New Materials in design
Recent papers in New Materials in design
"As the speed of technological progress continues to accelerate, innovation threatens to outpace architects' and designers' working knowledge of materials, thereby limiting their applicability. In order to stay at the cutting edge of... more
"These days, whether you're designing a building or a toaster, a savvy knowledge of materials is increasingly critical. And keeping up with the constant flow of new materials, let alone their applications, properties, and sources, is an... more
ARCHITECT Neptune grass seaweed is found to make a good building insulation. Photo courtesy of Fraunhofer ICT.
Concrete is an omnipresent material within the constructed environment, and over one cubic meter is made annually for every person on earth. Although concrete was originally invented by the Romans from pozzolan, aggregate, and... more
Virtually every revolution in architecture has been preceded by a revolution in materials: think iron, glass, steel, concrete, plastics, or composites. What is the next revolutionary material that will reshape the very nature of... more
Progettare architetture sostenibi-li è un'attività che impegna pre-valentemente la parte sinistra del cervello. L'obiettivo di realizzare edifici più efficienti dal punto di vista ambientale richiede l'utilizzo di metriche, checklist,... more
This research work evaluates the impact of stormwater infiltration on the removal of organics, solids, nitrogen and phosphorus in a LECA-based horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland. Stormwater runoff for the period between... more
It can be argued that Japan contains a higher number of internationally significant architects and designers relative to its geographic size than anywhere else in the world. Japanese designers regularly implement radical experiments in... more
This paper presents a life cycle cost analysis of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) reinforced concrete highway bridges. This study shows that despite the higher initial construction cost of CFRP reinforced bridges, they can be cost... more
¿Que tienen en común los productos de compañías tan diferentes como los productos de Apple, Nike, Nokia o BMW? Bueno, pues además de ser líderes en sus diferentes segmentos de mercado, estas compañías están ahora desarrollando... more
Blaine Brownell's best-selling Transmaterial series has introduced designers to hundreds of emergent materials that have the potential to transform our built environment. In our new Architecture Brief, Material Strategies, Brownell shows... more
The world is fundamentally different today than it was yesterday. Our global paradigm is characterized by crumbling energy regimes, dwindling raw materials, fading geopolitical boundaries, global warming, and the radical transformation of... more
What will fashion look like in 2070? During the Covid-19 pandemic in spring 2020, I considered what fashion might look from the consumer’s perspective in five years’ time . The ‘new normal’ is changing the way we see the world, and... more
Mimaride “malzeme/materyal” sadece bir strüktürü oluşturmada pragmatik bir araç ya da dekoratif bir etkiden ziyade, siyasi bağlamda direnme jestini tasiyan, konusan bir nesne olabilir mi? Filistin işgal topraklarında, Batı Şeria'da... more
Natural fibre reinforced eco-friendly composites are becoming an attractive alternative for synthetic materials. Natural fibres are cheaper in cost, environment-friendly, renewable and biodegradable. The properties of natural fibre... more
Since the 2006 publication of his best-selling first volume of Transmaterial, author Blaine Brownell has become the undisputed master of new materials, inspiring architects and designers looking to transform the structure, spaces, and... more
Se han realizado ensayos de rayado como parte de una completa caracterización de una estructura polimérica bicapa rífido-flexible utilizada en los mangos o asas de herramientas y electrodomésticos. El objetivo del estudio es conocer el... more
"2000+: The Urgencies of Architectural Theory... collects new essays from a range of the most compelling architectural historians and theorists of the moment, including Lucia Allais, Beatriz Colomina, Mark Cousins, Arindam Dutta, John... more
Photoacoustic spectroscopy was used to study nitrogen-doped titanium dioxide film. The energy positions of defect and impurity centre levels are reported. The energy levels were obtained using the excitation method and the mechanisms of... more
The speed with which new materials are developed and brought to market today has no precedents in human history. We have available a myriad new materials derived from such traditional ones as wood, ceramics and glass; and we have... more
In this paper, a multilayer ReS2 p–n homojunction is fabricated on an oxidized Si substrate, and its photoemission under a forward bias and its photodetection under a reverse bias are reported for the first time. Au nanoparticles were... more
“May material live? May human beings, animals and plants be materials, or only lifeless material and formerly living material, now dead for a sufficient time, like limestone, coal or a wooden board? “ The possibilities offered by the most... more
X-ray powder diffraction data for CuGa 0.15 In 0.85 Se 2 and CuGa 0.50 In 0.50 Se 2 are reported. Indexing of the X-ray diffraction powder pattern and the Rietveld refinement confirmed that these compounds crystallize in the tetragonal... more
The strength of adhesion between two over-moulded polymers, methylmethacrylate–butadiene–styrene copolymer (MABS) and thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) that constitute a bi-component laminar system has been the subject of study. Results... more
While technology has always been a double-edged sword when it comes to sustainability and equity, it also holds the key to ameliorating pressing environmental challenges.
Emerging Objects and Smith|Allen Studio are using the fabrication technology to bring new materials and applications to projects.
In addition to the mitigation of carbon emissions through the reduction of building energy consumption, the prevention of fire spread in buildings is important an important task globally. Therefore, a growing interest towards building... more
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What will we be made of and what will the world be made of? Sciences and technologies are extending design fields, modifying materials and everything that surround us, even our body, redefining on a perceptive level the boundary between... more
We present calculations of the band structure, density of states and the real and imaginary parts of the dielectric functions in intrinsic TlN and AlN, both for wurtzite and the zinc-blende polytypes. They are based on the local density... more
Contributor Blaine Brownell outlines existing products and research for alternative insulation.