Textile Architecture
Recent papers in Textile Architecture
This paper presents experiences from a two-day teaching workshop where first year students in architecture meet with first year students in textile design for an assignment on building structures with textile, soil and plants designing... more
Khayamiya, or Egyptian Tentmaker Appliqué, is a distinctly Egyptian architectural lexicon that has been ignored by most architects. The vibrant ornamental qualities of this art form are slowly gaining recognition by designers from other... more
A seguito del terremoto avvenuto nel centro Italia nel 2016, molte delle icone artistiche/architettoniche sono rimaste fortemente danneggiate, generando una profonda frattura sociale nelle comunità locali. Il caso studio della Madonna del... more
A seguito dei fenomeni sismici sono venute meno alcune icone simboliche che rappresentavano la permanenza stessa delle comunità nei luoghi, anche al di là della presenza delle persone. Attraverso il caso studio del santuario della Madonna... more
This paper presents experiences from a two-day teaching workshop where first year students in architecture meet with first year students in textile design for an assignment on building structures with textile, soil and plants designing... more
Exterior shading devices are used increasingly to mitigate solar radiation-but how about exterior curtains? Shigeru Ban wrapped his famous Tokyo "Curtain House" in a textile that separated interior and exterior spaces. As Hertl Architects... more
Economics and the great versatility of textile coverings were considerations in some of the technological decisions regarding the construction of buildings for the Olympic Games in London 2012. In particular, two buildings stand out for... more