in New literacy studies
This paper makes the case for the continuing importance of literacy studies within linguistic ethnography, particularly given the nature of the kinds of societies in which we are working. It underlines the importance of continuing to... more
In recent years the debates on praxeology gradually led to a bifurcation, following the beaten pathways of the division of scientific work. On the one hand, praxeological approaches were received in social theory and comparative... more
This paper describes an experience of introducing critical literacy in a pre-service English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher education course at a large university in Brazil, aimed at students' critical education and their... more
This paper is a lucid exposition of Brian Street's approach to culture, literacy and development.
'what literacy does.'' First, the article reviews in-depth the ways in which development discourses define literacy, and the claims made in development discourses about the ''consequences'' of literacy for economic and political... more
This article explores how research conducted in the emerging discipline of Game Studies may be used to develop tools for teaching videogames in the English and Literacy classroom. The article argues, by drawing on the debate between... more
English translation of poems by Shaymal Kumar Pramanik, a prolofic Bengali dalit author
We document the language learning outcomes of an informant affiliated with a community of scanlation when participating in practices of reading, translation, typesetting and proofreading of mangas. We draw on a social-semiotic approach to... more
Barton, D. & M. Hamilton, Local Literacies: Reading And Writing In One Community, London and New York: Routledge, 1998. ISBN 0415 171504 (p), 0415 171490 (c). Pp 320. Re-issue as ‘Routledge Linguistics Classic’ with new chapter, 2012.
Educational design research-Part B: Illustrative cases Citation: Abdallah, M. (2013). Employing a three-phase design-based research methodology for expanding student teachers' language-related literacy practices in an Egyptian... more
This article explores the digital reading preferences and strategies used by preservice teachers when reading an e-textbook in a literacy methods course. The use of e-textbooks is becoming more prevalent due to an increase in access to... more
Este trabajo rescata la voz de una persona (Paula) que ofrece un testimonio revelador –y bastante desgarrador– de cómo la literacidad académica constituye un discurso construido históricamente con claros efectos ideológicos. De hecho, los... more
There were two purposes to this preliminary study: 1) to begin the development of an instrument designed to measure the dispositions important for online reading comprehension; and 2) to conduct an initial validation study of this... more
The Technology Integration Planning Cycle is a guide to help teachers integrate digital technology into literacy instruction in meaningful ways that are consistent with the Common Core State Standards.
RESUMO (Abstract in English below) Esse artigo explora o livro infantil interativo como forma de expressão literária que exige do leitor infantil orques-trar diversos tipos de letramento para, em última instân-cia, desenvolver sua... more
"Recently, educators have begun to consider what is required in literacy curricula and best teaching practices given the demands placed on the educator sector and on literacy in general. Multiliteracies and Technology Enhanced... more
Fuera de la escuela, muchos chicos leen y escriben en línea de manera novedosa e interactiva. Aprovechando los recursos que ofrecen las TIC, construyen pequeñas y privadas comunidades de lectores y escritores de fanfic, historias... more
Les meves primeres paraules d'agraïment són per a l'Arnau, el Ferran, el Manuel i el Jaime. Aquesta tesi doctoral combina les vostres veus i la meva, i és en aquest sentit que us considero collaboradors d'aquest treball.
Common patterns of interactions are altered in the digital world and new patterns of communication have emerged, challenging previous notions of what communication actually is in the contemporary age. Online configurations of interaction,... more
This research has been partly funded by the postdoctoral grant Videogames as an academic and vernacular literacy practice (ED481B-2017/007, Government of Galicia, Spain) and by the research projects ICUDEL (EDU2014-57677-C2-1-R, Ministry... more
This work explores the interactive book app for children as a form of literary expression that requires from the young reader the capacity to orchestrate various forms of literacy to promote their ability to read critically multimodal,... more
En este artículo analizo el discurso del programa nacional de alfabetización en el Perú de principios de la década del 2000. Me pregunto por el conjunto de prácticas que se han utilizado para alfabetizar en el Perú, por el concepto de... more
This research explores literacy teachers’ perceptions of integrating information communication technologies (ICTs) into literacy instruction. To this end, a national survey of 1,441 literacy teachers in the United States was conducted.... more
Este libro presenta un estudio etnográfico sobre las prácticas letradas en castellano y en quechua en una comunidad campesina del sur andino en el Perú. Se muestran los desencuentros entre el ámbito de la escuela intercultural bilingüe,... more
Preface and Introduction to the edited volume *The Tyranny of Writing: Ideologies of the Written Word* (eds. Constanze Weth & Kasper Juffermans), Bloomsbury (Advances in Sociolinguistics), 2018. The book is an attempt to make sense of... more
This course, the second in a two-course sequence, is designed with two purposes in mind. First, it will serve to induct beginning doctoral and Ed.M. students in into the discourse community of English education by familiarizing them with... more
Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo general identificar los factores que determinan las prácticas de lectura y escritura de diez estudiantes activos de la Universidad de Guadalajara observados por siete semanas con una metodología de... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
This paper examines the recently emerged multimodal artefacts commonly known as Internet memes in the light of the new literacies that are rapidly emerging in the digital age. Attention is paid particularly to the most popular type of... more
Darija (Moroccan Arabic) has changed status - in the Moroccan society, if not in the official institutions - in the last ten years, reaching recognition as the national language. It had been confined to illiteracy, backwardness and... more
Details of a lecture give at an International Lettering Arts Conference in 2013 about a unique alphabet invented by two young men from the Fulani Tribe of Guinea. With their tribe over 90% illiterate, they set out to create a writing... more
A partir de la presentación de tres perspectivas diferentes de investigación sobre la cultura escrita o el 'alfabetismo' (literacy), se describen y ejemplifican los principales fundamentos de una orientación sociocultural, que entiende la... more
Modern perspectives on the innovation of teaching pedagogies, language assessments, theories and practice were introduced. However, limited attention was given to ESL users' modality of reading comprehension and preference. This empirical... more
Ce mémoire de master 2 tente de décrire, grâce à une enquête ethnographique menée dans une classe de CM2 parisienne - l'école Laborde - pendant six mois, les pratiques d'écriture scolaires comme des pratiques sociales. L'écrit scolaire... more
(*updated version) This chapter focuses on the development of critical literacy scholarship and practices in Hong Kong over the past 30 years, against the backdrop of increasing influence and control by the People's Republic of China. The... more
In the late 1990s, prominent strands of engaged scholarship for TESOL shifted its focus from cognitive theories of second language learning to critically conscious paradigms interrogating the social contexts of schooling. Committed to the... more
Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), first published in Vienna in 1819, is one of the sharpest and wittiest pieces of Jewish literature written in the first half of the nineteenth century, and is perhaps the most important piece of... more